Eclipse ide python linux

1. Overview

Eclipse is a platform that has been designed from the ground up for building integrated web and application development tooling. By design, the platform does not provide a great deal of end user functionality by itself. The value of the platform is what it encourages: rapid development of integrated features based on a plug-in model.

Eclipse provides a common user interface (UI) model for working with tools. It is designed to run on multiple operating systems while providing robust integration with each underlying OS. Plug-ins can program to the Eclipse portable APIs and run unchanged on any of the supported operating systems.

At the core of Eclipse is an architecture for dynamic discovery, loading, and running of plug-ins. The platform handles the logistics of finding and running the right code. The platform UI provides a standard user navigation model. Each plug-in can then focus on doing a small number of tasks well. What kinds of tasks? Defining, testing, animating, publishing, compiling, debugging, diagramming. the only limit is your imagination.

1.2 What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are available in source or binary form without charge for all major platforms, and can be freely distributed.

Often, programmers fall in love with Python because of the increased productivity it provides. Since there is no compilation step, the edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly fast. Debugging Python programs is easy: a bug or bad input will never cause a segmentation fault. Instead, when the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an exception. When the program doesn’t catch the exception, the interpreter prints a stack trace. A source level debugger allows inspection of local and global variables, evaluation of arbitrary expressions, setting breakpoints, stepping through the code a line at a time, and so on. The debugger is written in Python itself, testifying to Python’s introspective power. On the other hand, often the quickest way to debug a program is to add a few print statements to the source: the fast edit-test-debug cycle makes this simple approach very effective.

1.3. About this tutorial

This tutorial will explain how to install Eclipse 3.7, Python 3.2 and the Python plugin (PyDev) for Eclipse.


Как настроить PyDev для Eclipse IDE в Linux

Eclipse — не новый термин, который услышат программисты. Он очень популярен в сообществе разработчиков и существует на рынке уже очень давно. В этой статье показано, как настроить Python в Eclipse с помощью пакета PyDev.

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Eclipse — это интегрированная среда разработки (IDE), используемая для разработки Java. Помимо Java, он также поддерживает другие языки, такие как PHP, Rust, C, C++ и т. д. Хотя на рынке есть специализированные Linux IDE для python, я все еще видел, как люди настраивали свою среду Eclipse, чтобы сделать он идеально подходит для разработки Python.

Разобьем установку на 3 части.

На этой странице

  • Установка и настройка Java в Linux
  • Установите Eclipse IDE в Linux
  • Установите PyDev поверх Eclipse IDE

Давайте сразу же посмотрим, как мы можем это настроить.

Установка Java в Linux

eclipse не запустится, пока мы не установим Java, так что это обязательный шаг. Для последней версии Eclipse требуется Java JRE/JDK 11 или выше, а также 64-разрядная JVM.

Взгляните на нашу исчерпывающую статью о том, как настроить Java в Linux.

  • Как установить Java в Ubuntu, Debian и Linux Mint
  • Как установить Java на CentOS/RHEL 7/8 и Fedora

Установка Eclipse в Linux

Взгляните на нашу исчерпывающую статью о том, как установить Eclipse в Linux.

  • Как установить Eclipse IDE в Debian и Ubuntu
  • Как установить Eclipse IDE в CentOS, RHEL и Fedora

Установка PyDev в Linux

PyDev – это сторонний подключаемый модуль, созданный для интеграции с Eclipse для разработки на Python, который обладает множеством функций, включая

  • Интеграция с Линтером (PyLint).
  • Автозаполнение.
  • Интерактивный терминал.
  • Поддержка рефакторинга.
  • Перейти к определению.
  • Поддержка Джанго.
  • Поддержка отладчика.
  • Интеграция с модульным тестом.

PyDev требует Java 8 и Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) для поддержки Python 2.6. и выше. Для установки PyDev мы будем использовать менеджер обновлений Eclipse.

Перейдите в \Панель менюСправкаУстановить новое программное обеспечение».

У вас откроется окно, как показано на изображении ниже. Нажмите \Добавить и введите URL-адрес \ . Eclipse позаботится об установке последней версии PyDev с предоставленного URL-адреса. Выберите пакет PyDev и нажмите и \Далее, как показано на рисунке.

После завершения установки перейдите в \Панель менюОкноНастройки». С левой стороны вы найдете PyDev. Разверните его. Здесь вы можете настроить среду PyDev.

Следующим шагом будет настройка интерпретатора Python. Нажмите \Выбрать из списка, как показано на изображении. Это проверит все установленные версии Python на ваших компьютерах. В моем случае у меня есть Python2 и >Python3.8 установлен. Я выберу Python 3.8 в качестве интерпретатора по умолчанию. Нажмите \Применить и закрыть, и вы успешно настроили интерпретатор Python. .

Пришло время запустить код. Создайте новый проект, выбрав \Проводник проектовСоздать проектPyDevПроект PyDev».

Он попросит настроить информацию, связанную с проектом, такую как Имя проекта, Каталог, версию Python Interpreter. После настройки этих параметров нажмите \Готово.

Создайте новый файл с расширением .py и поместите свой код. Чтобы запустить программу, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши и выберите \Запуск от имени → Запуск Python или нажмите значок запуска в области меню. Вы также можете нажать \CTRL+F11 для запуска программы.

Это все для этой статьи. Мы увидели, как настроить PyDev в Eclipse. PyDev предлагает гораздо больше функций. Играет с ним и поделиться своими отзывами.

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Python Eclipse and PyDev Installation

Eclipse is a framework for interactive development that is being used in software development. It comprises a base platform and an optimized environment customization plug-in framework. On the other hand, PyDev is a third-party module or plug-in, which is used in Eclipse. It is an optimized development platform that facilitates code refactoring, graphic debug, code inspection, and other functions for Python coding. If you are searching for a guide to install and configure both the tools, then you are in the right place.

Download Eclipse

Search for the official eclipse website from the below-given link:

The Eclipse website will be opened as shown. On the rightmost side, under the Downloads option, there are some downloads available for different operating systems. Download your required version of the Eclipse tool on your system.

The download page will be opened as below. Hit on the Download button to proceed.

Wait for a little to get your download complete. After that, the download will be completed and you will be able to install it properly.

Install Eclipse

Open the downloaded Eclipse WinRAR file as ‘Run as Administrator’. A new window will be opened. Tap on the Run button to carry on with the installation. If you don’t need to install it, tap on the Don’t Run button.

A new window will be opened, titled Eclipse Installer, as shown in the attached photo. There are listed tools for different platforms available.

Get on your required tool to install. I have been installing Eclipse IDE for Web and JavaScript Developers.

When you click on the particular tool, it will start configuring it. Modify the installation folder and checkmark the checkboxes if required. Tap the Install button to carry on the installation process of Eclipse.

Right after you click the Install button, a new window will be opened named Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement. Click on the Accept Now button to accept the license agreement for Eclipse to continue the process.

Your special Eclipse tool will start installing itself. Confirm that your device is attached to the internet properly for quick installation. You might have to wait for a little longer to get the installation of the Eclipse tool done.

After some time, your Eclipse tool will be successfully installed and you will be able to start it properly for further use. Now tap on the Launch button to proceed.

Your newly installed Eclipse software will start launching itself, as shown below.

Again, a new dialog window will be opened. Set the workspace path to continue Launch. Checkmark the check-box and hit on the Launch button.

Eclipse will start launching IDE again.

When you interact with the Welcome screen that means your Eclipse IDE has been successfully installed and configured in your system.

Installation of PyDev

In order to download PyDev, open your Eclipse IDE. Route to the Menu bar at the top of the Eclipse Workspace window. Navigate to Help and Beat On Eclipse Marketplace.

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A new window will be opened and it is called Eclipse Market. In the search bar located right after the Find attribute, search for the PyDev. It will provide you a lot of PyDev IDE’s for Python with a different version. Click on the Install button of the required version to download and install it.

A new window will be opened mentioning different features of PyDev. Tap on the Confirm button to continue.

Review Licenses named window will pop-up. Accept the license agreement by selecting the right radio button. Hit on the Finish button to carry on with the installation.

Your PyDev software will start installing itself in the Eclipse tool.

After the installation, a dialog window will be opened for the software update. Click on the Restart Now button to precede the update.

The PyDev plug-in has been successfully installed on your system.

Configure a Project

To configure a new project, navigate to the File > New > Project. New window Select a wizard, as shown below, will pop-up. Navigate to PyDev > PyDev Google App Engine Project. Hit the Next button to precede the configuration of the project.

The new page will be shown as PyDev Project. Give a name to the project and tap on the highlighted line, ‘Please configure an interpreter before proceeding’, to configure the Eclipse default interpreter.

Again, a new dialog box will appear. Hit on the Manual config button to proceed.

On the Python Interpreters page, tap on the Browse for python button to browse for the default interpreter.

Install Python

As we don’t have Python installed on our system, we will have to install it from scratch. It will then bring a new window to install the up-to-date Python version. Checkmark both checkboxes and tap on Install Now option.

In a glimpse, your Python will be installed on your system. Tap on the Close button to end it.

Optional Features window will be opened. Tap the Next button to carry on after check-marking the features.

Checkmark some options and hit on the Install button to complete the installation of Python’s recent version.

Pick the folders to be added to the system Python Path. You can select all of them. Get on the OK button to carry on with it.

Now you see that we have successfully added our default python interpreter in our PyDev location with respect to Eclipse. Click on the Apply and Close button to set up the environment for the fresh project.

You can see that your system has started restoring your Python Path for the new project concerning its default python interpreter.


This setup makes it easier to manage your App Engine directly in a debug state and create breakpoints and walk across your script using Eclipse’s Debug viewpoint. That’s how you can install Python Eclipse and PyDev on your system.

About the author

Aqsa Yasin

I am a self-motivated information technology professional with a passion for writing. I am a technical writer and love to write for all Linux flavors and Windows.


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