Flatout 2 для linux

Flatout 2 для linux

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Сегодня я расскажу, как запустить эту игру в Wine 🙂

Итак, для начала нам конечно потребуется непосредственно сам wine. качаем его или с официального сайта или с репозиторий вашего дистрибутива. Лично я использовал wine версии: 1.1.18. После того, как Вы скачали wine и установили его, переходим к нашему следующему действию. Следующее наше действие — это установка DirectX. Подробное описание установки DirectX, Вы можете посмотреть ниже. После того, как DirectX установлен, теперь можем заняться установкой непосредственно самой игры FlatOut 2. Устанавливаем игру обыкновенно, как в Windows, для тех у кого нет диска с игрой, можете скачать ее с интернета 🙂 Лично я качал с мегаторрентс, установочный архив занимает 1.4 Гб. Итак, установка завершена. Теперь нам необходимой создать ярлык на запуск игры, можете поместить его или в главном меню или еще где-нибудь, где Вам удобно. Ярлык должен содержать команду:

env WINEPREFIX="/home/max/.wine" wine "C:\Programme\FlatOut2\Flat Out 2.exe"

Вместо папки max, указываем название своей папки и далее путь куда Вы ее поставили.

После первого запуска выйдет окно настройки видео и аудио — я тут ничего не менял, поставил только разрешение экрана 1024x768x32 и все. Далее нажимаем кнопку запуск и игра запускается 🙂
Установка DirectX 9.0c в Wine

 Ну вот наконец-то игроманы могут порадоваться. Под wine теперь можно проинсталлить DirectX 9.0c. Версия DirectX - 9.0c, Wine: 0.9.58, эмуляция Windows 2000.  * Запускаем winecfg и выставляем аудиодрайвер для своей системы. * Далее нужно выставить режим "родной (Windows)" для файлов mscoree.dll и streamci.dll и скопировать их из Windows в system32. * Теперь нужно установить кучу dll в "родной" режим для коррекной работы установки: [Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides] 1206264929 "d3d8''="builtin" "d3d9''="builtin" "d3dim"="native" "d3drm"="native" "d3dx8''="native" "d3dx9_24''="native" "d3dx9_25''="native" "d3dx9_26''="native" "d3dx9_27''="native" "d3dx9_28''="native" "d3dx9_29''="native" "d3dx9_30''="native" "d3dx9_31''="native" "d3dx9_32''="native" "d3dx9_33''="native" "d3dx9_34''="native" "d3dx9_35''="native" "d3dx9_36''="native" "d3dxof"="native" "dciman32''="native" "ddrawex"="native" "devenum"="native" "dinput"="builtin" "dinput8''="builtin" "dmband"="native" "dmcompos"="native" "dmime"="native" "dmloader"="native" "dmscript"="native" "dmstyle"="native" "dmsynth"="native" "dmusic"="native" "dmusic32''="native" "dnsapi"="native" "dplay"="native" "dplayx"="native" "dpnaddr"="native" "dpnet"="native" "dpnhpast"="native" "dpnlobby"="native" "dsound"="builtin" "dswave"="native" "dxdiagn"="native" "mscoree"="native" "msdmo"="native" "qcap"="native" "quartz"="native" "streamci"="native" Это можно сделать проще. Во вкладке "Библиотеки" установить первую библиотеку "d3d8''="Встроенный". Потом в каталоге ./wine найти user.reg и скопировать остаток туда в раздел [Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides]. * Дальше скачиваем DirectX 9.0c March 2008 release по [7]этой ссылке. * Запускаем и распаковываем инcталлер. * Идем в папку, где лежат распакованные файлы и запускаем "wine ./dxsetup.exe" * Скачиваем в ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/drivers драйвер gm.dls для тестирования звука Direct Music. * Запускаем dxdiag и проверяем. 


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Flatout 2 для linux

24 июл. 2014 в 13:07

Yeah true I just found out, but GoG are officially supporting their Wine wraps. I would have liked it if steam offered manually wrapping games with Wine or just «Play with Wine(Unsupported)» if steam detects wine is installed.

It is btw a lie that it’s hard for wrapped games to intergrate steam features (to an extent, at least the overlay will work) I know the overlay will work because I managed to launch League of Legends with Wine using the steam overlay successfully, this is the command I execute it with (It is launcehd as a script in /bin/leagueoflegends)

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine32 rads_user_kernel.exe run lol_launcher $(ls ../projects/lol_launcher/releases/) LoLLauncher.exe

It is btw a lie that it’s hard for wrapped games to intergrate steam features (to an extent, at least the overlay will work) I know the overlay will work because I managed to launch League of Legends with Wine using the steam overlay successfully, this is the command I execute it with (It is launcehd as a script in /bin/leagueoflegends)

But overlay is in no way integrated to game, it just hacked over opengl surface that game uses to render it’s stuff. You can add even glxgears as non-steam game and display overlay over it.

24 июл. 2014 в 14:52

Still thinking about buying the wrapped version on GOG. But hoping that Steam will offer linux version soon too 🙂

25 июл. 2014 в 5:37

Sure. You get the overlay for ANY game you add to your library.

Add Archivements to a wrapped game? Mission impossible.

25 июл. 2014 в 9:00

It is impossible for a user, it is not impossible for steam’s developers to make it read the achievements from a wrapped game if the code is added to do so (i.e. read it through wine)

They can really do this, but they might need to make a steam version of wine (which could actually be bundled with the steam runtimes) but they are not doing this and I think one of the reasons is because they don’t want to give developers the option to just release games for windows and say it works on linux too, they want developers to make native linux games, not wrapped, and thats probably why they’re not supporting it which is morally correct really.

I’m thinking years from now when developers have actually started developing just as much natively for Linux as they do for Windows that maybe then they will start thinking about adding support for running older windows games on linux without using in-home streaming (but that is their current answer to this problem)

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Flatout 2 для linux

Under Steam Settings -> Steam Play enable Steam Play for all titles:
You may have to check the first check box as well.
The version of proton here is not important, but generally I’d recommend the first option after «Proton Experimental».

Now FlatOut 2 will download, but crash immediately. To fix that, open the game properties and check «Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool». Then choose «Proton 5.0-10».
Now try running FlatOut 2. It might crash once after setting the resolution etc. for the first time but after that it should run fine.

I tested it on Ubuntu 20.04 in November 2021. It worked fine, but it might be different in the future or on other versions of linux.

On the very top left of the Steam window click on «Steam», then Settings in the list that appeared.

Go to the game in your library. On the right, below the banner image, is a button with a little gear. Click it, then choose Properties in the list that appeared.

It is a piece of software that allows windows games to run on linux. Different versions work with different games, so some experimentation is required. Some games, especially those with DRM, might not run on linux even with Proton.

Follow this guide, but apply it to the game you’re interested in. In the game properties choose «Proton Experimental» and try to run it. If you run into issues, try the next Proton version in the list.
You can also search the games’ discussions forum for «linux» and see if someone suggests a Proton version to try.

If you find a version that works, be nice and tell other people about it. Feel free to use this guide as a template or simply make a quick post in discussions.
If you can’t get it to work, you might have to wait for new versions of Proton to try. You could also google » linux» or something similar to see if there are other ways to get it to work.


How to Download FlatOut 2™

    FlatOut 2™ game for Linux 1FlatOut 2™ game for windows Pc 1FlatOut 2™for windows and Linux 1

FlatOut 2™ for linux

Guide: Installing FlatOut 2™ on Linux with Steam Proton

This guide describes how to use Steam Proton to play and run Windows games on your Linux computer. Some games may not work or may break because Steam Proton is still at a very early stage.

1. Activating Steam Proton for Linux:
Proton is integrated into the Steam Client with «Steam Play.» To activate proton, go into your steam client and click on Steam in the upper right corner. Then click on settings to open a new window. From here, click on the Steam Play button at the bottom of the panel. Click «Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles.»

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Alternatively: Go to Steam > Settings > Steam Play and turn on the «Enable Steam Play for Supported Titles» option.

Valve has tested and fixed some Steam titles and you will now be able to play most of them. However, if you want to go further and play titles that even Valve hasn’t tested, toggle the «Enable Steam Play for all titles» option.

2. Choose a version
You should use the Steam Proton version recommended by Steam: 3.7-8. This is the most stable version of Steam Proton at the moment.

3. Restart your Steam
After you have successfully activated Steam Proton, click «OK» and Steam will ask you to restart it for the changes to take effect. Restart it. Your computer will now play all of steam’s whitelisted games seamlessly.

4. Launch Stardew Valley on Linux:
Before you can use Steam Proton, you must first download the Stardew Valley Windows game from Steam. When you download Stardew Valley for the first time, you will notice that the download size is slightly larger than the size of the game.
This happens because Steam will download your chosen Steam Proton version with this game as well. After the download is complete, simply click the «Play» button.

System Requirements

Windows Pc Requirements

Minimum: Windows XP/2000 XP SP2 / 2000 SP4, 256 MB RAM, 64 MB* video card, 2.0 GHz Pentium® 4 or AMD® 2000+ processor, DirectX compatible sound card, 3.5 GB free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c, TCP/IP required for LAN play, 512kbs minimum, Broadband connection required
FlatOut 2 supports gamepads. Gamepad with 8 buttons minimum (to support all configurable game commands) is recommended.
* FlatOut 2 supports the following Chipsets, nVidia Geforce FX 5/6/7 series, ATI Radeon 9600 Pro/XT and above, ATI Radeon X200 and above. On-board/ integrated graphics cards and laptops not supported.
No maximum requirements!!

Linux Requirements

Mac Requirements

What is FlatOut 2™? Features and Description

DRIVING THIS RECKLESS IS NO ACCIDENT! But you might want to cause a few. In these high-speed races, the more damage you inflict, the better. The ultimate in turbo-charged cars and the craziest competitor drivers are waiting to test your best destructive streak. Responsible drivers need not apply.

  • Thousands and thousands of objects to annihilate.
  • Mini games gone wild — hurl the driver in these 12 crazy challenges.
  • Wreck your way across parched deserts, massive storm drains and narrow city streets.
  • Ram your opponents’ car and watch them fly through the air — you’re here to win!


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