Fern wifi cracker on kali linux

Fern — The WiFi Cracker

Fern WiFi cracker, The name says about it. It’s a GUI based WiFi security auditing tool that written on Python. Fern WiFi cracker can crack and recover WEP/WPA/WPS keys and also run other network based attacks on wireless or Ethernet based networks. Fern created by Saviour Emmanuel Ekiko.

In today’s tutorial we learn how we can run security auditing on a WiFi network from our Kali Linux system using Fern WiFi cracker tool.

Key-Features of Fern WiFi Cracker:

  • WEP Cracking with Fragmentation,Chop-Chop, Caffe-Latte, Hirte, ARP Request Replay or WPS attack.
  • WPA/WPA2 Cracking with Dictionary or WPS based attacks.
  • Automatic saving of key in database on successful crack.
  • Automatic Access Point Attack System.
  • Session Hijacking (Passive and Ethernet Modes).
  • Access Point MAC Address Geo Location Tracking.
  • Internal MITM Engine.
  • Bruteforce Attacks (HTTP,HTTPS,TELNET,FTP).
  • Update support.

Using Fern in Kali Linux

Fern WiFi cracker comes pre-installed with Kali Linux latest full version. We can run it from the Kali Linux application menu Wireless Attacks > fern wifi cracker.

Or we can run following command on our terminal to open Fern.

It will ask us the sudo password to run because fern needs superuser access to do it’s work. After providing it will run and we got it’s main menu like following screenshot:

Every time we open fern it will check for update and if we have a updated version of Kali then it will ask us to use it’s professional version. It is available for purchase in http://www.fern-pro.com. We are not going to buy it so we choose «No» and the main menu of Fern opens like the following screenshot:

Here we need to choose the network interface. Here one thing, to play with WiFi security we must need a special external WiFi adapter that supports monitor mode and packet injection.

Now we select the network interface. Usually our devices internal WiFi is the wlan0 interface and to use monitor modes from our external WiFi adapter we need to select wlan1 interface, as we did in the following screenshot:

Now we need to click on the «Scan for Access Point» button then it will scan for nearby WiFi networks (WEP and WAP type of wireless protocols).

Here in our following screenshot we can see that we found a single WiFi network (because we are testing this on a remote area in our own system). On the cities we can found lots of WiFi networks.

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In the above screenshot we click on the on the 1 detected WiFi WPA button and we got the attack interface as following screenshot:

Now here we need to choose options to perform attack. We choose the attack type to «Regular attack». Then we choose the dictionary file to crack the WiFi password.

Here we need a dictionary file. A dictionary file/wordlist is a text file that contains lots of passwords. Our attack will follow the brute-force method first it capture the handshake file from the WiFi network then it try to crack the handshake file by brute-force method from our given password file. We will discuss about how it works later.

A bigger dictionary file or wordlist file provides us higher success rate but it may consume time. We can find a good dictionary file or wordlist file from the internet.

Our Kali Linux comes with some WiFi password lists. We can find them on /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/WiFi-WPA/ location on our system.

Passwordlist in Kali Linux

For our this example tutorial we are going to use one of these password lists.

So in the attack pane we choose one wordlist from this directory and click on open to select it.

Now we just need to click on the attack button. Rest everything will be done automatically.

After some time we got our targeted networks WiFi password.

Yes, we did it. We can see the password in red bold line on above screenshot.

Sometime after using this tool our network manager might down. To solve this we can do a restart or use following command:

sudo service network-manager restart

The above command might not work in VMware installation Kali Linux. If we are using a Virtual install then we should follow this method.

How Does it Work?

Here we discuss on the basics without diving deeper technological terms. We know that when we connect our device to a new protected WiFI we need the password. But from the second time we don’t need the the password, Why? Because the password stored in our device for that WiFi network. It stores the hash value of password (not the plain text).

When we try to connect for second time the device sends the password in hash format to the WiFi router and asks to connect (handshake). The router checks everything is correct and allow it to connect.

This tool sends de-authentication packets to the router using our special WiFi adapter.(That’s why we need a WiFi router that supports packet injection). For the de-authentication packets all the connected devices with the router got disconnected and as we know after this those disconnected devices again try to connect with the target router.

Whenever the devices try to connect with the router our fern tool will catch the handshake file with the password hashes.

Now these passwords are encrypted and we need a list of password and our tool with match this hash one by one from our given passwordlist (wordlist or dictionary file). This is brute-force attack. If the password will be in our list then we can get it easily. Bigger size of wordlists can increase provide us higher success rate. Come on almost everyone uses common passwords, because these kind of passwords are easy to remember.

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When we click on the «Attack» button it starts sending de-authentication packets to the Wi-Fi network. Then «Fern WiFi cracker» starts to crack the password from our given wordlist.

The total process requires at least one active WiFi user on the network otherwise we don’t get the handshake file.

Fern WiFi cracker spoofs our Mac address so attacker’s devices original identity will be hidden. To know more about Mac spoofing read our this article.

Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational propose. Attacking others devices considered as criminal offense. We don’t support that. This is for spreading awareness that we should choose a very strong password for us. We have used this against our own network.

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Fern Wifi Cracker

Описание Fern Wifi Cracker

Fern Wifi Cracker — это программное обеспечение для аудита беспроводной безопасности, написано с использованием языка программирования Python и библиотеки Python Qt GUI. Программа способна взламывать и восстанавливать WEP/WPA/WPS ключи и также запускать другие сетевые атаки на беспроводные или проводные сети.

Fern Wifi Cracker в настоящее время поддерживает следующие функции:

  1. Взлом WEP с использованием фрагментационной, чоп-чоп, кофе Латте, Hirte, воспроизведение запросов ARP или WPS атак
  2. Взлом WPA/WPA2 по словарю или основанными на WPS атаками
  3. Автоматическое сохранение ключей в базе данных при успешном взломе
  4. Автоматизированная система атаки точки доступа
  5. Перехват сессий (Hijacking) (Пассивный и Ethernet режимы)
  6. Геолокационный трекинг MAC адреса точки доступа
  7. Внутренний движок MITM (человек-посередине)
  8. Брутфорс атаки (HTTP,HTTPS,TELNET,FTP)
  9. Поддержка обновлений

Автор: Saviour Emmanuel Ekiko

Справка по Fern Wifi Cracker

Справка отсутствует, поскольку эта программа имеет только графический пользовательский интерфейс.

Руководство по Fern Wifi Cracker

Примеры запуска Fern Wifi Cracker

Установка Fern Wifi Cracker

Программа предустановлена в Kali Linux.

Установка в BlackArch

Программа предустановлена в BlackArch.

sudo pacman -S fern-wifi-cracker

Информация об установке в другие операционные системы будет добавлена позже.

Скриншоты Fern Wifi Cracker

Инструкции по Fern Wifi Cracker


Day 49 — Fern WiFi Cracker — 100 tools in 100 days!

This post is designed to introduce you to the tool Fern WiFi Cracker.

Disclaimer : Please only use Fern WiFi Cracker for professional and educational reasons. Do not use this tool for nefarious or malicious reasons.

1. Introduction

Welcome to the forty-ninth blog post of 100 tools in 100 days.

Find Fern WiFi Cracker @ GitHub here.

2. My Setup

For running the Fern WiFi Cracker tool, I used Kali Linux in a VMware Workstation 16 Player virtualized environment.

For my network card, I used an Alfa Network AWUS036NHA USB card in monitor mode.

For my victim network, I am using a private Linksys WRT54GL router broadcasting a 2.4Ghz SSID.

For my wordlist I am using a top 4800 WPA list from SecLists found here.

Note: For you to use Fern WiFi Cracker you will need a wireless card that has monitor mode.

The majority of wireless cards do not have monitor mode.

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Please see an article here on monitor capable wireless cards.

3. What is Fern WiFi Cracker?

If you were around on Day 004 of this blog series I discussed the tool Kismet which is a wireless network detector, sniffer, wardriver, and WIDS.

Fern WiFi Cracker tool is a tool that functions similarly to Kismet, except this tool is used just for attacking WiFi networks.

4. Why use Fern WiFi Cracker?

Some penetration tests require an analyst to connect directly to an organization’s wireless network in order to gain initial or extended access.

Fern WiFi Cracker automates that process in a GUI supported tool which makes getting into protected wireless systems easier. This tool uses wordlists to perform dictionary attacks against the SSID after deauthorizing a MAC address.

Disclaimer : Please only use Fern WiFi Cracker on wireless networks you have explicit legal access to. Attempting to steal your neighbor’s internet is ILLEGAL.

5. How to use Fern WiFi Cracker?

First, you must have a wireless card that supports monitor mode, see section 2 of this post if you are unsure.

Second, Fern Wifi Cracker comes with Kali Linux so no installation is needed during this blog.

In order for this attack to work, you must have a wordlist with the password. This is not always viable or realistic, but for default and weak credentials, this attack method may work. I used the shuffle command to display a random line from the wordlist file, the password chosen for this test was fishhead .

Step 1: Navigate to your applications menu and to the section: '06 - Wireless Attacks' Click "fern wifi cracker" 

Step 2: If you are not roo enter your root password in the prompt. 

Step 3: The GUI will open and you are presented with an option to select your interface network device. Select your wireless card with monitor and injection capabilities, likely wlan0. 

Step 4: Click the blue wireless signal button to activate scanning mode for discovering nearby wireless access points. Once you see XX detected click either WPA or WEP to view the SSID's found. 

Step 5: This is the attack menu, click the target access point and click browse to select a wordlist file for the dictionary attack. I chose the top 4800 WPA list from SecLists. 

Step 6: Once ready click attack in the top right of the window. This will initiate a probe to find MAC addresses currently connected. Then the tool will attempt a deauthentication process in order to appear as the MAC address of the deauthenticated device in order to initiate a handshake to the wireless access point. 

Step 7: Once the handshake is complete the tool will initiate the dictionary attack and if successful will display the password and connect to the network. 

Step 8: If you want to view previously cracked access points and their passwords click 'Key Database' on the original menu. 

6. Summary

Fern WiFi Cracker does exactly as it sounds, it performs MAC address sniffing on a wireless network, deauthenticates the chosen device, clones the MAC address, and attempts to perform a handshake with the access point.

Once a handshake is established the tool then performs a dictionary attack against the access point in order to gain access to the network.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

If you have suggestions for what tool to cover next, contact me!


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