Get process status linux

Check if a Process Is Running in Linux

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1. Overview

We usually have a lot of processes running on our machine. Some of them run for a very long time, while others only run briefly. And occasionally, we’ll need to monitor and control them. There are many commands available in the Linux ecosystem for managing them.

In this tutorial, we’ll see different approaches for checking if a process is running or not.

2. Setup

First, we’ll need a script that takes a long time to finish:

$ cat #!/bin/bash echo 'Starting. ' sleep 1000 echo 'Completed'

Then, we’ll start it in the background:

Next, let’s check the status of the script using different commands.

3. Using the ps Command

The ps command is one of the most commonly used Linux commands to monitor the process status.

It comes with various options to list the processes and their parameters. Consequently, this command provides us with detailed information regarding the processes:

$ ps -ef | grep bluelake 17838 2411 0 14:47 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/bash ./ bluelake 17842 2411 0 14:47 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto

Firstly, we’ve run the ps command and piped the result to the grep command. Secondly, in the grep command, we searched for the script name.

Let’s look at the different options we’ve used for the ps command:

  • -e: select all processes running in the system
  • -f: to view the full format listing of the process

Finally, we could see the script name in the result, which confirms that the script is indeed running. Typically, the ps command shows the PID (17838) and the parent PID (2411), as we can see here.

We could see one more process listed in the results. This is the grep command in the pipeline. By looking at it, we shouldn’t assume that the process is running as this will be always shown in the result.

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4. Using the pgrep Command

Sometimes, we only need to check whether a process is active. We may not be interested in minute details regarding the process. For those situations, we can use the pgrep command.

Here’s the syntax of pgrep:

The pgrep command searches for the pattern among the currently running processes. And, once it finds a process it prints the PID and the process name depending upon the options we give while running the command.

Let’s see how we can use pgrep:

$ pgrep -l 18259

Here, we can see it listed the running PID and its name. We’ve used the -l option to list the name of the process.

We may use other options as well:

  • -c: to get the count of processes
  • -f: to search in the full command including the arguments list
  • -a: to print the command line along with the PID
  • -i: to ignore case while searching
  • -x: list the process which exactly matches the pattern
  • -d: to set a different delimiter if we have more than one process (by default, a newline is used as a delimiter)

5. Using the pidof Command

The pidof command finds and prints the PID of a process. It’s similar to the pgrep command we saw above.

Let’s see the syntax of pidof:

pidof [-s] [-c] [-q] [-w] [-x] [-o omitpid[,omitpid. ]. ] [-S separator] program [program. ]

We’ve run the pidof command with the -x option to include any running scripts in the search. And it has listed the PID of the script we started.

In this command, we can give more than one process name or script name to search for. It prints the PIDs in a single line. As a result, we can then pipe these resulting PIDs into another command to perform additional operations on the PIDs found.

6. Using the proc File System

The proc file system is another place where we can find the information related to different processes in our system. We can find it in most of the Linux distributions out there. Therefore, this method of finding information related to the process is intended to work in the majority of situations.

The proc file system stores the kernel information. It stores the live system data organized in different files and folders. We can look into those files for specific information.

Apart from other files, this file system has a directory named after the PID for each process. Inside that directory, we can find a lot of files containing the metadata related to that process. Out of those, we can find a status file that contains basic process information in a human-readable format.

The idea here is to grep through this file in all these PID subdirectories:

$ grep "" /proc/9*/status | awk -F: '' 19071

Here, we’ve used the grep command to search in the PID subdirectories for the process name. Then, the results, which contain the file path and process name, are piped to the awk command. From the file path, we extract the PID using the split function. Finally, we print the PID and process name.

7. Conclusion

In this article, we saw different ways to check if a process is running.

We’ve seen that the pgrep and the pidof commands show minimal information about the processes.

On the other hand, the ps command displays more information. Furthermore, if we need a deeper understanding we can use the proc file system.


get process status linux

Any time the system is running, processes are also running. You can use the ps command to find out which processes are running and display information about those processes.

How can I check my PID status?

The easiest way to find out if process is running is run ps aux command and grep process name. If you got output along with process name/pid, your process is running.

How do I kill a process in Linux?

  1. What Processes Can You Kill in Linux?
  2. Step 1: View Running Linux Processes.
  3. Step 2: Locate the Process to Kill. Locate a Process with ps Command. Finding the PID with pgrep or pidof.
  4. Step 3: Use Kill Command Options to Terminate a Process. killall Command. pkill Command. .
  5. Key Takeaways on Terminating a Linux Process.

How do I start a process in Linux?

The easiest way to start a process is to type its name at the command line and press Enter. If you want to start an Nginx web server, type nginx.

How do I find the process name using PID?

To get the command line for process id 9999, read the file /proc/9999/cmdline . On linux, you can look in /proc/ . Try typing man proc for more information. The contents of /proc/$PID/cmdline will give you the command line that process $PID was run with.

How do you kill a PID in Unix?

  1. Step 1 – Find out the PID (process id) of the lighttpd. Use the ps or pidof command to find out PID for any program. .
  2. Step 2 – kill the process using a PID. The PID # 3486 is assigned to the lighttpd process. .
  3. Step 3 – How to verify that the process is gone/killed.

How do you kill PID?

Killing processes with the top command

First, search for the process that you want to kill and note the PID. Then, press k while top is running (this is case sensitive). It will prompt you to enter the PID of the process that you want to kill. After you enter the PID, press enter.

What does kill in Linux?

kill command in Linux (located in /bin/kill), is a built-in command which is used to terminate processes manually. kill command sends a signal to a process which terminates the process.

How do I list all processes in Linux?

  1. Open the terminal window on Linux.
  2. For remote Linux server use the ssh command for log in purpose.
  3. Type the ps aux command to see all running process in Linux.
  4. Alternatively, you can issue the top command or htop command to view running process in Linux.

How do you kill a process in Terminal?

How do I grep a process in Linux?

  1. Open the terminal application.
  2. Type the pidof command as follows to find PID for firefox process: pidof firefox.
  3. Or use the ps command along with grep command as follows: ps aux | grep -i firefox.
  4. To look up or signal processes based on name use:

What is the init process in Linux?

Init is the parent of all processes, executed by the kernel during the booting of a system. Its principle role is to create processes from a script stored in the file /etc/inittab. It usually has entries which cause init to spawn gettys on each line that users can log in.

What is the process in Linux?

A process is simply a running application, command, or any other program. . After a Linux computer has been booted up, the Linux Kernel hands control over to a process known as PID1. PID1 is the primary process which is also the first process to start when Linux boots up.

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Status of process on linux

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1 Answer 1

First of all, there are more process states than «Running», «Done» and «Stopped», from man ps:

PROCESS STATE CODES Here are the different values that the s, stat and state output specifiers (header "STAT" or "S") will display to describe the state of a process: D uninterruptible sleep (usually IO) R running or runnable (on run queue) S interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete) T stopped by job control signal t stopped by debugger during the tracing W paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel) X dead (should never be seen) Z defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent 

You can get the status of one process by its pid (process ID) using the command ps:

From man ps:

-q pidlist Select by PID (quick mode). This selects the processes whose process ID numbers appear in pidlist. With this option ps reads the necessary info only for the pids listed in the pidlist and doesn't apply additional filtering rules. The order of pids is unsorted and preserved. No additional selection options, sorting and forest type listings are allowed in this mode. Identical to q and --quick-pid. 

If you have the array of pid «All_Process_Pid» in your bash script, then you can just:

for i in "$" do echo "process $i has the state $(ps -q $i -o state --no-headers)" done 


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