Finding file version in linux

Viewing Linux Library / Executable version info

The version info in not explicitly stored in an ELF file. What you have in there is the name of the library, the soname , which includes the major version. The full version is usually stored as a part of the library file name.

If you have library, say , then you usually have:

  • — The library file itself, containing the full version
  • — Symlink to , having the same name as soname
  • — Symlink to used for linking.

In the library file , there will be an entry called SONAME in dynamic section, that will say this library is called . When you link a program against this library, the linked program will store the soname of the library under NEEDED entry in the dynamic section.

If you want to verify, what exactly is in which ELF file, you can try to run:

where elffile can be either an library of an executable.

If you simply want to get the library version, you can play with:

readelf -d /path/to/ |grep SONAME 

AFAIK, there’s no such info (at least not by default) in executable files.

Or you can rely on the program itself or your packaging system, as Rahul Patil wrote.

nice info, it’s new to me never used readelf, if you don’t mind , may i ask you where & why use readelf

Readelf (and similar tools) is useful, when you want to look inside an elf file :). I use it mostly when programming to look up symbols in libraries (when something doesn’t work), or when there’s some problem with a library. (man readelf)

You can use ldconfig -v | grep libraryname , also command has option command -V or binaryfile —version

test@ubuntukrb12:~# ls --version ls (GNU coreutils) 8.13 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 

also you can use yum or aptitude based on distro you are using eg.

in RHEL5/CENTOS5/Fedora you can use yum info packagename or if it installed then use rpm —version packagename

 [root@ldap1 ~]# yum info bind97 Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * updates: Installed Packages Name : bind97 Arch : i386 Epoch : 32 Version : 9.7.0 Release : 10.P2.el5_8.4 Size : 6.3 M Repo : installed Summary : The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server URL : License : ISC Description: BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the DNS : (Domain Name System) protocols. BIND includes a DNS server (named), : which resolves host names to IP addresses; a resolver library : (routines for applications to use when interfacing with DNS); and : tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating properly. 

In Ubuntu You can use aptitude show pkgname or dpkg —version pkgname

root@ubuntukrb12:~# aptitude show bind9utils Package: bind9utils State: installed Automatically installed: yes Version: 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-4ubuntu0.4 Priority: optional Section: net Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers Architecture: amd64 Uncompressed Size: 306 k Depends: libbind9-80, libc6 (>= 2.14), libdns81, libisc83, libisccc80, libisccfg82 Conflicts: bind9utils Replaces: bind9 ( 


How do I find the version of a file in Linux?

Open the app that you are interested in and then look for the Settings button. It should be somewhere in the user interface. Click or tap on it and then look for the About section. Click or tap About and there you will find the version of the application that you are using.

What is the command to check Unix version?

Just type the hostnamectl command to check OS name and Linux kernel version.

How do I view a file in Unix?

In Unix to view the file, we can use vi or view command . If you use view command then it will be read only. That means you can view the file but you will not be able to edit anything in that file. If you use vi command to open the file then you will be able to view/update the file.

What is the latest version of Kali Linux?

Kali 2019.4 – 26th November, 2019 – The fourth 2019 Kali Rolling release. Kernel 5.3. 9, Xfce 4.14. 1….

  • Kali 2018.4 – 29th October, 2018 – The fourth 2018 Kali Rolling release.
  • Kali 2018.3 – 27th August, 2018 – The third 2018 Kali Rolling release.

How do I check my version of CMD?

Checking your Windows version using CMD Enter cmd and click [OK] to open Windows Command Prompt. Type systeminfo in the command line and hit [Enter] to execute the command.

How do I know what software is on my computer?

Click the Start or Windows button (usually in the lower-left corner of your computer screen). Click Settings….

  1. While on the Start screen, type computer.
  2. Right-click the computer icon. If using touch, press and hold on computer icon.
  3. Click or tap Properties. Under Windows edition, the Windows version is shown.

What is the latest version of Unix?

There are many different versions of UNIX. Until a few years ago, there were two main versions: the line of UNIX releases that started at AT (the latest is System V Release 4), and another line from the University of California at Berkeley (the latest version is BSD 4.4).

Which command is used to display OS?

uname command
To display the name of the operating system, use the uname command.

What is VIEW command?

The view command starts the vi full-screen editor in read-only mode. The read-only mode is only advisory to prevent accidental changes to the file. To override read-only mode, use the ! (exclamation point) when executing a command. The File parameter specifies the name of the file you want to browse.

How do you check disk space in Unix?

How do I search for a file in Unix?

What is the command to check the version of Linux?

How do I check Linux OS?


Extracting version number from a filename

where XXX.XX is a version number and I need the version number only. How to do it in linux? I have this code:

#!/bin/bash current_ver=$(find /mnt/builds/current -name '*.run'|awk -F/ '') 

So this gives me just the name of the file correctly (minus the location, which I don't want). But how do I only get the XXX.XX version number into a variable such as $version

4 Answers 4

You actually don't need any external tools. You can do this entirely within bash, by chopping variables according to patterns..

[ghoti@pc ~]$ name="" [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$; echo $vers [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$; echo $vers [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$; echo $vers XXX.XX [ghoti@pc ~]$ 

Or if you prefer, you can chop off pieces right-hand-side first:

[ghoti@pc ~]$ name="" [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$; echo $vers installer-x86_64-XXX.XX [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$; echo $vers XXX.XX [ghoti@pc ~]$ 

Of course, if you want to use external tools, that's fine too.

[ghoti@pc ~]$ name="" [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$(awk -F- '' <<<"$name") [ghoti@pc ~]$ echo $vers XXX.XX [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$(sed -ne 's/-[^-]*$//;s/.*-//;p' <<<"$name") [ghoti@pc ~]$ echo $vers XXX.XX [ghoti@pc ~]$ vers=$(cut -d- -f3 <<<"$name") [ghoti@pc ~]$ echo $vers XXX.XX [ghoti@pc ~]$ 


UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

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Finding file version info

Is there a standard command for retrieving the version of any given file (assuming the file has a version)?

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Some source control apps embed a version header in source code. Some programmers do as well. Some files have the compile-time embedded as a reference.

If you think version info exists, start with ident then maybe try what

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