Full throttle remastered linux

Full throttle remastered linux

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vv221 vv221 Данные для этого пользователя, к сожалению, временно недоступны. Попробуйте посмотреть позже. View profile Посмотреть вишлист Начать разговор Пригласить в друзья Пригласить в друзья Принять приглашение Принять приглашение Приглашение ожидает ответа. Зарегистрирован с > Друзья с > Разблокировать чат Пользователь заблокирован Вишлист этого пользователя закрыт для просмотра. Вы не можете начать чат с этим пользователем из-за его (или ваших) настроек конфиденциальности. Вы не можете начать чат с этим пользователем, потому что заблокировали его. Вы не можете пригласить этого пользователя, потому что заблокировали его.

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Hello fellow Linux gamers!

Here you can find informations about ./play.it, a tool building packages for Debian, Arch Linux, Gentoo and any derivative (Ubuntu, Manjaro, Linux Mint, etc.) from your installers for Full Throttle Remastered.
These packages can be installed easily with you favourite packages manager.

Download links and usage instructions can be found on the following page:
Full Throttle Remastered

We hope youʼll enjoy the ease-of-use provided by this tool as much as we enjoy writing and tweaking it 😉

Salut camarades Linuxiens !

Vous trouverez ici des informations à propos de ./play.it, un outil construisant des paquets pour Debian, Arch Linux, Gentoo ou nʼimporte quelle distribution dérivée de celles-ci (Ubuntu, Manjaro, Linux Mint, etc.) à partir de vos installateurs pour Full Throttle Remastered.
Ces paquets sʼinstallent facilement via votre gestionnaire de paquets habituel.

Les liens de téléchargement et les instructions dʼutilisation se trouvent sur la page suivante :
Full Throttle Remastered

Nous espérons que vous apprécierez le confort apporté par cet outil autant que nous apprécions lʼécrire et lʼaméliorer 😉

vv221 vv221 Данные для этого пользователя, к сожалению, временно недоступны. Попробуйте посмотреть позже. View profile Посмотреть вишлист Начать разговор Пригласить в друзья Пригласить в друзья Принять приглашение Принять приглашение Приглашение ожидает ответа. Зарегистрирован с > Друзья с > Разблокировать чат Пользователь заблокирован Вишлист этого пользователя закрыт для просмотра. Вы не можете начать чат с этим пользователем из-за его (или ваших) настроек конфиденциальности. Вы не можете начать чат с этим пользователем, потому что заблокировали его. Вы не можете пригласить этого пользователя, потому что заблокировали его.

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vv221 Данные для этого пользователя, к сожалению, временно недоступны. Попробуйте посмотреть позже. View profile Посмотреть вишлист Начать разговор Пригласить в друзья Пригласить в друзья Принять приглашение Принять приглашение Приглашение ожидает ответа. Зарегистрирован с > Друзья с > Разблокировать чат Пользователь заблокирован Вишлист этого пользователя закрыт для просмотра. Вы не можете начать чат с этим пользователем из-за его (или ваших) настроек конфиденциальности. Вы не можете начать чат с этим пользователем, потому что заблокировали его. Вы не можете пригласить этого пользователя, потому что заблокировали его.

This thread will no longer be updated, see this post on the general forums for more details: End of website maintenance


Full throttle remastered linux

GOG like to do their own installers and stuff. I’m told that builds were sent out to all stores at the same time. Hopefully it won’t take too long 🙂

10 авг. 2017 в 17:32

This thread got me my first ever moderation in my entire 11 year Steam history.

Two sides sniped at each other, only one side got modded. And that side it didn’t happen until almost a month after the posts in question. And nobody deserved a moderation anyway because it was very tame.

Essentially, people were banned for hurting some dev’s feelings. You’re a real high class operation, Double Fine.

12 авг. 2017 в 2:46

21 авг. 2017 в 14:48

This thread got me my first ever moderation in my entire 11 year Steam history.

Two sides sniped at each other, only one side got modded. And that side it didn’t happen until almost a month after the posts in question. And nobody deserved a moderation anyway because it was very tame.

Essentially, people were banned for hurting some dev’s feelings. You’re a real high class operation, Double Fine.

Look at your moderation message, it will tell you if you got moderated by a developer or by a community moderator. Community moderators are regular gamers who volunteered to be mods on steam, they are not paid and have nothing to do with the developers. So before you blame Double Fine for your moderation, make sure they are the ones that did it.
. uuuhhh yeah. I know that. That’s why I said it was a Developer.

5 сен. 2017 в 15:02

5 сен. 2017 в 15:35

5 сен. 2017 в 15:38

I’ll give you an advice on how to be a good troll: check that the game isn’t already available on Linux.

5 сен. 2017 в 17:46

I’ll give you an advice on how to be a good troll: check that the game isn’t already available on Linux.

6 сен. 2017 в 5:48

I’ll give you an advice on how to be a good troll: check that the game isn’t already available on Linux.
Indeed. This, Maniac Mansion 2: Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango and other classics are already on Linux

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Doublefine’s programmer s can’t write code for Linux. Spacebase DF-9 pegged one CPU core at 100%, they never fixed this issue, and, knowing bugs in the unfinished game weren’t fixed, they announced the game was complete and out of ealry access.

So, don’t count on a Linux release, and don’t count on them fixing any bugs in the game should they coem up later.

19 дек. 2017 в 20:49

Doublefine’s programmer s can’t write code for Linux. Spacebase DF-9 pegged one CPU core at 100%, they never fixed this issue, and, knowing bugs in the unfinished game weren’t fixed, they announced the game was complete and out of ealry access.

So, don’t count on a Linux release, and don’t count on them fixing any bugs in the game should they coem up later.

Hi! You can count on a Linux release — it’s already out. I did the Linux port of Full Throttle Remastered, which was released in July this year.

Your points here aren’t so relevant — I didn’t work on Spacebase DF-9, and I have a history of fixing bugs (I shipped a post-release patch for Day of the Tentacle Remastered). Spacebase also received a bit over a month’s worth of pre-release development after the initial release announcement followed by nearly a month of post-release support and updates.

Best to get your facts straight before making these kinds of assertions. If Spacebase is what you’re sad about, this is not the right way or place to express that.


Full Throttle Remastered

Full Throttle Remastered Free Linux Game full download the easy way in native format. Full Throttle Remastered was release on April 18, 2017.

Genre : adventure, third person
Developer : Double Fine Productions , Shiny Shoe
Publisher : Double Fine Productions
Multiplayer : no
Architecture : x86
Version : 05/25/2018
License : proprietary
Interface and voice acting : multilingual (Russian separately, from Siberian Studio )
Tablet : not required

About The Game

Full Throttle Remastered

Full Throttle Remastered is a re-release of the 1995 adventure game from LucasArts, with updated graphics, sound, additional control options and developer comments. You have to play in the post-apocalyptic world for the leader of the biker gang “Ferrets” Ben Throttle.


Full Throttle Remastered screenshot 1

Full Throttle Remastered screenshot 2

Full Throttle Remastered screenshot 3

How to Download & Install Full Throttle Remastered Linux Game

  1. Click the Download link below and you should already have installed a download client on your system.
  2. Notification will pop and say “that our site wants to open this application”. Click the button to open the client to let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
  3. Once Game Full Throttle Remastered for linux is done downloading, Extract (Unzip) “*******.tar.gz” -if you encounter this file- (To do this you must know how extract .tar.gz Files using Linux Command Line here).
  4. Right click the ./start.sh, select “Properties”, go to the “Permissions” tab, mark the file as executable. Then just treat it more or less like one of those Setup.exe’s on Windows. Double-click it to run it.
  5. Have fun and play!
  6. If you like the game please support the developers by buying it…
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– Tested on Linux Mint 20.1.
– For Linux Mint, install ia32-libs , for example by running:
— Code: sudo apt install ia32-libs

Installation :
– Make the file executable in its properties and run.

Linux System Requirements

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 or higher
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, AMD Athlon™ X2 2.8 GHz, or higher
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, ATI Radeon 4870 HD / Intel HD 4000 Graphics, or equivalent
  • Storage: 8000 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: GPU that supports OpenGL 3.3 or higher

Full Throttle Remastered Linux Free Download

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Full Throttle Remastered Rides onto Linux

Once again, I have the honour of sharing a new Linux game that I’ve both been a fan of and have ported to Linux.


Full Throttle Remastered is now available on our favourite platform, and can be found on Steam and itch.io with a 33% discount until Sunday. It should also find its way up to GOG and the Humble Store very soon!

In a world where wheeled vehicles are a dying breed, biker gang leader Ben Throttle must think, ride, and punch his way through obstacles that threaten his gang, his life, and the last motorcycle manufacturer in the country.

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Sandwiched in between The Dig and Curse of Monkey Island, Full Throttle marks the middle of LucasArts’ final 2D adventure trifecta that for many marked the last hurrah of the «golden age of adventure games». Like its contemporaries, Full Throttle makes use of both the long-lived SCUMM engine used by the majority of LucasArts’ adventure titles and INSANE, the full motion video engine initially developed for Rebel Assault. In Full Throttle, the latter is notably used to provide full screen animated backgrounds to the game’s interactive riding sequences, which was an impressive feature for a 2D game in 1995.

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As I did with my Day of the Tentacle Remastered port, I’m hoping to publish an article reflecting on the porting process and some of my experiences at a later date. If that’s your sort of thing, keep an eye out!

I should also take a moment to encourage everybody to give thanks to Full Throttle’s Linux testers, without whose time and effort I couldn’t have released the port.


If you grab the game, I hope that you’re able to re-live fond memories and/or make new ones of this classic two-wheeled adventure! Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.


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