Extracting tgz in linux

How to unzip .tgz file using the terminal? [duplicate]

I’ve downloaded mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.3.tgz file using windows 7 and kept it on D:\Amra\Software\Developing Soft location. When I right click this .tgz file using Ubuntu and see property it shows Location: /media/towhid/Amra/Software/Developing Soft . Now how will I unzip this .tgz file using tar command from terminal?

3 Answers 3

To extract a .tgz file with tar you need to use,

tar -xvzf /path/to/yourfile.tgz 
  • x for extract
  • v for verbose
  • z for gnuzip
  • f for file, should come at last just before file name.

You can use the following command in a terminal to unzip the file in your case,

tar -xvzf /media/towhid/Amra/Software/Developing\ Soft/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.3.tgz 

Extract a .tgz file in different directory:

One can use -C option to extract archive contents to a different directory as following,

tar -xvzf /path/to/yourfile.tgz -C /path/where/to/extract/ 

It shows following error: tar (child): /media/towhid/Amra/Software/Developing: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

if a folder name is some folder , you need to access it from a terminal as some\ folder using escape character.

This is very clear answer where answerer give complete explanation in every option. And a plus given for the example. Very understandable.

@KasunSiyambalapitiya you can change directory using -C option as tar -xvzf /path/to/myarchive.tgz -C /path/where/to/extract/

Let’s end the decades of hardly-memorable one-letter tar options. Use this to extract your .tgz file:

tar --extract --file /path/to/file.tgz 

The explanation of used options was purposedly left out.

Great add also the option to extract files contained in archive.tar.gz to a new directory named archive tar —extract —file /path/to/file.tgz —one-top-level . That’s often the default of GUI file archive programs.

I would have upvoted this. Unfortunately, on my old Raspberry Pi at least, this didn’t support the Tab autocompletion, and the filename was like 60 chars, whereas tar -xvzf filename did support Tab autocomplete, so I didn’t have to type the whole filename. Therefore, I used the other answer instead.

@GabrielStaples Well that is strange. I don’t have the chance to test it on the Raspberry but the tab completion for this command should definitely work on many linux distributions.

Open the terminal and use the cd command to change directories to the directory where the mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.3.tgz file is located and the run the following command:

tar xzf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.3.tgz 

The above command will extract the contents of the mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.3.tgz archive while preserving the archive’s hierarchical tree directory structure.

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A similar command extracts .tar.xz files. Open the terminal and the run the following command:

tar -xf /path/to/your/file.tar.xz 


The Ultimate Guide to Extracting and Decompressing .tgz Files in Linux Using the Tar Command

Learn how to easily extract and decompress .tgz files in Linux using the tar command. This guide provides step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and best practices. Save time and effort with automation techniques. Follow our guide now!

  • Understanding .tgz Files
  • Using the Tar Command
  • How to Extract a tar.gz File in Linux using Terminal
  • Extracting .tar.gz Files Directly from Standard Input Stream
  • Using File Manager to Extract .tgz Files
  • Automating the Extraction of Multiple .tgz Files
  • Other simple code examples for shell decompressing tgz files in Linux
  • Conclusion
  • How do I decompress a TGZ file in Linux?
  • How do I unpack a TGZ file?
  • How do I decompress a file in Linux?
  • How to unzip tar gz file in Linux command line?

If you are a Linux user, you have probably come across .tgz files. These are compressed tar archives that are commonly used in Unix/Linux systems. In this guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to extract and decompress .tgz files in Linux using the tar command, as well as some helpful tips and best practices.

Understanding .tgz Files

A .tgz file is a compressed tar archive that combines multiple files into one archive file. The .tgz file extension is equivalent to .tar.gz and signifies a tar archive. .tgz files are commonly used in Unix/Linux systems and are compatible with BSD, Linux, macOS, Unix , and WSL.

Using the Tar Command

To extract a .tgz file in Linux, the tar command can be used in the terminal. The basic command to extract a .tgz file is tar -xvzf [filename].tgz .

  • The -x option is used to extract files.
  • The -v option is used to show progress and file names while extracting files.
  • The -z option is used to use gzip compression.

To extract a .tgz file and put the resulted files in a different directory, add the -C option at the end of the command. The -t option can be used to view the table of contents of a .tgz file.

To extract a .tgz file and put the resulted files in a different directory, use the -C option followed by the directory name.

$ tar -xvzf example.tgz -C /path/to/directory/ 

The -t option can be used to view the table of contents of a .tgz file.

How to Extract a tar.gz File in Linux using Terminal

What command do I need to unzip/extract a .tar.gz file?installation — How to extract a tar.gz Duration: 2:15

Extracting .tar.gz Files Directly from Standard Input Stream

To extract .tar.gz files directly from Standard Input Stream , pipe the file into the tar command using the decompression option. The command to extract a .tar.gz file from standard input stream is tar -zx . This technique can be used for .tgz files as well.

Using File Manager to Extract .tgz Files

If you prefer not to use the command line, you can use your file manager to extract .tgz files . In most Linux file managers, right-click on the .tgz file and select “Extract”. This will extract the files to the same directory as the archive.

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Automating the Extraction of Multiple .tgz Files

To extract multiple .tar.gz files, a script can be used to automate the process. The script can use a for loop to iterate over a list of file names and extract each file using the tar command. This can save time and effort when dealing with large numbers of .tgz files.

#!/bin/bashfor file in *.tgz do tar -xvzf "$file" -C /path/to/directory/ done 

Other simple code examples for shell decompressing tgz files in Linux

In Shell case in point, Linux decompress tgz file code sample


The tar command is a powerful tool for extracting and creating archive files in Linux. Extracting .tgz files in Linux is easy using the tar command, and can be done in the terminal or using a file manager. Automating the extraction of multiple .tgz files can save time and effort, and the technique can be adapted for other types of archive files as well. By following these instructions and best practices, you can efficiently extract and decompress .tgz files in Linux.


The Ultimate Guide on How to Extract TGZ Files in Linux — Step-by-Step Tutorial

Learn how to extract TGZ files in Linux using the tar command and other methods. This comprehensive guide includes helpful tips and graphical interface options.

TGZ files are commonly used in Linux environments and are compressed with gzip. Extracting tgz files in Linux can be done using the command-line or graphical interfaces. In this guide, we will cover how to extract tgz files in Linux using the tar command and other methods.

Using the tar command to extract tgz files

The tar command is a powerful tool that can be used to create, extract, and manipulate tar archives. The tar command is installed by default in most Linux distributions, and it is used to create tar archives. The tar command can also be used to extract tar archives, including tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives.

The following command can be used in the terminal to extract a tgz file:

The -x flag is used to extract a file, the -z flag is used to filter the archive through gzip, and the -v flag is used for verbose output. It is also possible to extract tar.bz2 or .tbz2 files using the -j flag. The -C option can be used to extract files to a different directory.

For example, the following command can be used to extract a tgz file to a different directory:

tar -xvzf filename.tgz -C /path/to/directory 

Extracting tgz files without using the command-line

Graphical interfaces such as Gnome Archive Manager can be used to extract tgz files. The preinstalled archive manager in most Linux distributions can also be used to extract tar.gz files.

Additionally, WinZip and 7-Zip can also be used to extract tgz files in Windows environments.

How to Extract a tar.gz File in Linux using Terminal

What command do I need to unzip/extract a .tar.gz file?installation — How to extract a tar.gz Duration: 2:15

Other helpful tips for extracting tgz files

The decompression option can be used to extract .tgz files directly from the standard input stream. This can be useful when working with large files or when the file is being streamed from another source.

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The -f flag can be used to specify a file to be used as input. This can be useful when the file is not in the current working directory.

Multiple tar.gz files can be extracted into separate folders using the mkdir command. For example, the following command can be used to extract multiple tar.gz files into separate folders:

for file in *.tar.gz; do mkdir "$" && tar -xvzf "$file" -C "$"; done 

TGZ files can be created using the tar command in Linux or Unix. The following command can be used to create a tgz file:

tar -cvzf filename.tgz /path/to/directory 

The -c flag is used to create an archive, the -v flag is used for verbose output, and the -z flag is used to filter the archive through gzip.

Other code examples for extracting TGZ files in Linux

In Shell , how to extract tgz file in linux code sample

tar zxvf file_name.tgzwhere, -z : Uncompress the resulting archive with gzip command -x : Extract to disk from the archive -v : Produce verbose output i.e. show progress and file names while extracting files -f backup.tgz : Read the archive from the specified file called backup.tgz

In Shell , in particular, linux extract tgz code example


extracting TGZ files in Linux can be done using the tar command or graphical interfaces. The tar command provides various options for extracting and creating tar.gz files. Other helpful tips include extracting files to a different directory and using WinZip or 7-Zip in Windows environments. TGZ files can be created using the tar command in Linux or Unix.


Распаковка .tgz файлов в Unix/Linux

Сейчас расскажу как можно распаковать файлы которые запакованы в tgz, на готовом примере я покажу в своей статье «Распаковка .tgz файлов в Unix/Linux».

Я новый пользователь Linux. У меня некоторые проблемы с терминалом и я не знаю некоторые команды. И например, я забываю всегда как можно распаковать архив .tgz (tar.gz) на Linux с помощью параметров командной строки.

Распаковка .tgz файлов

Синтаксис выглядит следующим образом:

$ tar zxvf file_Name_your_archive.tgz

Или можно использовать синтаксис Bash который открывает «трубу» и распакует ваш архив:

$ gunzip -c file_Name_your_archive.tgz | tar xvf -

В этом примере, чтобы распаковать файл с именем my_backup.tgz, выполните:

$ gunzip -c my_backup.tgz | tar xvf -

Чтобы распаковать все файлы и поместить их в другую папку или каталог (например /usr/local/src), введите:

$ tar zxvf backups.tgz -C /usr/local/src

Можно посмотреть, имеются ли файлы в том каталоге:

Команды tar
-z : Распакует полученный архив с помощью команды GZIP.
-x : Извлечение файлов на диск из архива.
-v : Показывает сам процесс распаковки файлов при извлечении файлов.
-f my_backup.tgz : Read the archive from the specified file called my_backup.tgz.
-C /usr/local/src : Распаковка/ извлечение файлов в /usr/local/src вместо текущей директории по умолчанию.

Мне нравится еще использовать утилиту zcat:

$ yum install zcat $ apt-get install zcat $ pkg_add -r zcat
$ zcat -fhLV my_beckap.tgz|mysql < BD_name

Данный архив содержит файл с БД (sql), программа zcat открывает «трубу», после чего начнет распаковку и сразу же будет перенаправлять все данные в mysql (я указал в нужную мне базу).

Распаковка .tgz файлов в Unix/Linux закончена.


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