Free wifi internet access

Free WiFi – актуальные сервисы с халявным вайфаем


Привет! Эта статья специально для любителей халявы. Отправляемся на поиски FREE WIFI – или в простонародье бесплатного интернета. Попробую рассказать, как быстро найти бесплатную точку и подключиться к ней. Готовы?

Возможно, здесь в будущем появится свой сервис с картой, фильтрами и прочими блэкджеками для халявщиков. Пока лишь ссылки на классные чужие сервисы.

Напиши в комментариях

Если ты знаешь какую-то классную точку доступа и хочешь ей поделиться, обязательно напиши о ней в комментариях к этой статье. Будет небольшой приват. Если же есть какой-то неупомянутый здесь сервис – тоже рекомендую написать, пригодится и вам, и нам.

WiFi Map

Как по мне это самое лучшее приложение на текущий день. Огромная база, живое сообщество, красивый интерфейс, возможность добавления своих сетей и прочие плюшки под одним капотом. Просто мастхэв для собирателей халявы. Особенно актуально при поездке за границу. Устанавливаете и забываете о всех тяготах жизни без интернета. Лучшее доказательство работы, живой пример:

В основном в базе все кафе, рестораны и прочие общественные места, но есть и жилые дома. Есть версии и для Android, и для iOS.


В метро Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга тоже можно увидеть надпись FREE WiFi.

Free WiFi – актуальные сервисы с халявным вайфаем

Для использования интернета подключайтесь к точке доступа – MT_FREE.

При подключении вас перебросит на с предложение пройти идентификацию в сети (закон обязывает). Сделать это будет можно с помощью номера телефона или кабинета ГосУслуг. Здесь периодически проскакивает реклама, которую можно отключить только платно, но для поездки хватит и такого. Ведь это подземка. Вот актуальная инструкция с официального сайта:

Free WiFi – актуальные сервисы с халявным вайфаем

FreeWiFi – сайт

Пожалуй, родоначальник сбора баз бесплатного вайфая стал сам . Здесь находится вообще база всех WiFi точек доступа в самом широком смысле – фильтр по странам городам, месту, платности и стандарту. База по ходу давно не обновлялась – последний стандарт 802.11g, но для истории пойдет:

Free WiFi – актуальные сервисы с халявным вайфаем

Free WiFi – приложение

Еще один представитель распространения халявы через мобильное приложение – Free WiFi. Доступен на Google Paly.

Free WiFi – актуальные сервисы с халявным вайфаем

Но, честно говоря, эти сервисы попали сюда только благодаря своему названию. Т.к. вся движуха идет выше.


Еще одна доступная в маркете база открытых точек. Включаете и пользуетесь:

Free WiFi – актуальные сервисы с халявным вайфаем

Здесь есть 2 вкладки – известные открытые точки и вообще все точки, к которым можно подключиться уже при имеющемся пароле.

Вот и все источники халявы. У вас есть свое проверенное место? Пишите его ниже. И быть может в недалеком будущем мы разродимся на свой личный классный сервис, доступный каждому. Помощь за помощь, доступ в интернет каждому!

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The 5 Best Ways to Get Free Internet in 2023

Tom Nelson is an engineer, programmer, network manager, and computer network and systems designer who has written for Other World Computing,and others. Tom is also president of Coyote Moon, Inc., a Macintosh and Windows consulting firm.

  • The Wireless Connection
  • Routers & Firewalls
  • Network Hubs
  • ISP
  • Broadband
  • Ethernet
  • Installing & Upgrading
  • Wi-Fi & Wireless

With a bit of searching and planning, you can reduce your internet cost to zero. There are several ways to get free internet in public and even at home.

Instructions in this article apply to all computers and mobile devices capable of connecting to a wireless network.

Get Wi-Fi in Public: Municipal Wi-Fi Hotspots

Minneapolis free Wi-Fi sign

  • Available around popular public attractions and transportation centers.
  • 100 percent free.

Many cities and communities are building publicly available Wi-Fi networks that offer free access to both residents and visitors. All that’s needed to access the internet is a device such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop that has built-in Wi-Fi support. Most municipality-supplied Wi-Fi networks have limited bandwidth, but they tend to work well for checking email and browsing the web.

Using public Wi-Fi can open up your computer to outside attacks. Learn about the security risks of using an unsecured network.

Get Wi-Fi on the Go: ISP-Provided Wi-Fi Hotspots

Xfinity WiFi sign

  • No special hardware or software required.
  • Most ISP hotspots don’t impose data caps or count the amount of data used against your monthly limit.
  • Unavailable in locations not serviced by your ISP.
  • Requires a residential internet plan.

If you already have an internet service provider at home, it likely offers access to company-owned or affiliated Wi-Fi hotspots around the country. These types of Wi-Fi hotspots service businesses, public locations, and even entire communities.

Using one of these hotspots is best for those traveling for work or pleasure. The free access is a much better deal than what some hotels charge, and the connection speed is usually much higher, so you can stream music and movies, play games, browse the web, or check your email without interruption.

The following ISP-providers have websites that list all of their Wi-Fi hotspots:

  • AT&T Wi-Fi Hotspots
  • Spectrum WiFi
  • Xfinity WiFi
  • Optimum WiFi Hotspots
  • Cox WiFi Hotspots

Get Internet Anywhere: Freedom Pop Mobile Hotspot

Mobile hotspot hardware

  • Get 500 MB of free monthly data on a 4G network.
  • Access the internet from almost anywhere.
  • There’s a one-time fee for the hotspot/router.
  • Fees are automatically charged to your account at $0.02 per MB after you hit 500 MB.

FreedomPop offers a number of internet access plans that make use of a mobile hotspot to connect to their cellular data network. Plans range from free to around $75.00 per month. All of the plans make use of FreedomPop’s 4G/LTE network and have various monthly data caps associated with them.

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FreedomPop Basic 500 works well for those who just need to check their email or do a bit of basic web browsing. If you’re going to routinely go over the 500 MB limit, one of FreedomPop’s alternate plans, such as the 2 GB plan for $19.99, may be a better fit for your needs. Since the data network is supplied by Sprint, there’s a good chance you can make a connection wherever you are.

FreedomPop comes with a free month of the 2 GB data plan, so be sure to change your data plan to the Basic 500 at the end of the first month if you want to keep free internet access.

Access the Internet Without a Computer: Public Libraries

People helping senior man use computer in library

  • No computer needed.
  • Guaranteed peace and quiet.
  • Staff provides technical support.

Libraries offer more than just a free internet connection; they also provide you with a computer to use and a comfy chair to sit in. Libraries also generally offer free Wi-Fi connectivity for all of their visitors. The New York Public Library will even lend you a mobile hotspot to use at home to connect to the city’s free Wi-Fi network.

Get Wi-Fi Where You Shop: Business Wi-Fi Hotspots

free wifi internet sign at cafe

Many businesses that serve the public offer access to the internet over a local Wi-Fi network. McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Walmart are examples of companies that provide free Wi-Fi. Many hotels, medical offices, hospitals, campgrounds, and even roadside rest stops offer free Wi-Fi.

Speed of service and bandwidth can vary widely, and some businesses place data caps or time limits on internet use. You may also be required to set up an account or make use of a guest login system. In most cases, this process is automated; once you select the Wi-Fi service in the network settings, a web page will open with instructions on how to complete the connection.


How to get free WiFi anywhere on laptop or phone

There may be many reasons for seeking free WiFi or hotspot. Maybe you are on a limited plan on your cell phone, so you want WiFi to spend less on mobile data. It may also happen that the place you are visiting is out of coverage area for your Cell Phone Carrier. Whatever the reason, you can always find free WiFi near you. This post is about how to get free WiFi anywhere for your laptop or mobile phone.

How to get free WiFi anywhere

get free WiFi anywhere

1] Chain Establishments

Plenty of establishments provide free WiFi to keep their consumers with them. Starbucks, for example, provides free WiFi to people who’d hang out there throughout the evening. Check for franchisees of well-known supply chains. They often have free WiFi. If you are a regular customer and on good terms with the manager of the place, you can get the manager to give you the chain’s WiFi password.

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Here is a list of some establishments that provide free WiFi to its customers. See if you can reach one nearby.

  1. Apple Store
  2. Barnes and Noble
  3. Best Buy
  4. Gap Inc.
  5. H&M
  6. IKEA
  7. Lowes
  8. Safeway
  9. Staples
  10. Whole Foods
  1. Burger King
  2. Café Coffee Day
  3. Denny’s
  4. Dunkin
  5. Einstein Bros.
  6. Hooters
  7. Krispy Kreme
  8. McDonald’s
  9. Panera
  10. Peet’s Coffee
  11. Quiznos
  12. Starbucks
  13. Subway
  14. Taco Bell
  15. Wendy’s

These restaurants are available almost everywhere – semi-rural, urban, and metro areas, so accessing one should not be a tough task. You can simply search for “Free WiFi near me” on Google or Bing to locate and get free WiFi for laptop and phones.

The above lists are not comprehensive. There are many more brands that offer free WiFi. You may also get free WiFi in local libraries and public places.

Some public places also arrange for Free Wi-Fi. Parks like Disney and similar places offer free Wi-Fi. In India, around 400 railway stations offer free Wi-Fi to people. This is an initiative by the Government of India and Google Inc.

2] Mobile Tethering – Get free WiFi for phone and laptop

If you do not trust the free WiFi available (it is easy to hack computers at public hotspots) at above-mentioned brands, you can go for mobile tethering if you have enough charge/load for the Internet.

  1. Use the yesteryear’s dial-up modem: In this case, you simply connect your phone to your computer and dial your Internet Service Providers’ number. Since it is a call in progress, people trying to reach via your mobile carrier will get “engaged” tone.
  2. You can attach pair your mobile and laptop using Bluetooth and set up a Dial-Up Connection; this too won’t inform you about incoming calls
  3. The best method is to set up a Hotspot using your mobile data. For this, you go to phone settings and select Tethering or Hot Spot option. If you haven’t already created a password, it will prompt you for one. Once the mobile hotspot is established other phones and computers can be connected to it just as you would use WiFi.

3] Mobile apps to get free WiFi

  1. Wi-Fi Hotspot 3G/4G
  2. Hotspot Tethering
  3. Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot
  4. Mobile Hotspot
  5. Wiffinnity.

We cannot, however, claim that these apps would always be clean and won’t spam. Read user reviews and check the ratings of each app before installing them to get free Wi-Fi for phones and laptops.

Apart from these, there are several other ways to get a free WiFi connection. Take a portable modem when your travel, use your ISPs hotspot, etc.

PandaSecurity has come up with an interesting Infographic on this.

If I missed any way you can get free WiFi, please let others know in comments section.

Remember, considering the dangers of free WiFi, when you connect to a free WiFi hotspot, it is always a good idea to use VPN software and follow these WiFi Security Tips – especially when traveling.


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