Get chrome version linux

How to check google chrome version in ubuntu terminal

Through this «debugging back-door» you may be able the get the list of open tabs. check chrome version ubuntu via terminal Solution 1: Chrome on Linux — query the browser to see what tabs are open?

How to check google chrome version in ubuntu terminal

check chrome version ubuntu via terminal

How to open Google Chrome from the Terminal in, To open Google Chrome with the help of the command line, follow the steps given below: Go to Desktop > Applications. Type Terminal in the search bar and click on the first result. Or you can skip the lengthy process and open a new Terminal session by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard.

Chrome on Linux — query the browser to see what tabs are open?

Chrome on Linux — query the browser to see what tabs are open?

strings ~/'.config/chromium/Default/Current Session' | 'grep' -E '^https?://' 

Indeed there is a command line option which can open the door to a running chrome (chromium) process —remote-shell-port . Through this «debugging back-door» you may be able the get the list of open tabs.

Chrome DevTools is deprecated and not supported anymore since Version >17.0.950.* See WebKit-Protocol manual if the new Debug-Framework provides similar manners to accomplish the task.

Here is a more general solution (works with other applications as well) by querying the X window under focus using xdotool

while true; do xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname; sleep 10; done 

This outputs the following for instance:

Tilix: Defaultpeter-ThinkPad-T5801: peter@peter-ThinkPad-T580: ~ Chrome on Linux - query the browser to see what tabs are open? - Stack Overflow - Google Chrome Local KVM untitled — Atom untitled — Atom Open File iostat_xtmz_3.out — ~/Work/KappAhl/Test1 — Atom Tilix: Defaultpeter-ThinkPad-T5801: peter@peter-ThinkPad-T580: ~* 

How to find chrome driver version in use for a node on a, If you have a configuration file for your node you can add the currently running/deployed chromedriver version to that and than it will be shown in the Configuration tab. I added the chromedriver version by hand, but you can easily add this during deployment of the node. This way it will be displayed in the …

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Is it possible to view Google Chrome bookmarks and history from the terminal

The Bookmarks is a UTF-8 plain text file in JSON format:

$ file ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/Bookmarks .config/google-chrome-beta/Default/Bookmarks: UTF-8 Unicode text 
  • google-chrome-beta Depending on your version of Chrome
  • Default Depending on your profile

To view the bookmars use this command:

less ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/Bookmarks 

or with jq , a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor:

and run with this command to see the whole structure:

jq '.' ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/Bookmarks 

or with this command to see an entry, eg. checksum :

jq '.checksum' ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/Bookmarks 

or all bookmarks in the bookmark bar:

jq '.roots.bookmark_bar.children' ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/Bookmarks 

The History is a binary file in SQLite format 3 :

$ file ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/History .config/google-chrome-beta/Default/History: SQLite 3.x database 
  • google-chrome-beta Depending on your version of Chrome
  • Default Depending on your profile

To query the database, Chrome must be completely closed. Or you have to create a copy of the file and use that copy.

To view the history you need to install sqlite3:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 
sqlite3 ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/History 
sqlite> .tables downloads meta urls downloads_url_chains segment_usage visit_source keyword_search_terms segments visits 
sqlite> SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE 1; 

Alternatively, a GUI may be used:

sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser 
sqlitebrowser ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/History 
sudo apt-get install sqliteman 
sqliteman ~/.config/google-chrome-beta/Default/History 

Using shellcheck to Find and Fix Scripting Bugs, As this third issue is thus a result of the second issue, this run will allow us to fix two issues for the time being. Our script now looks like this: #!/bin/bash echo ‘Bash is not wash’ echo More errors for me» if [ -d ./directory >; than echo ‘sure! < start fif. Let’s run shellcheck on this again after making the …

How to find chrome driver version in use for a node on a Selenium grid

If you have a configuration file for your node you can add the currently running/deployed chromedriver version to that and than it will be shown in the Configuration tab.
I added the chromedriver version by hand, but you can easily add this during deployment of the node.

Configuration file with capabilities

This way it will be displayed in the capabilities section of the Configuration tab in your /grid/console.

Capabilities with chromedriver version

PS: If you need the Chromedriver version during runtime of your code you can get it with driver.getCapabilities().getCapability(«chrome») and than parse the chromedriverVersion with a RegEx.

Getting internet browsing history from shell, Depending on your version of Chrome Default Depending on your profile To query the database, Chrome must be completely closed. Or you have to create a copy of the file and use that copy. To view the history you need to install sqlite3: sudo apt-get install sqlite3 Start sqlite3 with sqlite3 ~/.config/google …


How to check Google Chrome Browser Version

Google chrome is a web browsing tool developed by Google and has cross-platform support for Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and Mac. This web browser was initially released for Microsoft Windows in 2008, but later on, it was developed to offer support compatibility for different platforms. Google Chrome is an amazing web browsing software that works well to use Google services and various websites.

Google regularly works to deliver the latest versions to make Chrome faster and provide cutting-edge services. Hence, it is essential to update Google Chrome for a better experience because it requires regular updates for your system’s proper working and security.

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In case you are facing some issues while using Google Chrome in your Linux system, make sure to check the Google Chrome browser version and update it as soon as possible. However, if you don’t know how to check the Google Chrome browser version in Linux, then read our article as we have mentioned the easiest ways to check it. You will get to know about three different procedures you can use to check Google Chrome in Ubuntu or any Linux operating system you are using on your computer/laptop.

Benefits of Google Chrome

Before jumping on the procedures to check the Google Chrome browser version, let’s consider some of the top benefits offered by Google Chrome:

  • It provides a sleek design and high-speed Browsing options.
  • It is safe, secure, and offers cross-platform support.
  • You can easily sync across multiple devices.
  • It has great features and integration with Google apps.
  • It has a strong developer console and a large extension base.

How to Check Google Chrome Browser Version

We are using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to check the Google Chrome browser version as Ubuntu is a widely used operating system worldwide.

Check Google Chrome Browser Version using “chrome://version”

“chrome://version” is a URL for Google Chrome that you can use to check its version in your system.

First, open your Google Chrome browser and paste “chrome://version” in the URL box, and search it.

Once you press the Enter button on your keyboard, Google Chrome will open a page containing complete details about the version.

Check Google Chrome Browser Version from About Section

It is one of the easiest ways to check the Google Chrome version in Ubuntu or any other Linux device.
Open the Google Chrome browser on the screen and click on the three dots(Options) above at the top right corner.

After clicking on the dots, you will see a list of multiple options, so click on the “Help” option and select “About Google Chrome”.

It will open a new window having different details and the current Google Chrome version on your system.

Check Google Chrome Version using Command Line

If you don’t want to open Google Chrome to check its version, you can use a specific command to check it easily.
Open the Linux terminal and type the below command, then press Enter button:

Once you press the Enter button, your system will provide complete information regarding the Google Chrome version. So you will get a message like this:

mrlinux@ubuntu:~$ google-chrome —version


So this is how you can easily check the Google Chrome Browser version, and we have also provided multiple convenience procedures. As we have mentioned earlier, Google Chrome is an amazing browser that offers excellent compatibility and web browsing features. However, it requires regular updates to regularly maintain proper security to check and update the Google Chrome version regularly. Try out these ways on your system and keep it up to date as per the latest Google Chrome requirement.

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About the author

Prateek Jangid

A passionate Linux user for personal and professional reasons, always exploring what is new in the world of Linux and sharing with my readers.


Как проверить версию браузера Google Chrome

В этой статье мы обсудим несколько возможных способов проверки версии вашего браузера Google Chrome. Ожидайте от последней проверки решения для браузера Google Chrome, где фактический терминал командной строки Linux используется для определения версии Chrome, руководство должно предоставить вам независимость от операционной системы решение. При этом, по крайней мере, один из следующих шагов должен помочь вам независимо от вашей операционной системы или устройства (мобильный, настольный, ПК).

В этом уроке вы узнаете:

  • Как проверить версию браузера Chrome с помощью страницы справки
  • Как проверить версию браузера Chrome с помощью внешней целевой страницы
  • Как проверить версию браузера Chrome с помощью страницы версии Chrome
  • Как узнать версию браузера Chrome из командной строки

Получение версии браузера Google Chrome

Получение версии браузера Google Chrome

Требования к программному обеспечению и используемые условные обозначения

Требования к программному обеспечению и условные обозначения командной строки Linux
Категория Требования, условные обозначения или используемая версия программного обеспечения

Как проверить версию Google Chrome пошаговая инструкция

  1. Первое решение должно работать на любом устройстве, независимо от того, пытаетесь ли вы получить версию Google Chrome со своего мобильного устройства, планшета, ноутбука или ПК. Откройте браузер Google Chrome и введите поле URL. хром: // версия .

Получение версии браузера Google Chrome с помощью страницы chrome: // version

Получение версии браузера Google Chrome с помощью хром: // версия страница

Определение имени браузера, версии операционной системы и конфигурации пользовательского агента.

Определение имени браузера, версии операционной системы и конфигурации пользовательского агента.

Настройка и управление Google Chrome - Справка - О Google Chrome

Чтобы проверить версию Chrome, сначала перейдите в браузере к Настройка и управление Google Chrome -> Справка -> О Google Chrome .

Версия Google Chrome отображается на странице справки

Версия Google Chrome отображается на странице справки

Проверьте версию Google Chrome из терминала Linux

Проверьте версию Google Chrome из терминала Linux

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