Drivers asus linux mint

Linux Mint Forums

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Asus AC68 No Driver Support?

Post by pixEd » Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:29 am

Managed to finally get dual boot working and am excited to move into linux which I’ve wanted to do for a while. But my PCI-E network card a Asus AC68 has no drivers available for Linux. Am I doombed to have no internet access at all unless I buy a new card? I also can’t connect my computer via ethernet as my computer is across the house so I can’t go wired. could anyone help please? Thanks!
Running dual boot Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon and Windows 10 both 64bit.

EDIT: Using a very old ancient network dongle I’m able to get online but I’m limited to very slow speeds and unable to use my network card :/ Is there anything I can do?

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Asus AC68 No Driver Support?

Post by sleeper12 » Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:54 am

Maybe you can get a better temporary connection with your cell phone:
https://easylinuxtipsproject.blogspot.c . ernet.html

Then, try this one line at a time:

sudo apt install git dkms git clone cd rtl8812au sudo make dkms_install 

SMG Level 24
Posts: 24678 Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:15 pm Location: USA

Re: Asus AC68 No Driver Support?

Post by SMG » Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:53 pm

pixEd wrote: ⤴ Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:29 am But my PCI-E network card a Asus AC68 has no drivers available for Linux.

Please provide the output of inxi -Nx so we get an idea of how Mint is viewing the hardware.

The information I found concerning this network card indicates people were able to get it to work, but the information I found was from Ubuntu 16.04 and 2015. I do not know if there is better support now.

Are there any drivers showing in Driver Manager for your card (since what I found indicates it is Broadcom based)?


A woman typing on a laptop with LM20.3 Cinnamon.


[Wi-Fi адаптер] Как скачать драйвер USB-AC68 для Linux и найти руководство по установке?

[Wi-Fi адаптер] Как скачать драйвер USB-AC68 для Linux и найти руководство по установке? Файл драйвера USB-AC68 для Linux уже содержит драйвер и руководство. Загрузите файл следующим образом: 1. Перейдите на страницу USB-AC68|Адаптеры|ASUS Выберите операционную систему как Linux и нажмите «Скачать». 2. Разархивируйте файл (пример v. 3. Заходим в папку, путь к файлу: DR_USB-AC68_v. и разархивируйте файл. 4. В папке находятся драйвер и инструкция. 5. Руководство в папке Document, путь к файлу: DR_USB-AC68_v.\USB-AC68_v.\Linux\AC68_Linux\Linux\RTL8814AU_Linux_v4.3.21.1_24835.20171031\document Инструкции по установке дисков см. в этом файле Quick_Start_Guide_for_Driver_Compilation_and_Installation.PDF Как скачать (Утилиты / ПО)? Вы можете загрузить последние версии драйверов, программного обеспечения, микропрограмм и руководств пользователя из ASUS Центраз агрузок. Узнать больше о Центре загрузок ASUS можно по ссылке.

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ASUS PCE-AC88 Driver Linux Mint 19 Installation

GNU/Linux Mint 19 ASUS PCE-AC88 Wifi Driver Setup Guide

Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install ASUS PCE-AC88 AC3100 Wireless 802.11ac Driver in Mint 19.x Tara/Tessa/Tina/Tricia LTS GNU/Linux Desktop.

In any case to get the possible Newest Patches, Fixes, and Improvements you are strongly Recommended to Update System & Kernel.

Finally, in case to check your Adapter Chipset see: How to Check Wireless Device ID on GNU/Linux.

ASUS PCE-AC88 Driver Linux Mint 19 Installation

GNU/Linux Mint 19 ASUS PCE-AC88 Wireless Setup Guide

This Card should Work Out-of-the-box on Mint 19.

But in case, to Fix some Issues you should see How to Install Latest Kernel on Mint

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ASUS PCE-AC51 Driver Linux Mint 20 Installation

GNU/Linux Mint 20 ASUS PCE-AC51 Wifi Driver Setup Guide

Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install ASUS PCE-AC51 AC750 Wireless 802.11ac Driver in Mint 20.x Ulyana/Ulyssa/Uma/Una LTS GNU/Linux Desktop.

And the Mint 20 ASUS PCE-AC51 Setup is based on the Realtek rtl8812AE Chipset Driver Installation.

So the linked guide explain How to Download and Install the rtl8812AE Linux Driver.

Finally, in case to check your Adapter Chipset see: How to Check Wireless Device ID on GNU/Linux.

ASUS PCE-AC51 Driver Linux Mint 20 Installation

GNU/Linux Mint 20 ASUS PCE-AC51 Wireless Driver Installation Guide

Showing Ads here is the best solution I found for not embarassing somebody about participating in a #%$Foundation^.

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Linux Mint Forums

Linux Drivers (Mint) for Asus Mainboard and Others

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Linux Drivers (Mint) for Asus Mainboard and Others

Post by cal_l » Mon May 08, 2017 10:55 am

I am new to Linux and am building my first Linux machine.

I know hardware comparability is important for Linux as not all hardware are supported by Linux or have Linux drivers. So, I am wondering if anyone can advise as to whether we have Linux drivers for the following hardware that I am planning to buy to run on the latest Mint.

Mainboard: ASUS PRIME B250M-K
Mainboard: ASUS H110I-PLUS ITX
CPU: Intel Core i5- 7500 3.4GHz (BX80677I57500)

If there are drivers available, where to get them? And do we also consider the compatibility of RAM, Harddisk, and LAN?

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Pierre Level 21
Posts: 12958 Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:33 am Location: Perth, AU.

Re: Linux Drivers (Mint) for Asus Mainboard and Others

Post by Pierre » Tue May 09, 2017 6:00 am

Linux is not Windows,
— so the Saying Goes

you don’t need many drivers, as a general rule.
— most are inbuilt into the Linux Kernel.

you may need just Two:
— video card
— wifi card
if needed, that is.

— HDD — — as big as you want
— RAM — at least 4Gb — more is better
— LAN is Automatically detected.


Please edit your original post title to include [SOLVED] — when your problem is solved!
and DO LOOK at those Unanswered Topics — — you may be able to answer some!.

Re: Linux Drivers (Mint) for Asus Mainboard and Others

Post by cal_l » Tue May 09, 2017 10:55 pm

I also further searched and found a Asus motherboard Linux-friendly list.

By the way, if I go with the laptop to run MINT, would you suggest Thinkpad X260/X270? Or any other models would you suggest?

Re: Linux Drivers (Mint) for Asus Mainboard and Others

Post by ricardo06 » Thu Nov 30, 2017 7:24 am

Hi, I am planning to buy a similar configuration withe the same asus board. What was your experience with Mint 18.x ?

mr_raider Level 7
Posts: 1897 Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:50 am Location: Montreal, QC

Re: Linux Drivers (Mint) for Asus Mainboard and Others

Post by mr_raider » Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:24 am

There are three «drivers» that you may need. Although I would not call them drivers.

1. The intel-microcode package may be needed for some newer CPUs. That can be installed with the driver manager in mint, or from the command line:

apt install intel-microcode

2. Newer CPUs (Ryzen and Skylake) may require a newer kernel. Go ahead and install the default system, you will get kernel 4.8 or 4.10. If that works fine and your cores and SMT are detected properly, you are fine. If not, upgrade your kernel to the newest 4.13 series using the update manager tool.

3. You may have issues with graphics rendering on Kaby LAke Intel integrated graphics. If you have issues (i.e. software rendering), come back and post here. We can show you how to upgrade your graphics stack.


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