Enterprise linux system administration

Системное администрирование Linux (GL250)

Программа обучения HPE по администрированию Linux уникальна своей нейтральностью по отношению к выбору дистрибутива. Лекции общие для всех семейств Linux, а на практические занятия инструктор выбирает оптимальный дистрибутив, исходя из потребностей группы: Red Hat, SUSE или Fedora Core.

Если вы наметили в дальнейшем развиваться и как специалист по UNIX, то логично будет начать с основ этой операционной среды (например, пройдя курс U8583S (GL120)). И уже после такой предварительной подготовки (дополненной практическими действиями по установке системы) можно будет смело приступать к циклу тренингов по LINUX в области администрирования систем и сетей.

Первая часть курса (H7091S) предоставляет базовые знания, необходимые для установки, развёртывания и настройки основных сетевых служб Linux. Они включают базовые знания по установке, администрированию, настройке X-Window, настройке ядра и менеджеру логических разделов дисковой подсистемы (LVM) и RAID, основам безопасности и базовым навыкам поиска неисправностей.

Цели курса

  • установка и настройка;
  • процесс загрузки;
  • администрирование пользователей и групп;
  • администрирование файловой системы, включая квоты, FACL, RAID и LVM;
  • автоматизация задач;
  • клиентские сети;
  • SELinux;
  • управление программным обеспечением;
  • лог-файлы;
  • устранение проблем;
    и больше.

Для кого предназначен:

Курс будет интересен всем, кто заинтересован в изучении администрирования Linux и имеет некоторый навык использования Linux или UNIX. Опытным системным администраторам окажет несомненную помощь в подготовке к Linux-сертификации.

Предварительная подготовка:

Начальные знания в области LINUX/UNIX систем, предполагается опыт практической работы с такими системами.


GL250 — Enterprise Linux System Administration

Guru Labs Training

The GL250 is an in-depth course that explores installation, configuration and maintenance of Linux systems. The course focuses on issues universal to every workstation and server. Like all Guru Labs courses, the course material is designed to provide extensive hands-on experience. Topics include: installation and configuration; the boot process; user and group administration; filesystem administration, including quotas, FACLs, RAID and LVM; task automation; client networking; SELinux; software management; log files; troubleshooting; and more.

Students should already be comfortable working in a Linux or Unix environment. Fundamentals such as the Linux filesystem, process management, and how to edit files will not be covered in class. An understanding of network concepts, and the TCP/IP protocol suite is helpful. These skills are taught in the GL120 «Linux Fundamentals» course.

Supported Distributions: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 Course Outline:

  1. Linux Kernel & Devices
    1. Hardware Discovery Tools
    2. Configuring New Hardware with hwinfo
    3. Kernel Hardware Info “ /sys/
    4. /sys/ Structure
    5. udev
    6. Managing Linux Device Files
    7. List Block Devices
    8. SCSI Devices
    9. USB Devices
    10. USB Architecture
    11. Kernel Modules
    12. Configuring Kernel Components and Modules
    13. Handling Module Dependencies
    14. Configuring the Kernel via /proc/
    15. Console
    16. Virtual Terminals
    17. Keyboard & locale configuration
    18. Serial Ports
    19. Random Numbers and /dev/random
    1. Adjusting Kernel Options
    2. Linux Kernel Driver Compilation
    3. Introduction to Troubleshooting Labs
    4. Troubleshooting Practice: Kernel Modules
    1. System Boot Method Overview
    2. systemd System and Service Manager
    3. Modifying systemd services
    4. Systemd Service Sandboxing Features
    5. systemd Targets
    6. Using systemd
    7. Linux Runlevels Aliases
    8. Legacy Support for SysV init
    1. Managing Services With Systemd’s systemctl
    2. Creating a systemd unit file
    1. Booting Linux on PCs
    2. GRUB 2
    3. GRUB 2 Configuration
    4. The Boot Loader Specification
    5. GRUB 2 Security
    6. Boot Parameters
    7. Initial RAM Filesystem
    8. init
    9. Systemd local-fs.target and sysinit.target
    10. Systemd basic.target and multi-user.target
    11. Legacy local bootup script support
    12. System Configuration Files
    13. RHEL8 Configuration Utilities
    14. SLES15 Configuration Utilities
    15. Shutdown and Reboot
    1. Boot Process
    2. Booting directly to a bash shell
    3. GRUB Command Line
    4. Basic GRUB Security
    5. Troubleshooting Practice: Boot Process
    1. Managing Software
    2. RPM Features
    3. RPM Architecture
    4. RPM Package Files
    5. Working With RPMs
    6. Querying and Verifying with RPM
    7. Updating the Kernel RPM
    8. Dealing With RPM & Yum Digest Changes
    9. DNF Plugins & RHSM Subscription Manager
    10. DNF Version Lock Plugin
    11. DNF Repositories
    12. DNF Repository Groups
    13. Compiling/Installing from Source
    14. Manually Installed Shared Libraries
    15. Rebuilding Source RPM Packages
    1. Managing Software with RPM
    2. Creating a Custom RPM Repository
    3. Querying the RPM Database
    4. Installing Software via RPM & Source and Rebuilding SRPMs
    5. Troubleshooting Practice: Package Management
    1. Partitioning Disks with fdisk & gdisk
    2. Resizing a GPT Partition with gdisk
    3. Partitioning Disks with parted
    4. Non-Interactive Disk Partitioning with sfdisk
    5. Filesystem Creation
    6. Persistent Block Devices
    7. Mounting Filesystems
    8. Resizing Filesystems
    9. Filesystem Maintenance
    10. Managing an XFS Filesystem
    11. Swap
    12. Filesystem Structures
    13. Determining Disk Usage With df and du
    14. Configuring Disk Quotas
    15. Setting Quotas
    16. Viewing and Monitoring Quotas
    17. XFS Project quotas
    18. Filesystem Attributes
    1. Creating and Managing Filesystems
    2. Hot Adding Swap
    3. XFS Copy-on-Write
    4. Setting User Quotas
    5. Creating XFS Project Quotas
    1. Logical Volume Management
    2. Implementing LVM
    3. Creating Logical Volumes
    4. Activating LVM VGs
    5. Exporting and Importing a VG
    6. Examining LVM Components
    7. Changing LVM Components
    8. Advanced LVM Overview
    9. Advanced LVM: Components & Object Tags
    10. Advanced LVM: Automated Storage Tiering
    11. Advanced LVM: Thin Provisioning
    12. Advanced LVM: Striping & Mirroring
    13. Advanced LVM: RAID Volumes
    14. SLES Graphical Disk Tool
    15. RAID Concepts
    16. Array Creation with mdadm
    17. Software RAID Monitoring
    18. Software RAID Control and Display
    1. Creating and Managing LVM Volumes
    2. Creating LVM Thin Volumes
    3. Using Boom to Boot to an LVM Snapshot
    4. Troubleshooting Practice: LVM
    5. Creating and Managing a RAID-5 Array
    1. Remote Storage Overview
    2. Remote Filesystem Protocols
    3. Remote Block Device Protocols
    4. File Sharing via NFS
    5. NFSv4+
    6. NFS Clients
    7. NFS Server Configuration
    8. YaST NFS Server Administration
    9. Implementing NFSv4
    10. AutoFS
    11. AutoFS Configuration
    12. Accessing Windows/Samba Shares from Linux
    13. SAN Multipathing
    14. Multipath Configuration
    15. Multipathing Best Practices
    16. iSCSI Architecture
    17. Open-iSCSI Initiator Implementation
    18. iSCSI Initiator Discovery
    19. iSCSI Initiator Node Administration
    20. Mounting iSCSI Targets at Boot
    21. iSCSI Multipathing Considerations
    1. Using autofs
    2. NFS Server Configuration
    3. iSCSI Initiator Configuration
    4. Multipathing with iSCSI
    1. Approaches to Storing User Accounts
    2. User and Group Concepts
    3. User Administration
    4. Modifying Accounts
    5. Group Administration
    6. Password Aging
    7. Default User Files
    8. Controlling Login Sessions
    9. RHEL DS Client Configuration
    10. System Security Services Daemon (SSSD)
    1. User and Group Administration
    2. Using LDAP for Centralized User Accounts
    3. Complete Session Logging with tlog
    4. Troubleshooting Practice: Account Management
    1. PAM Overview
    2. PAM Module Types
    3. PAM Order of Processing
    4. PAM Control Statements
    5. PAM Modules
    6. pam_unix
    7. pam_nologin.so
    8. pam_limits.so
    9. pam_wheel.so
    10. pam_xauth.so
    1. Restricting superuser access to wheel group membership
    2. Using pam_nologin to Restrict Logins
    3. Setting Limits with the pam_limits Modules
    4. Using pam_limits to Restrict Simultaneous Logins
    1. Security Concepts
    2. Tightening Default Security
    3. SuSE Security Checker
    4. Security Advisories
    5. Fine Grained Authorizations with Polkit
    6. File Access Control Lists
    7. Manipulating FACLs
    8. Viewing FACLs
    9. Backing Up FACLs
    10. File Creation Permissions with umask
    11. User Private Group Scheme
    12. Alternatives to UPG
    13. AppArmor
    14. SELinux Security Framework
    15. SELinux Modes
    16. SELinux Commands
    17. Choosing an SELinux Policy
    18. SELinux Booleans
    19. Permissive Domains
    20. SELinux Policy Tools
    21. FirewallD
    1. User Private Groups
    2. Using Filesystem ACLs
    3. Exploring AppArmor
    4. Exploring SELinux Modes
    5. SELinux File Contexts
    6. SELinux Contexts in Action
    1. IPv4 Fundamentals
    2. TCP/UDP Fundamentals
    3. Linux Network Interfaces
    4. Ethernet Hardware Tools
    5. Network Configuration with ip Command
    6. Configuring Routing Tables
    7. IP to MAC Address Mapping with ARP
    8. Starting and Stopping Interfaces
    9. NetworkManager
    10. DNS Clients
    11. DHCP Clients
    12. SUSE YaST Network Configuration Tool
    13. Network Diagnostics
    14. Information from ss and netstat
    15. Hardware and System Clock
    16. Continual Time Sync with NTP
    17. Time Synchronization with Chronyd
    1. Network Discovery
    2. Basic Client Networking
    3. Chrony Client Configuration
    1. Multiple IP Addresses
    2. Configuring a DHCP server
    3. IPv6
    4. Interface Aggregation
    5. Interface Bonding
    6. Network Teaming
    7. Interface Bridging
    8. 802.1q VLANS
    9. Tuning Kernel Network Settings
    10. TCP Congestion Control
    1. Multiple IP Addresses Per Network Interface
    2. Configuring IPv6
    3. TCP Congestion Control
    4. Troubleshooting Practice: Networking
    1. System Logging
    2. systemd Journal
    3. systemd Journal’s journalctl
    4. Secure Logging with Journal’s Log Sealing
    5. Cockpit — Logs
    6. Rsyslog
    7. /etc/rsyslog.conf
    8. Log Management
    9. Log Anomaly Detector
    10. Sending logs from the shell
    1. Using the systemd Journal
    2. Setting up a Full Debug Logfile
    3. Remote Syslog Configuration
    4. Remote Rsyslog TLS Configuration
    1. System Status “ Memory
    2. System Status “ I/O
    3. System Status “ CPU
    4. Performance Trending with sar
    5. Determining Service to Process Mapping
    6. Real-time Monitoring of Resources ” Cgroups
    7. Troubleshooting Basics: The Process
    8. Troubleshooting Basics: The Tools
    9. strace and ltrace
    10. Common Problems
    11. Troubleshooting Incorrect File Permissions
    12. Inability to Boot
    13. Typos in Configuration Files
    14. Corrupt Filesystems
    15. RHEL8 Rescue Environment
    16. SUSE Rescue Environment
    1. System Activity Reporter
    2. Cgroup for Processes
    3. Recovering Damaged MBR
    1. Pre-Installation Considerations
      1. Pre-Installation Considerations
      2. Hardware Compatibility
      3. Multi-OS Booting
      4. Partition Considerations
      5. Filesystem Planning
      6. Selecting a Filesystem
      1. Anaconda: An Overview
      2. Anaconda: Booting the System
      3. Anaconda: Common Boot Options
      4. Anaconda: Loading Anaconda and Packages
      5. Anaconda: Storage Options
      6. Anaconda: Troubleshooting
      7. FirstBoot
      8. Kickstart
      9. Network Booting with PXE
      10. A Typical Install
      1. Linux Installation
      2. Automating Installation with Kickstart
      1. YaST Install Program Interface
      2. Network Installation
      3. SLP for SUSE Linux Installation
      4. Installation Choices
      5. Kernel Crash Dump Configuration
      6. Network Booting with PXE
      7. Creating AutoYaST2 Files
      8. Using AutoYaST2 files
      9. linuxrc Automation
      10. Installation Diagnostics
      11. After The First Reboot
      12. A Typical Install
      1. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Installation
      2. Automating Installation with AutoYaST
      1. Virtualization: What and Why?
      2. Introducing libvirt
      3. libvirt: Basic Concepts
      4. libvirt: Storage Architecture
      5. libvirt: Network Architecture
      6. libvirt: Graphical Tools
      7. libvirt: Command Line Tools
      8. virsh: Basics
      9. virsh: Common Tasks
      10. virt-install
      11. Virtual Machine Guest Tools & Drivers
      12. libguestfs and guestfish
      1. Installing a Virtual Machine
      1. Backup Software
      2. Managing Optical Media
      3. SCSI Tape Drives & Libraries
      4. Backup Examples
      1. Using rsync and ssh for Backups
      2. Using tar for Backups
      3. Using cpio for Backups
      4. Creating ISO Images for Backups
      5. Using dump and restore for Backups
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