Fts4bt wireless bluetooth protocol analyzer

Wireless Sniffer decodes Bluetooth protocols in real-time.

Along with Bluetooth profile and multimode sniffing support, FTS4BT(TM) v2.0 + EDR Bluetooth protocol analyzer provides Packet Timeline view for insight into data transfer inefficiencies. Users can look inside devices under test and graphically see what is happening on communication link, enabling optimization of chip-level firmware and application-level software. Other features include questionable packet-locating frame display view and simultaneous analysis of air and HCI interfaces.

Original Press Release:

Frontline Breaks New Ground in Bluetooth Protocol Analysis with an Updated FTS4BT Wireless Sniffer

Customer Driven Enhancements Enable Quicker Testing and Faster Time to Market of Bluetooth Products

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., April 3 / — Frontline, maker of the only v2.0 + EDR Bluetooth protocol analyzer (FTS4BT(TM)), introduced a significant update to that product this morning which allows engineers to gain an immediate insight into data transfer inefficiencies when developing and testing Bluetooth products. This will shorten product development time and help FTS4BT users drive products to market more quickly. The new Packet Timeline view allows development and test engineers to look «inside» devices under test and graphically see exactly what is happening on the communication link, enabling optimization of both chip-level firmware and application level software. This highly graphical new view was created in response to extensive customer feedback and is a market first.

The Packet Timeline view in conjunction with the FTS4BT Frame Display will streamline the testing process. It allows users to easily locate questionable packets and drill down to them in order to determine if they are optimized for maximum data throughput. All of this analysis can be conducted in realtime while data is streaming which further reduces development time and cost.

«Ever since Frontline has been involved with Bluetooth testing we have been an innovator and have continually provided new features and functions that improve engineers’ efficiency,» said Eric Kaplan, Founder, Frontline. «Packet Timeline is particularly exciting because it comes at a time when there is a major push to improve data throughput and it is exactly the right tool to accomplish this. One of our customers, during a sneak preview of the feature, has already been able to find and fix a very tricky low-level firmware bug and they said that without Packet Timeline it would have taken them much longer.»

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Frontline’s software/hardware offering, FTS4BT, decodes Bluetooth protocols in realtime, offering comprehensive Bluetooth profile and multimode sniffing support. FTS4BT supports simultaneous analysis of the air interface and the HCI interface. It is suitable both for troubleshooting and for verification of Bluetooth applications. The updated FTS4BT is available immediately for a free 15-day trial.

Packet Timeline View Features:
o Throughput Indicator graph with cursor control allows user to pinpoint specific data stream inefficiencies.
o Capacity Indicator approximates the ratio of used to unused packet space.
o Color coding defines packet type and/or protocol errors for quick visual identification.
o Synchronized with FTS4BT Frame Display, the user can highlight issues via the Timeline and then troubleshoot via the Frame Display with a click of the mouse.

With these updates, Frontline continues to solidify its position at the forefront of Bluetooth product development. In addition to offering the only solution for Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR, Frontline serves as the worldwide support center for the Bluetooth SIG’s Profile Tuning Suite tool and was recently named the worldwide distributor and support center for Codenomicon’s new Bluetooth robustness tester. Frontline is also the 2006 worldwide sponsor of the Bluetooth SIG run interoperability testing events, UnPlugFests.

About Frontline Test Equipment, Inc. (http://www.fte.com/ )

With over sixteen years of experience developing protocol analysis tools, and an installed based of more than 40,000 analyzers, Frontline (established 1985) is a proven protocol analyzer industry leader. Frontline Test System(R) (FTS(R)) software supports Bluetooth technology, serial, Ethernet, USB, ZigBee(TM), and numerous industrial protocols and buses such as Modbus, DH+ and DeviceNet. Based in Charlottesville, VA, the company maintains global distribution with focus in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Japan.

Frontline Test System and FTS are registered trademarks and FTS4BT is trademark of Frontline Test Equipment, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. The Bluetooth word mark and logo are registered trademarks and are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.


Как работает Bluetooth сниффинг на Android

Пользователям, которые любят все время быть в курсе возможностей своего гаджета, увлекаются телекомом и хотят научиться осуществлять перехват пакетов синезуба на своем смартфоне/планшете, предлагаем ознакомиться с информацией о Bluetooth сниффинге на Android.

О сниффинге

Bluetooth сниффинг

Для тех, кто не знает, о чем пойдет речь, немного теории.

Сниффинг – это процедура перехвата пакетов с информацией между двумя девайсами. В нашем случае будем говорить о связке устройств через Bluetooth. Эта процедура более распространена в локальных сетях: такой перехват можно выполнить в любой точке местонахождения данных; так мы сможем сделать и в Bluetooth-сети.

Обычно этот способ используется в компьютерных связках для кражи паролей и других важных данных; на Android такую процедуру сделать сложно, потому что в мобильных устройствах нет совместимых комплектующих для ее проведения.

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Как работает прослушивание трафика

Прослушивание трафика через синезуб осуществляется только «в себя», то есть происходит перехват входящего и исходящего трафика того узла, откуда вы отдаете команды. В этой операции большую роль играет Host_Controller_Interface (HCI), который разрешает обращаться к передатчику. НСІ-узел подключается к узлу драйвера Bluetooth-устройства, которое принимает данные, и к L2CAP (исходящему потоку данных).

Всю информацию об этих пакетах можно посмотреть в специальном log-файле; он может записываться в памяти смартфона.

Настраиваем запись log-файла

Для активации учета данных о пакетах через синезуб нужно выполнить ряд действий.

Заходим в настройки

Выбираем пункт «Для разработчиков»

Активируем пункт «Включить журнал трансляции операций HCI Bluetooth»

  • После этих действий в памяти устройства (в корне флэшки) будет создан специальный log-документ с названием btsnoop_hci.log, куда и будет система записывать данные.

Другое применение

Более простое применение Bluetooth сниффера на Android-это использование специальных приложений, которые находят, расшифровывают и наглядно демонстрируют информацию о других устройствах.

К примеру, в Google Play есть приложение с названием Signal Sniffer — Fitbit finder. Его задача заключается в том, чтобы просканировать сеть, найти вблизи доступные устройства и отобразить информацию о них. Никаких паролей она не покажет, только такие мелкие данные, как адрес девайса и уровень сигнала.

Информация о устройстве

Если же вы всерьез хотите заняться перехватом данных через Bluetooth, советуем обратить внимание на FTS4BT_Wireless Bluetooth_Protocol_Analyzer»: это приложение стоит немалых денег, но взамен может на лету декодировать абсолютно весь трафик из эфира, отсортировывая аудио, данные протоколов и другое.

Как настроить Bluetooth на Android: Видео


Frontline FTS4BT

Frontline FTS4BT

Frontline FTS4BT is a high-performance Bluetooth protocol analyzer created by Frontline FTS4BT. It is an essential tool for engineers and developers who need to develop and test wireless devices and applications. The compact device is capable of analyzing wireless networks and capturing packets in real-time, providing users with deep insight into the inner workings of their Bluetooth systems.

With Frontline FTS4BT, users can quickly identify and troubleshoot issues with their Bluetooth devices and networks. The analyzer supports a wide range of Bluetooth protocols, including Bluetooth Classic, Bluetooth Low Energy, and Bluetooth Dual-Mode. The device is also equipped with advanced features such as packet filtering, triggering, and decoding.

Frontline FTS4BT is easy to use and comes with a user-friendly interface that allows users to capture and analyze data quickly. The device is designed to be portable, allowing developers to take it with them on-the-go or use it in the lab. Additionally, the device comes with powerful software that enables users to view data in various formats, including graphs and charts.

Overall, Frontline FTS4BT is an essential tool for developers and engineers working with Bluetooth devices and applications. It provides users with deep insight into their wireless systems, allowing them to identify and resolve issues quickly and effectively. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, Frontline FTS4BT is a valuable asset for anyone working with Bluetooth technology.

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Frontline FTS4BT это программное обеспечение Shareware в категории (2), разработанная Frontline FTS4BT.

Последняя версия Frontline FTS4BT в настоящее время неизвестна. Первоначально он был добавлен в нашу базу данных на 30.10.2007.

Frontline FTS4BT работает на следующих операционных системах: Windows.

Frontline FTS4BT не был оценен нашими пользователями еще.


Wireless Communications

Complex & Ever Changing
Bluetooth is an extremely complex software and hardware technology that is evolving fast. Even the most experienced Bluetooth developers and test engineers are challenged by keeping up with the latest changes from the baseband all the way to the profile level.

There are now enough Bluetooth-enabled devices on the market to prove that the technology is viable. Commercial success is tied to making sure that your devices interoperate smoothly so consumers can realize the benefits of Bluetooth.

Currently Supported Version 2.1+EDR Features:
Extended Inquiry Response.
Secure Simple Pairing.
Non-Automatically Flushable Packet Boundary Flag.
Sniff Subrating.
Erroneous Data Reporting.
Encryption Pause and Resume.
Link Supervision Timeout Changed Event.
Security Mode 4.

Supports EDR (Enhanced Data Rate): FTS4BT is the only analyzer currently on the market to support Bluetooth v2.1 + EDR.
Finger-sized Bluetooth ComProbe: Air sniffing hardware is incredibly portable and requires no power.
Synchronized air and HCI sniffing: FTS4BT provides multiple points of observation, speeding up debug time.
Real-time debugging: FTS4BT captures, decodes, filters and displays data, and detects protocol errors simultaneously, all live and in real-time.
Decodes all Bluetooth protocols and most profiles.
Quick release of new profiles to keep pace with changing Bluetooth specifications.
Extract Audio into WAV files for playback and analysis.
Includes Framedecoder for rapid development and seamless integration of HCI Vendor Extensions and other custom protocol implementations. This Frontline technology is how we meet Bluetooth challenges.

Sniff HCI 6 Ways:
By tapping the (1) serial or (2) USB* HCI interface between a host CPU and a host controller. *Requires optional USB ComProbe.
By spying on the (3) serial or (4) USB HCI interface between a host CPU and a host controller.
(5) Via the Live Import API which enables any application to feed data into FTS4BT.
(6) By loading BTSnoop log files that can be created when it isn’t convenient to do live analysis.

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