Embedded linux design and development pdf


The dirt and dust from my pilgrimage forms oceans of stars.

What is purpose of all this?


  • when my heart is young: Air-Talk
  • when my heart is even younger: Human-Talk
  • when my brain is still young:DownloadList
  • when my mind is still young: OldPortal
  • my little git collections of various open source projects: MyProjects
  • when my idea is naive: AmazonS3Backup (Probably you should never need to use this as it is just an alias of current AWS S3 WebHosting. The reason it exists is because it was created before moving web hosting to S3 long time ago.)

These are lists of all files in this web hosting:

  • All Files in Tree Style(generated by program) (This is recommanded way as it gives you ability to browse directory structure.)
  • AllFileList(Now it is a doubly-link list of files, with size of 10000 files in one page) (This is only useful when you know the file name starting alphebetics, still no index for pages, maybe next project?)
  • WARNING!DO NOT CLICK!AllFileVector(extremely large file. similar as AllFileList except using vector) ( unless you want to wait for very long to download an extremely large file which contains full file list.)

Here is the shortcuts of most updated weblogs

Here are some resources I am hosting here.

  • I am using my own version of «wget» with these options: -nd -p —clobber —convert-links -r
  • This is my c++ reference mirror which I use my own little version of wget downloaded(pirated) from official web size: www.cplusplus.com/reference. One big «good» excuse of doing so is because my static web hosting must be very cheap and fast so that I can use it myself as the official website sometimes is quite slow. (bull*it)
  • This is the Linux Man Page which I pirated from http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/
  • This is the w3c school which I pirated from https://www.w3schools.com/
  • For some reason I download a snapshot of Chinese national defense equipment bidding web site:全军武器装备采购信息网这个是新的入口,我不敢想象的是居然证书被报警,不知道是怎么回事?
  • This is the most astonishingly complete wiki of my most favorite game—HOMM3. I feel very reluctant to publish my clone because this might be infringement of the owner of this website. However, I love this game so much and want to make a mirror of this wiki just in case the original website might be closed some day.

You may send me whatever comment you like. However, I should warn you that your communication with me might be published without your notice, even though your privacy would be protected by using all alias instead of your true identity. Here we GO my email: nickhuang99 (at) hotmail (dot) com

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