Dual band wifi mobile phones

What is dual band Wi-Fi in mobile phone?

In a nutshell, Dual-Band Wi-Fi allows you to connect to two Wi-Fi networks at the same time. Dual Wi-Fi frequency has dual-band for 2.4GHz and 5.0 GHz. Meaning, the phone can connect to either the 2.4 or 5 GHz networks.

Can Android connect to 5GHz Wi-Fi?

If you wish, you can force your Android device to connect to Wi-Fi hotspots using the speedier 5 GHz frequency band. Tap Settings > Wi-Fi, tap the three-dot overflow icon, then tap Advanced > Wi-Fi Frequency Band. Now, pick a band: either 2.4GHz (slower, but longer range) or 5GHz (faster, but shorter range).

Which phones support dual Wi-Fi?

Two BBK Electronics smartphone brands introduced Dual Wi-Fi today – we are talking about Oppo and vivo. The feature allows your phone to connect to two wireless networks simultaneously to get better bandwidth and stability in case one of them fails.

How do I turn on dual band Wi-Fi on my phone?

Android Users Verify your mobile device is connected to a 2.4GHz WiFi network. To connect to a 2.4GHz network, go to Settings ( )>Wi-Fi. In this menu you will see all detectable networks in your area. Locate the SSID for your network, and tap on the SSID with the 2G or 2.4 end notation.

Do I need a dual band router?

How do dual band phones work?

Can you use a smartphone as Wi-Fi only?

What does dual antenna WiFi mean?


Dual band wifi mobile phones

Будь в курсе последних новостей из мира гаджетов и технологий

В китайских смартфонах появится Dual Wi-Fi: что это и зачем?


Reno 10x Zoom

Принадлежащие корпорации BBK бренды Oppo и Vivo объявили о том, что их новые флагманские смартфоны будут обладать поддержкой технологии Dual Wi-Fi. Она обычно применяется в дорогих устройствах, а китайские производители в основном обходят её стороной.

Поддержка Dual Wi-Fi позволяет смартфону подключаться одновременно к двум диапазонам беспроводной сети — 2,4 и 5 Ггц. Само собой, необходимо, чтобы роутер, к которому подключен смартфон, поддерживал двухдиапазонную работу.

Компания Oppo поделилась в соцсети Weibo видеороликом, на котором видно, что Reno 10x Zoom при подключении к двум диапазонам скачивает файлы на 322% быстрее, а скорость загрузки веб-страниц в браузере увеличивается на 44,5%. Vivo продемонстрировала использование Dual Wi-Fi на двух своих смартфонах серии iQOO — они выбирают наиболее быстрое соединение, что значительно увеличивает скорость скачивания приложений, снижает задержку в онлайн-играх и ускоряет загрузку страниц на сайтах.

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What is dual-band WiFi and why are you interested in having it on your mobile

What is dual-band WiFi and why are you interested in having it on your mobile

  • Dual band: connection to 2, 4 and 5 GHz bands
  • Transfer speed, the main difference

2023 Author: Leonora Duncan | [email protected] . Last modified: 2023-06-30 15:00

Not sure if your phone supports dual Wi-Fi networks so you can connect to the 2, 4 and 5 GHz band? Both offer Internet connectivity and interconnection between devices (depends on the access point), but they differ in several aspects, especially in speed Therefore, it is convenient to know if the mobile is compatible with dual WiFi or only with 2.4 GHz.

Having Wi-Fi connectivity on your smartphone is common as no smartphone is shipped without this option, but the same is not the case with the so-called ‘dual Wi-Fi’ band’. This name refers to the ability to connect to the two frequencies used by home Wi-Fi networks: 2, 4 and 5 GHz. Both allow all kinds of devices to connect with each other, as well as access the Internet, but their capabilities differ between them. Let’s see why.

Dual band: connection to 2, 4 and 5 GHz bands


Like all wireless connectivity, WiFi uses radio frequency (non-ionizing) to enable data connections between various devices All protocols use specific and standardized frequencies so that they can work those devices that are manufactured under those standards. That’s why you can go anywhere on the planet, turn on your phone’s Wi-Fi and connect to a coffee shop’s network to send some WhatsApps, for example.

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WiFi, an acronym for Wireless Fidelity, is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance consortium, an organization that is responsible for maintaining the standard and evolving it. Various technology companies came together in 1999 to promote a generic way to establish data connections between devices using radio frequency

The IEEE 802.11 standard, a technical name that groups what is commonly called ‘WiFi’, has been evolving in channels and capacity from the original 2.4 GHz frequency to receiving the 5 GHz frequency in 2014 with the IEEE 802.11ac standard. If a device can operate on both frequencies, that means that it has ‘dual-band Wi-Fi’ or ‘dual’, a feature that became widespread until it was included in the vast majority of current mobiles.

As often happens when a communications standard evolves, such evolution implies improvements in download speed, upload speed, latency and in the number of devices that can connect in unison at the same access point. So, if your mobile is dual-band, this means that you can take advantage of the 5 GHz frequency, a band that has a higher transfer speed (greater than 1 Gbps). If you have a fiber connection at home, and you have contracted a rate of more than 300 Mb, you can only take advantage of it under WiFi if you connect to the router using said 5 GHz band

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Transfer speed, the main difference

Wi-Fi Dual Band

As we said, having a dual-band mobile is a guarantee that you will have access to higher download and upload speeds. Also at a lower latency, although all at a price: being a higher frequency band, the physical characteristics of your home affect it to a greater extent That is, the 5 GHz WiFi does not It passes through walls in the same way as the 2.4 GHz one, so it will not reach all corners of the home with the same intensity. And if on top of that your house is large, or you have several floors, the only solution you have to cover the entire home with 5 GHz will be to expand the coverage with mesh WiFi (‘mesh’ networks) or through network extenders (also extending cable, more expensive).

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Every smartphone has 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi connectivity, this is generic: wherever your phone goes, it will be able to connect to that band. On the other hand, the 5 GHz frequency is not so widespread since it is usually an extra in the features of the phone. This means that the cheapest ones lack dual-band WiFi, an inconvenience that reduces the wireless capacity of the phone since it will not be able to access all the transfer speed that a good fiber connection offers, for example.

Having dual-band WiFi on your mobile is always an advantage as it increases the chances that your mobile will access the highest possible download speeds regardless of the network to which you are going to connect. Therefore, our recommendation is that you choose that network when connecting, whenever it is available: the 5 GHz frequency offers the highest capacities, at least as long as you don’t have to constantly move (and whenever you are near the access point). Given that most of the routers offered by the operators are dual, the fact that your mobile is also a dual router is a guarantee for the future.


Why your phone or tablet should have dual-band Wi-Fi

Connecting to the Internet through mobile phones or tablets is very common and we do it through wireless networks. However, we do not always have an adequate speed and we can suffer from limitations and problems. In this article we are going to talk about a very important factor to be able to achieve a better connection: having dual band Wi-Fi on your mobile and tablet. We will explain what it is and why it is important.

How dual-band Wi-Fi works

Why your phone or tablet should have dual-band Wi-Fi

To connect to a Wi-Fi network, we can generally use both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Modern routers have this option, as well as repeaters and the devices we use to navigate. Normally we will find two wireless networks to which we can connect and each of them works on a different frequency.

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Not all devices are compatible with both bands, but most current ones are. In the event that a device is not dual band, it can only be connected to the 2.4 GHz band. This will cause it to be limited and unable to reach maximum speed, in addition to other connection problems.

The fact of having both bands available allows us to choose at all times which one is best for us to connect to. It does not mean that one is better than the other, since both have their advantages and disadvantages. In general, we can say that the 2.4 GHz band is the one with the greatest range, but the speed is more limited. In contrast, the 5 GHz band offers more speed, but is more sensitive to distance and possible obstacles. You can see if the mobile is dual band.

Elegir el mejor canal Wi-Fi

Because it is important

So why is it important for a mobile or tablet to be dual band? The first thing is to be able to achieve the maximum possible speed . Connecting the mobile to the 5 GH band, in optimal circumstances, will cause us to have a much higher upload and download speed than we would have in the 2.4 GHz band.

But it is also very interesting in order to avoid interference . There are more devices connected to the 2.4 GHz frequency. For example, Bluetooth devices or a microwave. On the other hand, the 5 GHz band has fewer interference problems and we will achieve better connectivity.

In addition, another factor to take into account is that the 5 GHz band has many more channels available and they are not interposed. This means that we will have fewer problems of finding ourselves before a saturated Wi-Fi channel in case our neighbors connect to the same one as us or to a nearby one. Very useful if you live in a building where many networks are available. You can always see which Wi-Fi channels your neighbors are using.

On the other hand, being able to choose between the two bands will allow you to connect from further away . If you use the 2.4 GHz band you will get better coverage when you have to connect from a greater distance or when there are many obstacles. If you only connect to the 5 GHz, you will be more limited in this regard.

In short, as you have seen, it is important today to have a dual-band mobile or tablet. This will allow you to have faster Internet speed, less interference and problems when connecting wirelessly.


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