Failed to bind to port linux

Failed to bind to port linux

It shows dpserve in the place of 7020 . So, that’s why our first search ended up with no entries. Now we know port 7020 was used by the dpserve protocol for service type dpserve [2,3] .

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Travel for Life The American travel writer Paul Theroux once wrote: «Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.«

Healthy pursuits are like traveling. We know there is a wonderland called wellness. But, there are no fixed routes to reach there. The pursuits need effort and determination. We cannot act like tourists who don’t know where they’ve been. We must take notes of warning signs sent by our bodies.

On the journey to wellness, there are many dangers to be avoided; there are many footsteps to be taken; unfortunately, there are no short-cuts.

Travelers walking in the night follow North Star. Healthy pursuits work similarly. We know our goal; we know the signposts; we know the dangers on the road; we can adjust pace if we are tired; we can change travel plans due to the weather. But, We walk steadily and persistently. With my companionship, hopefully, your journey will be made easier.

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Resolving the Server Error «Failed to bind to port» or «Address already in use»

When your SimpleHelp server launches it reads the configuration file called serverconfig.xml (located in the configuration directory) and tries to bind to all the TCP/UDP ports specified in that file. These are typically chosen automatically when you install and are edited manually if necessary via the Administration tab in the Technician Console.

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Only one application can use a port directly on a particular network address. If other software is already using a specified port then SimpleHelp will be unable to utilise that port. When SimpleHelp starts it will log any critical launch errors in the log file called server.log. If you received an error such as»Failed to bind to port» or «Address already in use» then it can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • Some other software is already bound to the ports that SimpleHelp is configured to use.
  • The SimpleHelp server does not have permissions to bind to the ports that it is configured to use.

It is possible to run two applications on the same port if they each bind to different IP addresses. For example, if server has two IP addresses ( and then SimpleHelp can be configured to use one of these addresses, leaving the second application to use the other. You can configure IP associations in the Administration Tab.

How to identify applications using a specific port on Windows

On Windows you can run the following command in a Command Prompt window to display all the applications using local ports:

The output produced will be similar to the following snippet:


Each row represents a local port in use. Look for rows that have the LISTENING state and mention the port that SimpleHelp is configured to use. For example, the text ( indicates that port 80 is in use on all local addresses by a process with process ID 1480. Note that the protocol here indicates that this is a TCP port. You can now use Task Manager to identify which application is 1480.

How to identify applications using a specific port on Linux

On Linux you can run the following command in a terminal window to display all the applications using local ports:

Note that super user privileges are required to show the processes bound to the ports. The output produced will be similar to the following snippet:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1317/sshd tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 20251/sshd: root@no 

Each row represents a local port in use. Look for rows that have the LISTENING state and mention the port that SimpleHelp is configured to use. For example, the text ( indicates that port 22 is in use on all local addresses by a process with process ID 1317 (sshd). Note that the protocol here indicates that this is a TCP port.

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Permissions to bind to specific ports on Linux

On Linux, macOS, BSD and other operating systems super user permissions are required to bind to low port numbers (usually ports under 1024). If SimpleHelp is configured to use ports 80 and 443 (for example) and the server is started without appropriate super user permissions then the server will be unable to bind to the specified ports. Relaunching the server using sudo or some other mechanism will resolve the issue.


ssh error — bind to port 22 failed: Address already in use

I am trying to get my own web server started. I have installed a fresh copy of ubuntu server and openSSH. I can SSH into the server fine by using the internal IP ( but cannot access it through my external IP address. I have set up port forwarding but still get ‘connection refused’ from putty. One thing I have noticed is that if I log on to my web server and type sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -d I get the following errors:

debug1: Bind to port 22 pm Bind to port 22 on failed: Address already in use. debug1: Bind to port 22 on . Bind to port 22 on :: failed: Address already in use. 

I’m guessing this is the cause of my problems trying to ssh using my external address? I’ve tried to disable ipv6, but only one of the errors is fixed when I do this EDIT: netstat -tan | grep LIST gives the following result

tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 . 22 . * LISTEN 
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN 620/sshd tcp6 0 0 . 22 . * LISTEN 620/sshd udp 0 0* 604/dhclient3 

you already have something running under port 22. Find out which service with «netstat -tulpn» . I am assuming you are using linux-flavored distro !

ip addr You have not specified how your «external address» is configured other than to say you setup port forwarding which could mean a number of things.

You already have sshd running. It’s running perfectly fine, as evidenced by the fact that you can ssh directly to and the results for the netstat. What’s most likely happening is that the port forwarding from your router either isn’t working/setup properly. What’s your public IP address? (ok, maybe don’t tell us that :-). Does your internal server have only 1 IP address? Or does it have two, one in the DMZ and one internal? If there’s a DMZ IP make sure the SSHD conf binds to that IP too (should be default default to all IPs).

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2 Answers 2

sshd is already running, as evidenced by your netstat. It is also bound to all IPs ( in the netstat) so there should be no problem there.

Do you have a firewall on your router? You may have port forwarding enabled but a firewall may still be dropping the 22. It is also possible that your ISP is blocking 22 before it even gets to you. I would also do an iptables -F (drop all the iptables rules) to be sure; they’ll return on a reboot (or you can restore them using iptables-restore).

You can confirm that sshd is not refusing the connections by checking /var/log/auth.log for the refused connections.

If you’ve confirmed that you have no refused connections in your logs and no firewall on your router then I would suggest changing SSH to use a port other than 22 (a random high port > 1024). You can do that by editing /etc/ssh/ssh_config and changing «Port 22» to something higher.

EDIT: Update from the comments to save a read; you should also try checking from an IP outside of your network in circumstances like this. In this case the ISP was blocking port 22, and connecting to a high port internally (specifying the external IP) was not working, probably due to a lack of hairpin NAT.


CentOS 6.3. SSH. Bind to port xxx on failed: Permission denied

CentOS 6.3 Minimal Configuration. Installed SSH Server, port 22. All works correctly. I change port 22 on 777 and restart sshd and see in logs:

Jul 26 01:01:07 myserver sshd[1590]: error: Bind to port 777 on failed: Permission denied. Jul 26 01:01:07 myserver sshd[1590]: error: Bind to port 777 on :: failed: Permission denied. Jul 26 01:01:07 myserver sshd[1590]: fatal: Cannot bind any address. 
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 777 -j ACCEPT 

5 Answers 5

Centos uses SELinux by default and I don’t think Ubuntu does (or least I’ve not seen it). Have a look for SElinux permission errors in your logs too.

SELinux does not allow sshd to be run on another port on a default install of CentOS 6.3. Follow -> :

  • dig a hole into your firewall (you already did that)
  • add a rule for SELinux to allow sshd to be run on port 777: sudo semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 777

you can disable selinux with command sudo setenforce 0.

firewall-cmd —add-port=777/tcp —permanent

The problem is informing SELinux, but I think there are two cases:

    the port is not already allocated for a built-in service, in such case, this may work:

sudo semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 22777 
sudo semanage port --modify -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 777 

Of course, such ports should be then made available by updating the firewall:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=22777/tcp --permanent 
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=777/tcp --permanent 


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