Error opening root linux

Kernel panics with «Cannot open root device» error, where do I append the «root=» option?

whenever I try to boot with linux kernel (the one installed by the upgrades) I get a Kernel Panic error: VFS: Cannot open root device «sda1» or unknown block (0,0) Please append a correct «root mt24 mb12″>

Same problem here. The main difference I observe is that up to, the grub conf tries to identify the hard disk using its UUID, now uses /dev/sda6 .. weird .

3 Answers 3

You haven’t provided much information with logs and such to proceed with but I am guessing most probably this error you’re facing is because the kernel is confused by a IDE/SATA drive. Doing a quick Google search led me to link 1, link 2, link 3

Most likely one of the most occurring issue (but once you solved it, you most likely are never going to see it again):

Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) 
VFS: Cannot open root device "sda3" or unknown-block(8,3) Please append a correct "root"> The site will show you which kernel drivers you need to select for your system. Within the menuconfig, 
you can type "/" to open the search function, and type in the driver
name to find out where it resides. # lspci -n
  • Check if you have built in (and not as a module) support for the file system(s) you use.
  • Say your root file system uses btrfs (which I definitely don't recommend) but you didn't select it, or selected it to be built as a
    module, then you'll get the error you see. Make sure the file system
    support is built in the kernel.
  • Check if the kernel parameter for root= is pointing to the correct partition.

    This isn't as stupid as it sounds. When you are booted with one kernel, it might list your disks as being /dev/sda whereas your (configured) kernel is expecting it to be /dev/hda. This is not because kernels are inconsistent with each other, but because of the drivers used: older drivers use the hda syntax, newer sda.

    Try switching hda with sda (and hdb with sdb, and . ).

    Also, recent kernels give an overview of the partitions they found on the device told. If it does, it might help you identify if you misselected a partition (in the example given at the beginning of this section, only two partitions are found whereas the kernel was instructed to boot the third). If it doesn't, it is most likely because the kernel doesn't know the device to begin with (so it can't attempt to display partitions).

  • Check if the kernel that is being boot by the boot loader is the correct kernel. I have seen people who, after building a first kernel (which doesn't boot), forget that they have to mount /boot before the overwrite the kernel with a new one. As a result, they copy the kernel to the root file system (/) whereas the boot loader still expects the kernel image to be on the /boot partition.

  • )" data-controller="se-share-sheet" data-se-share-sheet-title="Share a link to this answer" data-se-share-sheet-subtitle="" data-se-share-sheet-post-type="answer" data-se-share-sheet-social="facebook twitter " data-se-share-sheet-location="2" data-se-share-sheet-license-url="" data-se-share-sheet-license-name="CC BY-SA 3.0" data-s-popover-placement="bottom-start">Share
    )" title="">Improve this answer
    answered Feb 27, 2012 at 4:51
    • 1
      Hi, it passed a lot of time, but thanks. I had a faulty CD-Rom, removing that everything worked fine!
      – lucacerone
      Mar 13, 2012 at 17:36
    • Link 1, Link 4 and Link 5 are all dead now.
      – Questionmark
      Mar 4, 2019 at 17:04
    Add a comment|

    It's possible this error could be related to the initrd image being too large.

    A solution to this can be accomplished by changing the compression method and removing debug symbols from object files:

    # Strip unneeded symbols of object files $ cd /lib/modules/5.4.5-rt3 # or your new kernel $ sudo find . -name *.ko -exec strip --strip-unneeded <> + # Change the compression format $ sudo vi /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf # Modify COMPRESS=lz4 to COMPRESS=xz (line 53) COMPRESS=xz


    I Can't access the root folder

    I do not have access to my root folder: Ubuntu says I do not have the necessary permissions to access it. I also cannot access lost + found , which gives me the same error message Is there anyone here that can provide answers to these questions?

    @DevynCollierJohnson Probably not. It seems likely that this is asking about / (the root directory) rather than /root (root's home directory). Furthermore, this also asks about lost+found (which is always in / but never in /root , since in practice /root is one of the few top-level directories nobody puts on a separate filesystem.

    3 Answers 3

    There are two different folders called the "root" folder: / (the root of the filesystem, which is really the only folder that should ever be called the "root folder"), and /root (the root user's home directory). During the normal course of operation (i.e., except while performing administrative tasks), users cannot create new files in / or /root .

    You should not change the ownership or permissions of either directory (changing them for / in particular could break things very badly, perhaps even beyond creating security problems depending on what assumptions your applications and services make about the ownership and permissions of / ).

    If you have the gksu package installed, you can run gksudo nautilus to open a root-owned file browser window. If you do this, please be extra careful to only use it for tasks where you must be root, and to close it when you're done (so you don't later confuse it with an ordinary Nautilus window).

    If you don't have gksu installed and don't want to install it, sudo -i nautilus or sudo -H nautilus are reasonably safe. (In contrast, if you were to use plain sudo nautilus , you might have to fix some things in your home directory to get Nautilus to work properly again when you're not running it as root.)

    However, usually you don't need to do that either. You rarely have to manually edit the top-level contents of / or the contents of /root . I recommend providng more information--or asking a new question--to explain exactly what you're trying to accomplish. The particular task you need to do will determine how you should proceed.

    Finally, a note on lost+found . This stores files recovered in filesystem repair operations. Since such files could be from anywhere in the filesystem, it's necessary to require root permissions to access them (or any information on the system could potentially be accessed by someone who is not an administrator). If you think there may be files there that you wish to reclaim, you can check by running

    in a Terminal window ( Ctrl + Alt + T ).

    If there are files there that you want, then you can copy them out (and if their ownership and permissions don't give you the necessary access, change them). You can do that as root from the Terminal with cp , chmod and chown (run as root with sudo ), or with a root-owned Nautilus window as described above.

    If you need to change ownership and permissions for files, then:

    1. make sure not to do so for more files than necessary--for example, some people accidentally change ownership or permissions for large parts of the system and then have to reinstall, and
    2. I recommend this guide for understanding the ownership/permissions system in Ubuntu (which also applies to most other Unix-like OSes). Wikipedia may help too.


    Why can't I open the "root" folder in Xubuntu?

    Failed to open directory

    After I finished installing Xubuntu I tried opening the Folder "Root" which has a cross next to it (I didn't know what was that) I already know that Root is my hard drive so i opened it and I got this: Any help would be appreciated.

    I know that you already have your answer, but for completeness' sake you might want to take a look at this wikipedia article which describes the linux filesystem hierarchy standard.

    2 Answers 2

    The /root folder is the home folder of the root user (the administrator). That is, you (as a normal user) cannot see the personal stuff of the administrator which is fine and is the right thing to happen. Now, the root partition is just / . I guess you just misinterpreted the meaning of the folder /root and the root partition / .

    The root partition (and corresponding folder) is called / . So if you need to see your file system you just need to type / in the locations bar.

    Also, notice there is an item (in the image you uploaded) which reads File System under DEVICES. Click it and see what reads on the locations bar.

    the "root" folder is located in / not /root/ that is the root user or "superuser" s home folder, as such you need root access to open it

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