Fusioninventory agent portable linux

GLPI. Установка Fusioninventory агента на Linux

Имеем Debian 11, хотим поставить на нее fusioninventory agent. Мы будем устанавливать только fusioninventory agent, если вам нужно установить дополнительные модули, например fusioninventory-agent-task-network, обратитесь к официальной документации по ссылке в конце статьи.

Добавляем необходимые зависимости

Для fusioninventory-agent, нужно установить:

apt -y install dmidecode hwdata ucf hdparm apt -y install perl libuniversal-require-perl libwww-perl libparse-edid-perl apt -y install libproc-daemon-perl libfile-which-perl libhttp-daemon-perl apt -y install libxml-treepp-perl libyaml-perl libnet-cups-perl libnet-ip-perl apt -y install libdigest-sha-perl libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl libtext-template-perl apt -y install libxml-xpath-perl libyaml-tiny-perl 

Скачиваем и устанавливаем fusioninventory agent

Далее, идем на github, получаем ссылку на последнюю версию агента для Linux:

Cкачиваем и устанавливаем необходимый пакет:

wget https://github.com/fusioninventory/fusioninventory-agent/releases/download/2.6/fusioninventory-agent_2.6-1_all.deb

Устанавливаем скачанный пакет:

dpkg -i fusioninventory-agent_2.6-1_all.deb

Правим конфигурацию fusioninventory, указываем как минимум один сервер, на который агент будет отсылать данные:

nano /etc/fusioninventory/agent.cfg

#send tasks results to a FusionInventory for GLPI server
server = http://yourserver.com/glpi/plugins/fusioninventory/

Запускаем fusioninventory agent и запускаем инвентаризацию принудительно

Запускаем агент fusioninventory:

systemctl restart fusioninventory-agent

Если изменилась конфигурация агента, его надо перезагрузить командой:

systemctl reload fusioninventory-agent

Чтобы запустить инвентаризацию принудительно:

pkill -USR1 -f -P 1 fusioninventory-agent


Это простая установка агента fusioninventory на ОС Debian 11. Если вам нужно установить агент на другую ОС или вы хотите установить дополнительные модули, обратитесь к официальной документации:

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FusionInventory Agent 2.6

The FusionInventory Agent maintainers are proud to announce the 2.6 release.

You can download sources or dedicated installer from the fusioninventory-agent github releases:

Download FusionInventory Agent v2.6 from Github Releases

Since last 2.5.2 release, many bug fixes and enhancements have been accumulated, such as:

  • when reloading, options set on commandline are kept
  • completly empty defines (nothing after the equal sign) in config files is now supported and this fix an issue where windows portable version was trying to write to a log file by default
  • some fixes has been included for unix systems and win32:
    • we fixed Batteries support and added an information to report capacity usage
    • we added some new Acer monitor serial support
    • on linux, the support for Snap packages in softwares has been fixed when a package with a long summary is installed
    • on debian linux, we fixed the support of packages with no size set
    • on win32, Surface Go 2 are no more reported as Hyper-V
    • on linux, disk encryption detection has been enhanced
    • on linux, Qemu Kvm virtualization inventory has been enhanced
    • dmidecode parsing result has been cleaned a little
    • on linux, virtual overlayfs related to docker are now filtered out
    • on linux, ASM storage inventory has been enhanced
    • manufacturer reporting is now better
    • we now support parsing few manufacturer PartNumbers which can enhance inventory for memories and controllers
    • thanks to a great work from Vadim Pisarev (aka po1vo):
      • smartctl could be used to enhanced storage support on linux
      • memory model is now included in inventory
      • controller model and serial are also supported
      • memory and controller inventory can also be enhanced using IPMI
      • Storage inventory has been enhanced
      • we have Micron PartNumber memory support

      For the NetDiscovery/NetInventory tasks:

      • the following enhancement has been included:
        • a better Ricoh and Zebra printers support with better hostname detection
        • Oki printers support has been enhanced with model detection
        • support for few Siemens and MultiTech industrial modules
        • LinuxAppliance support has been extended to support Ubiquiti UniFi AP
        • Hwg support has been added thanks to Bertrand Keller
        • HP switches support has been enhanced
        • fusioninventory-injector has been enhanced to avoid a fatal error while submitting a empty or wrong file and while using –xml-ua option
        • fusioninventory-injector also now check and report an error if the server is answering the XML is not valid
        • win32 installer now uses Strawberry Perl and dmidecode v3.3-gitd64af97
        • Debian package will no more produce an error while installing again after an uninstall

        Check the Changes file for more details.

        The agent is no more supported for old operating systems. It may continue to work on these platforms but we won’t handle issues reported for them:

        As another reminder, Windows agent installers are built from the fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer github repository.

        As usual many thanks to all our community, users and contributors!


        Fusioninventory agent portable linux

        We prepare the features and modification on agent we want and the integration with FusionSuite project (server part)


        FusionInventory agent 2.6


        FusionInventory agent 2.5


        Plugin FusionInventory for GLPI 9.4


        Plugin FusionInventory for GLPI 9.2


        FusionInventory agent 2.4


        Plugin FusionInventory for GLPI 9.1


        Migration of code on GitHub platform


        Plugin FusionInventory for GLPI 0.85


        Plugin FusionInventory for GLPI 0.84


        FusionInventory agent 2.3.0


        Plugin FusionInventory for GLPI 0.83


        Android agent


        Rudder integration


        Uranos integration


        FusionInventory project


        Agent/Server integration


        Server project (Tracker, a GLPI plugin)


        Linux OCSInventory Agent creation

        Creation of the OCSInventory linux agent for local inventory, will be in the future the FusionInventory agent.



        DCS Easyware

        • FusionInventory for GLPI and Agent
        • Tests and bug reports: Daily tests and bugfixes
        • Promotion and Communication: Conferences, presentations
        • Documentation
        • User support (Discord / github): Daily support
        • Training: GLPI and FusionInventory training


        • Agent
        • Tests and bug reports: bug reports
        • Promotion and Communication: Conferences and website hosting



        Forum GLPI-Project

        Hello! i have some unix station in closed network, that i want to inventory. Can i use fusioninventory agent as portable in linux (+bsd)?

        #2 2019-12-03 01:56:25

        Re: fusioninventory unix portable

        Hello! i have some unix station in closed network, that i want to inventory. Can i use fusioninventory agent as portable in linux (+bsd)?

        Today, I was looking for how to do this on system I manage and I did not find any information either. For reference, I am adding here how I managed to do it.

        You GLPI server must have the fusioninventory plugin installed. The XML that you will be generating be imported at Administration > Fusioninventory > Tasks > Import

        In regards to dependencies, the fusion inventory report script (not the agent) relies on some perl modules that are not packaged with most unix operating systems by default or are included in the source code of fusion inventory. The following is not fully portable, but is distribution-dependent . For each OS version, download the packages on test machine of the same version and then recursively copy the libraries into the lib directory (so it looks something like lib/File/Which.pm) after extracting the fusioninventory code. In this a case, it is especially important to ‘export PERL5LIB=.’.

        Across multiple operating system there are the following limitations:
        — no network port data or IP addresses
        — no volumes

        GLPI server version: 9.2
        Fusion inventory version: 9.1 + 1.0
        perl version: 5.22

        Get the latest (2.5.1) ‘.deb’ files from fusioninventory@github/releases . In particular:
        — fusioninventory-agent_2.5.1-1_all.deb
        — fusioninventory-agent-task-collect_2.5.1-1_all.deb

        mkdir /root/fusion
        cd /root/fusion
        wget .
        mkdir tmp
        dpkg-deb -x each.deb tmp
        cd tmp/usr/share/fusioninventory/lib
        apt install libfile-which-perl libuniversal-require-perl libxml-treepp-perl
        perl /root/fusion/tmp/usr/bin/fusioninventory-inventory

        Copy the results into a file. Trim any empty lines at start and end.

        Exactly like ubuntu 16.04 but:

        cd /root/fusion/tmp/usr/share/fusioninventory/lib
        export PERL5LIB=.

        Not too great. For a virtual machine, it only got the memory and kernel information. Not even network information.

        mkdir /root/fusion
        curl -Lo out.tgz FusionInventory-Agent-2.5.1.tar.gz
        mkdir tmp
        tar xzvf . -C tmp
        pkg_add p5-File-Which p5-Universal-require p5-XML-TreePP
        cd tmp/FusionInventory. /lib
        export PERL5LIB=.
        perl /root/fusion/tmp/FusionInventory-Agent-2.5.1/bin/fusioninventory-inventory

        I get the following error on 6.5, which seems related to the BOOT_TIME variable:
        `Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at FusionInventory/Agent/Task/Inventory/BSD.pm line 44.`


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