Enable bluetooth on ubuntu

Connect your computer to a Bluetooth device

Before you can use a Bluetooth device like a mouse or a headset, you first need to connect your computer to the device. This is also called pairing the Bluetooth devices.

  1. Open the Activities overview and start typing Bluetooth .
  2. Click on Bluetooth to open the panel.
  3. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled: the switch at the top should be set to on. With the panel open and the switch on, your computer will begin searching for devices.
  4. Make the other Bluetooth device discoverable or visible and place it within 5-10 meters (about 16-33 feet) of your computer.
  5. Click the device in the Devices list. The panel for the device will open.
  6. If required, confirm the PIN on your other device. The device should show you the PIN you see on your computer screen. Confirm the PIN on the device (you may need to click Pair or Confirm ), then click Confirm on the computer. You need to finish your entry within about 20 seconds on most devices, or the connection will not be completed. If that happens, return to the device list and start again.
  7. The entry for the device in the Devices list will show a Connected status.
  8. To edit the device, click on it in the Devices list. You will see a panel specific to the device. It may display additional options applicable to the type of device to which you are connecting.
  9. Close the panel once you have changed the settings.

When one or more Bluetooth devices are connected, the Bluetooth icon appears in the system status area.


Включение и выключение Bluetooth

Вы можете включить Bluetooth для подключения к другим Bluetooth-устройствам или отключить его для экономии энергии. Чтобы включить Bluetooth:

  1. Откройте Обзор и начните вводить: Bluetooth .
  2. Нажмите Bluetooth для открытия панели.
  3. Включите переключатель на панели заголовка.

На многих ноутбуках есть аппаратный переключатель или комбинация клавиш для включения и выключения Bluetooth. Найдите переключатель на компьютере или клавишу на клавиатуре. Доступ к этой клавише часто осуществляется с помощью клавиши Fn .

Чтобы выключить Bluetooth:

Читайте также:  Dexp смарт телевизор есть блютуз

Компьютер остаётся видимым пока открыта панель Bluetooth .

Дополнительная информация

  • Bluetooth — Подключение к устройствам через Bluetooth для передачи файлов или использования беспроводного аудио.

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Bluetooth is a widely supported local area communications technology for communications with cellphones, headsets, keyboards, mice, PDAs, and storage devices. See also BluetoothRemoteControl and BluetoothAudio on Ubuntu.


For a desktop or laptop without Bluetooth support use a Bluetooth dongle that connects through USB. While adapters can be found all over the web some do not work well with free software systems. The free software foundation recommends users purchase hardware with free drivers. Most cards are not clearly marked. ThinkPenguin.com is an exception and explicitly provide support for Ubuntu and other distributions. Alternatively users can investigate free software compatible bluetooth chipsets and try to locate a card based on this information.

For Dell laptops install the latest drivers from Dell’s website in Windows in order for the bluetooth module to work in Linux. (Required for D430 with Gutsy / Hardy and D830 and D630) (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=572335 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellLatitudeD430#bluetooth)

For Dell laptops with a Dell Wireless 355 Bluetooth card where the card is turned off, reenable the card before installation. Go to a utility in Windows to turn it on before you can reinstall the driver. If you turn the card off in Windows reenable the card so Ubuntu can recognize it.

Installation and Configuration

Ubuntu 10.04 Install via the command line

sudo apt-get install bluez python-gobject python-dbus

python-gobject and python-dbus are needed for the python scripts in /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/ to work.

cd /usr/share/doc/bluez/examples/

Here are the scripts located. Discover the hciX location of the dongle with:

Devices: hci0 00:11:95:00:1A:CF

Your Bluetooth device will have a different id.

sudo ./simple-agent hci0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the MAC or BT ADD or BlueTooth Address of the bt device. Press the reset or pair button on your keyboard, simple-agent will ask to specify a pin like 1111, then type that pin on the bt keyboard and your bt keyboard is paired.

sudo ./test-device trusted XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX yes

To set the device as trusted

#sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

To restart the bluetooth daemon.

Читайте также:  Bluetooth headphones that play music

Check if the device is added:

The last lines will list your device.

Ubuntu 11.04 Install via the command line

sudo apt-get install bluez python-gobject python-dbus

python-gobject and python-dbus are needed for the python scripts bluez-simple-agent and bluez-test-device to work.

Discover the hciX location of the dongle with:

Devices: hci0 00:11:95:00:1A:CF

Your Bluetooth device will have a different id.

sudo bluez-simple-agent hci0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the MAC or BT ADD or BlueTooth Address of the bt device. Press the reset or pair button on your keyboard, simple-agent will ask to specify a pin like 1111, then type that pin on the bt keyboard and your bt keyboard is paired.

sudo bluez-test-device trusted XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX yes

To set the device as trusted

sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

To restart the bluetooth daemon.

Check if the device is added:

The last lines will list your device.

Additionally, according to this thread (http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=6838), it may be necessary, after authenticating your keyboard, to run

sudo bluez-test-input connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

to actually get the Bluetooth device to connect to the computer (I had to do this when using a Logitech Dinovo Edge with a generic Bluetooth adapter). After this, set the device to be trusted as above, and the connection should persist upon reboot.

Older documentation:

Before you begin open up the terminal and type the following:

sudo apt-get install bluez && sudo apt-get install bluez-utils

Restart the bluetooth server to ensure your pc can communicate with a bluetooth device

sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

By default the BlueTooth notification icon appears, although the service may not. If the service is not running try the service command, otherwise you can now connect.

For jaunty (9:04) and above verify you have a supported adapter connected. When the icon appears, right click and configure your preferences. Devices should auto connect to your PC where you configure your security options.

To configure mail for your phone, install the gnome-bluetooth package so the system finds it in the accessories menu. Send a file by right clicking the file and selecting Send-to. To automate, select System —> Preferences —> Sessions. Add a Startup program. For example you can name it, «Bluetooth File Transfer» and in the Command box, enter «gnome-obex-server». Click OK.

Manual Discovery

Open a terminal window and install the required packages with their dependencies:

sudo apt-get install bluez-utils

Connect your Bluetooth device and restart the Bluetooth services:

sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart

Verify your Bluetooth device is detected along with the appropriate modules. View the lsusb (in case of usb device) output: lsusb output:

Device 005: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)


Review the output of hcitool dev for all your system’s Bluetooth devices.

    hcitool dev output:
Devices: hci0 00:11:95:00:1A:CF

Your Bluetooth device will have a different id.

  • If the id is all zeros, restart the bluez-utils service and retry.
Читайте также:  Bluetooth да нет нормальный

Setup Devices

Find Device Addresses

Locate the device address, make the device discoverable (a «Connect» button for keyboards and mice or check the manual) and search for the device by the following:

sudo hidd --search (If that command doesn't work, try the following:) hcitool scan

Each device’s address has the aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff format. Hint: If no devices are shown for Edgy Eft (6.10), try the following:

sudo hciconfig hci0 inqmode 0

See bug #70718. If this helps, you may add the hciconfig command (without «sudo») to your /etc/rc.local file for a permanent workaround.

Connect Devices for Current Session Only

For a temporary connection, use the address of the device ‘aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff’

sudo hidd --connect aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

Info <! data-lazy-src=

Connect Devices at Startup

To connect automatically, edit the configuration file:

sudo cp /etc/default/bluetooth /etc/default/bluetooth_backup sudo nano /etc/default/bluetooth

Look in the same file for a line close to:

HIDD_OPTIONS="--master --server"

Leave the «—master» command or remove it, it depends on the device. If you have problems with «—master», remove it or vice versa.

Add additional «—connect» arguments for the device you want to connect to at startup:

HIDD_OPTIONS="--connect aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff --connect aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff --connect aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff --server"

Save and add HIDP to /etc/modules:

echo hidp | sudo tee -a /etc/modules

Your Bluetooth devices should now connect at startup.

Using Devices as Modems

Using audio devices


«obex://[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]» is not a valid location.

If you receive this error in Gutsy enter the following:

sudo apt-get install gnome-vfs-obexftp

Although this gives «Couldn’t display «obex://[xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]».» for some. In this case try:

hcitool scan/dev/inq »’Connection timed out»’ Error

sudo hciconfig hci0 reset

The hcitool options can now connect and if often required despite an automatic connection setup.


BluetoothSetup (последним исправлял пользователь knome 2013-12-14 00:23:47)

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