G код linux cnc

G Code Overview

The LinuxCNC G Code language is based on the RS274/NGC language. The G Code language is based on lines of code. Each line (also called a block) may include commands to do several different things. Lines of code may be collected in a file to make a program.

A typical line of code consists of an optional line number at the beginning followed by one or more words. A word consists of a letter followed by a number (or something that evaluates to a number). A word may either give a command or provide an argument to a command. For example, G1 X3 is a valid line of code with two words. G1 is a command meaning move in a straight line at the programmed feed rate to the programmed end point, and X3 provides an argument value (the value of X should be 3 at the end of the move). Most LinuxCNC G Code commands start with either G or M (for General and Miscellaneous). The words for these commands are called G codes and M codes.

The LinuxCNC language has no indicator for the start of a program. The Interpreter, however, deals with files. A single program may be in a single file, or a program may be spread across several files. A file may demarcated with percents in the following way. The first non-blank line of a file may contain nothing but a percent sign, %, possibly surrounded by white space, and later in the file (normally at the end of the file) there may be a similar line. Demarcating a file with percents is optional if the file has an M2 or M30 in it, but is required if not. An error will be signaled if a file has a percent line at the beginning but not at the end. The useful contents of a file demarcated by percents stop after the second percent line. Anything after that is ignored.

The LinuxCNC G Code language has two commands (M2 or M30), either of which ends a program. A program may end before the end of a file. Lines of a file that occur after the end of a program are not to be executed. The interpreter does not even read them.

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2. Format of a line

A permissible line of input code consists of the following, in order, with the restriction that there is a maximum (currently 256) to the number of characters allowed on a line.

  1. an optional block delete character, which is a slash /.
  2. an optional line number.
  3. any number of words, parameter settings, and comments.
  4. an end of line marker (carriage return or line feed or both).

Any input not explicitly allowed is illegal and will cause the Interpreter to signal an error.

Spaces and tabs are allowed anywhere on a line of code and do not change the meaning of the line, except inside comments. This makes some strange-looking input legal. The line G0X +0. 12 34Y 7 is equivalent to G0 x+0.1234 Y7, for example.

Blank lines are allowed in the input. They are to be ignored.

Input is case insensitive, except in comments, i.e., any letter outside a comment may be in upper or lower case without changing the meaning of a line.

2.1. Block Delete

The optional block delete character the slash / when placed first on a line can be used by some user interfaces to skip lines of code when needed. In Axis the key combination Alt-m-/ toggles block delete on and off. When block delete is on any lines starting with the slash / are skipped.

2.2. Line Number

A line number is the letter N followed by an unsigned integer, optionally followed by a period and another unsigned integer. For example, N1234 and N56.78 are valid line numbers. They may be repeated or used out of order, although normal practice is to avoid such usage. Line numbers may also be skipped, and that is normal practice. A line number is not required to be used, but must be in the proper place if used.

2.3. Word

A word is a letter other than N followed by a real value.

Words may begin with any of the letters shown in the following Table. The table includes N for completeness, even though, as defined above, line numbers are not words. Several letters (I, J, K, L, P, R) may have different meanings in different contexts. Letters which refer to axis names are not valid on a machine which does not have the corresponding axis.

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G Code Overview

The LinuxCNC G Code language is based on the RS274/NGC language. The G Code language is based on lines of code. Each line (also called a block) may include commands to do several different things. Lines of code may be collected in a file to make a program.

A typical line of code consists of an optional line number at the beginning followed by one or more words. A word consists of a letter followed by a number (or something that evaluates to a number). A word may either give a command or provide an argument to a command. For example, G1 X3 is a valid line of code with two words. G1 is a command meaning move in a straight line at the programmed feed rate to the programmed end point, and X3 provides an argument value (the value of X should be 3 at the end of the move). Most LinuxCNC G Code commands start with either G or M (for General and Miscellaneous). The words for these commands are called G codes and M codes.

The LinuxCNC language has no indicator for the start of a program. The Interpreter, however, deals with files. A single program may be in a single file, or a program may be spread across several files. A file may demarcated with percents in the following way. The first non-blank line of a file may contain nothing but a percent sign, %, possibly surrounded by white space, and later in the file (normally at the end of the file) there may be a similar line. Demarcating a file with percents is optional if the file has an M2 or M30 in it, but is required if not. An error will be signaled if a file has a percent line at the beginning but not at the end. The useful contents of a file demarcated by percents stop after the second percent line. Anything after that is ignored.

The LinuxCNC G Code language has two commands (M2 or M30), either of which ends a program. A program may end before the end of a file. Lines of a file that occur after the end of a program are not to be executed. The interpreter does not even read them.

2. Format of a line

A permissible line of input code consists of the following, in order, with the restriction that there is a maximum (currently 256) to the number of characters allowed on a line.

  1. an optional block delete character, which is a slash /.
  2. an optional line number.
  3. any number of words, parameter settings, and comments.
  4. an end of line marker (carriage return or line feed or both).
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Any input not explicitly allowed is illegal and will cause the Interpreter to signal an error.

Spaces and tabs are allowed anywhere on a line of code and do not change the meaning of the line, except inside comments. This makes some strange-looking input legal. The line G0X +0. 12 34Y 7 is equivalent to G0 x+0.1234 Y7, for example.

Blank lines are allowed in the input. They are to be ignored.

Input is case insensitive, except in comments, i.e., any letter outside a comment may be in upper or lower case without changing the meaning of a line.

2.1. Block Delete

The optional block delete character the slash / when placed first on a line can be used by some user interfaces to skip lines of code when needed. In Axis the key combination Alt-m-/ toggles block delete on and off. When block delete is on any lines starting with the slash / are skipped.

2.2. Line Number

A line number is the letter N followed by an unsigned integer, optionally followed by a period and another unsigned integer. For example, N1234 and N56.78 are valid line numbers. They may be repeated or used out of order, although normal practice is to avoid such usage. Line numbers may also be skipped, and that is normal practice. A line number is not required to be used, but must be in the proper place if used.

2.3. Word

A word is a letter other than N followed by a real value.

Words may begin with any of the letters shown in the following Table. The table includes N for completeness, even though, as defined above, line numbers are not words. Several letters (I, J, K, L, P, R) may have different meanings in different contexts. Letters which refer to axis names are not valid on a machine which does not have the corresponding axis.


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