Эмулятор wii u linux

Эмулятор wii u linux

Complete Guide to Cemu on Linux

Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with Linux 4.4.0 64 bit

My performance (BOTW)

What you’ll need

Wine (2.0 or higher), wine-staging, and winetricks

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 X64 Redistributable

Cemu 1.8.1b OR 1.8.1t1 (no crashing discord build, get it [here]) or higher( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/292707796175290369/336256399346630656/Cemu181t1.zip )

To properly emulate Cemu, you must create a 64-bit wine prefix. To do this:

(optional) Erase any existing wine folder with

sudo apt install wine-staging

Force wine into a 64-bit state with

Create a new wine folder with

where USER is your computer user’s name. Open the wine GUI configuration tool with

Change “Windows version” to Windows 10.

Winetricks Setup

To properly emulate CEMU, you need the latest C++ packages from Microsoft.

Create the folder “Winetricks” in your home directory.

Open the folder inside a terminal.

wget -r -c -N https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Winetricks/winetricks/master/src/winetricks

Find the shell script “winetricks” by going into subdirectories until you can’t any longer (cd “name of folder” or press tab to autocomplete) To make file executable, do

in the terminal Navigate to the default wineprefix > Installation of Windows DLL or Component > vcrun2015 and install.

Download the latest Cemu build from cemu.info, or use the fixed discord build

Run the .exe using wine (wine Cemu.exe), or by right clicking > open with wine windows loader

Change “GPU Buffer Cache Accuracy” to low

Load your Wii U game and have fun!

Cemuhook Setup

Cemuhook is a bit buggy with wine. It doesn’t show its custom GUI elements, so most of the configuration is manual.

Install the latest Cemuhook build from https://sshnuke.net/cemuhook/

Extract the contents of the zip file to your Cemu folder.

Go the Libraries tab, and add «dbghelp.dll» to the list.

BOTW Setup (with Cemuhook)

Run the game once to generate necessary files.

Download a specific shader pack (8.3k, can’t link) and place the contents in your transferable folder inside shaderCache. Make sure to delete any existing shaders from precompiled and transferable folders.

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Run BOTW again to activate first time compile. This will take awhile.

Quit out, and edit BOTW’s .ini file located in gameProfiles.

Under [CPU], write emulateSinglePrecision = true

Under [Graphics], write disableGPUFence = true

Transferring Saves

To transfer all of your games’ save files, copy the mlc01 folder to your new Cemu folder.

AMD Or Intel GPU users

Check out this repo for increased compatibility and performance

If you have any questions or issues, feel free to ask.


Cemu — Wii U Emulator

Cemu Emulator is a software that allows you to play your favorite Wii U games on your PC with stunning visuals and enhanced performance. With its user-friendly interface and regular updates, Cemu offers a seamless gaming experience that will leave you breathless. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just looking for some casual fun, Cemu has something for everyone. So why wait? Start playing your favorite Wii U games on your PC today with Cemu Emulator!

Cemu 2.0 is now available

System requirements

  • Windows 7 (x64) or above
  • OpenGL 4.5 or Vulkan 1.1
  • RAM: 4 GB minimum, 8 GB or more recommended
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 X64 Redistributable: vc_redist.x64.exe

Graphics compatibility

  • NVIDIA GPU: Runs as expected on most recent driver.
  • AMD GPU: Runs as expected on most recent driver. Avoid OpenGL due to bad performance
  • Intel GPU: Limited support. Vulkan is recommended

Controller input

  • Currently the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller is emulated
  • Wiimotes are emulated as well (including native support)
  • Keyboard input + USB controllers as input devices are supported
  • GamePad touch input can be controlled via left mouse click
  • Gyro functionality is emulated with limitations and can be controlled via right mouse button.

Download Cemu Emulator

To download the latest version of Emulator click on download button below or if you want to download older releases of Cemu emulator then navigate to download page by clicking here.


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Play with Cemu on Linux (with high performance)



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Steps to using Cemu with Wine works for any game!

  • /shortcut/ : steps to create a shortcut for Cemu in Linux.
  • README.md : steps to install Cemu, wine, drivers and some features.
  • Wine
    • Installing
    • Settings
      • Configuration
      • More features
      • AMD or Intel Graphics
      • Nvidia
      • Installing
      • Graphic Packs
      • Performace
      • Joystick
      • Play!
      • Add Cemu shortcut
      • How to download updates and DLC
      • Improvement for Cemu
      #- add apt key $ wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key && sudo apt-key add winehq.key && sudo apt update #- add wine official repository $ sudo apt-add-repository https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ $ sudo apt-get update #- install $ sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable #- check version $ wine --version
      #- open wine settings $ winecfg #- Application # Select: Windows version: Windows 10 # Select: Apply and OK
      #- winetricks $ sudo apt install winetricks #- installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 or 2017 (choose only one) $ bash winetricks vcrun2015 $ bash winetricks vcrun2017 # (recommended)

      AMD or Intel Graphics Technology:

      $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paulo-miguel-dias/pkppa $ sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade $ sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386
      $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa $ sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-driver-396
      #- open official link to down the last release $ xdg-open http://cemu.info/#download #- unzip the cemu $ mkdir ~/cemu $ unzip cemu_x.xx.x.zip -d ~/cemu $ mv ~/cemu/cemu_x.xx.x/* ~/cemu/ # reorder files $ rm ~/cemu/cemu_x.xx.x # remove blank folder #- open cemu folder $ cd ~/cemu
      #- open official link to download the last release $ xdg-open https://github.com/slashiee/cemu_graphic_packs/releases #- Download graphic packs # Extract files to: ~/cemu/graphicPacks/ $ unzip graphicPacksxxx.zip -d ~/cemu/graphicPacks/
      #- execute cemu $ vblank_mode=0 mesa_glthread=true R600_DEBUG=nohyperz wine ~/cemu/Cemu.exe #- Configuration by the menu # Select: Options > GPU buffer cache accuracy > Low (fast) # Select: CPU > Mode > Single-core recompiler (fast)
      #- installations $ sudo apt-get install joystick $ sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk #- calibrate your joystick $ jstest-gtk
      #- open cemu $ cd ~/cemu #- run $ vblank_mode=0 mesa_glthread=true R600_DEBUG=nohyperz wine Cemu.exe #- add a game # Select file: (Menu) File > Install Update/DLC # Launch to game folder ~ directories starting with 0005000C and 0005000E # Open the file: [..]/0005000xxxxxxxxx/meta/meta.xml # Show up: Updated with success! #- running a game # Select file: (Menu) File > Load # Launch to game folder ~ directories starting with 0005000C and 0005000E # Open the file: 0005000xxxxxxxxx/code/*.rpx # each game have your filename.rpx

      See /shortcut to add a Cemu shortcut.

      If you looking for improvements, new joysticks and so on.
      Read about Cemuhook, some projects.


      Play with Cemu on Linux (with high performance)


      Вышла крупная версия 2.0 эмулятора Wii U Cemu

      Cemu, эмулятор Wii U, получил новую большую версию 2.0, и теперь он официально открыт и доступен для Linux. По сообщанию разработчиков, это обновление знаменует собой новую главу для Cemu. С сегодняшнего дня они переходят на модель разработки с открытым исходным кодом. Репозиторий на github уже доступен, и каждый может внести свой вклад или изучить кодовую базу проекта.

      Cemu — популярный эмулятор Nintendo Wii U, на котором можно успешно запускать многие игры, а также самодельные игры. Cemu написан на языке C/C++ и распространяется под лицензией Mozilla MPL 2.0. В настоящее время Cemu поддерживает 64-разрядные версии Windows и Linux.

      Основные изменения Cemu 2.0 включают:

      • Cemu теперь с открытым исходным кодом
      • Доступны предварительные сборки Linux, но имейте в виду, что они все еще очень грубы.
      • Обновлены все зависимости. В первую очередь SDL (ввод и движение) и wxWidgets (пользовательский интерфейс).

      Другие изменения:

      • Исправлен сбой в видеодекодере H264. Устранен сбой на титульном экране Smash.
      • nsysnet стал немного менее подверженным сбоям. Исправлен сбой в Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
      • Исправлен сбой, связанный с ведением журнала, который мог произойти при очень специфических обстоятельствах. Видно в Wind Waker, если оставить игру бездействующей на титульном экране в течение 2 минут.
      • Исправлен сбой, который мог произойти, если путь к Cemu.exe содержал символы Юникода.
      • Исправлен сбой, который мог произойти при загрузке .elf homebrew.
      • Список учетных записей в экспортере сохранений диспетчера титров больше не пуст.
      • Задержка для wiimotes теперь должна быть немного лучше
      • Добавлен список символов/функций в отладчик + другие небольшие улучшения отладчика/ассемблера.
      • Реализован API: coreinit.FSOpenFileExAsync (используется некоторыми доморощенными)
      • Много других внутренних изменений и исправлений
      • Еще немного работы над функцией эмуляции Stop&Restart. Еще не готово, но мы к этому приближаемся


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