Firefox is already running but no process linux

Fix firefox is already running issue in linux

The former is present while Firefox is running to prevent more than one different instance from trying to simultaneously write to the same set of profile files, and if Firefox is not closed cleanly, neither may be removed. Finally I figured out what was wrong : we were using a VNC connexion to see X and it appears that Firefox has difficulties managing display on two X instances Solution: To keep firefox running, you need to run it through terminal using ‘firefox &’.

Fix «firefox is already running» issue in Linux

From — Check for:

1) A file called .parentlock
2) A symlink called lock
. in ~/.mozilla/firefox/ random string of alphanumeric characters .default/

The former is present while Firefox is running to prevent more than one different instance from trying to simultaneously write to the same set of profile files, and if Firefox is not closed cleanly, neither may be removed.

Error message received in this case should be:

From anywhere in the filesystem (or removing this if pwd reports ~/.mozilla/firefox/ random string of alphanumeric characters .default ), replacing random string of alphanumeric characters with the FF profile folder on your computer, do rm ~/.mozilla/firefox/ random string of alphanumeric characters .default/ .parentlock ~/.mozilla/firefox/ random string of alphanumeric characters .default/ lock` (assuming the first sentence pans out) to remove them, if there isn’t a Firefox process running .

More less-authoritative information here.

Or you can do the same thing in just one command.As don_crissti said:

Usually, many users say this command helps:

The killall command will killall processes that are named «firefox». SIGTERM is the kill-signal type. This command works well for me and other Linux users. Also, it may help to wait thirty seconds after closing Firefox before it is turned back on.

Fix «firefox is already running» error, You probably already knew this: Open task manager and go to processes and end the process » firefox .exe»

Unix & Linux: Fix «firefox is already running» issue in

Unix & Linux : Fix » firefox is already running » issue in LinuxThe Question: I am trying to open Firefox in CentOS, but I’m getting the following message: Fire

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Fix «firefox is already running» error

You probably already knew this: Open task manager and go to processes and end the process » firefox .exe»

Firefox Is Already Running But Is Not Responding Learn

Firefox Is Not Responding| Download Repair Tool From:-

What can cause a firefox is already running pop up

Finally I figured out what was wrong : we were using a VNC connexion to see X and it appears that Firefox has difficulties managing display on two X instances

Is it possible to install Firefox on Ubuntu with no, You can install Firefox on your server and connect to it from a GUI machine using ssh -y, and when you start Firefox from that SSH session, you will get Firefox running on your Ubuntu server, while its window will be displayed on the GUI machine. Additionally, there are browsers which can render graphics directly, …

How to keep Firefox running [Ubuntu Linux]

To keep firefox running, you need to run it through terminal using ‘firefox &’. And it should not close automatically when you disconnect from the server.

Unix & Linux: Fix «firefox is already running» issue in, Unix & Linux : Fix » firefox is already running » issue in LinuxThe Question: I am trying to open Firefox in CentOS, but I’m getting the following message: Fire

Internet is working, but Firefox 67 browser cannot connect after update

The easy fix, with no profile or preferences rebuilding required.

This just renames the current Firefox cache folder. Firefox recreates this folder at next launch. The .HOLD only saves the old folder as a backup, just in case there’s something there that the user still wants to manually save. but it can probably just be sent to the trash.

  • start Firefox v67.0
  • go to about:profiles
  • note the name of the current profile
  • quit Firefox
  • start Files
  • control + h to enable viewing of hidden files
  • go to ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox
  • rename the current profile folder to xxxx.default.HOLD
  • restart Firefox

I was having the same issue. Removing prefs.js did not fix the problem for me.

Restarting firefox via Menu -> Help -> «Restart with Add-ons Disabled» and choosing to restart in «safe mode» gave me a working browser.

I opened a regular instance of firefox again and it was still not working (obviously). I repeated the «Restart with Add-ons Disabled» but selected «Refresh Firefox» at the final step and it seems to have fixed the problem.

I went back through the preferences section and have changed back all of my settings there and I haven’t broken the browser yet.

Again, this doesn’t get to the root of the problem, but perhaps it narrows it down some? Maybe someone else knows more about what all gets reset when you choose «Refresh Firefox»?

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Had the same issue after updating Firefox to 67 on Ubuntu 18.04.

My issue could be solved by removing pref.js in my firefox-profile folder. This would be easier than manualy reconstructing everything after creating a new profile.

  • Terminate Firefox
  • Go to your profile cd ~/.mozilla/firefox
  • Do a backup of your Mozilla profile first: cp -r ./firefox ./backup_firefox_backup
  • Navigate to your profile folder (the subdir with the random-string)
  • Remove prefs.js rm prefs.js
  • Restart Firefox

Haven’t had time to resolve, which setting in prefs.js is at fault. If I find it, I may post an update.

Firefox — Ubuntu 20.04 freezing and crashing, Ubuntu 20.04 freezing and crashing. 5. I recently upgraded from version 18 LTS to 20 using Software update, and am noticing random freezing or crashing of the system ever since. Symptoms The crash usually starts with some windows freezing completely (no responses) (vs code or firefox), and in a short …


«Firefox is already running, but is not responding.»

On my Devuan GNU/Linux system, I have a newer version of Firefox installed, under /opt/firefox . I also have /usr/local/bin/firefox point to it, indirectly, via Debian’s alternatives mechanism (i.e. via /etc/alternatives/firefox ). When I just start firefox and it’s not already running — this works fine. But if it is already running, then startup takes a long time, and eventually I get that dreaded error message box:

Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To use Firefox, you must first close the existing Firefox process, restart your device, or use a different profile.

  • Obviously, I don’t want to close the existing running instance.
  • Not a dupe of this, which has MOZ_NO_REMOTE set to 0.
  • Not a dupe of this, which involves specific Thunderbird-Firefox interaction.
  • Not a dupe of this, as I don’t seem to have any parent.lock file anywhere.

2 Answers 2

The problem was some zombie running instances of the firefox-bin process. The surprising part is that the firefox may run in this situation without complaining, when no other window is open but when some processes are. I have no idea why the mechanisms for bailing out are not uniform, but that’s how it is.

  1. Close Firefox.
  2. pgrep firefox
  3. kill the processes you found, or kill -KILL them if they don’t die.
  4. Double-check for the presence of parent.lock under ~/.mozilla/firefox (delete it if it’s there).
  5. Start firefox again.

I ran into this problem myself, but none of the google results could solve my problem. Eventually I figured it out by myself.

Simple Version:

  1. This environment variable was missing from my bash shell.

Exhaustive Version:

  1. My shell is launched from crontab
    */2 * * * * /home/user/
  2. starts a tmux session.
    tmux set -g default-shell /usr/bin/bash
    tmux new-window -t «myservices» -d
  3. Using ssh to connect Console and attach to tmux session by
    tmux a -dt myservices
  4. Launch the first firefox with profile name Proxy with SSH Console. DISPLAY=:10.0 firefox —new-tab «about:blank» -P Proxy &
  5. Do step 4 again, causing the error, «Firefox is already running, but is not responding.»
  6. But if I do step 4 inside a Terminal rather than ssh console, firefox opens one more newtab as expected.
  7. After cross comparing between the env of the Terminal and SSH Console, I found if I set this variable into the Console, firefox will do as it should.
    export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1003/bus
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Ubuntu Firefox it is saying that it is already running but not responding

On Ubuntu, When trying to open Firefox it is saying that it is already running but not responding. I am on a system where I dont have access to view the root. I have had this issue before and fixed it but I dont remember how. I know before I had to delete a file but I dont remember what or where.

4 Answers 4

It’s probably that your profile is locked; happens on unclean shutdown sometimes.

See this support page on, specifically:

  • pkill firefox (or restart your computer). Don’t try to start Firefox.
  • Go to your Firefox profile folder — see How to find your profile.
  • Delete the lock file parent.lock

Your profile is in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/ (the * will be a random sequence of 8 letters)

rm parent.lock and try again.

It seems the file has been renamed .parentlock . I didn’t have a parent.lock but after rm .parentlock in the profile directory I could start Firefox again.

Open terminal window. type:

Try to open firefox again

If you need to kill firefox, you can try going under System->Adminstration->System Monitor and select the processes tab. Look for firefox and right click on it. It should give you an option to kill the process. If that does not work, you might try going into the Terminal and type:
ps -ef|grep firefox

If firefox is running, it should show up as a process and have a number attached to it. It will be the first number after the username. For example:

jayhawk@jayhawk:/$ ps -ef|grep firefox
jayhawk 8137 26283 0 14:21 pts/0 00:00:00 grep firefox
jayhawk 24213 1 0 07:22 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/firefox-granparadiso

In this scenario, the process number is 24213 for firefox (I am running the alpha version of firefox so your firefox name will be different). Just type:
kill 24213

Then check again by using the ps -ef grep firefox command. If it is still there, you can use:
sudo kill -9 24213

And that should kill it.

Yes, or simply open your terminal and.

1) go to firefox directory by typing: cd .mozilla/firefox 2) type: ls ( you should see file profiles.ini) 3) remove profiles.ini file by typing: rm profiles.ini 

that’s it, start Firefox again 🙂


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