Find files with permissions linux

How can I find files that only have certain permission for owner?

I would like to find files only by a certain user’s permission. For example, if I want to find a file that I have full permission. I may do something like:

2 Answers 2

find /path/to/file -user user1 -perm -u+rwx 

This means: look for files starting in /path/to/files , owned by user1 , where the permissions for group and other can be anything ( — in front of the permission string) and the users permissions are only: rwx

To search for files only (no directories) then add -type f .

Also, try some reading. This has great examples: Find tutorial

-perm -mode

All of the permission bits mode are set for the file. Symbolic modes are accepted in this form, and this is usually the way in which would want to use them. You must specify ‘u’, ‘g’ or ‘o’ if you use a symbolic mode.

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -007 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -006 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -005 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rx,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -004 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, rx, r,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -003 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, wx,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -002 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, wx, w,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -001 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rx, wx, x,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm -000 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, rx, wx, r, w, x, 0,

-perm /mode

Any of the permission bits mode are set for the file. Symbolic modes are accepted in this form. You must specify ‘u’, ‘g’ or ‘o’ if you use a symbolic mode. (. ) If no permission bits in mode are set, this test matches any file (the idea here is to be consistent with the behaviour of -perm -000 ).

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /007 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, rx, wx, r, w, x,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /006 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, rx, wx, r, w,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /005 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, rx, wx, r, x,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /004 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, rx, r,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /003 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, rx, wx, w, x,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /002 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rw, wx, w,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /001 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rx, wx, x,

find . -user $(whoami) -perm /000 

for the specified user, it returns files with the following privileges: rwx, rx, rw, wx, r, w, x, 0.

Examples have been tested.

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How to Find Files With SUID and SGID Permissions in Linux

In this tutorial, we will explain auxiliary file permissions, commonly referred to as “special permissions” in Linux, and also we will show you how to find files which have SUID (Setuid) and SGID (Setgid) set.

What is SUID and SGID?

SUID is a special file permission for executable files which enables other users to run the file with effective permissions of the file owner. Instead of the normal x which represents execute permissions, you will see an s (to indicate SUID) special permission for the user.

SGID is a special file permission that also applies to executable files and enables other users to inherit the effective GID of file group owner. Likewise, rather than the usual x which represents execute permissions, you will see an s (to indicate SGID) special permission for group user.

Let’s look at how to find files which have SUID and SGID set using the find command.

$ find directory -perm /permissions

Important: Certain directories (such as /etc, /bin, /sbin etc.) or files require root privileges in order to be accessed or listed, if you are managing your system as a normal user, use the sudo command to gain root privileges.

How to Find Files with SUID Set in Linux

This below example command will find all files with SUID set in the current directory using -perm (print files only with permissions set to 4000) option.

Find Files with SUID Permissions

You can use the ls command with -l option (for long listing) to view the permissions on the listed files as shown in the image above.

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How to Find Files with SGID Set in Linux

To find files which have SGID set, type the following command.

Find Files with SGID Permissions

To find files which have both SUID and SGID set, run the command below.

Find Files with SUID and SGID

You may also like to read these useful guides about file permissions in Linux:

That’s it for now! In this guide, we showed you how to find files which have SUID (Setuid) and SGID (Setgid) set in Linux. If you have any questions, use the feedback form below to share any queries or additional thoughts about this topic.


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