Drivers path in linux

Where is the driver folder in Ubuntu?

I need to access an option.c file inside the path [linux-src]/drivers/usb/serial/option.c . I update my kernel version:

 admin@sintrones-abox:~$ uname -r 5.18.14-051814-generic 
admin@sintrones-abox:/usr/src$ ls backport-iwlwifi-8324 linux-hwe-5.4-headers-5.4.0-122 linux-headers-5.18.14-051814 Quectel_Linux_USB_Driver linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic 
admin@sintrones-abox:/usr/src$ locate -b '\serial' /home/admin/drivers/usb/serial /lib/modules/4.15.0-189-generic/kernel/drivers/tty/serial /lib/modules/5.4.0-122-generic/kernel/drivers/tty/serial /lib/modules/5.4.0-122-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/serial /snap/core20/1518/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/serial /snap/core20/1581/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/serial /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/serial /usr/src/Quectel_Linux_USB_Driver/drivers/usb/serial /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic/include/config/serial /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic/include/config/ir/serial /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic/include/config/kgdb/serial /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic/include/config/snd/serial /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic/include/config/tablet/serial /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic/include/config/u/serial /usr/src/linux-headers-5.4.0-122-generic/include/config/usb/serial /usr/src/linux-hwe-5.4-headers-5.4.0-122/drivers/tty/serial /usr/src/linux-hwe-5.4-headers-5.4.0-122/drivers/usb/serial /var/lib/snapd/assertions/asserts-v0/serial 

But none of them contains an option.c file. It is automatic generated file from Linux? Where can I find it? How can I re-generate it?


How to add Chromedriver to PATH in linux?

You can specify the absolute path to your chrome driver in your script as such:

from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/path/to/driver/chromedriver') 

Or you can add the path to your webdriver in the PATH system variable as so:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/driver/chrome-driver 

You may add the above line to your /home//.profile file to make it permanent.

Tested on Ubuntu 17.10 running Python 2.7.14

The solution posted by @AnythingIsFine is indeed correct.

However in my case my pytest was still unable to find the chromedriver (despite it was correctly added to the PATH and from the terminal I could execute it).

So I’ve solved by adding an alias of the chromedriver in the /usr/bin directory:

sudo ln -s /path/to/chromedriver /usr/bin 

first answer did not take effect. this one did, not sure if it was the combination of both! thanks man!

Move Chromedriver to path with:

sudo mv -f ~/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver 

/usr/local/bin/chromedriver is path.

For selenium framework (python or java), Browser driver(chrome/firefox/ etc.) should be saved on the Path » /usr/local/bin/chromedriver & /usr/bin/chromedriver»

For Chrome Driver Link : go to the link and download the chrome driver for corresponding OS.

Linux: Open the terminal on the Saved/downloaded directory then enter the command

«sudo mv /path/to/chromedriver /usr/bin» «sudo mv /path/to/chromedriver /usr/local/bin»


How to install a device driver on Linux

How Linux got to be Linux: Test driving 1993-2003 distros

One of the most daunting challenges for people switching from a familiar Windows or MacOS system to Linux is installing and configuring a driver. This is understandable, as Windows and MacOS have mechanisms that make this process user-friendly. For example, when you plug in a new piece of hardware, Windows automatically detects it and shows a pop-up window asking if you want to continue with the driver’s installation. You can also download a driver from the internet, then just double-click it to run a wizard or import the driver through Device Manager.

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This process isn’t as easy on a Linux operating system. For one reason, Linux is an open source operating system, so there are hundreds of Linux distribution variations. This means it’s impossible to create one how-to guide that works for all Linux distros. Each Linux operating system handles the driver installation process a different way.

Second, most default Linux drivers are open source and integrated into the system, which makes installing any drivers that are not included quite complicated, even though most hardware devices can be automatically detected. Third, license policies vary among the different Linux distributions. For example, Fedora prohibits including drivers that are proprietary, legally encumbered, or that violate US laws. And Ubuntu asks users to avoid using proprietary or closed hardware.

To learn more about how Linux drivers work, I recommend reading An Introduction to Device Drivers in the book Linux Device Drivers.

Two approaches to finding drivers

1. User interfaces

If you are new to Linux and coming from the Windows or MacOS world, you’ll be glad to know that Linux offers ways to see whether a driver is available through wizard-like programs. Ubuntu offers the Additional Drivers option. Other Linux distributions provide helper programs, like Package Manager for GNOME, that you can check for available drivers.

2. Command line

What if you can’t find a driver through your nice user interface application? Or you only have access through the shell with no graphic interface whatsoever? Maybe you’ve even decided to expand your skills by using a console. You have two options:

Check if a driver is already installed

Before jumping further into installing a driver in Linux, let’s look at some commands that will determine whether the driver is already available on your system.

The lspci command shows detailed information about all PCI buses and devices on the system:

Or with grep:

$ lscpci | grep SOME_DRIVER_KEYWORD

For example, you can type lspci | grep SAMSUNG if you want to know if a Samsung driver is installed.

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The dmesg command shows all device drivers recognized by the kernel:

Or with grep:

$ dmesg | grep SOME_DRIVER_KEYWORD

Any driver that’s recognized will show in the results.

If nothing is recognized by the dmesg or lscpi commands, try these two commands to see if the driver is at least loaded on the disk:

Tip: As with lspci or dmesg, append | grep to either command above to filter the results.

If a driver is recognized by those commands but not by lscpi or dmesg, it means the driver is on the disk but not in the kernel. In this case, load the module with the modprobe command:

$ sudo modprobe MODULE_NAME

Run as this command as sudo since this module must be installed as a root user.

Add the repository and install

There are different ways to add the repository through yum, dnf, and apt-get; describing them all is beyond the scope of this article. To make it simple, this example will use apt-get, but the idea is similar for the other options.

1. Delete the existing repository, if it exists.

$ sudo apt-get purge NAME_OF_DRIVER*

where NAME_OF_DRIVER is the probable name of your driver. You can also add pattern match to your regular expression to filter further.

2. Add the repository to the repolist, which should be specified in the driver guide.

$ sudo add-apt-repository REPOLIST_OF_DRIVER

where REPOLIST_OF_DRIVER should be specified from the driver documentation (e.g., epel-list).

3. Update the repository list.

4. Install the package.

$ sudo apt-get install NAME_OF_DRIVER

5. Check the installation.

Run the lscpi command (as above) to check that the driver was installed successfully.

For more information


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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How to install driver in Linux – (Patching)

Install and uninstall Commands (manage driver with help of below cmd) its call Patching

[root@Tusharjahdav software]# tar -zxvf ati.src.tar.gz ——untar package called autoconfig / tarball installation and after compile to get the .ko file

[root@Tusharjahdav ~]# cd /var/local/ati — (after extract above command its create ati (DIR) in this path (cd /usr/local/ati) ——after source code compile create ati folder

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[root@Tusharjahdav software]# cd /usr/local/ati/ ———after run above 3 cmd installed driver and go /usr/local/ati/ folder

[root@Tusharjahdav drivers]# insmod ext2.ko ——to load the drivers into the Memory (on the flight – running ) & (installed without dependencies)

[root@Tusharjahdav software]# lsmod | less ——-to show loaded driver in ram
(Display from /proc/modules) to show the kernel drivers

[root@Tusharjahdav software]# rmmod ext2 / raid ——-remove ext2 and raid driver from memory (remove for temporary after reboot driver automatic load because of (*) selected)

[root@Tusharjahdav drivers]# modprobe -c | grep -i VGA —— check installed driver configurations information

To view directory structure of a directory in tree format, use tree command as

root@Tusharjahdav kernel]# vi /etc/modprobe.conf ——add entry in this file for run persistent kernel driver in Linux

root@Tusharjahdav kernel]# vi /etc/modprobe.conf — to persistent the kernel drive (to load the driver while booting) THIS FILE FOR USER MODE

build modules.alias modules.ccwmap modules.drm modules.isapnpmap modules.ofmap modules.seriomap modules.symbols.bin updates

extra modules.alias.bin modules.dep modules.ieee1394map modules.modesetting modules.order modules.softdep modules.usbmap vdso

kernel modules.block modules.dep.bin modules.inputmap modules.networking modules.pcimap modules.symbols source weak-updates

[root@centoshost 2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64]# vi modules.dep —-this file for kernel mode and we can also use this file

[root@centoshost 2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64]# depmod –a —This command used for after adding driver entry in module.dep or modprobe.conf file

Insmod, yum update, yum update kernel, modprob,modinfo, installing new packages, compilaing, tarball, souce code , patch -d

LKM Utilities

The programs you need to load and unload and otherwise work with LKMs are in the package modutils . You can find this package in this directory .

Modprobe -Insert or remove an LKM or set of LKMs intelligently. For example, if you must load A before loading B, Modprobe will automatically load A when you tell it to load B.

Changes to the kernel often require changes to modutils , so be sure you’re using a current version of modutils whenever you upgrade your kernel. modutils is always backward compatible (it works with older kernels), so there’s no such thing as having too new a modutils .

Warning: modprobe invokes insmod and has its location hardcoded as /sbin/insmod . There may be other instances in modutils of the PATH not being used to find programs. So either modify the source code of modutils before you build it, or make sure you install the programs in their conventional directories.


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