Epson l355 драйвер linux

Epson L355 Driver Download for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

The Epson L355 series is an all-in-one Color Inkjet printer that gives you an excellent performance. This “L” series printer uses Ink tank technology instead of cartridges, which provides you with economical printing. Epson l355 has one more useful feature which is Wi-Fi. You can easily print wirelessly from your laptop, phone, tablet etc. The Epson L355 printer supported following operating systems: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server 2000 to 2019 32bit, 64-bit, MAC OS, and Linux.

Here on this page, we will be providing you with the direct download links for Epson L355 Driver . Click on the below-given download link. The scanner Epson l355 driver is also available separately. Epson L355 software is also available along with this installer.

Download Epson L355 printer driver & software

  1. First, determine the printer’s model number.
  2. Secondly, determine the operating system & system type: 32-bit or 64-bit
  3. Click on the download link below in front of the operating system given below.
  • Epson L355 Full Feature driver (Standalone) for all Windows 32bit / 64bit – Download
  • Epson L355 Full Feature driver (Web Installer) for all Windows 32bit / 64bit – Download
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows XP (32bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows XP (64bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows Vista (32bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows Vista (64bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows 7 (32bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows 7 (64bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows 8 (32bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows 8 (64bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Baixar L355 driver for Windows 8.1 (32bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Baixar L355 driver for Windows 8.1 (64bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows 10 (32bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows 10 (64bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 driver for Windows 11 (64bit) – Download Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 Basic Driver for All Windows – Download Basic Driver 32bit / 64bit
    Check how to install a printer through its basic driver manually.
  • Epson L355 printer & scanner driver download for Microsoft Server 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022 – Not available . You may use the above given basic driver, it should work.
    These Operating System drivers are not even available on Epson’s official website. Either the L355 drivers are inbuilt in the operating system or the L355 printer does not support these operating systems.
  • Epson L355 impressora driver for Mac v 10.0 to 11 Big Sur – Download
  • Epson L355 printer driver for Linux, Ubuntu 32bit – Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
  • Epson L355 printer driver for Linux, Ubuntu 64bit – Printer Driver / Scanner Driver
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How to Install Epson L355 printer & scanner driver

Follow the below-given installation steps to install the l355 printer on your Windows computer.

Install Epson L355 printer through Wi-Fi (Wirelessly)

If you would like to install this Epson L355 printer wirelessly, then follow this Video tutorial instructions to get a step by step guide

Method 1: Install Epson L355 driver through its driver CD

  1. Install Epson L355 printer driver through CD which comes with the printer.
  2. Install the L355 printer through a driver setup file which is easily available online on its official website.
    Click here for more details.

Method 2: Install Epson L355 driver without software CD

you can install printer drivers even if you have lost your printer driver disk. You can install the printer driver without a CD.

  1. Download driver Epson L355 from the above-given download section.
  2. Double-click on the download installer file and follow the on-screen instructions.
    Click here for more detailed steps.

Method 3: Install Epson L355 driver manually.

  1. In this manual method, you need to extract the driver’s setup file and then install them through the “add a printer” method manually. Click here for more details.
    Click here for step by step instructions.


Epson L355

Attention: Your operating system may not be detected correctly. It is important that you manually select your Operating System from above to ensure you are viewing compatible content.


Epson Software Updater allows you to update Epson software as well as download 3rd party applications. Please Note: To use this updater, your Epson product must be turned on and connected to a computer with Internet access.

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Epson Product Setup contains everything you need to use your Epson product. The installer downloads and installs the latest driver software for your Epson product which may include (where applicable) printer drivers, network Wi-Fi drivers, scanner drivers and software. Please Note: To use this software your computer must have Internet access. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, this process may take a while. Once the software is downloaded, it will automatically begin to install. You will be guided (on-screen) through the process.

Epson Product Setup contains everything you need to use your Epson product. The installer downloads and installs the latest driver software for your Epson product which may include (where applicable) printer drivers, network Wi-Fi drivers, scanner drivers and software. Please Note: To use this software your computer must have Internet access. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, this process may take a while. Once the software is downloaded, it will automatically begin to install. You will be guided (on-screen) through the process.


Epson L355 Архивная модель

Архив с содержимым диска, предлагающегося к устройству. На диске: драйверы, инструкции и утилита для настройки подключения по Wi-Fi.

Инструкции, руководства по эксплуатации

Руководство, в котором в доступной форме изложены основные характеристики устройства и правила его эксплуатации

Драйверы, утилиты

Быстрый поиск продукта

Академия Epson

Зарегистрируй свой Epson


  • 11 февраляEpson стала официальным партнером квалификационного турнира Женской профессиональной ассоциации гольфа (LPGA) Спонсорство отборочного турнира “Road to the LPGA” подчеркивает приверженность компании Epson принципам Устойчивого развития.
  • 3 февраляНовое поколение ультралегких лазерных проекторов Epson – в 2 раза легче и на 70% компактнее предшественников Epson анонсирует самые легкие и компактные проекторы в мире в классе яркости 20 000 лм.
  • 3 февраляДемонстрация процесса инсталляции промышленного текстильного принтера Epson Monna Lisa ML-8000 В Германии была установлена первая Epson Monna Lisa ML-8000 — промышленная цифровая печатная машина для прямой печати на текстиле. Все новости
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Мы используем файлы COOKIE или иные аналогичные технологии, указанные на странице «Правовая информация», для расширения возможностей сайта и для предоставления вам персонализированных услуг и предложений при его использовании. Нажимая на кнопку «Принять», закрывая данное сообщение или продолжая пользоваться данным сайтом, Вы соглашаетесь на использование и сохранение сайтом Epson файлов COOKIE на вашем устройстве.


Epson L355 Архивная модель

Архив с содержимым диска, предлагающегося к устройству. На диске: драйверы, инструкции и утилита для настройки подключения по Wi-Fi.

Инструкции, руководства по эксплуатации

Руководство, в котором в доступной форме изложены основные характеристики устройства и правила его эксплуатации

Драйверы, утилиты

Быстрый поиск продукта

Академия Epson

Зарегистрируй свой Epson


  • 11 февраляEpson стала официальным партнером квалификационного турнира Женской профессиональной ассоциации гольфа (LPGA) Спонсорство отборочного турнира “Road to the LPGA” подчеркивает приверженность компании Epson принципам Устойчивого развития.
  • 3 февраляНовое поколение ультралегких лазерных проекторов Epson – в 2 раза легче и на 70% компактнее предшественников Epson анонсирует самые легкие и компактные проекторы в мире в классе яркости 20 000 лм.
  • 3 февраляДемонстрация процесса инсталляции промышленного текстильного принтера Epson Monna Lisa ML-8000 В Германии была установлена первая Epson Monna Lisa ML-8000 — промышленная цифровая печатная машина для прямой печати на текстиле. Все новости

Мы используем файлы COOKIE или иные аналогичные технологии, указанные на странице «Правовая информация», для расширения возможностей сайта и для предоставления вам персонализированных услуг и предложений при его использовании. Нажимая на кнопку «Принять», закрывая данное сообщение или продолжая пользоваться данным сайтом, Вы соглашаетесь на использование и сохранение сайтом Epson файлов COOKIE на вашем устройстве.


How to Install Epson L355 Printer Driver + Software Utility & Quick-Start Scanning on Ubuntu Linux

You are Welcome! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install the Epson L355 Series All-in-One Printer/Scanner Drivers and Printing Software Utility on Ubuntu 14.04-Trusty-LTS/16.04-Xenial-LTS GNU/Linux.

To Get the Epson L355 Printer Recognized and Running on Ubuntu Linux you need to Download and Install the Epson Proprietary Driver.

Epson Printer Utility for Linux Ubuntu provides the following functions:

  • Printer Status(Error / Warning)
  • Ink Levels
  • Paper Count Information
  • Nozzle Check
  • Head Cleaning

Then to Get the Epson Scanner Working on Ubuntu Linux Follow the Guide on Getting-Started with Epson Image Scan! Software on Ubuntu.

GutenPrint openSUSE GNU/Linux Installation Easy Guide

How to Install the Epson L355 Printer/Scanner Drivers and Software on Ubuntu - Open File Manager

How to Install the Epson L355 Printer/Scanner Drivers and Software on Ubuntu - Ubuntu Software Center Installing Epson Printers Drivers

sudo apt-get install gdebi gdebi-core
sudo gdebi ~/Downloads/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr*.deb

How to Install the Epson L355 Printer/Scanner Drivers and Software on Ubuntu - Ubuntu System Settings Printers

How to Install the Epson L355 Printer/Scanner Drivers and Software on Ubuntu - Ubuntu Software Center Installing Epson Printer Utility

sudo gdebi ~/Downloads/epson-printer-utility*.deb

How to Install the Epson L355 Printer on Ubuntu - Epson Printer Utility

Here below a Shot of the Epson Printer Utility with the well-marked Features…

How to Get Started with Epson Scanning on Ubuntu


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