Fusion 360 arch linux

Fusion 360 arch linux

Появилась версия CAD Fusion 360 для Linux. Fusion 360 — это коммерческое программное обеспечение, разработанное компанией Autodesk для автоматизированного проектирования (CAD), автоматизированного производства (CAM), автоматизированного проектирования (CAE) и проектирования печатных плат (PCB).

Fusion 360 — самый удобный и надёжный инструмент для 3-D моделирования. Fusion 360 доступен для Windows и macOS, а упрощенные приложения доступны для Android и iOS. Fusion 360 распространяется по платной подписке с бесплатным ограниченным домашним некоммерческим персональным выпуском.

На сайте https://snapcraft.io/fusion360 можно найти подробную инструкцию по установке Fusion 360 на операционные системы Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, elementary OS, Fedora, KDE Neon, Kubuntu, Manjaro, Pop!_OS, openSUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux и Ubuntu.

sudo snap install fusion360 --beta --devmode

После первого этапа установки в командной строке, запустите продолжение установки Fusion 360 в Wine, кликнув на значке Fusion 360, который появится в списке приложений Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, CentOS, SUSE Linux Enterprise, Debian. users can finally use Autodesk Fusion 360 in the Linux Browser now.


It seems like it is now possible to get it running in WINE, see https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=36468 (not tested yet) — also see the comments below and freel free to add your hints

What is missing is to make a Fusion 360 installation immutable (so that it gets frozen and locked in time) and able to be used without an Internet connection. I would like to burn it to CD-ROM and be able to always have the same version without any changes and without having to go online. Unless Autodesk gives me that ability, I won’t be using their software. (Autodesk could introduce an update with features that I don’t like any time, or shut down their server stuff.) I need to be able to archive my work and the software that goes along with it, and be able to use it 30 years from now. Everything else is not long-term reliable for me. Who knows whether Autodesk is still around 30 years from now. Or say 300 years. (We can still read paper drawings from 300 years ago no problem.)

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Since Autodesk is known for removing Linux support, forcing users to activate software online, renting rather than selling software, and for reducing capabilities in free plans, you may want to consider alternatives to Autodesk software.

I need your help by this issue (cryinkfly/Autodesk-Fusion-360-for-Linux#30), where I create a list of supported graphics cards! 💡

i have changed my installation-script! ⚠️

. and also I have created a manual for the OctoPrint for Autodesk® Fusion 360™ plug-in what you can use it on Linux!


Same error I got when d3d9, that was installed from d9vk, stayed in native mode. d3d9 needs to be switched to builtin mode. d3d11 can stay in native mode. Both d3d9 and d3d11 are necessary.
After first start of Fusion it is needed to set up Graphics driver to DirectX 9 in preferences (because Autoselect mode nor DirectX 11 mode doesn’t know to render the model screen)
Version of kernel, nvidia-drivers, wine or fusion does not play role, because I have Fusion for a long time and it is working well (event though mentioned things changed many times).

@madurani The graphic rendering setting changed from auto to DirectX 9 in Fusion360 and d3d9 (builtin) & d3d11 (native) WINE configuration setup did it for me so the rendering of the grid was shown correctly, however, setting it to OpenGL gives me the best performance. Thank you! Here is my setup of WINE version 5.7 executing in a Docker container environment with Ubuntu 20.04. Be sure you have the vulkan dependencies installed (NVIDIA driver support included) and those with AMD graphic cards needs mesa vulkan drivers installed as well to get the graphic rendering with DirectX working in WINE and for Fusion360.

I have improved the wine configuration setup so the first start of Fusion 360 works without needed to change anything. This is done by using DirectX 9 driver as default chosen by the Fusion 360 auto general graphic setting by installing d9vk (DirectX 9) instead of dxvk (DirectX 11) and with no need to override the d3d9 and d3d11 ddl drivers.

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I did another WINE configuration update. I updated WINE version from 5.7 to 6.14 and removed unnecessary old library dependencies not needed by Fusion 360. Got a lot better performance with the newer WINE version 6.14 running with DirectX 9.

Thanks for the hard work from all!

I’ve released a snap of this

sudo snap install —beta fusion360 —devmode

Still has the known issues:

Thanks for the hard work from all!

I’ve released a snap of this

github repo

snap install fusion360

Still has the known issues:

* Floating toolbars * Hangs on exit 

What is it doing? On manjaro (kernel 5.12) it’s only downloading something (installator i guess) and poof, window closes and nothing happens


wfm on debian 11 w/ lutris, dxvk 1.9.2, 1080ti, driver 460.91.03

wine 6.14 could run it fine in dx9 but crashed when resizing window
lutris-6.16-ge works great, lots of frames

winetricks atmlib gdiplus msxml3 msxml6 vcrun2017 corefonts fontsmooth=rgb winhttp win10
install dxvk manually
extract admin installer, wine setup/streamer.exe -p deploy -g -f log.txt —quiet with proper lutris PATH and WINEPREFIX, set lutris to launch FusionLauncher.exe, etc

But there is already the option of installing Autodesk Fusion 360 with Flatpak and I’ve also given my setup wizard a gui!

The issue I’m having is that I can’t get past browser sign, it keeps referring to browser but there’s nothing there.
Yes, when I click it it does change
But when I check my browser nothing happens.
Have this with all versions described snap/flat/wine/proton, .. tried changing default browser to chrome, firefox & w3m

To everyone still interested in Fusion 360, have you already contacted Autodesk to tell them that you’d like to see a Linux version? That’s probably the only way to get them notice the interest.

And by looking at the stars of the projects linked here, there definitely seems to be interest.

To everyone still interested in Fusion 360, have you already contacted Autodesk to tell them that you’d like to see a Linux version? That’s probably the only way to get them notice the interest.

That’s absolutely useless. They are made aware a very long time ago that there is support for this version and they made it clear they don’t want to do it.

Pro tip to everyone looking for getting fusion360 to work on Linux: just switch to onshape 🙂 It works absolutely great and works faster in the browser than fusion360 running on Linux.

That’s what I’ve been using for a while. Indeed.

Fusion360 also has a browser version (much more complete than the old one they discontinued a long time ago) which runs better than the wine one (at least for me) but they made it student only for whatever dumb reason (not a problem for me but sucks for most people)

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For exactly the reason it’s dropped in the future, or workflow changes too significantly, or files are no longer supported, it has to be run locally or with self hosting for any serious projects.

Until then, under linux, it’s wine or FreeCAD. On shape might be great but, just 0 trust in it.

I’ve been using Onshape for years for personal and professional projects. It’s FAR more reliable than Fusion 360. I’ve had none of the countless problems that Fusion is plagued with on Onshape. You should give it a try.

For exactly the reason it’s dropped in the future, or workflow changes too significantly, or files are no longer supported, it has to be run locally or with self hosting for any serious projects.

FYI using fusion360 is not solving that problem either. Offline mode is severely limited and you won’t be able perform basic tasks offline or if autodesk decides to pull the plug in the future.

Fusion360 can still save and load fully complete local files however, and honestly, I find the offline mode to be perfectly functional. — Obviously that’s non-ideal but it can be made to function in the event they completely change or break something, at least well enough to be absolutely sure that if something goes wrong, there is time to migrate.

I’m sure Onshape is amazing. But it being SOLELY in the cloud, as apposed to a fully functioning local program (that yes, I find aggravating to require cloud access normally). Makes it absolutely no go in my books no matter how powerful it is.

I mean, their concept of a web based cad. ‘Have access to a more powerful system on cheep hardware or any OS’? Very appealing! — But I wont do it without either a self hosted option or a equally capable offline mode. — One where I can be sure, that if Onshape (for instance) were to fold or go offline, or I was without internet access for a time, or on a mitered connection, that I can still not only read, but actually work on, all of my files.

So. until someone else picks up the slack on that. IMHO something like this is still well required. . While frankly, FreeCAD is developed further.

Honestly, the moment solid works or the like releases a Linux version, I’m done with all of it. I’d happily pay even a few grand for a GOOD local cad program that is mine, and on my machine, and Linux only. But I will go back 10 years worth of tech to be Linux only and as much OSS as possible, and honestly just can’t justify paying someone who doesn’t support me.

«Offline mode. & No windows. Period.» — Very simple.


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