Find linux ignore permission denied

How to Exclude Permission Denied Errors When Using Find Command in Linux/Unix

Learn how to exclude «permission denied» errors when using the find command in Linux/Unix systems. Follow these methods to optimize your search results and avoid frustrating errors.

  • Introduction
  • Using “find . 2>/dev/null > files_and_folders” to exclude all error messages, including “permission denied” errors
  • Using “find / -xdev -name “IDLE.*” -type f -ls > IDLE_find.txt 2> /dev/null” to exclude any results with “permission denied”
  • Closing or redirecting the “permission denied” printout statements using command-line
  • Appending 2>/dev/null to exclude the results that contain “permission denied” from the output
  • Using -type f option to force find to only search files and not directories
  • Using the option “-prune -o” to exclude directories
  • Important points to consider when using find command
  • Helpful points to consider when using find command
  • Other simple code samples for excluding permission denied errors in find command
  • Conclusion
  • How to exclude permission denied from find command?
  • How do I exclude a file in find command?
  • How do I resolve permission denied error?
  • How do I exclude paths in find command?

As a software developer or IT professional, you might have experienced the frustration of running a find command in Linux/Unix only to be bombarded with “permission denied” messages. These messages can be overwhelming and make it difficult to find the files and folders you are looking for. Fortunately, there are several solutions to exclude “permission denied” messages when using the Linux/Unix find command. In this article, we will explore these solutions and explain how to use them effectively.


The find command is a powerful tool that allows users to search for files and folders in linux /Unix systems. It is a recursive search, meaning it searches through all directories and subdirectories within a specified path. However, when running a find command, you may encounter “permission denied” messages for directories or files that you do not have access to. These messages can be distracting and make it difficult to find the files and folders you are looking for.

The purpose of this article is to provide several solutions to exclude “permission denied” messages when using the Linux/Unix find command. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to use the find command effectively and efficiently.

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Using “find . 2>/dev/null > files_and_folders” to exclude all error messages, including “permission denied” errors

One solution to exclude “permission denied” messages is to use the command “find . 2>/dev/null > files_and_folders”. This command redirects all error messages, including “permission denied” messages, to /dev/null, a black hole that discards all input. This method is simple and effective for excluding all error messages.

Here is an example of how to use the command:

find . 2>/dev/null > files_and_folders 

The command searches for all files and folders in the current directory and redirects all error messages to /dev/null. The output is then saved to a file named “files_and_folders”. The advantage of using this method is that it is simple and easy to use. However, the disadvantage is that it excludes all error messages, making it difficult to troubleshoot other issues that may arise.

Using “find / -xdev -name “IDLE.*” -type f -ls > IDLE_find.txt 2> /dev/null” to exclude any results with “permission denied”

Another solution to exclude “permission denied” messages is to use the command “find / -xdev -name “IDLE.*” -type f -ls > IDLE_find.txt 2> /dev/null”. This command searches for files with the name “IDLE” and excludes any results with “permission denied” messages.

Here is an example of how to use the command:

find / -xdev -name "IDLE.*" -type f -ls > IDLE_find.txt 2> /dev/null 

The command searches for files with the name “IDLE” and excludes any results with “permission denied” messages. The output is then saved to a file named “IDLE_find.txt”. The advantage of using this method is that it only excludes “permission denied” messages for files with the name “IDLE”, making it easier to troubleshoot other issues that may arise. However, the disadvantage is that it may not be effective for searching for other files or folders.

Closing or redirecting the “permission denied” printout statements using command-line

Another solution to exclude “permission denied” messages is to close or redirect the printout statements using the command-line. This can be done by adding the “-exec” option to the find command.

Here is an example of how to use the command:

find / -type f -exec ls -ld <> \; 2>/dev/null 

The command searches for all files in the root directory and uses the “-exec” option to execute the “ls -ld” command on each file. The output is then redirected to /dev/null. The advantage of using this method is that it allows you to view the file permissions without being bombarded with “permission denied” messages. However, the disadvantage is that it may not be effective for searching for specific files or folders.

Appending 2>/dev/null to exclude the results that contain “permission denied” from the output

Another solution to exclude “permission denied” messages is to append “2>/dev/null” to the find command. This redirects all error messages, including “permission denied” messages, to /dev/null.

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Here is an example of how to use the command:

find / -name "*.txt" -type f -print 2>/dev/null 

The command searches for all files with the extension “.txt” and excludes any results with “permission denied” messages. The output is then printed to the console. The advantage of using this method is that it is simple and easy to use. However, the disadvantage is that it excludes all error messages, making it difficult to troubleshoot other issues that may arise.

Using -type f option to force find to only search files and not directories

Another solution to exclude “permission denied” messages is to use the “-type f” option. This option forces the find command to only search for files and not directories.

Here is an example of how to use the command:

find / -type f -name "*.txt" -print 2>/dev/null 

The command searches for all files with the extension “.txt” and excludes any results with “permission denied” messages. The output is then printed to the console. The advantage of using this method is that it only searches for files and not directories, making it easier to find the files you are looking for. However, the disadvantage is that it may not be effective for searching for directories.

Using the option “-prune -o” to exclude directories

Another solution to exclude “permission denied” messages is to use the option “-prune -o”. This option excludes directories that you do not have access to.

Here is an example of how to use the command:

find /home -name "*.txt" -type f -o -path "/home/user1/.config" -prune -o -path "/home/user2/.config" -prune -o -print 2>/dev/null 

The command searches for all files with the extension “.txt” and excludes any results with “permission denied” messages. The command also excludes directories that you do not have access to, such as the “.config” directory for user1 and user2. The output is then printed to the console. The advantage of using this method is that it excludes directories that you do not have access to, making it easier to find the files you are looking for. However, the disadvantage is that it may not be effective for searching for specific files or folders.

Important points to consider when using find command

When using the find command, there are several important points to consider.

First, the find command is a recursive search, meaning it searches through all directories and subdirectories within a specified path. This can be time-consuming and may produce a large amount of output.

Second, “permission denied” errors may occur when a directory does not grant read and execute permissions. In this case, you may need to change the directory permissions or run the find command as a different user with the appropriate permissions.

Third, it is important to be cautious when using ‘ /current/jre/bin/ ’ after -type d. This can be dangerous and may produce unexpected results.

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Fourth, find’s -path option allows you to search for files or directories based on their path. This can be useful for finding specific files or folders.

Finally, it is important to redirect stderr to stdout to filter out “permission denied” errors. This allows you to view the output without being bombarded with “permission denied” messages.

Helpful points to consider when using find command

There are several helpful points to consider when using the find command.

First, you can use grep -v ‘Permission denied’ to filter out all lines from the find command’s stderr stream that contain the phrase “permission denied”. This allows you to view the output without being bombarded with “permission denied” messages.

Second, when using the -r option for recursive copy, it is important to ensure write permissions to the destination. Otherwise, you may encounter “permission denied” errors.

Third, a “permission denied” error message may occur when the current user does not have read permission. In this case, you may need to change the file permissions or run the find command as a different user with the appropriate permissions.

Fourth, you can use the sed command to filter out “permission denied” errors. This allows you to view the output without being bombarded with “permission denied” messages.

Fifth, you can use the option “-iname” to perform a case-insensitive search. This can be useful when searching for files or directories with different capitalization.

Sixth, when using parentheses in the find command, it is important to escape them with a backslash (). Otherwise, the parentheses may not be interpreted correctly.

Finally, you can use the -maxdepth option to limit the search depth. This can be useful when searching for files or directories within a specific depth.

Other simple code samples for excluding permission denied errors in find command

In Shell , find Permission denied code example

# This will hide all error messages find / -name foo 2>/dev/null# Hide only the "Permission denied" error find / -name foo 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied"

In Shell case in point, hide permission denied ~/.bash code example

find /path/to/dir -name "search-patter" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" > output-file find /etc -name "x*.conf" 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied" > output.txt


In conclusion, the find command is a powerful tool that allows users to search for files and folders in Linux/Unix systems. However, “permission denied” messages can be overwhelming and make it difficult to find the files and folders you are looking for. By using the solutions outlined in this article, you can exclude “permission denied” messages and use the find command effectively and efficiently. It is important to find the appropriate solution for your specific situation and experiment with different methods to find the optimal solution.


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