Elite dangerous linux mint

Elite dangerous linux mint

Proton 3.16-4 Beta was patched by redmcg ( github.com/redmcg ) for Elite Dangerous support ; we’ll add it to your steam installation.

# on some distributions/installations, instead of ~/.steam/compatibilitytools.d/ # you must use ~/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/ # once you extracted this tarball you can check if it worked as expected # using steam steamplay settings (see following screenshot) : # «Proton 3.16-4 Beta ED» (note the «ED») should be listed there. # if in doubt, create one directory, and create a symlink for the other mkdir $HOME/.steam/compatibilitytools.d wget «https://github.com/redmcg/wine/releases/download/ED_Proton_3.16-4_Beta/Proton_3.16-4_Beta_ED.tar.gz» -O $HOME/Proton_3.16-4_Beta_ED.tar.gz cd $HOME/.steam/compatibilitytools.d/ tar zxvf $HOME/Proton_3.16-4_Beta_ED.tar.gz

Open steam settings, select «Steam Play» tab, and chose Proton 3.16-4 Beta ED
(note the «ED» part)

cd $HOME/.steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton 3.16-4 Beta ED/ cp user_settings.sample.py user_settings.py

disable ESYNC : edit user_settings.py so it looks like this :

Back to the steam client, hit Play on Elite Dangerous, to ensure the WINEPREFIX directory structure is created (game will not start, or not in good shape at this point).

You can instead manually create compatdata/359320/pfx/ if you know its desired location (i ended up doing this to restart from scratch after some failures while putting this guide together).

We’ll install dotnet45 and vcrun2017 into ED’s WINEPREFIX :

# (one single line, of course) WINEPREFIX=»/home/yourusername/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/359320/pfx» $HOME/bin/winetricks dotnet45 vcrun2017

Note that i entirely removed the compatdata/359320/ directory, prior to executing those commands, finally starting steam.

I also had vcrun2012 installed using winetricks (should not be required anymore, to be confirmed).

we’ll now inject dxvk’s modified DLL files into ED’s WINEPREFIX :

cd $HOME/share/dxvk/dxvk-0.93/ # (next line is one single line of course ; steam guide editing still generates fixed-width content at a width made for 320×200 resolutions :p) WINEPREFIX=»/home/yourusername/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/359320/pfx» $HOME/bin/winetricks —force setup_dxvk.verb

if you get the login failure error dialog once you hit play on EDLauncher, you have to update a registry key for MachineGuid, the one that’s used by the client (wine32 uses one MachineGuid value to start the launcher and wine64 another for the app initially) :

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WINEPREFIX=»/home/yourusername/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/359320/pfx» ~/.steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton\ 3.16-4\ Beta\ ED/dist/bin/wine64 regedit

— Navigate to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Cryptography

— Copy Value for MachineGuid key

— Navigate to HKLM/Software/Wow6432Node/Microsoft/Cryptography

on the Audio tab, set all i/o devices to pulseaudio (with wine staging you can now use your audio devices directly, haven’t tried that yet).

set mode to Windows 7 ; this is required and has to be run as the last wine action you’ll take.

If you don’t use pulseaudio, well . you should 🙂

we do not need any custom launch options anymore.

you should now be able to play ED by hitting the play button on your steam application.
(You may get two rundll32 errors, just continue)

I personally had to switch the Mouse pointer rendering mode in game settings from os cursor to » otherwise mouse cursor would be semi-hidden while on dark backgrounds.

I first lowered all video features/settings to their minimal values and slowly increased them ; i play at 60 fps using this setup :

Debian GNU/Linux stretch 9.6 (stable flavor)
Linux 4.9.0
intel core i7-2600K cpu @3.40GHz
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (4GB)
Nvidia proprietary drivers 415.18.02 (it just works so i did not upgrade it recently, especially seeing some reports of problems from users using later versions).

Mose of those commands could be rewritten in a more compact form, or even scripted to semi-automate the whole thing, just requiring you to confirm dotnet and VCredist installations.

Such a script could probably also «guess» where your Elite installation is, thus not requiring you to edit the script once, but .. as you can see i did not take the time to do it this time.

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I may consider doing it if the process changes too often.

For the record, packaged nvidia-driver 390.87-4 (from debian testing) crashes on gane client startup during shaders preparation, while manually installed (binary installer) 415.18.02 works perfectly at 60fps all settings maxed out.

Thanks to following teams and individuals for making this possible ; we’re getting really close to get «transparent» support for GNU/Linux for everybody without the need for manual actions :

— Graphics card manufacturers (i can only speak for NVidia, as i don’t use AMD gfx cards anymore)

— redmcg ( github.com/redmcg ) for his wine fork and active contribution

— Valve/Steam for providing a GNU/Linux steam client & integrating wine/proton into it

I’ll update this section slowly, but here are some of the sources used to put this together :


Elite Dangerous on Linux — SUCCESS

I just wanted to update anyone who is interested, I finally got Elite Dangerous working on Linux.

  • Using latest version of Antergos Linux
  • Nvidia GTX 1070 with Nvidia proprietary drivers
  • Using Lutris to install Windows Steam version of Elite Dangerous

The performance is excellent, seems as smooth as my windows version, sound audio and joystick all working perfectly.

Finally I can move over to Linux for my gaming and productivity 100%


Congrats I use windows for games but feel a lot more comfortable with linux.
Has anyone come up with an open source trackir driver yet?


I have, finally, got this working as well. I’ve always wanted to switch to Linux but was stopped by the lack of support for ED and others but now I’m going full Penguin.

System is a MSI GE75 8SF Raider laptop with a RTX2070.
Pop!_OS 19.04

I basically followed this article, https://github.com/redmcg/wine/wiki , using the Linux Steam / Proton client to download the game. I haven’t played it much but initial view is pretty good, it seems to run smoothly and am running it on ultra settings.

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I`m able to run ED on linux mint 19.1, running smooth, however got some graphic issue, with light and textures.


I`m still experiencing some graphics glitch some objects over lighted especially in the stations, and rare is over shadowed. In the stations i don`t see almost anything but my gamma setting is on minimum. I tried to off all of the settings and this not helping. The driver version is latest 430.34. Please help.

UPD: most of glitches goes after turning off «effects» settings, but not all of them.


I have, finally, got this working as well. I’ve always wanted to switch to Linux but was stopped by the lack of support for ED and others but now I’m going full Penguin.

System is a MSI GE75 8SF Raider laptop with a RTX2070.
Pop!_OS 19.04

I basically followed this article, https://github.com/redmcg/wine/wiki , using the Linux Steam / Proton client to download the game. I haven’t played it much but initial view is pretty good, it seems to run smoothly and am running it on ultra settings.

So tried this on another distro and had a slightly different experience when installing. This time it was on Kubuntu 19.04, followed the same article and same procedure. This time when I was prompted to sign on I just got a black logon screen. I managed to find the text boxes to enter my email, password and my verification code. After that the game launched. Again haven’t played it much so can’t confirm gaming experience but just wanted to try another distro of Linux.

Something I would like to know from a more experienced Linux user. Can I create a desktop icon or .sh script to run the command to execute EliteDangerous rather than having to type in the full command?


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