Git clear credentials linux

Git: Remove credentials from repository

At first: This is (hopefully) no duplicate of this or this. The current status: I committed a file with credentials for an internal database to my Git repository. This was fine, as I used it only alone. Then my group started to clone, push and pull around in this project. We now have several Git repositories (one central and some developers). The problem: We now want to give public access to the source code, and to the Git repository or at least let Git manage the details of others contributing to the code. The question: What would be a good strategy to a) remove the file with the credentials from the central or from all repositories, or b) set up a new Git repository as kind of ‘interface’ to the outer world? If choosing (b), how could we easily communicate changes back to the main repository? Due to the already widespread distribution, we’d really like to not do a git rebase or a git filter-branch on each and every current repository.

4 Answers 4

Sorry, but you’re stuck with running git filter-branch if you want to delete the credentials from the main repository. See Removing sensitive data, written by the folks at GitHub.

Due to git’s design, there’s no way to force existing clones to delete the file from their respective histories.

You could sanitize a single branch and make it the basis for future development:

$ git checkout -b old-master master $ git filter-branch . master 

Now you’d need to push the sanitized master to a new repo that contains only the clean master:

$ git push new-central master 

Existing repos can add the new remote and git cherry-pick changes from their old branches over to the new clean master if necessary.

For the new repository, put some sort of barrier in place to prevent someone pushing sensitive data to it so you don’t have the same problem all over again. This barrier might be a human being who controls the new central repository and reviews all patches to decide what goes in.


How to remove cached credentials from git in Linux?

When using Git on Linux, cached credentials can sometimes cause issues when trying to access remote repositories. These cached credentials can persist even after changing your password, leading to authentication failures and denied access. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to remove the cached credentials from Git on your Linux machine. Here are a few methods to accomplish this task:

Method 1: Remove Cached Credentials with Git Credential Manager

To remove cached credentials from Git on Linux using Git Credential Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the Git repository where you want to remove the cached credentials.
  2. Run the following command to launch Git Credential Manager:
git credential-manager uninstall
  1. This will remove the credential manager from Git. Now, you need to remove the cached credentials. Run the following command:
git config --global --unset credential.helper
  1. This will unset the credential helper, which is responsible for caching your Git credentials.
  2. Finally, run the following command to verify that the cached credentials have been removed:
git credential-manager get

If the output is empty, it means that the cached credentials have been removed successfully.

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That’s it! You have successfully removed the cached credentials from Git on Linux using Git Credential Manager.

Method 2: Remove Cached Credentials Manually

To remove cached credentials from Git manually in Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the root of your Git repository.
  2. Run the following command to list all cached credentials:
git config --list --show-origin | grep credential.helper
git config --unset credential.helper
git credential-cache --unset -s remote_url>
git config --list --show-origin | grep credential.helper

Note that removing cached credentials may require you to enter your username and password the next time you push or pull from the remote repository.

That’s it! With these simple steps, you can remove cached credentials from Git manually in Linux.

Method 3: Remove Cached Credentials using the Command Line

To remove cached credentials from Git using the command line in Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the root directory of your Git repository.
  2. Run the following command to remove the cached credentials:
git config --global --unset credential.helper

This command removes the credential helper configuration from your Git configuration file.

  1. If you have previously saved your credentials, you can remove them by running the following command:

This command deletes the file containing your cached credentials.

git config --global --unset-all user.password

This command removes the saved password from your Git configuration file.

By following these steps, you should be able to remove cached credentials from Git using the command line in Linux.


How to reset git authentication?

Git is a popular version control system that helps developers manage their code and keep track of changes made to it. However, sometimes issues with authentication can arise, causing problems for developers trying to access their repositories or make changes to their code. One common issue is when the stored credentials become outdated or invalid, causing authentication to fail. This can be frustrating and disruptive, but it’s not the end of the world. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the ways you can reset Git authentication and get back to work.

Method 1: Updating stored credentials

To update stored credentials for Git authentication, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Git Bash or command prompt.
  2. Type the following command to open Git’s credential helper:
git config --global credential.helper store

Here is an example of how to perform these steps:

$ git config --global credential.helper store $ git credential reject protocol=https username=your-username

Replace your-username with your actual GitHub username. After running these commands, try to perform a Git action that requires authentication. You will be prompted to enter your new credentials.

Note that this method stores your credentials in plaintext on your local machine. If you are concerned about security, consider using a different credential helper or using two-factor authentication for your Git account.

Method 2: Deleting stored credentials

To reset Git authentication by deleting stored credentials, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Terminal or Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory of your Git repository.
  3. Run the following command to open the Git configuration file:
git config --list --show-origin
  1. Look for the line that starts with «credential.helper». This line will tell you which credential helper Git is using to store your credentials.
  2. Run the following command to delete the stored credentials:
git credential-manager delete
  1. If you are using the «cache» credential helper, you can also delete the cached credentials by running the following command:
  1. You may also want to remove any saved credentials from the Windows Credential Manager or Keychain Access on macOS.

That’s it! Your Git authentication should now be reset and you will be prompted to enter your credentials the next time you interact with the remote repository.

Note: If you are using a different credential helper, you may need to use a different command to delete the stored credentials. Consult the documentation for your credential helper for more information.

Method 3: Using SSH keys instead of username and password

If you’re having issues with your Git authentication, one solution is to use SSH keys instead of a username and password. Here are the steps to reset your Git authentication using SSH keys:

    Generate an SSH key pair on your local machine using the following command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
git credential-manager uninstall
git remote set-url origin

That’s it! You should now be able to interact with your Git repositories using SSH keys instead of a username and password.


How to remove cached credentials from Git?

After pushing, I entered my credentials and they were saved.
I read that they are stored in plaintext, and so now I want to remove my credentials from being saved and entered by default. How can I do this?

In order to keep control over the time that the credentials should be stored, I would recommend to edit git configuration for your OS user (~/.gitconfig OR $ git config -e —global) and add the following: [credential] helper = cache —timeout=7200

13 Answers 13

Run the following command in the terminal to remove your credentials stored in the cache

git config --global --unset credential.helper 

After running this command, my credentials are still stored in ~/.git-credentials. (Ubuntu 18.04, git version 2.17.1) So as in @torek’s answer, you should delete this file as well.

For some reason, my credentials are still intact and I am still able to push/pull in all repositories. Any ideas why?

This doesn’t clear the store. it just makes it so you don’t use the store at all. You have to enter your creds every single time

Your credentials are stored in the file you (or the thing using git credential-store ) specified when you (or it) ran the command, as described in the documentation. The default is $HOME/.git-credentials . You should be able to open this file in your editor and edit it, or simply remove it entirely.

Note that you may also want to change the credential helper so that these are not stored again. See the git credential-cache documentation as well, for instance.

@IanKirkpatrick: there’s also now a fancier way to reject one particular credential, but overall I think the whole credential system could stand some kind of regularization and overhaul. (But I’m not doing it myself either 🙂 )

As he did not give any flag as global or local or system, it would take local by default, so the correct way is to move to the respective folder(repository) and type this command

git config --local --unset credential.helper 
git config --unset credential.helper 

for me unset command didn’t work, instead I deleted the file:

Same here. It was not working for me to do just: git config —global —unset credential.helper . Thanks!

If you would like the daemon to exit early, forgetting all cached credentials before their timeout, you can issue an exit action, run the following command.

For anyone looking to re-enter their personal access token (PAT) because the old one expired: Use this approach. This will ask you for your PAT only once (at least until you type in a correct pwd), and then will save it for you. It does NOT turn off pwd caching, which is probably what you want.

for me all options didn’t work, I just edited file «config» inside .git/ in my repository.

search for [remote «origin»] and edit above:

url=YOUR REPOSITORY URL (WITH OR WITHOUT user and pass like )

save and try push your repo

I ran into this question while trying to switch from password authentication to PAT (personal access token).

I used https to work with Github. Github suggests (at the time of writing this answer) that the switch can be done by simplying entering my PAT instead of my password. However, the problem I had, was that my password was cached, so I never had to enter it.

So I had to look for my cached/stored password in order to remove it, so that I can then enter my PAT instead of my password when prompted.

I found the password in the following file:

I deleted the file, and simply pasted the PAT instead of my password the next time.

Github recommends using their Git Credential Manager Core (GCM Core) for storing credentials (source: I installed this as well, and the PAT credentials are now stored in a different location:

/home/MyUsername/.gcm (it’s a folder)

I wrote this answer in more details and perhaps a little offtopic as starting in 2 days (August 13th 2021), password authentication will no longer be possible, and I suppose some users might have difficulty in locating their cached password.

TL;DR look for:


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