Find if port is in use linux

How to find ports opened by process ID in Linux?

Hmm..I don’t seem to have the —all and —program options. I’m using OSX. Brew doesn’t seem to have a formula for it either.

-n will dramatically speed things up by not resolving hostnames. netsta -tupan is a good default command all and easy to remember.

You can use the command below:

As a side note, netstat -ao will read the /proc/PID/tcp etc to see the ports opened by the process. This means that its reading information supplied by the system (the linux KERNEL), and is in no way directly looking on the network interface or other means. Same goes for lsof.

If you are doing this as a security measure, you failed. You should never (NEVER EVER) trust the output of netstat, even if you are 100% sure you are in fact running a real netstat program (as opposed to a trojaned version) or any other program that reads the /proc filesystem. Some people seem to think that netstat, ls, ps or any other of the standard unix tools do some sort of magic and poll information from the sources, the truth is all of them rely on the /proc filesystem to get all of their data, which can be easily subverted by a rootkit or hypervisor.

If you’re dealing with a rootkitted system or a compromised hypervisor, you can’t trust anything, including something that purports to look directly at the network interface.

You can use the netstat command line tool with the -p command line argument:

-p (Linux):

Process: Show which processes are using which sockets (similar to -b under Windows). You must be root to do this.

To display all ports open by a process with id $PID :

In some embedded devices or with old version of Linux, the problem is netstat do not have —process or -p options available.

The following script shows process with its IP and port, you must be root.

#!/bin/bash for protocol in tcp udp ; do #echo "protocol $protocol" ; for ipportinode in `cat /proc/net/$ | awk '/.*:.*:.*/'` ; do #echo "#ipportinode=$ipportinode" inode=`echo "$ipportinode" | cut -d"|" -f3` ; if [ "#$inode" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi lspid=`ls -l /proc/*/fd/* 2>/dev/null | grep "socket:\[$inode\]" 2>/dev/null` ; pid=`echo "lspid=$lspid" | awk 'BEGIN /socket/'` ; if [ "#$pid" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi exefile=`ls -l /proc/$pid/exe | awk 'BEGIN ">/->/'` #echo "$protocol|$pid|$ipportinode" echo "$protocol|$pid|$ipportinode|$exefile" | awk ' BEGIN function iphex2dec(ipport) < ret=sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d: %d","0x"substr(ipport,1,2),"0x"substr(ipport,3,2), "0x"substr(ipport,5,2),"0x"substr(ipport,7,2),"0x"substr(ipport,10,4)) ; if( ret == "" ) #compatibility others awk versions < ret= strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,1,2)) ; ret=ret "." strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,3,2)) ; ret=ret "." strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,5,2)) ; ret=ret "." strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,7,2)) ; ret=ret ":" strtonum("0x"substr(ipport,10)) ; >return ret ; > < print $1" pid:"$2" local="iphex2dec($3)" remote="iphex2dec($4)" inode:"$5" exe=" $6 ; >' ; #ls -l /proc/$pid/exe ; done ; done 
tcp pid:1454 local= remote= inode:13955 exe=/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/teamviewerd tcp pid:1468 local= remote= inode:12757 exe=/usr/sbin/dnsmasq tcp pid:1292 local= remote= inode:12599 exe=/usr/sbin/sshd tcp pid:4361 local= remote= inode:30576 exe=/usr/sbin/cupsd tcp pid:1375 local= remote= inode:12650 exe=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres 

With ls you can know the process route.

The fuser command says that the process is: 2054

I’ve added IPv6 support and made a few fixes. Additionally on my system the octets of the IP address are reversed. Dependencies are only to posix shell, awk and cut.

My Version can be found on Github

#!/bin/sh # prints all open ports from /proc/net/* # # for pretty output (if available) start with # ./ | column -t -s $'\t' #set -x ip4hex2dec () < local ip4_1octet="0x$" local ip4_2octet="$" ip4_2octet="0x$" local ip4_3octet="$" ip4_3octet="0x$" local ip4_4octet="$" ip4_4octet="0x$" local ip4_port="0x$" # if not used inverse #printf "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d" "$ip4_1octet" "$ip4_2octet" "$ip4_3octet" "$ip4_4octet" "$ip4_port" printf "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d" "$ip4_4octet" "$ip4_3octet" "$ip4_2octet" "$ip4_1octet" "$ip4_port" > # reoder bytes, byte4 is byte1 byte2 is byte3 . reorderByte() < if [ $-ne 8 ]; then echo "missuse of function reorderByte"; exit; fi local byte1="$" local byte2="$" byte2="$" local byte3="$" byte3="$" local byte4="$" echo "$byte4$byte3:$byte2$byte1" > # on normal intel platform the byte order of the ipv6 address in /proc/net/*6 has to be reordered. ip6hex2dec()< local ip_str="$" local ip6_port="0x$" local ipv6="$(reorderByte $)" local shiftmask="$" ipv6="$ipv6:$(reorderByte $)" shiftmask="$" ipv6="$ipv6:$(reorderByte $)" ipv6="$ipv6:$(reorderByte $)" ipv6=$(echo $ipv6 | awk '< gsub(/(:0|^0)/, ":"); sub(/(:0)+:/, "::");print>') printf "%s:%d" "$ipv6" "$ip6_port" > for protocol in tcp tcp6 udp udp6 raw raw6; do #echo "protocol $protocol" ; for ipportinode in `cat /proc/net/$protocol | awk '/.*:.*:.*/'` ; do #echo "#ipportinode=$ipportinode" inode=$ if [ "#$inode" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi lspid=`ls -l /proc/*/fd/* 2>/dev/null | grep "socket:\[$inode\]" 2>/dev/null` ; pids=`echo "$lspid" | awk 'BEGIN /socket/ END>'` ; # removes duplicats for this pid #echo "#lspid:$lspid #pids:$pids" for pid in $pids; do if [ "#$pid" = "#" ] ; then continue ; fi exefile=`ls -l /proc/$pid/exe | awk 'BEGIN ">/->/'`; cmdline=`cat /proc/$pid/cmdline` local_adr_hex=$ remote_adr_hex=$ remote_adr_hex=$ if [ "#$" = "#6" ]; then local_adr=$(ip6hex2dec $local_adr_hex) remote_adr=$(ip6hex2dec $remote_adr_hex) else local_adr=$(ip4hex2dec $local_adr_hex) remote_adr=$(ip4hex2dec $remote_adr_hex) fi echo "$protocol pid:$pid \t$local_adr \t$remote_adr \tinode:$inode \t$exefile $cmdline" done done done 


How to check if a certain port is open and unused?

Could you please help and tell how can i find out if port 80 is open and unused so that I can start installation.

For what it’s worth, /etc/services is completely static. Grepping it can tell you if a port is officially designated by IANA or some such, but does not tell whether or not it’s in local use.

9 Answers 9

sudo netstat -anp | grep ':80 ' 

That should give you pid & name of the process that holds port 80

This can be achieved using the nc command as follows:

It will return TRUE if the port is already in use, or FALSE is it (i.e, available not listening currently).

I don’t recommend lsof or netstat method as it first try to scan all running PIDs to get all bounded ports:

# time lsof -i:8888 real 0m1.194s user 0m0.137s sys 0m1.056s``` # time nc -z 8888 real 0m0.014s user 0m0.011s sys 0m0.004s 

Here 8888 is an unused port. The nc command is ~85 times faster in the above example.

Eg 1:

$ nc -z 80 && echo "IN USE" || echo "FREE" IN USE $ nc -z 81 && echo "IN USE" || echo "FREE" FREE 

Eg 2:

If you are trying with a remote IP, it is better to add a timeout to auto-exit if it is not accepting connection for the specified time.

Its Google’s IP which is not used, so it will timeout after trying for 2 seconds.

This also works greatly when running inside the Docker image that uses host network. Inside the image, lsof incorrectly reports the port is not in use when it actually is.

The traditional version of nc does not include the -z option. See the differences between traditional and openbsd.

netstat -tln | tail -n +3 | awk '< print $4 >' 

This one displays bind addresses of TCP listening endpoints. All other endpoints are free; Also if on Unix and you are not root, then you can’t bind to a ‘privileged’ port number (port number lower than 1024).

Explained in more details:

  • netstat -tln — all listening tcp ports
  • tail -n +3 — cut off the header of netstat command
  • awk ‘< print $4 >‘ — print the fourth column that consists of [ip]:[port]

For the general case you still need to care to cut out all irrelevant interfaces; a listening address is listening on all network cards, if there is an IP address then that’s the specific IP of the network card/network interface.


Check if port is open or closed on a Linux server?

It’s not quite clear what you’re asking. What do you mean by «open»? Do you mean some server is listening on that port? Or do you mean it’s allowed by the system firewall? Or what?

nc -w5 -z -v , you should get something like Connection to 9000 port [tcp/*] succeeded! , otherwise port is closed.

A topic that contains an answer also for kernel level services and programs…

8 Answers 8

You can check if a process listens on a TCP or UDP port with netstat -tuplen .

To check whether some ports are accessible from the outside (this is probably what you want) you can use a port scanner like Nmap from another system. Running Nmap on the same host you want to check is quite useless for your purpose.

GNU netstat knows the parameters -t , -u , -p , -l , -e , and -n . Thanks to the options parser it can be expressed as -tuplen .

Also, the telnet command usually does only supports TCP, so you’re out of luck if the service you want to check runs on another protocol.

According to article: netstat is deprecated, and ss is it’s replacement, so you can do ss -an , ss -tuplen or for tcp listening sockets ss -ntlp .

Quickest way to test if a TCP port is open (including any hardware firewalls you may have), is to type, from a remote computer (e.g. your desktop):

Which will try to open a connection to port 80 on that server. If you get a time out or deny, the port is not open 🙂

OK, in summary, you have a server that you can log into. You want to see if something is listening on some port. As root, run:

this will show a listing of processes listening on TCP and UDP ports. You can scan (or grep) it for the process you’re interest in,and/or the port numbers you expect to see.

If the process you expect isn’t there, you should start up that process and check netstat again. If the process is there, but it’s listening on a interface and port that you did not expect, then there’s a configuration issue (e.g., it could be listening, but only on the loopback interface, so you would see and no other lines for port 3306, in the case of the default configuration for MySQL).

If the process is up, and it’s listening on the port you expect, you can try running a «telnet» to that port from your Macbook in your office/home, e.g.,

 telnet 443 

That will test if (assuming standard ports) that there’s a web server configured for SSL. Note that this test using telnet is only going to work if the process is listening on a TCP port. If it’s a UDP port, you may as well try with whatever client you were going to use to connect to it. (I see that you used port 224. This is masqdialer, and I have no idea what that is).

If the service is there, but you can’t get to it externally, then there’s a firewall blocking you. In that case, run:

This will show all the firewall rules as defined on your system. You can post that, but, generally, if you’re not allowing everything on the INPUT chain, you probably will need to explicitly allow traffic on the port in question:

 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 224 -j ACCEPT 

or something along those lines. Do not run your firewall commands blindly based on what some stranger has told you on the Internet. Consider what you’re doing.

If your firewall on the box is allowing the traffic you want, then your hosting company may be running a firewall (e.g., they’re only allowing SSH (22/tcp), HTTP (80/tcp) and HTTPS (443/tcp) and denying all other incoming traffic). In this case, you will need to open a helpdesk ticket with them to resolve this issue, though I suppose there might be something in your cPanel that may allow it.


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