Endless space 2 linux

Endless space 2 linux

29 ноя. 2017 в 0:22

Why? Why are you so determined to shut up a few people discussing something you’re not personally interested in? Has anyone in this thread personally abused you? Even if they had, why would that necessitate closing the thread rather than that particular person being reprimanded/banned?

It’s a real bully mentality to sit their trying to coax someone with more power than you to abuse that power for your personal amusement. I can’t see any other reason why you’d be taking such an interest in a discussion you clearly don’t care about.

29 ноя. 2017 в 0:53

Why? Why are you so determined to shut up a few people discussing something you’re not personally interested in? Has anyone in this thread personally abused you? Even if they had, why would that necessitate closing the thread rather than that particular person being reprimanded/banned?

It’s a real bully mentality to sit their trying to coax someone with more power than you to abuse that power for your personal amusement. I can’t see any other reason why you’d be taking such an interest in a discussion you clearly don’t care about.
I guess he’s fed up by this discussion. Anything about linux version was said in this (closed) thread here:

To sum up (again), Endless Space 2 will never be published for linux users — sad but true.

29 ноя. 2017 в 1:08

I guess he’s fed up by this discussion. Anything about linux version was said in this (closed) thread here:

To sum up (again), Endless Space 2 will never be published for linux users — sad but true.

Last I checked, nobody was holding a gun to his head forcing him to be a part of a discussion he’s fed up with. Conventionally, if you’re fed up with partaking in something, you stop partaking in it, you don’t continue posting over and over again asking for the whole discussion to be destroyed. That strikes me as somebody being malicious, not fed up.

I’m not fed up with it (at least on the occasions we’re actually allowed to discuss it in peace without being told repeatedly to shut up), and so far nobody has shown a statement from Amplitude stating that they will never make a Linux port. Unless you’re able to provide that, I can’t really see you’re in a position to state what’s true.

29 ноя. 2017 в 3:54

Frogsquadron wrote himself that linux support wont come.

Frogsquadron wrote:
Unfortunately, any new platform support increases production needs exponentially for the people behind it (the production, QA & marketing teams). This is regardless of the amount of copies sold for the platform.

Considering the current market penetration of Linux on Steam is 0.9% of users, we’re still below the threshold at which this would become a worthwhile investment.

I was a Linux user for a fairly long time (on an old Mandrake distro — those were the days!), so I do know that the Linux community is as passionate as the rest of our players, but short of emulators, there’s currently no plan to bring ES2 (or EL) to Linux.

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I dont know what this market threshold is, but considering that mac has a share of about 4% of steam users, you would need 4x the linux users there currently are.

Read the actual text and not what you want to read into it. I mentioned no current plan for developing a Linux platform. Not that it’s never coming, because, frankly, I don’t know myself. Hell, the game might also be ported to Switch two years from now. It’s unlikely, but it’s not impossible.

What’s going to happen now is: everyone who isn’t a Linux user will let Linux users request a Linux version, because they have every right to ask for one, and mind their own business as long as nobody is being disruptive. Some of the people in this very thread have been personally warned, and you should know that we have a very low tolerance for that kind of petty squabbling.

Thank you and have a nice day.

29 ноя. 2017 в 4:16

Frogsquadron wrote himself that linux support wont come.

Frogsquadron wrote:
Unfortunately, any new platform support increases production needs exponentially for the people behind it (the production, QA & marketing teams). This is regardless of the amount of copies sold for the platform.

Considering the current market penetration of Linux on Steam is 0.9% of users, we’re still below the threshold at which this would become a worthwhile investment.

I was a Linux user for a fairly long time (on an old Mandrake distro — those were the days!), so I do know that the Linux community is as passionate as the rest of our players, but short of emulators, there’s currently no plan to bring ES2 (or EL) to Linux.

I dont know what this market threshold is, but considering that mac has a share of about 4% of steam users, you would need 4x the linux users there currently are.

Read the actual text and not what you want to read into it. I mentioned no current plan for developing a Linux platform. Not that it’s never coming, because, frankly, I don’t know myself. Hell, the game might also be ported to Switch two years from now. It’s unlikely, but it’s not impossible.

What’s going to happen now is: everyone who isn’t a Linux user will let Linux users request a Linux version, because they have every right to ask for one, and mind their own business as long as nobody is being disruptive. Some of the people in this very thread have been personally warned, and you should know that we have a very low tolerance for that kind of petty squabbling.

Thank you and have a nice day.
Thank you very much for the clarification Frogsquadron, and thanks to your team for the wonderful and unique games too — as a (begrudging) Windows user, I’ve enjoyed them since ES1.

So. umm. should we discuss the potential Switch version here, or start a new thread?
(jk, I’ll leave that to the Switch owners :-))

29 ноя. 2017 в 8:24

Frogsquadron wrote himself that linux support wont come.

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Frogsquadron wrote:
Unfortunately, any new platform support increases production needs exponentially for the people behind it (the production, QA & marketing teams). This is regardless of the amount of copies sold for the platform.

Considering the current market penetration of Linux on Steam is 0.9% of users, we’re still below the threshold at which this would become a worthwhile investment.

I was a Linux user for a fairly long time (on an old Mandrake distro — those were the days!), so I do know that the Linux community is as passionate as the rest of our players, but short of emulators, there’s currently no plan to bring ES2 (or EL) to Linux.

I dont know what this market threshold is, but considering that mac has a share of about 4% of steam users, you would need 4x the linux users there currently are.

Read the actual text and not what you want to read into it. I mentioned no current plan for developing a Linux platform. Not that it’s never coming, because, frankly, I don’t know myself. Hell, the game might also be ported to Switch two years from now. It’s unlikely, but it’s not impossible.

What’s going to happen now is: everyone who isn’t a Linux user will let Linux users request a Linux version, because they have every right to ask for one, and mind their own business as long as nobody is being disruptive. Some of the people in this very thread have been personally warned, and you should know that we have a very low tolerance for that kind of petty squabbling.

Thank you and have a nice day.
Thanks for the clarification, it nice to have a thread to at least show our support for the idea even if is a pipedream to some. I havnt slept properly every weekend since i got this game, going to be enjoying it for a long time. Thanks for all your work!

PS: switch version sounds like a genius move. i would never put that down


Endless space 2 linux

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(Заблокирован) 29 сен. 2015 в 13:15

20 мар. 2016 в 3:58

I’d love to see the Linux version eventually. If they eventually do release the rest of the catalogue on Linux, I’d be a very happy man.

(Заблокирован) 29 мар. 2016 в 15:37

29 мар. 2016 в 20:46

No one official to the title ever replied to this thread since 29 Sep, 2015, when it was posted.

21 апр. 2016 в 0:03

I really like their games, but.
Releasing cross-platform (Win + OSX) already . NOT having a Linux version is simply offensive.

21 апр. 2016 в 6:31

Try meeting the minimum specifications..

25 мая. 2016 в 13:10

Try meeting the minimum specifications..
Ridiculous comments like yours are absolutely out of place in this thread.

25 мая. 2016 в 14:30

Try meeting the minimum specifications..

Ridiculous comments like yours are absolutely out of place in this thread.
Not at all.. Only a small minority of users seek inclusion of a title that is currently available on the OS by which it has been published.

Now if one was to meet or exceed this minimum, then they would be able to play the game.

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If the developer chooses not to include an OS that only 1% of steam uses. How is that offensive?

This assumes that the developer is «required» to make a port.. When in fact, it does not. It is not the responsibility of the developer to conform to the end user.. It’s the other way around.. This is why they post a minimum specification.

And I find it very odd that someone who seeks a port would go so far as to tell the developer he is offensive for not porting a game for a minority user base.

Clearly the target market in this instance is windows. This will generate the sales needed to meet the costs and generate profit in order to launch the next project in the years to come.

26 мая. 2016 в 10:32

I wouldn’t call the behaviour of a develoer offensive if a game was only developed for a single platform.

IF however a developer:
1.) uses a multi platform capable engine like unity (which is the case here)
2.) already chooses to utilize the engine to develop for multiple platforms, thus dodging all windows specific crap he «could» use if he made a windows only game with unity (which is the case here, since Amplitude Studios games are also released for OS X)

THEN the additional effort for releasing a Linux version is practically negligible.
So if in such a very specific scenario where a developer deliberately chooses not to release his game for Linux even though he has already taken all potentially time-consuming steps neccessary to that end while making the OS X port . THEN I call it offensive.


Endless space 2 linux

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(Заблокирован) 29 сен. 2015 в 13:15

22 мая. 2017 в 18:20

22 мая. 2017 в 18:24

22 мая. 2017 в 18:26

22 мая. 2017 в 18:28

It’s not going to happen.
That sucks. Well, I hope they change their minds about a port in the future. Thanks for the answer.

lol, wow, Teodosio and Lancelot really make the linux community look insane and conspiracy theorist. Really wish us sane Linux users can get rid of people like those 2, then it will help in gathering more people to Linux, but right now people like those 2 are among the big reasons why more and more people do not switch to Linux.

(Заблокирован) 22 мая. 2017 в 23:29

lol, wow, Teodosio and Lancelot really make the linux community look insane and conspiracy theorist. Really wish us sane Linux users can get rid of people like those 2, then it will help in gathering more people to Linux, but right now people like those 2 are among the big reasons why more and more people do not switch to Linux.

Yes I am sure that is the reason why people use Doze. They are just there ready to plug a usb stick with Ubuntu in their computers when they read a post from their betters and ‘mmm no’.

+1 for real pc release and for Freedom

22 мая. 2017 в 23:36


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