Echo server on linux

Echo server on linux

В Linux есть программа Netcat (исполняющийся бинарник называется nc ). И еще есть программа Ncat (исполняющийся бинарник называется ncat ). Их не следует путать, это две разные программы, хотя выпоняют примерно одну и ту же работу.

Организовать эхо-сервер на нужном порту можно и с помощью nc , и с помощью ncat . Сделать эхо-сервер через nc несколько сложнее, потому что существует несколько вариаций этой программы с разными опциями.

nc -l -p 1565 -c ‘xargs -n1 echo’

Проверить работу эхо-сервера можно через nc. Для этого вначале проверям, чтобы на сервере была запущена команда создания эхо-сервера. Потом на клиенте выполняем команду:

Где — это IP-адрес эхо-сервера, ну а 1565 — порт. Опция -v говорит о том, чтобы в консольвыводилась техническая информация о подключении. В принципе ,тех. информация будет выведена только один раз в момент подключения.

После подключения, на клиенте, можно построчно набрать символы на клавиатуре, нажимать Enter, строки будут уходить на сервер и возвращаться. На экране будут появляться копии введенных строк. Это и есть эхо сервер.

Данный сервер работает только с одним соединением. После разрыва соединения (Ctrl+C на клиенте или на сервере), для включения эхо-сервера нужно снова дать команду создания сервера. Эхо-сервер запустится и снова будет ждать первое подключение.

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Socket Echo Server¶

The echo-server sample application for Zephyr implements a UDP/TCP server that complements the echo-client sample application: the echo-server listens for incoming IPv4 or IPv6 packets (sent by the echo client) and simply sends them back.

The source code for this sample application can be found at: samples/net/sockets/echo_server.


Building and Running¶

There are multiple ways to use this application. One of the most common usage scenario is to run echo-server application inside QEMU. This is described in Networking with QEMU .

There are configuration files for different boards and setups in the echo-server directory:

  • prj.conf Generic config file, normally you should use this.
  • overlay-ot.conf This overlay config enables support for OpenThread.
  • overlay-802154.conf This overlay config enables support for native IEEE 802.15.4 connectivity. Note, that by default IEEE 802.15.4 L2 uses unacknowledged communication. To improve connection reliability, acknowledgments can be enabled with shell command: ieee802154 ack set .
  • overlay-bt.conf This overlay config enables support for Bluetooth IPSP connectivity.
  • overlay-qemu_802154.conf This overlay config enables support for two QEMU’s when simulating IEEE 802.15.4 network that are connected together.
  • overlay-tls.conf This overlay config enables support for TLS.
  • overlay-tunnel.conf This overlay config enables support for IP tunneling.

Build echo-server sample application like this:

west build -b samples/net/sockets/echo_server -- -DCONF_FILE=

Example building for the nrf52840dk_nrf52840 with OpenThread support:

west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 samples/net/sockets/echo_server -- -DCONF_FILE="prj.conf overlay-ot.conf" west build -t run 

Example building for the atsamr21_xpro with RF2XX driver support:

west build -b [atsamr21_xpro | sam4e_xpro | sam_v71_xult] samples/net/sockets/echo_server -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=overlay-802154.conf west flash 

In a terminal window you can check if communication is happen:

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Enabling TLS support¶

Enable TLS support in the sample by building the project with the overlay-tls.conf overlay file enabled, for example, using these commands:

west build -b qemu_x86 samples/net/sockets/echo_server -- -DCONF_FILE="prj.conf overlay-tls.conf" 

An alternative way is to specify -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=overlay-tls.conf when running west build or cmake .

The certificate used by the sample can be found in the sample’s src directory. The default certificates used by Socket Echo Server and Socket Echo Client enable establishing a secure connection between the samples.

Running echo-client in Linux Host¶

There is one useful testing scenario that can be used with Linux host. Here echo-server is run in QEMU and echo-client is run in Linux host.

To use QEMU for testing, follow the Networking with QEMU guide.

Run echo-server application in QEMU:

west build -b qemu_x86 samples/net/sockets/echo_server west build -t run 
$ sudo ./echo-client -i tap0 2001:db8::1

Note that echo-server must be running in QEMU before you start the echo-client application in host terminal window.

You can verify TLS communication with a Linux host as well. See documentation for information on how to test TLS with Linux host samples.

See the Socket Echo Client documentation for an alternate way of running, with the echo-server on the Linux host and the echo-client in QEMU.

© Copyright 2015-2023 Zephyr Project members and individual contributors. Last updated on Jul 17, 2023.


How to make an Echo server with Bash?

How to write a echo server bash script using tools like nc, echo, xargs, etc capable of simultaneously processing requests from multiple clients each with durable connection? The best that I’ve came up so far is

nc -l -p 2000 -c 'xargs -n1 echo' 

5 Answers 5

If you use ncat instead of nc your command line works fine with multiple connections but (as you pointed out) without -p.

ncat -l 2000 -k -c 'xargs -n1 echo' 

P.S. with the original the Hobbit’s netcat (nc) the -c flag is not supported.

Update: -k (—keep-open) is now required to handle multiple connections.

Thanks! It works but with a minor change — we should use it without the «-p» option: ncat -l 2000 -c ‘xargs -n1 echo’

ncat -l 2000 --keep-open --exec "/bin/cat" 
ncat -l 2000 --keep-open --udp --exec "/bin/cat" 

Beware though, that with —udp , ncat will keep the «connections» open and if you don’t want to hit the default limit of 100 connections, then you should either increase the maximum with the —max-conns option or let the «connections» die after an idle timeout that you can set with —idle-timeout .

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In case ncat is not an option, socat will also work:

socat TCP4-LISTEN:2000,fork EXEC:cat 

The fork is necessary so multiple connections can be accepted. Adding reuseaddr to TCP4-LISTEN may be convenient.

netcat solution pre-installed in Ubunutu

The netcat pre-installed in Ubuntu 16.04 comes from netcat-openbsd , and has no -c option, but the manual gives a solution:

sudo mknod -m 777 fifo p cat fifo | netcat -l -k localhost 8000 > fifo 
echo abc | netcat localhost 8000 

TODO: how to modify the input string value? The following does not return any reply:

cat fifo | tr 'a' 'b' | netcat -l -k localhost 8000 > fifo 

The remote shell example however works:

cat fifo | /bin/sh -i 2>&1 | netcat -l -k localhost 8000 > fifo 

I don’t know how to deal with concurrent requests simply however.


echo server with netcat or socat

I want a UDP echo server to get packets, and reply exactly what it has received. How can I simply do this using netcat or socat ? It should stay alive forever and handle packets coming from several hosts.

Please don’t make this thing Internet-accessible. Since it’s UDP-based it can be used to send a packet stream to arbitrary destinations using source-forged packets.

6 Answers 6

Another netcat-like tool is the nmap version, ncat , that has lots of built in goodies to simplify things like this. This would work:

-e means it executes /bin/cat (to echo back what you type)
-k means keep-alive, that it keeps listening after each connection
-u means udp
-l 1235 means that it listens on port 1235

I used socat -v PIPE udp-recvfrom:5553,fork to run the server and socat — udp:localhost:5553 for clients. This was a great help!

An alternative, coming from is socat TCP4-LISTEN:2000,fork EXEC:cat

You can also use socat (rather than using netcat) as echo server and netcat as client.

Socat echo server (listens on TCP port 1234):

socat -v tcp-l:1234,fork exec:'/bin/cat' 

Netcat client (connects to serverip on TCP port 1234):

netcat solution pre-installed in Ubunutu

The netcat pre-installed in Ubuntu 16.04 comes from netcat-openbsd , and has no -c option, but the manual gives a solution:

sudo mknod -m 777 fifo p cat fifo | netcat -l -k localhost 8000 > fifo 
echo abc | netcat localhost 8000 

TODO: how to modify the input string value? The following does not return any reply:

cat fifo | tr 'a' 'b' | netcat -l -k localhost 8000 > fifo 

The remote shell example however works:

cat fifo | /bin/sh -i 2>&1 | netcat -l -k localhost 8000 > fifo 

I don’t know how to deal with concurrent requests simply however.


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