Full screen linux terminal

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Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

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senjoz Level 5
Posts: 769 Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:55 am Location: Kamnik

Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

Post by senjoz » Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:28 am

Is there a terminal command to expand the terminal window to full screen?

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revmacian Level 4
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Re: Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

Post by revmacian » Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:40 am

senjoz wrote: ⤴ Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:28 am Is there a terminal command to expand the terminal window to full screen?

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Re: Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

Post by t42 » Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:31 pm

gnome-terminal --window --maximize

senjoz Level 5
Posts: 769 Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:55 am Location: Kamnik

Re: Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

Post by senjoz » Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:40 pm

Thanks to both for your comments!

I know about F11. Unfortunately that is not what I am looking for.

That is almost what I am looking for. No chance to use that for the current active terminal window?

Re: Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

Post by rene » Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:54 pm

:ACTIVE: resp. getactivewindow are of course correct when typing such interactively into the terminal window to be maximized but might not be in your case; man wmctrl and/or man xdotool for possibilities.

revmacian Level 4
Posts: 445 Joined: Wed May 27, 2020 1:50 pm Location: United States

Re: Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

Post by revmacian » Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:58 pm

Читайте также:  Как посмотреть загруженность linux

You could set a keyboard shortcut to maximise the terminal window — since you’re typing on the keyboard already — and it would only need to be done once.
System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Windows

Give a man a fish and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.
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senjoz Level 5
Posts: 769 Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:55 am Location: Kamnik

Re: Terminal command to expand terminal window to full screen

Post by senjoz » Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:43 pm

Sometimes I am trying to help other forum members and asking them to copy outputs of terminal commands and post them between code tags. If outputs have long lines and the terminal window is small, posted outputs are not always nicely formatted, like next:

~$ lsblk -o NAME,LABEL,SIZE,FSUSED,FSTYPE,UUID,PARTUUID,MOUNTPOINT,PARTFLAGS NAME LABEL SIZE FSUSED FSTYPE UUID PARTUUID MOUNTPOINT PARTFLAGS nvme0n1 │ 238,5G ├─nvme0n1p1 │ EFI 128M 8,9M vfat 7AB8-46A1 856aa3b7-3583-4a0a-ad2f-b7d4de3061d1 /boot/efi ├─nvme0n1p2 │ lmcina │ 32G 8,6G ext4 25e18951-9557-4e07-8486-34d6976b2de1 2fd337be-a4b4-4dd1-85e8-9473943b3bf9 / ├─nvme0n1p3 │ pclos 32G ext4 2724b46d-66df-4a77-bd40-e4ebaf3afabf 5ed5e7fd-e71f-4b7f-a12c-7fd6637ca223 ├─nvme0n1p4 │ manjaro │ 32G ext4 7a874c76-da2f-467d-9f20-5bb3b5d527b3 2da4dd31-20f7-42e0-8740-0ea70811d373 ├─nvme0n1p5 │ lmde 32G ext4 dc23bcb7-c9dd-41ce-b364-029b897c4476 e2143e9f-f3a1-43bb-af11-db647d4b30cb └─nvme0n1p6 snapshots 64G ntfs 68F9DBA97A5E84A0 482a06f4-ab26-4a19-b30f-7540b7595a1a 
~$ lsblk -o NAME,LABEL,SIZE,FSUSED,FSTYPE,UUID,PARTUUID,MOUNTPOINT,PARTFLAGS NAME LABEL SIZE FSUSED FSTYPE UUID PARTUUID MOUNTPOINT PARTFLAGS nvme0n1 238,5G ├─nvme0n1p1 EFI 128M 8,9M vfat 7AB8-46A1 856aa3b7-3583-4a0a-ad2f-b7d4de3061d1 /boot/efi ├─nvme0n1p2 lmcina 32G 8,6G ext4 25e18951-9557-4e07-8486-34d6976b2de1 2fd337be-a4b4-4dd1-85e8-9473943b3bf9 / ├─nvme0n1p3 pclos 32G ext4 2724b46d-66df-4a77-bd40-e4ebaf3afabf 5ed5e7fd-e71f-4b7f-a12c-7fd6637ca223 ├─nvme0n1p4 manjaro 32G ext4 7a874c76-da2f-467d-9f20-5bb3b5d527b3 2da4dd31-20f7-42e0-8740-0ea70811d373 ├─nvme0n1p5 lmde 32G ext4 dc23bcb7-c9dd-41ce-b364-029b897c4476 e2143e9f-f3a1-43bb-af11-db647d4b30cb └─nvme0n1p6 snapshots 64G ntfs 68F9DBA97A5E84A0 482a06f4-ab26-4a19-b30f-7540b7595a1a 

My idea was to precede the requested terminal command with a command to first expand the terminal window to full screen and then run the main command, like terminalfullscreen && lsblk -o NAME,LABEL,SIZE,FSUSED,FSTYPE,UUID,PARTUUID,MOUNTPOINT,PARTFLAGS . It looks like that is not possible with just a simple terminal command.

Thanks to all for your suggestions!


Terminal ubuntu shortcut to full screen code example

Solution 1: Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS In terminal, hit Windows (super) key + F10 to open Application menu: 1 Click Preferences , and untick «Enable the menu accelerator key (F10 by default)» 2 Solution 2: If you’re using gnome-terminal, go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts. Right , or dragging the windows to the left or right side of the screen (provided «Edge Tiling» is enabled in «Tweaks», which is so by default).

How to make ubuntu fullscreen all the time

It is not quite easy, and options are limited. Unfortunately, Linux desktops provide limited user control on the default size of newly created windows (I do not know whether the situation is any better in other OS´es). Then also, there is a difference between «maximized» and «full screen».

Suggestion 1 . devilspie2 is a daemon that monitors the creation of windows, and automatically resizes or repositions them as they are created. You could configure it to full-screen any window, but then you would need to define exceptions such as File or Print dialogs, or any other window you do not want to be maximized.

Suggestion 2 . Per application approach:

If you can live with «Maximized» rather than full screen, some applications remember their previous state. Examples include Firefox, Files, Text editor Gedit, Gimp, Inkscape

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Other applications provide command line switches, for example Evince document viewer : evince —fullscreen , Gnome terminal : gnome-terminal —full-screen . For these applications, you could change their .desktop file to add the necessary command line arguments. A more robust approach could be to have your own wrapper scripts, which then would call the actual executable with the needed argument. The latter approach would not only work if you launch the application from the menu, but also when it is being launched from within another app, e.g. Evince from within Firefox.

This way, you should be able to set up a working environment where most applications by default open in a mximized state or at least full-screen. Not perfect, however, by all means. An approach with devilspie would be more perfect, but more difficult to setup.

Linux Terminal Shortcuts, The best form to use it for moving the cursor to the upcoming space after the spotted word and use Ctrl+W keys. 10. Ctrl+Y. These keys are used for pasting the erased text that we saw using Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U, and Ctrl+W shortcuts keys. It is efficient in case we erased text or when we have to use that erased text again.

A tool or extension to do «fullscreen» like tiling

You can achieve this effect by

  • Installing an extension that hides the top panel (search «hide panel»). You will probably will prefer Hide Top Bar by tuxor1337, because that extension features an option to only hide the top panel when a window takes the space (intellihide).
  • Installing an extension like «Pixel Saver» (also in the Ubuntu software center, sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-pixelsaver ) that merges title bar with the (now hidden) top bar.

You continue tiling in the usual way, i.e. using the default keybindings, Super + Left/Right , or dragging the windows to the left or right side of the screen (provided «Edge Tiling» is enabled in «Tweaks», which is so by default).

Gnome — A tool or extension to do «fullscreen» like tiling, You continue tiling in the usual way, i.e. using the default keybindings, Super + Left/Right, or dragging the windows to the left or right side of the screen (provided «Edge Tiling» is enabled in «Tweaks», which is so by default). Share Improve this answer answered Apr 3, 2021 at 10:19 vanadium 65.5k 6 83 131 …

Terminal shortcut to go to beginning of command? [duplicate]

Home. Plus you may want to know about sudo !! , which repeats the previous command, but with sudo in front of it.

(tends not to work if you using SCREEN though since screen uses Ctrl-A as a control switch.)

How to Use Linux’s screen Command, To do this, we press Ctrl+A, and then Shift+S (a capital “S” is required). The window splits into two “regions.” The top region still displays vmstat, and the bottom region is blank. The cursor is highlighted in the screenshot below. To move it to the lower region, we press Ctrl+A, and then Tab.

Unbinding F10 on a terminal [duplicate]

Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS

In terminal, hit Windows (super) key + F10 to open Application menu: 1

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Click Preferences , and untick «Enable the menu accelerator key (F10 by default)» 2

If you’re using gnome-terminal, go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts. There is an option to unbind F10 from the file menu. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be an option for F11 . But note that F11 is a system-wide shortcut for full-screen.

Update: Thanks to James Henstridge for pointing out that there is an option for F11 , since it appears on the view menu! Unfortunately OP says this is not working. I am not able to reboot at the moment to determine if it works on my system.

Ok, I found this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1017546#p1017546 . Does that work?

in my case I had to change the contents of ~/.gtkrc-2.0 :

 binding "NoKeyboardNavigation" < unbind "F10" > class "*" binding "NoKeyboardNavigation" 

Please note the double-quotes around the asterisk in the last line! It took me some time to find out that it has to be quoted. 🙂

How can I make a script that opens terminal windows, Click the Command tab. Select Hold the terminal from the drop-down menu labelled When command exits. You should create a new profile for that and execute with. gnome-terminal —window-with-profile= NAMEOFTHEPROFILE -e command. Instead of hard-coding gnome-terminal, konsole, et cetera, use the …


Thread: How to start terminal with full screen display

sohaikia1 is offlineSpilled the Beans

How to start terminal with full screen display

Hi, I am new to ubuntu and currently I am using ubuntu 8.04 and I think its great beyond my expectations. It is easy to use with extremely good package installer. I am now playing with the terminal and I was wondering how to start the terminal with full screen by default. Hope you guys can help.

Kronie is offlineGee! These Aren’t Roasted!

Re: How to start terminal with full screen display


iaculallad is offlineLMDE addict and loving it

Re: How to start terminal with full screen display

I don’t know if that could be done: starting terminal in full screen mode. You can press F11 to make it full screen once terminal is opened.

Steady movement is more important than speed, much of the time. So long as there is a regular progression of Stimuli to get your mental hooks into, there is room for lateral movement. Once this begins, its rate is a matter of discretion.

ad_267 is offlineUbuntu addict and loving it

Join Date Jan 2008 Location Auckland, New Zealand Beans 3,129 —> Beans 3,129 Distro Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

Re: How to start terminal with full screen display

You can start gnome terminal with the command «gnome-terminal —geometry=100×100» Where 100×100 is replaced with the dimensions you want. If you pick something bigger than your monitor then it will run fullscreen.

Edit: The dimensions are in characters, not pixels.

Second Edit: You can use gnome-terminal —full-screen
This wasn’t in the man page but it was in gnome-terminal —help

If you start the terminal from the menu you will need to right click on the menu and select edit menus then right click on the terminal launcher and select properties and change the command used by adding —full-screen to the end.


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