Enable bluetooth in kali linux

Troubleshoot, fix and enable Bluetooth on Kali Linux

In this short tutorial, we’ll show how to enable Bluetooth on Kali Linux. We’ll go through the commons steps for setting up the Bluetooth and cover different situations and possible issues:

  • check if you have all core system packages in place
  • assure that your Bluetooth device is not blocked
  • install Blueman package
  • check service status and start it if it’s not already started
  • potential issues and solutions:
    • an issue with libgcc-9-dev package— to solve this issue check out this tutorial

    2. Check if you have all core system packages in place

    If you installed the basic/core version of Kali Linux, it’s good practice to do do the update and upgrade after the installation, so that you have a complete package list. For that purpose use the following commands:

    sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade

    If these commands results say that everything is up to date and you’re sure that you didn’t do any updates on your new system, check the contents of the /etc/apt/sources.list fille. For this purpose, you can use any text editor, for example, nano:

    sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

    In my case, I downloaded and installed a rolling release and I didn’t have any repositories configured. The contents of my sources.list file was as follows:

    # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2019.4 _Kali-rolling_ - Official Snapshot am> #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2019.4 _Kali-rolling_ - Official Snapshot amd> # This system was installed using small removable media # (e.g. netinst, live or single CD). The matching "deb cdrom" # entries were disabled at the end of the installation process. # For information about how to configure apt package sources, # see the sources.list(5) manual. 
    deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

    After I did this, I executed update&upgrade again, waited for a half an hour and in the end I actually had all things in place.

    3. Be sure that your Bluetooth device is not blocked

    Sometimes, it happens that the Bluetooth device itself is blocked/disabled. This could happen due to software or hardware reasons. To check the device status, use the rfkill list command:

    0: ideapad_wlan: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 1: ideapad_bluetooth: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 2: hci0: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 3: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no

    Assure that the Bluetooth device you’re trying to use for the connection is not blocked. In case that it’s blocked, use the following command to unblock it:

    sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth

    For a more detailed tutorial on rfkill tool, check out this tutorial.

    3. Assure that Bluetooth service is started

    If your Bluetooth device was blocked/disabled, it’s a chance that the Bluetooth service is not started on your machine, so start it using:

    sudo service bluetooth start

    4. Install blueman package

    Blueman is a Bluetooth manager with great UI that uses blueZ in the background. It will help you to easily manage your Bluetooth devices. If you don’t have it already, install it using

    sudo apt-get install blueman

    In this step, I had the issue with package versions saying:

    After all of this goes fine, you’ll see the Bluetooth icon next to the clock and you’ll be able to connect and use your Bluetooth devices.

    5. Conclusion

    In this tutorial, we showed how to enable Bluetooth on Kali Linux and troubleshoot the issues.

    Check also.


    How to Enable and Troubleshoot Bluetooth in Kali Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Learn how to turn on Bluetooth in Kali Linux and troubleshoot any connectivity issues. Follow our step-by-step guide to enable Bluetooth on boot and configure Bluetooth settings easily.

    • Enabling Bluetooth in Kali Linux
    • Troubleshooting Bluetooth Issues in Kali Linux
    • How to Enable Bluetooth on Kali Linux
    • Configuring Bluetooth in Kali Linux
    • Adding User to lp Group for Bluetooth Tethering
    • Additional Helpful Points
    • Other code samples for quickly starting Bluetooth in Kali Linux
    • Conclusion
    • How to start Bluetooth service in Kali Linux?
    • How do I turn on Bluetooth on Linux?
    • How to connect Bluetooth in Kali Linux using terminal?
    • How to connect Bluetooth headset in Kali Linux?

    Kali Linux is a popular operating system used by ethical hackers and cybersecurity professionals. It is based on Debian Linux and comes pre-installed with various tools and applications for penetration testing and network security analysis. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows for easy file transfer and device connectivity, and Kali Linux has built-in Bluetooth support. However, Bluetooth may need to be enabled manually, and issues related to Bluetooth connectivity may arise. In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to enable and troubleshoot Bluetooth in Kali Linux.

    Enabling Bluetooth in Kali Linux

    Before we dive into Troubleshooting Bluetooth Issues , we need to make sure Bluetooth is enabled in Kali Linux. Here are the steps to enable Bluetooth in Kali Linux:

    1. Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T .
    2. Type the command sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service and press Enter. This will start the Bluetooth service.
    3. To enable Bluetooth on boot, type the command systemctl enable bluetooth and press Enter.

    Troubleshooting Bluetooth Issues in Kali Linux

    If you are experiencing issues with Bluetooth connectivity in Kali Linux, here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow:

    Ensure that all core system packages are in place

    Bluetooth in Kali Linux requires some core system packages to be installed. Make sure that the following packages are installed:

    You can install them using the following command:

    sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-utils rfkill 

    Check that the Bluetooth device is not blocked

    Sometimes, the Bluetooth device may be blocked, and this can cause connectivity issues. To check if the Bluetooth device is blocked, type the command rfkill list in the terminal. If the output shows that the Bluetooth device is blocked, you can unblock it using the following command:

    sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth 

    Bluez is the official Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux. Make sure that it is installed using the appropriate command for your Linux distribution. For Kali Linux, you can install Bluez using the following command:

    sudo apt-get install bluez 

    Check the status of the Bluetooth service

    To check the status of the Bluetooth service, type the command systemctl status bluetooth.service in the terminal. This will show you the status of the Bluetooth service and any errors that may be present.

    Check the status of the Bluetooth adapter

    To check the status of the Bluetooth adapter, type the command hciconfig in the terminal. This will show you the status of the Bluetooth adapter and any errors that may be present.

    How to Enable Bluetooth on Kali Linux

    Configuring Bluetooth in Kali Linux

    Once Bluetooth is enabled and any issues have been resolved, you can configure Bluetooth settings and connect to Bluetooth devices using the bluetoothctl command. Here are the steps to configure Bluetooth in Kali Linux:

    1. Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T .
    2. Type the command bluetoothctl and press Enter. This will open the Bluetooth control panel.
    3. Type the command power on to turn on the Bluetooth adapter.
    4. Type the command agent on to enable the Bluetooth agent.
    5. Type the command scan on to start scanning for nearby Bluetooth devices.
    6. When the device you wish to connect to appears on the list, type the command pair to pair with the device.
    7. If prompted, enter the PIN or passkey to complete the pairing process.
    8. Type the command connect to connect to the device.

    You can also use the command bluetoothctl show to show the Bluetooth device information.

    Adding User to lp Group for Bluetooth Tethering

    If you wish to connect to a Bluetooth tether, you need to add your account to the lp group. Here are the steps to add your account to the lp group:

    1. Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T .
    2. Type the command sudo usermod -G lp -a and press Enter.

    Additional Helpful Points

    Here are some additional helpful points related to Bluetooth in Kali Linux:

    • Bluetooth connectivity issues can be caused by outdated or missing drivers. Make sure that your drivers are up to date.
    • To connect to a Bluetooth device via the terminal, use the command bluetoothctl and follow the prompts.
    • Bluetooth tethering allows you to share your internet connection from your phone or other device.
    • Some popular programming languages for bluetooth development include Java, Python, and C++.
    • Bluetooth can be vulnerable to security risks , such as Bluejacking and Bluesnarfing. Make sure that you take appropriate security measures.
    • Using a Bluetooth keyboard or mouse can improve productivity and reduce clutter on your desktop.
    • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a power-efficient version of Bluetooth that is commonly used in IoT devices.
    • Some common issues with Bluetooth in Linux include compatibility issues with specific devices and driver issues.

    Other code samples for quickly starting Bluetooth in Kali Linux

    In Shell , start bluetooth service in kali linux code sample

    service bluetooth restart


    Bluetooth is a convenient and useful technology for file transfer and device connectivity. Kali Linux has built-in Bluetooth support, and this guide has provided a step-by-step guide on how to enable and troubleshoot Bluetooth in Kali Linux. We have also covered how to configure Bluetooth settings, add your account to the lp group for Bluetooth tethering, and some additional helpful points related to Bluetooth in Kali Linux. By following these steps and taking appropriate security measures, you can enjoy seamless Bluetooth connectivity in Kali Linux.



    How to connect Bluetooth in Kali Linux 2019.2 or how to enable or problem fix bluetooth on latest version of Kali Linux this would be the great problem experienced by beginners of Linux, particularly if you are Kali Linux user. The Reason is,

    When you opened the bluetooth using the normal GUI, it will display «Bluetooth Turned Off, Turn on to Connect devices and receive file transfers», even when you slided the option to right side on the top right corner (which normally indicates the option is turned on).

    So, what you need to do ?

    You don’t need to perform any vast operations, all you need to do is to just start bluetooth service in your Kali Linux OS.

    Just follow the below steps.

    How to turn on Bluetooth in Kali Linux latest version.

    2) Type the following command and Hit Enter

    sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service

    or you can even use this simple command

    service bluetooth restart

    3) Hit enter.

    That’s it.

    Now, open the same bluetooth screen, you can see your Bluetooth device and linux scanning and displaying nearest devices.


    Sometimes, if you are using the Updated version of Kali or any different GUI versions, then u will miss the application. So, the fool proof way for that is using terminal..

    Write Sudo service bluetooth restart and hit enter (if you had logged in as root, simply type Service bluetooth restart)

    3) Now, we have to perform scanning of devices, so run «Scan on» Command on the same terminal and hit enter.

    4) Once your device is discovered, type Pair «Mac address of the device ID» for example Pair 00:18:00:00

    5) It will pair, or will show pair already exists if its done before or u might need to run additional command trust «device mac address id».

    6) Now, just type connect «device id» for example : Connect 00:19:00:00 and hit enter.

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