Генерация qr кода для wifi


Ever wanted to create a cool QR code for your guests? But never wanted to type in your WiFi credentials into a form that submits them to a remote webserver to render the QR code? QiFi for the rescue! It will render the code in your browser, on your machine, so the WiFi stays as secure as it was before (read the code if you do not trust text on the internet :-))!

If you use the Save-button to store a code, this is still secure, as the data is stored in HTML5 localStorage and is never transmitted to the server (in contrast to cookie-based solutions).

Don’t trust your browser either? Just pipe the string WIFI:S:;T:;P:;; through the QR code generator of your choice after reading the documentation.

Supported Scanners


The Android Camera App has support for WiFi QR codes since Android 10.

Huawei phones have a QR code scanner in HiVision mode. This mode has an eye-shaped icon and can be lauched from the lock screen by swiping up or from the camera.

Every other Android Barcode Scanner based on the ZXing library.


QR Reader for iPhone from TapMedia and Avira Insight QR Code Scanner by Avira Holding GmbH & Co. KG also support WiFi QR codes. Please note: Due to iOS design, third-party apps cannot modify WiFi settings directly and you’ll have to copy&paste the details.



Every other QR scanner out there should be able to scan the code too, but probably won’t interpret it as intended. If your scanner supports WiFi QR codes, please send me a mail!


If you have any comments, suggestions, bugs or complaints: please write to: evgeni+qifi@golov.de.

qifi logo

by @evgeni
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in the United States and other countries.


QR-код для доступа к Wi-Fi

На телефонах iPhone и Android, а также планшетах, есть удобный способ подключения к Wi-Fi сети — при помощи сканирования QR-кода.
Сервис позволяет:
— бесплатно создать QR код для подключения к Wi-Fi с красивым дизайном
— загрузить логотип в QR код
— скачать QR код для подключения к Wi-Fi

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Распечатанный QR-код можно поместить рядом с Wi-Fi роутером, чтобы не диктовать длинный пароль к Wi-Fi точки доступа. Это будет удобно для Ваших гостей. Особенно такой способ пригодиться в гостиницах, отелях, ресторанах. Когда вместо того чтобы диктовать или приносить инструкции посетителям, достаточно будет считать QR код.

Частые вопросы

1. Как использовать?

1. Заполните имя WiFi сети и пароль
2. Укажите тип шифрования.
3. Скачайте бесплатно полученный QR код
Полученный QR-код считываются камерой, которая после сканирования автоматически включают Wi-Fi на устройстве.

Как отсканировать QR код wifi?

Откройте камеру, как обычно когда что то хотите сфотографировать, и наведите на QR код.

Подключение к Wi-Fi через QR код

Пример на iPhone

2. Моя камера не распознаёт QR код?

Если стандартная «Камера» не может распознать QR-код, откройте «Настройки», перейдите в раздел «Камера» и переведите в активное положение переключатель «Сканирование QR-кода».
Данная возможность есть на iPhone и iPad с iOS 11 и новее. Если у вас более ранняя версия iOS, то можно загрузить из App Store приложение — сканер QR-кодов.
Если сама камера не распознаёт QR код, то попробуйте скачать специальное приложение для распознавания QR кода (Barcode Scanner или QR Code Reader).

3. Какой тип шифрования мне нужно выбрать — WPA/WPA2, WEP или оставить пустым?

WPA/WPA2 — наиболее частый тип, который используется по-умолчанию на многих роутерах. Если тип шифрования не выбран, то сеть WiFi не защищена и открыта для каждого.

4. Моя WiFi сеть скрыта, я могу создать для неё QR код?

Да, конечно. Просто укажите опцию «Скрытая сеть» — да.

5. Зачем вообще нужен QR код для подключения к WiFi?

Это удобный способ быстро подключится к вашей WiFi сети для друзей или гостей. Также подключение по QR коду к WiFi удобно в таких местах как:
— гостицы, хостелы, сдача жилья в аренду
— рестараны, кафе, питейные заведения
— учебные учреждения, социальные и государственные службы
— поликлиники, диагностические центры
— другие публичные места, где есть WiFi

Есть вопросы — оставьте комментарий или напишите на почту — analiticexpertpay@gmail.com.
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Создать QR код Wi-Fi

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Данные сканнеры абсолютно бесплатны и хорошо справляются со своей задачей. Вы можете использовать сканнеры не только на телефоне, но и на вашем компьютере, планшете, прямо в браузере или через специальный онлайн сканнер.

Также, вы можете советовать эти сканнеры QR кодов своим клиентам, друзьям и всем желающим

Поделитесь QR генератором с друзьями:

Что такое QR код Wi-Fi?

QR Код Wi-Fi Это один из самых полезных в быту кодов, вы больше не будете забывать пароль от вайфая, а ваши гости или посетители без проблем смогут подключиться к интернету

При сканировании телефоном QR Кода устройство автоматически создает, запоминает и присоединяется к указанной Wi-Fi сети. Это идеальное решение не только для ресторанов, но и для домашнего использования. Тем более, что QR код можно настроить визуально и сделать его красивым дополнением интерьера


What is the aim of a WiFi QR Code generator?

There was no other way to access a WiFi network before this without manually selecting one from a list and entering a password. You can now create a free QR Code that gives you the ability to link to a WiFi network easy by pointing your camera at it or scanning it with a QR Code scanner using our generator. What’s even better? The QR Code that is created by our WiFi QR Code generator is absolutely free, and it’ll ne’er expire (unless the settings on your router changed). You can conveniently share your WiFi with friends, family, and customers if you run a business using a WiFi QR Code.

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Can I still create a QR Code if my WiFi network is hidden?

Without a doubt. In our WiFi QR Code generator, select the «Hidden» checkbox next to the network name area. If your network is not hidden and you’d like to make it so, consult your device’s manual or look up how to conceal your network on most modern routers.

Which WiFi protection protocol do I require? WEP, WPA/WPA2, or None?

The most stable choice is WPA/WPA2, which is also the default configuration for most WiFi access points. Always choose this choice if you are unsure. None indicates that your WiFi is insecure and open to everyone.

What’s the best way to make a WiFi QR Code

In the network name field, type the name of the WiFi network. Make sure it’s the same as the name on your router.
Tick the «Hidden» box next to the field if this is a hidden network.
Pick the security protocol for your network and enter the WiFi password (case sensitive). If the file isn’t password-protected, you can leave the password field blank.
Then, to make the QR Code stand out, add a frame and change the colors.
Finally, get your free personalized QR Code!

What is the process of connecting to a WiFi network using a QR Code?

Simply open the camera app on your smartphone and hold it over the Code to test your newly-created Code or to see if you’ve encountered one. You will receive a notification to connect to the wireless network. If this doesn’t work, make sure the QR Code scanning function is turned on in your settings. Is your computer still not working? And the final step is to go to your smartphone’s app store and download a third-party QR Code scanner.

What are the benefits of using a QR Code to share my WiFi?

Family and friends

It’s tough to walk every visitant through the settings of your WiFi once they come to visit. To begin, instruct them to choose your network from a listing, say the password aloud, and double-check that they are connected in a single attempt (which, for some reason, rarely happens). You will simply show them a WiFi QR Code and make them search it to connect to the network.

Rentals or Airbnbs

It’s good to plan to use a WiFi QR Code to share the network if you are operational an Airbnb or another rental house. Your guests can connect to the network by scanning the QR Code instead of typing a password. This will improve their stay and experience while still leaving a long-lasting impression.

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Cafes or restaurants

Most of your customers will enquire about your cafe’s or restaurant’s WiFi password. however would not it’s safer if it had been simply a QR Code on their tables, the wall, or perhaps on their receipts? Customers are going to be ready to search and bind without having to ask for the WiFi password anytime.

Offices of government

Let’s change that. Government offices and WiFi don’t normally go together, so let’s change that. These offices (we’re looking at you, DMV) have notoriously long lines. Why not soften the blow by allowing people to link to your WiFi and surf the web while they wait? You can conveniently share your WiFi network on your waiting number ticket with our WiFi QR Code.

Clinics or hospitals

It can be difficult to wait in a hospital or clinic. When you’re overworked and understaffed, the internet can be a great way to keep your patients and their families occupied. you’ll quickly share the WiFi network and make them search it in the waiting room without troubling any staff members by employing a WiFi QR Code.

Adding WiFi to public places in cities (meeting spots, public parks, tourism offices) makes it more inviting for visitors and locals to come and hang out. They can communicate quickly to check navigation, browse points of interest, and share pictures of your beautiful attractions on social media. Place WiFi QR Codes on signs, lampposts, and even benches where people are likely to sit and relax so that they can quickly connect to the internet and search for more things to see and do in your neighborhood.

What is the meaning of WiFi?

While many people mistakenly believe the word stands for Wireless Fidelity, this is not the case. WiFi is a brand name created by a branding firm for WiFi devices. Yes, there is some ambiguity in the spelling as well. Is it WiFi or WiFi, or both? WiFi is simply the common spelling, and WiFi with the hyphen is the correct registered trademark. To put it simply, WiFi uses radio waves to relay data or information over the air with the aid of a wireless router. The router collects information from the internet from your broadband and converts it to radio waves with a frequency of a pair of 2.4 or 5.8 gigahertz.

Is my WiFi QR Code going to expire?

No, it’s not true. Since a QR Code generated with the WiFi QR Code Generator is static, it will never expire. You would not be able to edit the content or monitor the scans of a static QR Code once it’s been generated.

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Our team hope you find what you are looking for, please buy us a cup of coffee to keep improving this tool, have a nice day dear

You can test your QR Code in our QR Code scanner


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