Gma 3600 linux mint

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Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

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Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by RTPDr » Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:52 am

Can anybody predict how the new LM14 will be supporting Cedar Trail platform Intel GMA 3600 (as in ACER AOD270 Atom N2600). will it get installed without any problem, giving a low power consumption and 3d graphics ?

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AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by AlbertP » Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:00 am

On Mint 13, there’s «cedarview-graphics-drivers» in the repository, but that package has not been made available yet for 14.
You won’t get very good 3D but apart from that your computer should be working: you’d better not run Cinnamon on it. Mint 13 Mate with the cedarview-graphics-drivers package should be OK.


Registered Linux User #528502

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Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by RTPDr » Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:34 pm

Thanks albert. You saved a full day of mine !. Anyway of knowing when it appears on LM14 repos ?
The bluetooth drivers are not working with LM13, which appeared on 3.6.2 kernel which was removed as xorg failed to load. any solutuon ?

AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by AlbertP » Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:40 pm

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I think we have to wait for Intel to release a newer driver version that’s compatible with 14, before it will appear in the repository.


Registered Linux User #528502

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Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by RTPDr » Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:46 pm

Intel will never do that as it has outsourced the whole thing to powerVR. they are even discouraging cedartrail+linux.

AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by AlbertP » Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:50 pm

The cedarview-graphics-drivers package on Mint 13, was made by Intel: influence from Imagination Technologies (PowerVR is their brand name, not a company) just means that it can’t go open-source. I think they will continue maintaining this driver and eventually release a package for Mint 14.


Registered Linux User #528502

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Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by RTPDr » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:46 am

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by adriann » Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:43 am

I’m trying to install Mint 14 with MATE on a Asus Eee PC with Intel GMA 3600, but I cannot get into graphical mode. Error is «No screens found». Are there any kernel/boot params that I can use to start the installation?

AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by AlbertP » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:08 am

For the moment I recommend using 13 Mate or 13 Xfce on these laptops with Intel GMA 3600, there you can install cedarview-graphics-drivers (on a fresh Mint 13 install, you first need to run the updater once, since the package did not yet exist by the time the ISOs where made).

You could boot by adding the xforcevesa boot argument in 14, but it will not work as well as 13 with cedarview driver. It won’t have any hardware acceleration of the graphics, which can be quite noticeable on a slower CPU like Atom.


Registered Linux User #528502

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Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by adriann » Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:55 am

Thanks. Shouldn’t the cedarview-graphics-drivers package from 13 also work in 14 if manually installed?

AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by AlbertP » Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:40 am

It appears to have no support for the newer kernel or X server used in Mint 14. Else it would probably have been added to the Mint 14 repository already.

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Also, it is 32-bit only. Just like on Windows, using 64-bit this driver will not work. The CPUs support 64-bit in fact, but that is only really useful in computers which pair an Atom CPU with an AMD/NVIDIA graphics card, since those cards have working 64-bit drivers.


Registered Linux User #528502

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Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by adriann » Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:30 am

Okay, I think I’ll try release 13 after all — but something is wrong here. I’m not yet familiar with the Linux Mint development process, but this issue has to be escalated. It shouldn’t be normal that a part of the user base be forced to downgrade. MATE 1.4 in LM14 has significant improvements and bug fixes over the 1.2 version in LM13.

Also, this issue should be mentioned in the Known Issues section of the release notes.

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by Crazycreative » Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:32 am

I also have the crud named GMA3600. I have the Intel D2700DC board.
I have downloaded and installed Mint 13 Mate. I have updated all the software. I installed the cedarview drivers (there are three packages in total).
When i reboot and log in the screens go BLACK. I have done this three times now and to be honest I’m p*ssed off with it all.

The board has hdmi and dvi. I hooked this up to my main tv via hdmi. After getting a blank I connected a monitor to the dvi port — still the same after login.
Before I login i get the full screen on both monitors; 17″ monitor and 42″ plasma.

Does anyone know what i need to do from here? Or should i just give up and purchase a different board?

Any assistance appreciated.

AlbertP Level 16
Posts: 6701 Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:38 pm Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by AlbertP » Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:03 am

Please make sure you are using Mint 13 32-bit, not 64-bit.

It’s a pity there are not much Atom D525 boards with a DVI port, else you could easily have replaced it with this older generation of Atom which works fine.
What you could also do is using a PCI graphics card, such as the Zotac GeForce 610 PCI (not PCI Express, those won’t fit!). That is one of the few modern cards available in PCI form instead of PCI Express; most other PCI graphics cards sold use pretty old graphics chips which might also have some problems.


Registered Linux User #528502

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Re: Cedar Trail platform , Intel GMA 3600 and Linux Mint 14

Post by castillojdavid » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:14 am

I had the exact same problem. I solved it as described here (Installed Linux Mint 13 MATE 32bit and then the cedarview drivers). But now, you should read this:
You can now backport MATE 1.6 in Linux Mint 13! Thank you so much developers!

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Intel GMA 3600 и linux в августе 2017. Отчего зависит поддержка компонентов.

Мой ГМА всегда работал норм. Недавно ставил BunsenLabs погонять, там ядро 3.16, кажется. Так оно немного подлагивало. Следовательно, просто ставь ядро посвежее и не парься.

Ходят слухи, что на какой-то версии убунты есть готовое патченое ядро, которое заводится за 3 секунды, я не проверял, но чтобы ты оценил масштаб проблемы:

Вкратце-там не работает 3-д ускорение, жить можно, но про игры забудь, HD-video только с тормозами. Пофиксить можно, но у меня лично это заняло 2 недели адского секса с строго определённой версией ядра и кучи сопутствующего софта, который собирается из исходников, короче, проще и правда выкинуть

Это случайно не та поделка , которую intel лицензировал у powervr. В результате чего нету толковых дров на видяху ? Присоединяюсь к выше отписавшимся, проще выкинуть.

Старое ядро и блоб. Правда там ещё вроде атом вместо процессора, потому таки лучше выкинуть.

Не знаю как 3600, у меня в нетбуке более древняя. Ни под одну GMA полноценных дров не нашёл, получилось завести только 2D ускорение, но при просмотре видео всё равно адский тиринг.

Этот ускоритель это ребрендинг PowerVR какого-то, интел к нему отношения не имеет. Как уже писали — проще выбросить, драйвер никто выпускать не будет.

Поддержка компонентов завист от ядра linux/дистрибутива, или всего сразу?

Включение DRM_GMA3600 в ядре достаточно для работы KMS фреймбуфера.
Большего от него требовать не стоит. Ставишь Xorg с IceWM и не рыпаешься.

Работает ли сразу, или нужно что-то исправлять?

Часто требует принудительного отключения LVDS входа (в параметрах ядра)

Это свободная заглушка, ускорения не будет.


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