Dual boot mac with linux

How to dual boot mac and linux

USB Stick with rEFInd, install Boot in to osx, split disk or don’t, always format FAT32, change later to ext3,4, disk-install bootloader to same partition on Mac. usb disk then install bootloader to USB disk. Reboot, install debian with disk encryption luks/lvm which disk type ( internal or USB) is not important, wright partition is. Most Linux distributions install grub and other files in the first EFI System partition on a Mac computer.

Linux on Macbook, dual-boot, without rEFind

Note: The introduction of Ubuntu 18 has made these instructions obsolete. In other words, the Ubuntu 18 installer will automatically create files in the proper locations for Ubuntu to appear in the Startup Manager.

You can still employ step 7, if you want an Ubuntu icon to appear in the Startup Manager.

Note: These instructions are for Mac models with 64 bit EFI firmware. In other words, if your Mac has Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) or a newer version OS X (macOS) installed, then you can use these instructions.

Instead of using rEFInd, you can use the Startup Manager to boot most Linux distributions. The Startup Manager is contained in the the firmware that is already installed in your Mac. After installing a Linux distribution, you will need to move a few files around in order for the Startup Manager to recognize and boot the Linux distribution.

Most Linux distributions install grub and other files in the first EFI System partition on a Mac computer. Normally, this is the first partition on a Mac computer. The process of making a Linux distribution appear on the Startup Manager is a fairly trivial. The steps are given below for the Ubuntu Linux distribution. If you wish to install a different Linux distribution, post a command and I will verify if these instructions will work.

  1. Install Ubuntu.
  2. When finished, restart and hold down the option key to invoke the Startup Manager. Select to boot from the OS X (or MacOS) volume.
  3. Open a Terminal application window.
  4. Mount the EFI System partition by entering the command given below.
cp /Volumes/EFI/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi 
cp /Volumes/mac-icns/os_ubuntu.icns /Volumes/EFI/.VolumeIcon.icns 


This will add the following Ubuntu icon to the Startup Menu.

How to Install Android in Dual Boot with Linux, The second method to install is to boot from a memory stick and run the install from there. When this is done you have the same directory as in the other method. The script usually creates your Grub entry but if this fails, add it to Grub yourself. Use the below code and place it in /etc/grub.d/40_custom. menuentry «Android …

How to dual boot Linux and macOS on a Mac

In this video, I will be taking you through the steps on how to Dual Boot Linux and macOS on a Mac . Linux can be …

How to get Ubuntu 18.04 (Linux) on Mac OS X / macOS

How to get Ubuntu 18.04 ( Linux ) on a Mac running macOS or Mac OS X. This process is called a dual boot .Links:My website to get the bootable drive maker: …

How to Dual Boot Mac OS and MX Linux

If you want to skip to the dual boot procedure it starts at 6:50In this video I show how I set up my 2012 Macbook Pro to dual boot Mac OS Catalina and MX Lin

How to dual boot Mac OS X and Ubuntu without rEFIt

I too am a OS X/Ubuntu User. Yes you can choose to hold Option (At least on my system) on start up, or you can go the route I took and install rEFInd (A newer version of the abandoned rEFIt), though rEFIt still functions fine (With a few outdated icons) and is easier to install. I’d recommend rEFIt or rEFInd personally, but if you really want to you can choose to just hold Option down on start up 🙂

How to Boot and Install Linux on a UEFI PC With Secure, To do this, open the Settings charm — press Windows Key + I to open it — click the Power button, then press and hold the Shift key as you click Restart. Your computer will restart into the advanced boot options screen. Select the Troubleshoot option, select Advanced options, and then select UEFI Settings. …

How to dual boot macOS and encrypted Debian with rEFInd?

My response to another thread on stackexchange

Now I have a 2016 MacBook pro with full disk encryption, csr enabled, triple boot efi boot lnx 5.11, win 10, osx Monterrey, all working perfectly and with independent diskencryption.

Recovery boot Terminal: csrutil disable. USB Stick with rEFInd, install Boot in to osx, split disk or don’t, always format FAT32, change later to ext3,4, disk-install bootloader to same partition on

Mac. usb disk then install bootloader to USB disk.

Reboot, install debian with disk encryption luks/lvm which disk type ( internal or USB) is not important, wright partition is.

Reboot check if debian is encrypted and accessible Reboot recovery, install rEFInd again Reboot recovery, csrutil enable Reboot osx turn on filevault Reboot check everything

Creating a Dual Boot System with Linux and Windows, In most Cases you need to press either one of the f1, f2 or f12 keys after turning on the machine but before windows starts booting up. Disabling Secureboot Disabling Fastboot STEP 4: Booting Ubuntu Linux From USB Drive. In the next step we boot Linux from the USB Flash Drive we just created.

How to Install Android in Dual Boot with Linux

The most dominant mobile operating systems are iOS and Android but did you know that if you have a laptop, you can run Android on it? The reason for doing so may seem blurry for some but hardly for regular LinuxHint readers.

If you need an Android app for a particular purpose, you can emulate it with a virtual machine. Using Android on your laptop though can have other advantages than just running the specific app. Android is by nature more efficient so you can use it when your specific task needs more memory. If nothing else, it’s cool to do it. With Android_x86 you have two options to create a dualboot system.

One is to copy one of the ISO files supplied here, and the other is to install with an rpm package.

To use the rpm package, first start by checking what it will do. In the RPM package there are script files that will set up grub for you. If you want to make sure what it does you can check with the rpm command.

The script is written directly to screen, if for some reason the script does not work using apt, copy it to a script file. On an Ubuntu system you will need to use alien to convert the package to deb.

With alien installed you can create the deb file. With Alien you can install directly but it is prudent to take two manual steps for this.

Now that you have a deb file, install it using dpkg and install option.

This installation method will create a directory in your root directory. If you use an ordinary install, this is the partition where you have mounted root (/). The directory will be /android-7.1-r2/, the numbers show the Android version installed. Grub will be able to find this file with its built-in file search.

The second method to install is to boot from a memory stick and run the install from there.

When this is done you have the same directory as in the other method. The script usually creates your Grub entry but if this fails, add it to Grub yourself. Use the below code and place it in /etc/grub.d/40_custom.

menuentry «Android-x86 7.1-r2» <
search —set =root —file / android-x86 7.1 -r2 / kernel
linux / android-x86 7.1 -r2 / kernel quiet root = / dev / ram0 androidboot.selinux=permissive
initrd / android-x86 7.1 -r2 / initrd.img

For this specific level of the software the parameter ‘androidboot.selinux=permissive’ is needed or the boot will stop with a panic.

If you have any specific needs, you may need to add other entries to this file. You can share data between versions by using an sdcard image file. To create one, use dd and mount it with mount and fill it with data. Use the loop option with the mount command.

$ sudo dd if = / dev / zero of = / data / sdcard.img bs = 1024 count = 1048576

$ sudo mount -t vfat -o loop / data / sdcard.img sdcard_temp /

Any data you want to have avaliable in the android session can be copied here.

You can now add the kernel parameter to use an sdcard when you start your instance of Android_x86.

linux / android-x86 7.1 -r2 / kernel quiet root = / dev / ram0 androidboot.selinux=permissive
SDCARD = / data / sdcard.img

Another way to have the same data in two instances of android is to copy the android-[x,x] data directory.

In this example. There is one copy of Cyanogenmod and Android-x86 on the same machine.

When file is saved, you need to update Grub.

Install Android Dual Boot Linux

The result will list your installed system, including android. Run a reboot. Your boot screen will look like this:

Alternatively, you can create a memory stick and boot from that. Fair warning: This method has all the permissions to do what it wants, with all the risks that entail. As a positive in this, you can put the install on any partition. This is useful if you are low on space on your root (/) drive. A bad aspect is that you have no package update function when you use this method. The method starts with downloading the ISO file, it is available from the android website. http://www.android-x86.org/download

After you have downloaded the ISO, make sure the partition is ready. The ISO file contains tools to partition the disc but it will save you some trouble to prepare before you reboot. To prepare the partition, use your favourite partition program, fdisk is one. Gparted is another. The installer includes cfdisk but has no support for GPT drives, as soon as you have partitioned correctly it works even with a GPT disc.

In the end, when your system is installed, the installed system always reside in a directory on the partition you specified. This means it is very easy to change your Android install from your main distribution.

Choose Android from the menu and wait. The first time you run it, the software will ask you to login. The setup is short and simple and if you choose an existing account, it will try to install applications for you. To restore your applications from before the installer offers to do it but fails quite often. That said; as soon as you are running Android the application you have used before installs beautifully.

Running from VirtualBox

You can also run the entire package from a virtual environment. In Virtualbox, the emulation of the mouse causes some confusion. To move your mouse a round during initial setup you must keep the left mouse button down, once that is done usability improves.


Running Android is not just for tech nerds, it also saves battery life and gives you access to applications only available to Android. Note that many applications check if you have a full phone and refuses to run on anything else than a real device. One example is that you can initiate your Telegram account on an Android emulator; pick a number of any mobile and pick up the activation code for Telegram and you can then use Telegram on the Linux Desktop.

Guide to Installing Linux on a Mac, Open the app and click on the Settings icon. Check the Unsafe Mode option and click on Yes, Continue. 4. Now Click on Select Image. Select the .iso file you downloaded in Step 1. 5. Insert your USB Drive. 6. Under the Select Drive option, Click Change. Pick the drive option that matches your USB drive in size.


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