Ftp server linux with gui

Setting up Linux FTP Server GUI

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one of the most popular methods of transferring files between computers. FTP is a client-server protocol that enables users to transfer files from one computer to another over a network. While setting up an FTP server on Linux is relatively straightforward, configuring it through the command line can be a bit challenging. However, with a graphical user interface (GUI), setting up an FTP server on Linux becomes much more manageable. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up an FTP server with a GUI interface.

Table of Contents

  1. Installing vsftpd
  2. Installing the GUI tool
  3. Configuring the FTP server
  4. Creating a new user
  5. Testing the FTP server


Before we begin, let us make sure that we have all the necessary commands to set up the FTP server. Open the terminal and type the following commands:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Installing vsftpd:

The first step is to install the vsftpd server. This server is a popular choice for Linux-based FTP servers. To install the server, type the following command in the terminal:

Installing the GUI tool:

After installing the vsftpd server, the next step is to install a GUI tool to configure the server. In this article, we will be using the gadmin-proftpd tool. To install this tool, type the following command in the terminal:

Configuring the FTP server:

Once we have installed the GUI tool, we can begin configuring the FTP server. Open the gadmin-proftpd tool and navigate to the «Server» tab. Here, you can configure the basic settings of your FTP server, such as the server name and the port number.

Creating a new user:

The next step is to create a new user who will have access to the FTP server. To create a new user, navigate to the «Users» tab in the gadmin-proftpd tool and click on the «Add User» button. Enter the username, password, and the home directory for the new user.

Testing the FTP server:

Finally, we need to test our FTP server to ensure that it is working correctly. Open your preferred FTP client and enter the IP address of your server, along with the port number. Enter the username and password for the user you created in the previous step, and you should be able to connect to the server.

More Examples:

If you encounter any issues while setting up your FTP server, here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • If you are unable to connect to the FTP server, make sure that the port number is open in your firewall.
  • If you are unable to log in to the FTP server, make sure that the username and password are correct.
  • If you are unable to access the home directory of the user, make sure that the user has the necessary permissions to access the directory.
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We hope this article has been helpful in setting up an FTP server with a GUI interface.

Related Searches and Questions asked:

That’s it for this post. Keep practicing and have fun. Leave your comments if any.


Pure-FTPD + pureadmin (Ftp server with gui)

You may need to restart PureFTPD before changes take effect.

sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart


  1. FTP is by nature a rather unsecure protocol. Add TLS support to prevent your sessions from being vulnerable to man-in-the-middle-attacks
sudo apt-get install openssl
sudo echo 2 > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/TLS
sudo echo 1 > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/TLS
sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssl/private/
sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 7300 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem -out /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem
sudo chmod 600 /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem


  1. If installing on an AWS server, you will need to configure IP address routing information specific to your server. If using the default UBUNTU server, use the following. Note that echo will not properly be able to edit a file unless you are in a sudo shell, which is why we use «sudo bash -c».
cd /etc/pure-ftpd/conf sudo bash -c 'echo "35000 36000" > PassivePortRange' sudo bash -c 'echo "YOURIPHERE" > ForcePassiveIP' sudo bash -c 'echo "yes" > DontResolve'
"Custom TCP Range" 35000 36000 "Custom TCP Range" 21


You may be given one of these warnings when trying to connect to your server:

[WARNING] Can't login as [joe]: account disabled
"Sorry, but I can't trust you"
uid=572(ftpuser) gid=972(ftpgroup) groups=972(ftpgroup)

The actual numbers don’t matter much, but they should be higher then 1000 for Pure-FTPD to be happy.
To fix the UserID (UID) portion, open a shell and type:

sudo usermod -u 1021 -p -U ftpuser
sudo groupmod -g 1022 ftpgroup

Restart the Pure-FTPD daemon and you should be up and running.


  1. View the readme file for more information about pure-ftpd. http://download.pureftpd.org/pub/pure-ftpd/doc/README
  2. Note that Ubuntu uses a wrapper script to launch pure-ftpd using your desired configuration. Some of the options you can use can be found at http://wiki.ggis.biz/index.php/Pure-FTPd_on_Ubuntu and are shown below. These are not defaults and may be insecure, so try to understand their usage first. These are meant to modify files in the /etc/pure-ftpd/conf directory.

echo ‘no’ > PAMAuthentication

echo ‘/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb’ > PureDB

echo ‘no’ > AllowAnonymousFXP


opensource ftp server with web interface

We are looking to implement our own ftp instead of using a vendor service.

Due to budget concerns the idea is to go opensource and implement ftp on linux.

2.Web interface for the user to login and upload and download files.

3.Ability to send a link for anonymous download.

Magiceye is an IT service provider.

28 Replies


Owncloud might be a better option it has all those features https:/ Opens a new window / owncloud.com/ features Turnkey Appliance https:/ Opens a new window / www.turnkeylinux.org/ owncloud And I know you wanted opensource but maybe have a look at CrushFtp http:/ Opens a new window / www.crushftp.com
The pricing is reasonable https:/ Opens a new window / www.crushftp.com/ pricing.html

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Author Matthew Morin

This person is a Verified Professional


Author Martin Hepworth

This person is a Verified Professional


Author Colin Kent

you are a service provider and looking to provide this as a service to your customers.
Rather than looking to do everything for free, why not invest appropriately and provide something of quality.
Something which adds value instead of generates frustration.

Author Adrian Parzentny

Just as the people above me replied — look into OwnCloud or hosting a cloud solution yourself. FTP is inherently insecure, as it sends login and password in plaintext. That’s just asking to be hacked. SFTP is a better option.

If you want to do it old-school way, use a linux host, proftpd and something like webmin for administration through a web interface. All IEs are inherently file managers, so if you send a ftp link to someone and they enter it into Intenet Explorer, they would be able to upload and download files as if it were a normal folder on their computer. Other browsers (aside from Konqueror and IE) treat FTP as download-only page and show you a visual list of files to download, but offer no upload capability outright.

Author Kris Bushover

Author Rogenell Mojado

This person is a Verified Professional


Why? Is this the 1990s? Why is FTP even a known protocol anymore let alone one that people demand to use? Many services are turning off legacy FTP even for public downloads as it is so useless today.

ownCloud died off effectively. NextCloud replaced it a year or two ago. NextCloud 12 just released, loads of new features.

+ 1 for nextcloud, I run it at home and LOVE it super easy to use and super easy to set up, with several guides available to help.


ownCloud died off effectively. NextCloud replaced it a year or two ago. NextCloud 12 just released, loads of new features.
Wow. I didn’t know that. I haven’t used it in about 3years so didn’t know that. Still was a great product.

ownCloud died off effectively. NextCloud replaced it a year or two ago. NextCloud 12 just released, loads of new features.
Wow. I didn’t know that. I haven’t used it in about 3years so didn’t know that. Still was a great product. Not a bad thing, the whole engineering team, including the founder, went to NextCloud with the whole code base. The NC product is much more open and stronger and much more development.

Hello, Look into renting a Linux server from Digital Ocean for 5 buck a month. They call them Droplets. On that Droplet you can install OwnCloud which can be managed from Putty or Console within your Droplet. OwnCloud makes sharing simple and secure.

Artum wrote: Hello, Look into renting a Linux server from Digital Ocean for 5 buck a month. They call them Droplets. On that Droplet you can install OwnCloud which can be managed from Putty or Console within your Droplet. OwnCloud makes sharing simple and secure.

Well i guess i should have added more info. There is an ftp called wingsftp and we are trying to get similar features for free.
Call us cheap, but that is what the client wants. we just will be supporting them.

Malik007 wrote: Well i guess i should have added more info. There is an ftp called wingsftp and we are trying to get similar features for free.
Call us cheap, but that is what the client wants. we just will be supporting them.

So they might not use FTP at all? That product, while having FTP in the name, is primarily not an FTP server: «Wing FTP Server Wing FTP Server is an easy-to-use, secure and feature-rich enterprise FTP Server that can be used in Windows, Linux, Mac OSX and Solaris. It supports multiple file transfer protocols, including FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS and SFTP server, giving your end-users flexibility in how they connect to the server. And it provides admins with a web based interface to administrate the server from anywhere. You can also monitor server performance and online sessions and even receive email notifications about various events taking place on the server.»

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Not aware of any free product like that. Not that there isn’t one, but never met a business that had a reason to have one. If you just «install what you are told to install» and don’t provide advice, you might just want to tell them that they need to re-license this again. Can’t cost as much as you spending time researching and testing weird products for them.


Free FTP Server Software

  • twitter
  • Wing FTP Server is an easy-to-use, powerful, and free FTP server software for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. It supports multiple file transfer protocols, including FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, and SFTP, giving your clients flexibility in how they connect to the server. And it provides admins with a web-based interface to administrate the server from anywhere. You can also monitor server performance and online sessions and even receive email notifications about various events taking place on the server.

    New User Interface in v7.0!

    After the trial period, you can continue using it as a Free edition for non-commercial use.

    Support FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and HTTP/HTTPS. Free client FTP Rush for FTP/SFTP file transfer.

    You can run this FTP server software on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

    Access or share files via a web browser, v7.0 adds a new UI and supports Folder Download.

    Just with a web browser, you can administrate the server anytime, anywhere.

    This Android / iOS App helps mobile phone user transfer and manage remote FTP files easily.

    Use the event manager to execute Lua script, send an email notification or run 3rd party program.

    Wing FTP can be clustered by Wing Gateway to deploy a simple load balancing solution.

    Store user data via XML files or ODBC/Mysql database, also support Windows AD/LDAP authentication.

    Share files or request files with just a web link, and then anyone can get/send files without login.

    All the FTP transactions will be captured into a database, you can analyze it and generate reports in real-time.

    Allows you to map virtual directories to physical directories, and you can also use UNC path or mapped drives for virtual directories.

    More FTP server features .

    Our Customers

    Over 10,000 customers around the world are using WingFTP for file transfer service


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