File size limits linux

how the file size is limited on a specific file system? [closed]

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can any one give the details .. I can not find it in the net.

2 Answers 2

The file size limit of a filesystem is generally decided by the size of the variable containing its file size. In a filesystem where the size is defined as a 32 bit unsigned integer you will not be able to store a file larger than 2^32-1 (=4294967295) bytes in size. On many modern filesystems file size is commonly stored as 64 bits which gives a maximum file size of 2^64 (16 EiB), a very large number.

The maximum size of the filesystem itself is generally limited by the size of the addresses of the filesystem blocks times the filesystem block size. On old FAT16 filesystems the addresses were limited to 16 bits (=65536 unique addresses) and block (or cluster) size were limited to maximum 64kB, this led to the limit of 4GB maximum filesystem size, this was the reason that a larger variant, FAT32, was developed. On modern filesystems such as NTFS, ext4, btrfs, and many others the maximum filesystem size is very large and not likely to be hit in a long time. However, because of limitations in the implementations, there are some artificial limits that are lower than the actual format limit in some cases, for example NTFS has a filesystem size limit of 256TB (according to Wikipedia).

I don’t really get what you are up to, but I try to answer nevertheless.

A file system limits its maximum file size due to several reasons:

  • The field for the file size entry in the inode has a maximum size
  • The numbers of blocks per file max be limited

For example, in a 32 bit field you can enter only a maximum value of 4*1024^3 — so this is the maximum size.


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How to Use the ulimit Linux Command

ulimit is a built-in Linux shell command that allows viewing or limiting system resource amounts that individual users consume. Limiting resource usage is valuable in environments with multiple users and system performance issues.

In this tutorial, you will learn to use the ulimit command in Linux with examples.

How to use the ulimit command in Linux.

What Is limits.conf?

The limits.conf file is a configuration file that defines the system resource allocation settings ulimit uses. The full path to the configuration file is /etc/security/limits.conf.

Changing the values in the file persist after system reboot. Superuser permissions are required for editing the limits.conf file.

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The first section of the limits.conf file looks like this:

What is limits conf?

ulimit, Soft Limit, and Hard Limit in Linux Explained

The following sections explain the ulimit syntax and the difference between two resource limitation types — a soft limit and hard limit.

Note: Use the top command to obtain information about the running processes and resource usage in a system.

ulimit Syntax

The ulimit command takes the following general syntax:

For example, to set the physical memory size in kilobytes, enter:


Use the ulimit flags to view or limit individual values for various system resources. When a [limit] is given, it is the new value of the specified resource.

Flag Description
-H The hard limit for the given resource. Only root users can raise the hard limit, and any process can lower it.
-S The soft limit for the given resource. Any process can change the soft limit.
-a Lists all current resource limits.
-b The maximum socket buffer size.
-c The core dump size, expressed in the number of 512-byte blocks.
-d The data area size, in kilobytes.
-e The highest process scheduling priority (nice).
-f The file size limit in blocks when using the [limit] parameter. Not specifying a [limit] instructs the command to report the file size limit.
-i The pending signal number limit.
-k The queue allocation number limit.
-l The maximum size allowed for locking in memory.
-m The physical memory size, in kilobytes.
-n The maximum number of file descriptors that a process can have.
-p The pipe buffer size.
-P The maximum number of pseudoterminals.
-q The maximum number of bytes in POSIX message queues.
-r The maximum number of threads a process can have.
-R The maximum process running time, expressed in microseconds.
-s The stack size, in kilobytes.
-t Specifies a process’ maximum running time, in seconds.
-T The thread number limit.
-u Specifies how many processes a user can create.
-v The maximum virtual memory available for processes.
-x The maximum number of file locks.

Note: If your system doesn’t support a feature, the corresponding flag does not work.

[limit] Parameter

Adding a [limit] passes the new value for the specified resources. When omitted, the command prints the current soft limit value for the specified resource, unless you specify the -H flag.

The limit applies to both the soft and hard limit if neither the -H nor -S flags are specified.

Exit Values

The ulimit command has two exit values:

  • 0 . Marks a successful completion.
  • >0 . A request for a higher limit was rejected or an error occurred.

Soft Limit

The soft resource limits are kernel-enforced values for the corresponding resource. The soft limit is manageable by any user, and its maximum value cannot exceed the hard limit. The hard limit acts as a ceiling for the soft limit.

To view the detailed soft limits for the current user, run:

An example of the soft resource limit in Linux.

Hard Limit

The hard resource limit defines physical resource limit for a user. At the same time, the hard limit is the maximum value for soft limit. Only root users are allowed to change the hard limit.

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To view the detailed hard limits for the current user, run:

View the hard resource limit in Linux.

Note: To avoid performance issues and noisy neighbors, choose one of our Bare Metal Cloud instances. With dedicated compute power, you do not have to worry about resource contention.

How to Use ulimit

Run the ulimit command by entering the command name in the terminal:

An example of the ulimit command output.

The output shows the resource amount that the current user has access to. In this example, the user has unlimited system resources. To view or set individual resource limits, use the available ulimit flags.

The following sections lists the most common uses of the ulimit command.

Detailed Limit Report

Get a detailed report with all resource limits for the current user by specifying the -a flag:

Getting a detailed ulimit command report.

The output contains a detailed report about the resource limits for the current user.

Limit Process Number

Limit a user’s maximum process number by specifying the -u flag and the number of processes.

For example, we will limit the process number to 10:

Restricting the maximum process number per user prevents them from using up all the system’s resources. Limiting the process number also prevents the adverse effects of potential attacks such as fork bomb.

Using ulimit to limit the number of processes in Linux.

In the example above, we first limited the process number to 10, and then executed a fork bomb. The fork bomb would otherwise use up all the resources and make the system unresponsive.

Note: See why fork bombs are dangerous and what other Linux commands you should never run.

Limit File Size

The -f flag sets the maximum file size that a user can make. For example, the following command limits the file size to 50KB:

Test if the limit works by creating a larger file. For example, we used the cat command to redirect the /dev/zero output to a file, which would be much larger than 50KB:

Limiting the size of file a user can create in Linux.

The output states that the file size limit has been exceeded. Check the file size by running:

Checking the file size in Linux using the ls command.

The ls command output shows that the file size is exactly 50KB, which is the limit we have previously set.

Limit Maximum Virtual Memory

Use the -v flag to set the maximum virtual memory amount available to a process. Limiting a process’ virtual memory stops it from using up all the memory and prevents thrashing.

For example, the following command limits the virtual memory available for a process to 1000KB:

Limit the Number of Open Files

The -n flag limits the number of simultaneously opened files (file descriptors). The following example sets the number of open files to five:

To test this, we will try to open multiple text files, which results in an error:

Limiting the number of files a user can open simultaneously.

Edit limits.conf file to Change Soft or Hard Limit

To change the soft or hard limit, edit the values in the limits.conf file.

1. Open a terminal window and change the directory to /etc/security :

2. Open the limits.conf file using a text editor, such as the vim editor.

3. Change the limit values by editing the existing entries or adding a new one. Each limitation entry has four parts:

  • . Defines a user, a group, or contains a wildcard ( * or % ).
  • . Accepts two values — soft or hard .
  • . Accepts any of the values listed in the configuration file.
  • . An integer value expressed in a unit associated with .

Adding an entry to a limits.conf file.

Make sure to uncomment the line when editing the config file.

You now know how to use the ulimit command to prevent users, buggy commands, or programs from utilizing an excessive system resource amount. Unlimited resource use in a shared environment impacts other users’ experience, so the best way to prevent it is to set appropriate limits.

Having worked as an educator and content writer, combined with his lifelong passion for all things high-tech, Bosko strives to simplify intricate concepts and make them user-friendly. That has led him to technical writing at PhoenixNAP, where he continues his mission of spreading knowledge.

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How to set a file size limit for a directory?

I have a directory on my system which is used for a specific reason by applications and users, but I don’t want its size to be allowed to exceed 2GB, is there a way of setting up some sort of limit which just doesn’t allow the file size to exceed that or any other amount I decide to set for it in the future? When the size limit is exceeded it should undo the last change (though there should be an option to have it so that it just stops the operation and doesn’t care if half a file was copied and left there) and then display a warning to the user. I am running Ubuntu GNOME 16.10 with GNOME 3.22.

1 Answer 1

Usual filesystem quota on ext4 is per-user/group, not per-directory. ZFS can sort-of set a directory quota, by creating a filesystem of a fixed size off a ZFS volume. A simple trick, though, is to create a 2GB file, create a filesystem on it, and mount it at the desired folder:

$ touch 2gbarea $ truncate -s 2G 2gbarea $ mke2fs -t ext4 -F 2gbarea mke2fs 1.43.3 (04-Sep-2016) Discarding device blocks: done Creating filesystem with 524288 4k blocks and 131072 inodes Filesystem UUID: bf1b2ee8-a7df-4a57-9d05-a8b60323e2bf Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (16384 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done $ sudo mount 2gbarea up $ df -h up Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/loop0 2.0G 6.0M 1.8G 1% /home/muru/up 

In any case, filesystem quotas (or methods like this) aren’t as user friendly as you want. This method is one-way flexible, in that you can increase the size online, but decreasing it would be hard.

  • touch : touch 2gbarea creates an empty file named 2gbarea .
  • truncate : truncate is used to resize files (in this case, I resize the currently empty 2gbarea file to 2 GB using -s 2G ).
  • mke2fs : mke2fs creates ext2/3/4 filesystems (in this case, ext4).
  • mount mounts the filesystem on the given directory.
  • df is used to list filesystem usage.


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