Error writing permission denied linux nano

‘[Ошибка записи / имя файла: доступ запрещен]’ при попытке сохранить файл с помощью редактора nano

Используя текстовый редактор Nano, я пытаюсь сохранить файл и выйти из него. У меня уже есть файл с именем.

Я нажимаю Ctrl + X , чтобы выйти. Затем я нажимаю Y , потому что хочу сохранить файл. Он запрашивает файл для записи, я нажал , введите , чтобы использовать имя по умолчанию, потому что оно уже названо.

Проблема в том, что я получаю это сообщение.

[Error writing /filename: Permission denied] 

3 ответа

Ну, Вы не имеете прав записать тот файл. Использовать

Если вы являетесь администратором, откройте другой терминал

вернитесь в свой «нано» терминал, сохраните файл. Верните права доступа к имени файла, если вам не все равно, они, скорее всего, 755

Я понял вашу проблему, и есть простой способ решить эту ошибку, так что в основном вам не нужно ничего делать, кроме как переключиться с обычного пользователя на пользователя root и для этого введите команду sudo su , затем введите

Теперь у вас есть полный доступ, поэтому делайте все, что хотите, потому что теперь у вас есть полномочия суперпользователя.

su означает сменить пользователя

Чтобы создать файл в текстовом редакторе nano, просто введите :- nano [имя файла], затем введите и теперь вы можете использовать все функции nano без перерыва.

Ну вот, надеюсь, это будет полезно

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‘[Error writing /filename: Permission denied]’ while trying to save a file using the nano editor

su means switch user To create file in nano text editor simply type :- nano [file name] then enter and now can you use all features of nano without any interruption. If any user does not have permission to write then he would not be able to create any file in or any other directory having sticky bit set, same goes for read and execute operations.

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Why I can’t write a file in /tmp/ even when it is root:root and has «t» flag?

The sticky bit will prevent any user other than the owner of file (and owner of directory and root) to remove/rename any file inside the directory containing sticky bit. If any user does not have permission to write then he would not be able to create any file in /tmp or any other directory having sticky bit set, same goes for read and execute operations.

In your case if postgres has sufficient permission to read/write/execute files in /tmp then he can do that otherwise you need to set the appropriate permissions manually.

drwxrwxrwt 7 root root 4096 Jun 9 00:41 tmp $ sudo chmod o-rwx /tmp drwxrwx--T 7 root root 4096 Jun 9 00:41 tmp $ touch /tmp/foo.txt touch: cannot touch ‘/tmp/foo.txt’: Permission denied $ sudo chmod o+rwx /tmp $ touch /tmp/foo.txt $ ls -l /tmp/ -rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 0 Jun 9 00:50 foo.txt 

Python won’t write to file, @user1887261 — Yes. If you do not specify a full path, Python will look for the file in the same directory as the script (or current working directory if you changed it). If it finds it, it will write to that. Otherwise, it will create the file in that directory. – user2555451. Oct 10, 2013 at 19:56. 4.

Unix & Linux: Why root Can’t open file for

Unix & Linux: Why root Can’t open file for w riting?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: thanks & …

‘[Error writing /filename: Permission denied]’ while trying to save a file using the nano editor

Well, you don’t have the rights to write that file. Use

If you’re the admin, open another terminal

go back to your «nano» terminal save the file. Change permissions back on the filename if you care, they wee most likely 755

I got your problem and to resolve this error there is a easy way, so basically you need to do nothing but switch from normal user to root user and for that type the command sudo su then enter

Now you have full access, so do whatever you want to do because now you have super user’s power.

su means switch user

To create file in nano text editor simply type :- nano [file name] then enter and now can you use all features of nano without any interruption.

There you go, I hope this would be helpful

Cannot write to file with write permission, That is sed -i doesn’t edit the file in place, it replaces it with a modified copy of itself. Here it’s the rename that is blocked.

I cannot grant apache permissions to write to a file, what am I doing wrong?

This a clear case that the parent directory of the file /home/chilinut/logs/apachelog/log.log doesn’t have permission for the user apache .

You have to give write, read permission for the user apache for the parent directories also.Try the following in your case

chown chilinut:apache /home/chilinut/ chown -R chilinut:apache /home/chilinut/* chmod g+rw /home/chilinut/ chmod -R g+rw /home/chilinut/* 

Now switch to apache user and try to execute it. It will be fine. I have tried with a sample script and does the same as your script.

enter code# cat echo | exec whoami ; echo test >> /home/testleo/public_html/apachelogs/log.log; 

When in doubt turn to good sources that preach good practices :). In this case I’ll be using symfony setup instructions as a guide.

$ APACHEUSER=`ps aux | grep -E '[a]pache|[h]ttpd' | grep -v root | head -1 | cut -d\ -f1` $ sudo chmod +a "$APACHEUSER allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" apachelogs/ $ sudo chmod +a "`whoami` allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" apachelogs/ 

You can find the reference here:

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Yes, those are the instructions to get the right permissions for apache to write to symfony’s app/logs and app/cache folders but the same can be applied to any folder :).

You may not have permissions to the parent directories?

Linux — How do file permissions work for the, If none of the execute permissions are set, root can’t execute the file; if any of them are set, he can. Of course, since root also has permission to change any file’s permissions, the account can make a file executable if it wants to (unless the filesystem is read-only). BTW, scripts are an interesting case in this.

Python won’t write to file

You need to invoke the close method to commit the changes to the file. Add () to the end:

Or even better would be to use with :

with open("da_email.txt", "w") as f: f.write(pretty_email) 

which automatically closes the file for you

You are missing the brackets at the end of f.close() .

CLion C++ can’t read/open .txt file in project directory, 2,011 16 26. Add a comment. 9. if inputFile.is_open () always returns false, («twoday.txt»); is not opening the file correctly, presumably because it can’t find «twoday.txt». Try setting an explicit path like «c:/path/twoday.txt» or «/path/twoday.txt» if you’re using Linux. You could also try writing a file instead to …


‘[Error writing /filename: Permission denied]’ while trying to save a file using the nano editor

Using the Nano text editor, I’m trying to save and exit a file. I already have the file named. I click Ctrl + X to exit. And then I click Y because I want to save the file. It asks for file to write, I pressed Enter to use the default name because its already named. The problem is I get this message.

[Error writing /filename: Permission denied] 

Check the permissions of the file to make sure that you have write permissions. ls -l *filename* will show the permissions for that file.

6 Answers 6

Well, you don’t have the rights to write that file. Use

So there’s no way to issue a sudo save while editing the document? i.e. like vi’s :wq! ? So if you’ve spent a while editing a document without realising it’s protected, there’s no way to save it? Bit of an oversight.

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You can save to a different filename — hit Ctrl-X, Y, then change to a different filename to write to. That way you can sudo mv it after you edit

If you’re the admin, open another terminal

go back to your «nano» terminal save the file. Change permissions back on the filename if you care, they wee most likely 755

I got your problem and to resolve this error there is an easy way. Basically, you need to do nothing but switch from normal user to root user and for that type the command:

and then hit Enter . su means «switch user».

Now you have full access, so do whatever you want to do because now you have super user’s power.

To create a file in the nano text editor simply type:

then hit Enter . Now you can use all features of nano without any interruption.


Fixed: [ Error writing: Permission denied ] with Nano

Fixed: [ Error writing: Permission denied ] with Nano

In this article, we cover the reasons that lead to [ Error writing: Permission denied ] with Nano text editor. And, how to fix the issue.

Nano is a text editor, inspired by Pico. At times, we get the above-mentioned error [ Error writing : Permission denied ]. For instance, we faced an issue while editing the /etc/hosts file.

For us, the error was: [ Error writing /etc/hosts: Permission denied ]

So, what was the reason that lead to the issue?

It comes up when we are done making changes to the file. And, we want to save the changes made. When we do so, it says we can write the changes to the said file. It mainly shows up when we don’t have the necessary rights to make changes to the file.

Fixed: [ Error writing: Permission denied ] with Nano

Editing files like /etc/hosts requires Administrative rights. And, changes can’t be written to such files when we don’t have the necessary rights.

As regular users, we are given limited access to modify certain system files. If we still go ahead with the changes then, it may break our System. So, such System files can only be edited by a System Administrator.

If you have the necessary rights and understand what you intend to do then use sudo to make changes. We continue with the /etc/hosts example.

As a regular user, we open the file as:

But, that won’t work as it requires Administrative Rights. So, we can use:

That should work. Apart from that, we can also use chmod command-line utility to modify file (other than system files) permissions. We reiterate that it is not at all recommended to modify permissions for system files.

We should make changes to the system files only when we understand the implications of doing so.

In conclusion, we have covered here how to fix the writing error we got while using the Nano text editor.


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