Google earth linux mint

Google earth linux mint

I have Mint 19.3 Mate. Downloaded what is supposed to be the stable edition from the software repository. Could not get it to work properly. I ended up downloading the lastest stable linux version direct from Google Earth website. It works flawlessly. I have a computer with Mint Mate 20 and the stable version I got from Google Earth website works great on it too.

Works pretty well overall. However, it consumes a lot of RAM. It is very slow on low-powered PC.

Linux mint-en, nem megy a megadott koordinátára / címre.

All is forgiven. Version did not work, but version works fine. Awesome program.

Google Earth stopped working on LMDE 5 when I upgraded to version I’m downgrade to previous vertion manualy. And disable from «Software Sources» the «Google Earth Repository».

Amazing imagery! (Though, longitude zero does not pass htrough George Airy’s telescope at Greenwich, and there can be tears in the image near the poles, and image registration can be a hundred yards off — compare images of the same place at different times) Installation on Mint 21 went fine, but, as with Mint 20.1, the software update process is damaged) and the followng appears: GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4EB27DB2A3B88B8BThe repository ‘ stable InRelease’ is not signed. Via the advice of Prsman below, that complaint vanishes while «W: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.» appears. However, the update manager will now proceed to update Google Earth.

Linux Mint 20.03, works great and much better than windows.


How to Install Google Earth on Linux Mint 21

Google Earth allows users to view and interact with the earth through a 3D representation of the planet, as well as access satellite imagery, maps, terrain, and other geographical data. Google Earth supports various platforms that include Linux as well, this guide is all about different ways to install it on Linux Mint 21

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Installing Google Earth on Linux Mint 21

Google Earth provides a wide range of tools and features for users to explore and interact with the earth. For example, it includes the Street View feature, which allows users to view street-level imagery of locations around the world. Installing Google Earth on Linux Mint is a relatively simple process that can be completed in a few steps, below are the two ways to get this application on Linux Mint 21:

1: Through Software Manager

One way to get this application installed on Linux Mint 21 is by using its GUI through software manager, this method is feasible for all those who are not expert on using commands. Just open the software manager from application menu and click on install button after searching Google Earth on it:

Once the installation is complete, you can launch Google Earth from the command line or from your system’s application launcher; for launching it through GUI see the image below:

Since we have installed the application through Linux Mint Software Manager so now to remove this application from Linux Mint 21 simply uninstall it from system’s application menu:

2: Through Deb File

The second way to install Google Earth on Linux Mint 21 is by downloading its deb file from its official website, this method is feasible if you are looking for its latest version so for that just execute:

$ wget -O google-earth64.deb http: // / dl / earth / client / current / google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb

Once the download is completed just install it through the apt package manager and for that execute the below given command and don’t forget to switch to the directory in which the file is downloaded:

Once the installation is complete, you can launch Google Earth from the command line or from your system’s application launcher, for launching it through command line execute:

Now to remove this application from Linux Mint 21 then execute the below-mentioned command if you have installed it through its deb file:


Google Earth is a powerful and versatile program that allows users to explore and interact with the earth in new and exciting ways. Google Earth allows users to see the structure of buildings in 3D, providing a more realistic and immersive experience. The two ways to install it on Linux Mint 21 are through Software Manager and through downloading its deb file, both these methods are given in this article.

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About the author

Aaliyan Javaid

I am an electrical engineer and a technical blogger. My keen interest in embedded systems has led me to write and share my knowledge about them.


Установка Google Earth на Ubuntu и Mint Linux

Google Earth представляет собой виртуальный глобус, карту и географическую информационную программу, которая изначально называлась EarthViewer 3D созданную Keyhole, Inc. Это бесплатное приложение, которое позволяет пользователям видеть из космоса ваш район, осуществлять поиск школ, ресторанов, парков и отелей, узнать, как проехать и многое другое. Google Earth ставит планеты образов и другую географическую информацию прямо на рабочем столе. Google Earth позволяет летать в любую точку мира и видеть спутниковые изображения, 3D-здания, 3D деревья, ландшафт, Street View, планеты и многое другое.
В этом уроке я покажу вам, как установить последнюю Google Планета Земля на Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04/13.10/14.04 и Linux Mint 14/15/16

Установка Gogle Землю на 32-битной версии Ubuntu и Linux Mint

Чтобы установить последнее Google Earth в Ubuntu / Linux Mint откройте терминал (Нажмите Ctrl + Alt + T) и скопируйте следующие команды в терминал:

# wget -O google-earth32.deb # sudo dpkg -i google-earth32.deb # sudo apt-get -f install # rm google-earth32.deb

Установка Gogle Землю на 64 битной версии Ubuntu и Linux Mint

# wget -O google-earth64.deb # sudo dpkg -i google-earth64.deb # sudo apt-get -f install # rm google-earth64.deb

Если вы видите уродливые шрифты в Google Earth затем установить MSttCoreFonts с помощью следующей команды:

# sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts -y

Google Earth

Google Earth

Установка Google Earth на Ubuntu и Mint Linux завершена. Нечего сложно в этой тебе нет.

One thought on “ Установка Google Earth на Ubuntu и Mint Linux ”

Такую же процедуру нужно повторить для каждого из трех пакетов. Затем может быть выполнена установка Google Earth в Ubuntu 16.04.

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          Как правильно установить Google Earth в Linux Mint 17/Ubuntu 14.04 — 64bit

          Весь мир открыт перед вами с Google Earth!
          Виртуальные путешествия в любую точку мира: 3D-здания, фотоснимки и рельеф. Поиск городов, компаний и других мест.

          Многие пользователи Linux Mint 17/Ubuntu 14.04 архитектуры систем 64-bit заметили определённые «глюки» после установки Google Earth, это потому, что программа зависит от пакета ia32-libs в данной архитектуре.
          Представленная ниже пошаговая инструкция поможет вам установить Google Earth в Linux Mint 17/Ubuntu 14.04 — 64bit.

          Пошаговая установка Google Earth в Linux Mint 17/Ubuntu 14.04 — 64bit

          Все действия по установке будут происходить в терминале (Ctrl+Alt+T).

          1. Прежде всего необходимо добавить архитектуру 32-bit :

          sudo dpkg —add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update

          2. Установить библиотеку ia32-libs:

          sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

          3. Установить пакет Google Earth:

          sudo apt-get install googleearth-package

          4. И последнее. Установить google-earth-stable:i386 (для архитектуры 32-bit):

          sudo apt-get install google-earth-stable:i386

          Вот и всё. Откройте системное меню — Интернет и запустите Google Earth.

          Ссылка на источник compizomania


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