Firefox memory leak linux

Frequent firefox crashes after upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 due to out of memory error

Frequent firefox crashes after upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04. It looks that there is a memory leak. This is what I find in syslog:

May 5 14:08:18 xxx systemd-oomd[685]: Killed /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/snap.firefox.firefox.c553b0b1-9931-4c5c-8e94-7f5bb31199a8.scope due to memory used (7727669248) / total (8280240128) and swap used (1934368768) / total (2147479552) being more than 90.00% 
$ LANG="en" free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 7.7Gi 4.6Gi 1.3Gi 120Mi 1.9Gi 2.8Gi Swap: 2.0Gi 1.3Gi 749Mi 

EDIT 1: memory usage of the firefox thread is slowly growing even when I’m not using it. It starts at 5.4%MEM and increases above 8% even when I do nothing. And then is «crashes». EDIT 2: firefox was automatically upgraded to version 100, but the problem persist. Visual Studio Code was also terminated by systemd-oomd. Here are the log lines in syslog about the firefox termination:

May 5 17:44:56 xxx systemd-oomd[685]: Killed /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/snap.firefox.firefox.f14473ec-b4cf-4b0f-8533-ef1e41302b4e.scope due to memory used (7814512640) / total (8280240128) and swap used (2032394240) / total (2147479552) being more than 90.00% May 5 17:44:56 xxx systemd[3093]: snap.firefox.firefox.f14473ec-b4cf-4b0f-8533-ef1e41302b4e.scope: systemd-oomd killed 130 process(es) in this unit. May 5 17:44:56 xxx systemd[3093]: snap.firefox.firefox.f14473ec-b4cf-4b0f-8533-ef1e41302b4e.scope: Consumed 2min 19.374s CPU time. 

EDIT 3: according to this announcement, systemd-oomd requires that there is enough swap space to work properly. It may be that I don’t have enough swap space because I upgraded and didn’t do a fresh install. Is this the explanation ?


Arch Linux

I’m sure it’s a memory leak because it happens noticeable after leaving the computer idle for a while (for example I’ll leave it alone at 2.2gb with Firefox taking up most of that, and when I come back it’s u near 3.4+ (max 3.69gb) and nearly totally unresponsive).

Versions are from the arch repositories.

Firefox (add-ons: session manager, ad-block plus)

linux 3.14.3-1 linux-firmware 20140316.dec41bc-1 xcompmgr 1.1.6-2 firefox 29.0.1-1 xf86-video-intel-2.99.911-2
Name : linux Version : 3.14.3-1 Description : The Linux kernel and modules Architecture : x86_64 URL : [url][/url] Licenses : GPL2 Groups : base Provides : kernel26=3.14.3 Depends On : coreutils linux-firmware kmod mkinitcpio>=0.7 Optional Deps : crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country Required By : None Optional For : None Conflicts With : kernel26 Replaces : kernel26 Installed Size : 71878.00 KiB Packager : Tobias Powalowski Build Date : Wed 07 May 2014 12:47:51 AM MSK Install Date : Sun 11 May 2014 01:54:03 PM MSK Install Reason : Explicitly installed Install Script : Yes Validated By : Signature
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-333U CPU @ 1.80GHz
VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem: Lenovo Device 21f9 Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 44 Memory at f0000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4M] Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M] I/O ports at 4000 [size=64] Expansion ROM at [disabled] Capabilities: [90] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit- Capabilities: [d0] Power Management version 2 Capabilities: [a4] PCI Advanced Features Kernel driver in use: i915 Kernel modules: i915

edit: updated post. Let me know what else to include or which logs to track.

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Last edited by dejy (2014-05-13 07:13:56)


Про утечки памяти в Firefox. (Эо не баг а фича :))

Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение Sparky » 21.02.2006 12:55

Вобщем, написано, что память расходуется на кэширование страниц для прехода по кнопке «назад». Тут по-англицки.

mark Бывший модератор Сообщения: 2055 Статус: . ОС: Windows 7 Контактная информация:

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение mark » 21.02.2006 19:50

Это мне напоминает кое-какую компанию, у которой все баги — фичи.

polachok Бывший модератор Сообщения: 2199 Статус: главный форумный маргинал ОС: gnu/linux Контактная информация:

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение polachok » 21.02.2006 20:01

Shura Сообщения: 1537 Статус: Оказывается и без KDE есть жизнь ОС: FreeBSD 8.0-RC2

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение Shura » 22.02.2006 12:58

Но ведь это действительно не баг. Не пойму в чем проблема. Тем более, что все легко настраивается и отключается. (Вы слышали про отключаемые баги?)

Ну, видимо разработчики решили, что:
а) ОС сама может решить когда ей скидывать данные из ОЗУ на диск
б) из ОЗУ данные считываются быстрее.

st@l][ED Сообщения: 312 Статус: Веб программер ОС: windows:( Контактная информация:

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение st@l][ED » 22.02.2006 14:57

Просто помню в малолетке занятия,
Просто знаю кто где есть и где я!
Да просто в жизни у воров есть понятия
Точно также как в законе статья.

Shura Сообщения: 1537 Статус: Оказывается и без KDE есть жизнь ОС: FreeBSD 8.0-RC2

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение Shura » 22.02.2006 15:14

Число прокэшированных страниц можно менять через переменную конфигурации browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers, которая по умолчанию выбирает размер кеша основываясь на размере ОЗУ.

Bruce Сообщения: 647 Статус: beat maniac ОС: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 Контактная информация:

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение Bruce » 23.02.2006 00:53

For a very graphic demo of just how serious the memory leak is, use Firefox to go to and just leave it on that page for a few days. Then, in Windows Task Manager, periodically check the amount of memory dedicated to Firefox — watch it grow! After a few days, it will be well over 1GB! Every time Yahoo auto-refreshes the page, the memory usage bumps up.

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знаете, ноги моей в ff больше не будет. почитайте ссылку из первого поста. много, но оно того стоит.

Samsung r40 (t5500, 1.5G ram, 80 gb hdd)

elide Бывший модератор Сообщения: 2421 Статус: Übermensch ОС: лялих

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение elide » 23.02.2006 01:18

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение pilotza » 23.02.2006 11:08

Господа! Зайдите на сайт там про все очень хорошо написано и про утечку памяти, и про все остальное

Bruce Сообщения: 647 Статус: beat maniac ОС: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 Контактная информация:

Re: Про утечки памяти в Firefox.

Сообщение Bruce » 23.02.2006 11:22

Господа! Зайдите на сайт там про все очень хорошо написано и про утечку памяти, и про все остальное

знаете, утечки памяти — это в любом случае не фича. Отрубанием кэша эта вещь не лечится, почитайте-таки ссылку из первого поста.

это была не меня цитата. Таких проблем процентов 70% в том блоге. И ещё раз повторяю, что отключением кэша это не лечится. И плевать мне, что написано на . Лично меня уже начинает глючить, уж не саботаж ли ff для свободного софта. (ибо ff часто позиционируется как символ свободного софта, а с такими проблемами. ). на его фоне даже бета ie7 лучше с памятью справляется.

короче, я как юзал, так и буду юзать оперу.

Samsung r40 (t5500, 1.5G ram, 80 gb hdd)


Firefox consumes too much memory

enter image description here

I have firefox version 11.0 and am running ubuntu 11.10. Firefox takes upto 850MB RAM with only six or seven tabs opened and all the tabs loaded with light weight websites only. I wonder why would a browser consume so much memory. It keeps increasing its memory consumption over time. I have 3GB RAM and most of the times firefox consumes upto 30% of my memory. How do I fix this? EDIT: The output of the command sudo iotop -oPa as asked by @Jippie

Why do you think Firefox is using 850MB, how do you measure memory usage? Why do you think this is a problem? Please elaborate.

@jippie: I have an add-on called Memory Restart which shows the memory consumption of firefox and also I have noticed it in the system monitor. It is a problem for me because I am not able to load other applications.

Try seeing if the leak happens in safe-mode. There are many poor add-ons that leak memory. Also, sometimes there are weird conflicts between add-ons that cause leaks.

You can also open about:memory?verbose in your Firefox address bar to see a detailed tree list of where your memory is being used. I’m not sure if this will help, but you might find that some sites aren’t as light as they seem.

3 Answers 3

Without specifying what you’re doing exactly, it’s hard to say this is an actual problem.

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There’s a common misconception that utilizing a lot of memory is bad. However, unused memory is a waste. It’s like keeping a warehouse mostly empty because you think it’s cleaner. By keeping as much as you can in memory, it saves having to go to disk and also reloading content needlessly. As long as the program is good about letting go of memory it doesn’t absolutely require to other programs, it’s not a problem.

If it’s a memory leak on the other hand, that would be a big problem. You can check this by closing all your tabs except say a blank one. Then start loading other memory intensive programs. If you have another browser installed, like Chrome, start loading massive pages in it. If Firefox is still showing massive memory usage, then it’s a leak. Your system will likely become sluggish from the other programs demanding unavailable memory.

It might be Firefox, but often it’s an add-on or combination of add-ons causing the leak. You can disable all add-ons by starting Firefox in safe-mode from the terminal, firefox -safe-mode , to see if you have the same thing happen.

If you’re saying that with just a few «light» websites open, and not doing anything in Firefox, that Firefox just starts taking up more and more memory, then it’s plausible it’s just Flash or some script going nuts. This is why I put «light» in quotes. It’s unbelievable how badly some simple-looking sites are designed.


Thread: Firefox memory leak

Firubat is offline5 Cups of Ubuntu

QuestionFirefox memory leak

I think I have some kind of memory leak on firefox. It is usually above 1.2GB and now reached 2GB of RAM (out of 3GB), with not so many tabs. I have the Tab-memory-usage addon, and summing up all the tabs I get 550MB. I also have the addon-memory addon, which says the total addon memory usage is 100MB. All together there’s still about 1.3GB RAM unaccounted for!
Next I did the following experiment: I closed all tabs but a blank one. This reduced memory usage to a bit more than 1GB. I entered about :memory and pressed the Minimize memory usage button but that didn’t change alot.
Then I started loading the system by opening multiple programs, to see if the memory gets freed. When the RAM reached it’s limit (with firefox still taking ~1GB) the system started swapping, reducing firefox to ~500MB. But the memory wasn’t really free — just swapped, and the total RAM usage was nearing 100%. Then I closed everything but firefox, and indeed the swap didn’t change. Only when I closed firefox, the memory in both RAM and swap was released.

What can I do to stop this from happening?

I have Xubuntu 16.04.1 installed, currently using the MATE-desktop environment (although the problem was present also on the default Xubuntu environment).
Dell Inspiron N4030 3GB RAM


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