Ftp client linux ftps

10 Best Linux FTP Clients in 2023

FTP is a file transfer network protocol used to efficiently transfer files among servers and clients over a computer network without any complexity. FTP first applications were written on the command line before GUI OS appeared. Although there are various clients of GUI FTP, software developers still create FTP clients for users based on CLI who prefer utilizing the old-fashioned way. There are numerous Linux FTP Clients which are secure and robust and easily accessible in the market. This article conveys the most reliable and best Linux FTP Clients that one ought to select the finest one to fulfill the task.

Best FTP Clients for Linux Machine

As discussed above, there are numerous free and premium Linux FTP clients. In this article, we will assist you with narrowing down the top 10 FTP clients that turn out best for you.

1. FileZilla

Under the umbrella of the Linux FTP client, Filezilla is on top. Having almost all the popular operating systems such as Windows and Linux, FileZilla makes itself the most secure and best FTP client. It is the most reliable and efficient FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client. Having a feature of resume and transfer gives FileZilla an edge over other similar interfaces. Bookmarking, drag-n-drop support, transfer queue, site management and many more are some of the extensive features FileZilla carries in its bag.

2. CrossFTP

Talking about the support, reliability, and secure Ftp client, CrossFtp pops up first. Moving files frequently into remote locations, cloud storage, or whether it be web host services, Clientftp works with all. The best part is that it hardly crashes and is reliable.

Moreover, it also has all the features that daily and pro-users want to transfer files. Calling it just an FTP client doesn’t make sense if you count the extensive features. CrossFTP has a simple, and intuitive interface that also supports Amazon and Google storage.

3. gFTP

gFTP is another Linux client that gives an instinctive UI and simple configuration setup. gFtp client handles multithreaded file transfer for Unix systems. FileZilla can be another useful alternative for this gFTP client. It has a few provisions that are like FileZilla yet somewhat not quite the same as FileZilla. gFTP supports various proxy server protocols such as FTP, FSP, and HTTP.

4. Kasablanca

Kasablanca is another secure and fastest client for KDE-based systems. Kasablanca was written using C++ and the libraries of KDE. Kasablanca upholds a high-level bookmarking framework. It offers numerous features like the association with various hosts, instinctive queue for transferring files, responsive multithreaded framework, and substantially more.

5. Konqueror

The file manager and browser used in the KDE environment is Konqueror. It is one of the secure FTP Linux clients that can be easily accessible through the address bar. FTP protocol can be connected immediately by typing the following address within the bar:

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LFTP Linux client is easily accessible and simple to utilize. FTP, SFTP, and much more are the following file transfer protocols that support LFTP. LFTP also provides much more features in order to keep configuration and interface as basic and clear as could be expected. It is a fast, reliable, and secure client and has the ability to execute the tasks in the background. LFTP is also capable of reconnecting the process consequently whenever a connection gets crashed. It likewise gives different connections all the while.

7. GNOME Commander

The file manager used in the GNOME environment is GNOME Commander. This FTP client provides a simple, and distinctive interface which is easy to customize and able to support various themes. The main goal of this Gnome FTP client is to provide modern-level file management to their super users. GNOME Commander also supports several tabs. The process of file transferring is done through a module of GNOME VFS FTP. It can easily be incorporated into the GNOME environment flawlessly and can be an incredible option in contrast to the default Nautilus.

8. NcFTP

NcFTP is one of the best Linux clients that supports cross-platform, is extremely configurable, and is user-friendly. NcFTP is supportable to various platforms. As NcFTP has an entire set of applications, the process of file transfer can be done smoothly.

9. Nautilus

Another important FTP client is Nautilus which is extremely fundamental as it comes pre-packed while installing Ubuntu. Nautilus can be easily integrated with Ubuntu. The interface of this FTP client is well-acquainted and not clustered. Nonetheless, Nautilus does not provide numerous features about other FTP clients. This FTP client offers you an easy method to transfer files via FTP and makes the procedure of file transfer as easy as the process of copy-paste. To make Nautilus secure, there is no need to install extra packages.

10. Free Open FTP Face

If we are talking about Free Open FTP Face then it is lightweight, most efficient, and also compatible with various platforms. This FTP client was written using Python and is easy to use. Free Open FTP Face is easily executable on Linux, Windows, and distributions based on UNIX. It has a modern interface and was developed through libraries of GTK+. It also has numerous built-in features like an audio player, image and text viewer, and checksums in order to detect errors while transmitting data.


As you see, Linux FTP clients have a bunch of various unique features out of the box. Wrapping up, you will easily pick an FTP client that is the most reasonable for your particular requirements. Since this article conveys the best Linux FTP client which assists you to understand which one is best for what functionalities.


Best Command-Line FTP Clients for Linux

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol used for transferring files between a client and a server on a computer network. The very first FTP applications were made for the command line before GUI Operating Systems even became a thing and while there are several GUI FTP clients, developers still make CLI-based FTP clients for users who prefer using the old method.

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Here’s a list of the best command-line based FTP clients for Linux.

1. FTP

Linux Operating Systems ships with built-in FTP clients that you can easily access by entering the ftp command in your terminal.

With FTP you can connect to servers anonymously (if this feature is enabled on the server) or using your user credentials, download/upload files between your local machine and connected servers, use aliases, etc.

Also, when using FTP for transferring files between computers, the connection is not secure and the data is not encrypted. For a secure data transfer, use sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or SCP (Secure Copy).

Verify FTP Connection


LFTP is a free and open source command-line utility designed for several file transfer protocols (e.g. sftp, fish, torrent) on Unix and like Operating Systems.

It features bookmarks, job control, support for the readline library, a built-in mirror command, and support for multiple file transfers in parallel.

lftp is available to install from the default repositories using package manager as shown.

$ sudo apt install lftp [On Debian/Ubuntu] $ sudo yum install lftp [On CentOs/RHEL] $ sudo dnf install lftp [On Fedora]

3. NcFTP

NcFTP is a free, cross-platform FTP client and the first ever alternative to the standard FTP program developed to boasts ease of use and several feature and performance enhancements to FTP.

Its features include host redialing, background processing, auto-resume downloads, filename completion, progress meters, support for other utility programs such as ncftpput and ncftpget.

NcFTP is available to install from the default repositories using package manager as shown.

$ sudo apt install ncftp [On Debian/Ubuntu] $ sudo yum install ncftp [On CentOs/RHEL] $ sudo dnf install ncftp [On Fedora]

4. cbftp

ctftp is a flexible FTP/FXP client that enables users to transfer large files securely and efficiently without using emails. It typically works in the command line but you can run it in a semi-GUI using ncurses.

Its features include an internal viewer that supports multiple encodings, skip-listing, remote commands for UDP call commands such as race, download, fxp, raw, idle, etc., and data encryption with AES-256, among others.

5. Yafc

Yafc is an open source FTP client designed as a replacement for the standard FTP program on Linux systems with support for POSIX-compliant systems.

It is completely free with a rich features list that includes recursive get/put/fxp/ls/rm, queuing, tab completion, aliases, and support for SSH2 and proxy.

Yafc is available to install from the default repositories using package manager as shown.

$ sudo apt install yafc [On Debian/Ubuntu] $ sudo yum install yafc [On CentOs/RHEL] $ sudo dnf install yafc [On Fedora]

Do you have any experience with these command line FTP clients? Or do you know alternatives that should be on this list? Feel free to drop your comments below.

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Топ — 5 FTP клиентов для Linux


Протокол передачи файлов (File Transfer Protocol — FTP) — это сетевой протокол, используемый для передачи файлов между клиентом и сервером в компьютерной сети. Самые первые приложения FTP были созданы для командной строки еще до того, как операционные системы GUI даже стали чем-то особенным, и, хотя существует несколько клиентов FTP с графическим интерфейсом, разработчики по-прежнему создают клиенты FTP на основе CLI для пользователей, которые предпочитают использовать старый метод.

Вот список лучших FTP-клиентов на основе командной строки для Linux.

Топ - 4 FTP клиентов для Linux


Операционные системы Linux поставляются со встроенными FTP-клиентами, к которым вы можете легко получить доступ, введя команду ftp в своем терминале.

С помощью FTP вы можете подключаться к серверам анонимно (если эта функция включена на сервере) или использовать свои учетные данные пользователя, загружать и скачивать файлы между локальным компьютером и подключенными серверами, использовать псевдонимы и так далее.

Кроме того, при использовании FTP для передачи файлов между компьютерами соединение не защищено и данные не шифруются. Для безопасной передачи данных используйте sFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) или SCP (Secure Copy).


LFTP — это бесплатная утилита командной строки с открытым исходным кодом, разработанная для нескольких протоколов передачи файлов (например, sftp, fish, torrent) в Unix и аналогичных операционных системах.

Она включает в себя закладки, управление заданиями, поддержку библиотеки readline, встроенную команду зеркального отображения и поддержку параллельной передачи нескольких файлов.

lftp доступен для установки из репозиториев по умолчанию с помощью диспетчера пакетов, как показано ниже.

$ sudo apt install lftp [На Debian/Ubuntu] $ sudo yum install lftp [На CentOs/RHEL] $ sudo dnf install lftp [На Fedora]

NcFTP — это бесплатный кроссплатформенный FTP-клиент и первая в истории альтернатива стандартной FTP-программе, разработанная для упрощения использования и нескольких улучшений функций и производительности FTP.

Его функции включают в себя повторный набор номера, фоновую обработку, автоматическое возобновление загрузки, завершение имени файла, индикаторы выполнения, поддержку других утилит, таких как ncftpput и ncftpget.

NcFTP доступен для установки из репозиториев по умолчанию с помощью диспетчера пакетов.

$ sudo apt install ncftp [На Debian/Ubuntu] $ sudo yum install ncftp [На CentOs/RHEL] $ sudo dnf install ncftp [На Fedora]

ctftp — это гибкий клиент FTP / FXP, который позволяет пользователям безопасно и эффективно передавать большие файлы без использования электронной почты. Обычно он работает в командной строке, но вы можете запустить его в полу-GUI, используя ncurses.

Его функции включают в себя внутренний просмотрщик, который поддерживает несколько кодировок, листинг с пропуском, удаленные команды для команд вызова UDP, таких как race, load, fxp, raw, idle и т. Д., И шифрование данных с помощью AES-256, среди прочего.


Yafc — это FTP-клиент с открытым исходным кодом, разработанный для замены стандартной программы FTP в системах Linux с поддержкой POSIX-совместимых систем.

Он полностью бесплатен с богатым списком функций, который включает в себя рекурсивный get / put / fxp / ls / rm, организацию очередей, завершение табуляции, псевдонимы и поддержку SSH2 и прокси.

Yafc доступен для установки из репозиториев по умолчанию, используя менеджер пакетов.

$ sudo apt install yafc [На Debian/Ubuntu] $ sudo yum install yafc [На CentOs/RHEL] $ sudo dnf install yafc [На Fedora]


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