Err address unreachable linux

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RESOLVED Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

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RESOLVED Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by MauveKat » Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:48 pm

RESOLVED not solved~ $ inxi
CPU~Quad core AMD E2-7110 APU with AMD Radeon R2 Graphics (-MCP-) speed/max~1064/1800 MHz Kernel~4.15.0-45-generic x86_64 Up~1:15 Mem~677.6/3408.4MB HDD~1000.2GB(27.5% used) Procs~201 Client~Shell inxi~2.2.35

Everything was working fine and suddenly my two browsers stopped connecting to the Internet. Email still works fine and FTP seems to work fine too. This was after updating my system (not upgrading it) Did a full reboot but it didn’t work.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.

Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by sleeper12 » Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:17 pm

Try reinstalling the browsers, see if that helps at all. If not, maybe Timeshift back to when things worked (if you have Timeshift).

Edit : You didn’t say which browsers you have, but you might be able to reset them in browser settings.

Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by MauveKat » Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:20 pm

Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by trytip » Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:46 pm

what was updated. xed /var/log/apt/history.log scroll down to the bottom and post here for the last 2 dates


Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by MauveKat » Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:23 pm

Can’t remember now. This was almost a month ago and I used the Update icon on the bottles right to update a bunch of things.

karlchen Level 22
Posts: 17363 Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:21 am Location: Germany

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Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by karlchen » Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:34 am

MauveKat wrote: ⤴ Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:23 pm Can’t remember now. This was almost a month ago and I used the Update icon on the bottles right to update a bunch of things.

You may not remember. — I would not remember, either, after a month. — But the system has got a very good memory of what it did in the past, even a month ago.

  • Via Update Manager. View => Update History. You spot the «Date» column. You can sort ascending or descending on the day of update installation.
    (Disadvantage: you cannot copy anything from the Update Manager History window, e.g. in order to post it here.)
  • Via Synaptic Package Manager. File => History. As you will notice Synaptic groups all installations, including the update installations done by Update Manager, in monthly groups, from most recent to oldest. So it is pretty easy going back to the day(s) which you are interested in.
    Once you select a day in the left-hand panel of the Synaptic history, you will see the installation / update operations in the right-hand panel.
    You may have to check several days in order to retrieve the updates which you are interested in.
    (Advantage: you can click inside the right-hand panel, press A to mark the displayed entries and copy them into to the clipboard.)
  • Via the terminal go to directory /var/log/apt. You will see the file history.log, mentioned before. It is a pure text file, which will hold the most recent installation / update operations. Older operations can be found in the gzipped file history.log.*.gz. You can inspect each of the gzipped files e.g. with help of the command zmore.
    (Comment: Using Synaptic -> History is more convenient.)


The people of Alderaan have been bravely fighting back the clone warriors sent out by the unscrupulous Sith Lord Palpatine for 500 days now.
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karlchen Level 22
Posts: 17363 Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:21 am Location: Germany

Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by karlchen » Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:43 am

MauveKat wrote: ⤴ Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:48 pm Everything was working fine and suddenly my two browsers stopped connecting to the Internet.

Could you explain a bit more precisely perhaps what happens when you launch e.g. Firefox and try to open the webpage
Do you receive some kind of error message? If so, which one, please?

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From inside Firefox, could you click on the menu icon (hamburger icon), click on help, click on «Restart with add-ons disabled». Is it now possible to navigate to e.g.?


The people of Alderaan have been bravely fighting back the clone warriors sent out by the unscrupulous Sith Lord Palpatine for 500 days now.
The Prophet’s Song

Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by MauveKat » Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:03 am

First thanks for all the help.

Can’t re-install browsers. You need a working browser to install. loads fine. You just can’t go anywhere from there. You get an err_address_unreachable error.

Mint and Firefox was updated Feb. 3

karlchen Level 22
Posts: 17363 Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:21 am Location: Germany

Re: Internet Browsers won’t connect to Internet anymore.

Post by karlchen » Thu Feb 21, 2019 6:28 am

MauveKat wrote: ⤴ Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:03 am Can’t re-install browsers. You need a working browser to install.

  1. This statement is incorrect, because software installation/de-installation/re-installation/updates are all done through the software management system APT and through the APT frontends like Software Manager, Synaptic Packages Manager and Update Manager.
  2. Uninstalling and re-installing is unlikely to solve the problem, because the root cause will be inside the user specific browser settings, which would not be changed a bit by re-installation.

MauveKat wrote: ⤴ Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:03 am loads fine. You just can’t go anywhere from there. You get an err_address_unreachable error.

This might suggest some problem with the name resolution (DNS).
This might also only be a browser internal setting, which causes this.

Do you connect to the internet through a proxy?
In case you do not connect to the internet through a proxy, make sure that your browsers are configured to use no proxy.
In Firefox this setting can be found through [menu icon] => preferences => bottom of the page «Network preferences» => Preferences: tick the option «No proxy».

You may check your domain name resolution e.g. this way:
Open a terminal window. Execute the commandline


ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE when accessing my website without https

First of all, just letting you know i have a little experience with web servers and therefore, my questions might be very novice. I am experiencing issue with my newly created website. I have a CentOS 7 server for another website and i would like to add a new website with a different URL to this server. The configurations for the websites are, from what i understand, in /etc/httpd/conf.d. I have created a new .conf file for my website:

  SSLEngine on SSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP #SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt #SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key #SSLCACertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/ SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/******/cert.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/******/privkey.pem #SSLCACertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/******/chain.pem SSLCACertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/******/fullchain.pem ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/myproject ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/ # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg. LogLevel error CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combined Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All Order Allow,Deny Allow from all  ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/myproject Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews AllowOverride All Require all granted ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/ LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combined 

For some reason, the only VirtualHost that works is the 443 one. When i am trying to reach the website without the https:// it gives me this error:

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Is there another configuration i am not aware of that disables the not-secured traffic? If more details are needed let me know and i will provide them. Thanks!


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Post by FRANKOLOCO » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:04 pm

Hello, a few days ago I noticed my weather app was showing a giant question mark. I tried going online to research the issue and I got this message. I tried it on Google chrome and Firefox, neither worked. I have no idea what’s going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Topic automatically closed 6 months after creation. New replies are no longer allowed.


Post by ajgringo619 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:09 pm

If it’s just one site that’s giving you trouble, check its status here:


Post by FRANKOLOCO » Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:13 pm

Nope, it’s all websites I try to visit. I’ve tried reinstalling chrome, tried updating Mint. nothing is working.


Post by ajgringo619 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:15 pm

You may want to change your question; you’ll get more responses. It sounds like your entire network is down.

Can you ping any sites from the terminal? Please post the results of inxi -Fxxz .


Post by sleeper12 » Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:10 am


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