Ftp сервер роутер huawei

Example for Using the Router as an FTP Server to Upgrade the Router

To upgrade the device, you must upload the system software to the device functioning as an FTP server.

Figure 2-24 Using the router as an FTP server to upgrade the router


# ftp server enable //Globally enable the FTP server function. # aaa local-user huawei password irreversible-cipher //Create a local user. local-user huawei privilege level 15 //Specify the FTP user level for the local user. local-user huawei ftp-directory sd1: //Specify the FTP working directory for the local user. local-user huawei service-type ftp //Set the service type of the local user to FTP. # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 ip address //Assign an IP address to the interface connected to the FTP client.
 display startup MainBoard: Startup system software: sd1:/software.cc Next startup system software: sd1:/software.cc Backup system software for next startup: null Startup saved-configuration file: sd1:/initcfg.cfg Next startup saved-configuration file: sd1:/initcfg.cfg

Figure 2-25 Uploading the new system software package from the FTP client

 dir Directory of sd1:/ Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time(LMT) FileName 1 -rw- 69,363,072 Nov 21 2011 19:58:50 software.cc 2 -rw- 77,582,080 Dec 13 2011 16:31:17 software_new.cc
 startup system-software software_new.cc This operation will take several minutes, please wait. Info: Succeeded in setting the file for booting system
 reboot Info: The system is comparing the configuration, please wait. Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the next startup configuration. Continue ? [y/n]:n System will reboot! Continue ? [y/n]:y Info: system is rebooting ,please wait.
 display startup MainBoard: Startup system software: sd1:/software_new.cc Next startup system software: sd1:/software_new.cc Backup system software for next startup: null Startup saved-configuration file: sd1:/initcfg.cfg Next startup saved-configuration file: sd1:/initcfg.cfg

Configuration Notes

  • Do not power off the router during the upgrade. Otherwise, configuration of the router may be lost. As a result, the router cannot start.
  • You must set the FTP working directory. You can use the local-user huawei ftp-directory command to specify an FTP working directory for the FTP user, or run the set default ftp-directory command to configure the default FTP working directory.
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Настройка FTP-сервера и подключение USB-флешки к EchoLife HG8245A (HG8245H)

В данной статье вы узнаете, как настроить FTP-сервер и подключить USB-флешку к EchoLife HG8245A (HG8245H).

Оптический GPON-терминал Huawei EchoLife HG8245A имеет USB-разъем, к которому можно подключить флешку или внешний жесткий диск для использования в качестве сетевого накопителя. Прямого доступа к чтению и записи файлов так, как к этому привыкли пользователи Windows, в данном случае не будет. Доступ к накопителю по сети будет выполнятся по протоколу FTP, а не Samba. Поэтому для использования такого сетевого хранилища вам понадобится FTP-клиент. Например, программа FileZilla.

Настройка подключения USB-флешки к ONT Huawei EchoLife HG8245A

Для того, чтобы настроить доступ к USB флешке по FTP через оптический терминал Huawei EchoLife HG8245A, Вам надо подключить флешку в USB-разъем и зайти в веб-интерфейс роутера. IP-адрес устройства в сети —, URL веб-интерфейса терминала —, логин на доступ: telecomadmin, пароль: admintelecom. Первым делом в разделе «Security» => «ONT Access Control Configuration» поставьте «галочку» «Enable the LAN-side PC to access ONT though FTP» и нажмите «Apply«.

Далее переходим в раздел меню «Network Application» => «USB Application» и ставим «галочку» в «Enable FTP Server«. Ниже станут доступны для редактирования настройки FTP-сервера:

В поле «User Name» и «Password» введите произвольные логин и пароль для доступа к FTP-серверу. Желательно, конечно, чтобы логин отличался от используемого для доступа к веб-интерфейсу оптического модема. Ниже, в поле «Device«, выбираем подключенную флешку. В поле «Root Directory Path» введите путь к корневому каталогу флешки. Менять содержимое этого поля стоит только в том случае, если нужно ограничить доступ одной папкой на USB-накопителе. Нажимаем кнопку «Apply». Пробуем зайти с помощью FTP-клиента, или по ссылке:


Transferring Files Using FTP/TFTP

The AC6605 supports the flash memory, the AC6005 supports the SD card and USB flash drive, the ACU2 supports the flash memory and USB flash drive, and the AC6800V supports the hard disk and USB flash drive. This chapter uses the flash memory of AC6605 as an example.

 system-view [AC] ftp server enable [AC] aaa [AC-aaa] local-user huawei password irreversible-cipher huawei@123 [AC-aaa] local-user huawei service-type ftp [AC-aaa] local-user huawei ftp-directory flash: [AC-aaa] local-user huawei privilege level 15 [AC-aaa] quit [AC] quit
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> ftp Connected to 220 FTP service ready. User ( huawei 331 Password required for huawei. Password: 230 User logged in. ftp> get vrpcfg.zip 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for vrpcfg.zip. 226 Transfer complete. ftp: receive 5203 bytes in 0.01 seconds 346.87Kbytes/sec. ftp> lcd Local directory now C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator. ftp> put vrpcfg.zip 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for vrpcfg.zip. 226 Transfer complete. ftp: send 5203 bytes in 0.01 seconds 346.00Kbytes/sec.

If you use the user name Administrator to log in to the PC, the output differs from the above.

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You can run the lcd command to view the path where backup configuration files are saved.

The commands vary with the operating system. For details, see relevant help documentation of each operating system.


Example for Configuring the FTP Server

As shown in Figure 8-3, routes between the PC and the device functioning as an FTP server are reachable. is the management IP address of the FTP server. To upgrade the device, you must upload the system software devicesoft.cc to and download the configuration file vrpcfg.zip from the FTP server.

Figure 8-3 Networking diagram for managing files when the device functions as an FTP server

Configuration Roadmap

  1. Configure the FTP function and FTP user information including user name, password, user level, service type, and authorized directory on the FTP server.
  2. Save the vrpcfg.zip file on the FTP server.
  3. Connect to the FTP server from the PC.
  4. Upload devicesoft.cc to and download vrpcfg.zip from the FTP server.


HUAWEI> system-view [ HUAWEI] sysname FTP_Server [ FTP_Server] ftp server enable [ FTP_Server] aaa [ FTP_Server-aaa] local-user admin1234 password irreversible-cipher Helloworld@6789 [ FTP_Server-aaa] local-user admin1234 privilege level 15 [ FTP_Server-aaa] local-user admin1234 service-type ftp [ FTP_Server-aaa] local-user admin1234 ftp-directory flash:/ [ FTP_Server-aaa] quit [FTP_Server] quit
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> ftp Connected to 220 FTP service ready. User ( admin1234 331 Password required for admin1234. Password: 230 User logged in. ftp> binary 200 Type set to I. ftp>
ftp> put devicesoft.cc 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for devicesoft.cc 226 Transfer complete. ftp: 23876556 bytes sent in 25.35Seconds 560.79Kbytes/sec.
ftp> get vrpcfg.zip 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for vrpcfg.zip. 226 Transfer complete. ftp: 1257 bytes received in 0.03Seconds 40.55Kbytes/sec.

The devicesoft.cc file to be uploaded and the vrpcfg.zip file to be downloaded are stored in the local directory on the FTP client. Before uploading and downloading files, obtain the local directory on the client. The default FTP user’s local directory on the Windows XP operating system is C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator .

 dir Directory of flash:/ Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName 0 -rw- 14 Mar 13 2012 14:13:38 back_time_a 1 drw- - Mar 11 2012 00:58:54 logfile 2 -rw- 4 Nov 17 2011 09:33:58 snmpnotilog.txt 3 -rw- 11,238 Mar 12 2012 21:15:56 private-data.txt 4 -rw- 1,257 Mar 12 2012 21:15:54 vrpcfg.zip 5 -rw- 14 Mar 13 2012 14:13:38 back_time_b 6 -rw- 23,876,556 Mar 13 2012 14:24:24 devicesoft.cc 7 drw- - Oct 31 2011 10:20:28 sysdrv 8 drw- - Feb 21 2012 17:16:36 compatible 9 drw- - Feb 09 2012 14:20:10 selftest 10 -rw- 19,174 Feb 20 2012 18:55:32 backup.cfg 11 -rw- 23,496 Dec 15 2011 20:59:36 20111215.zip 12 -rw- 588 Nov 04 2011 13:54:04 servercert.der 13 -rw- 320 Nov 04 2011 13:54:26 serverkey.der 14 drw- - Nov 04 2011 13:58:36 security . 65,233 KB total (7,289 KB free)

Configuration File

FTP_Server configuration file

# sysname FTP_Server # FTP server enable # aaa local-user admin1234 password irreversible-cipher $1a$P2m&M5d"'JHR7b~SrcHF\Z\,2R"t&6V|zOLh9y$>M\bjG$D>%@Ug/$ local-user admin1234 privilege level 15 local-user admin1234 ftp-directory flash:/ local-user admin1234 service-type ftp # return


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