Gui process manager linux

5 Best htop alternatives to monitor Linux systems

Htop is a process manager that allows us to see the processes in execution and the usage of system resources using the Linux terminal. With its text-based interface that supports the mouse, we can easily operate it and perform various functions such as it is very easy to kill any process on htop. In short, it has all functions we required to monitor and manage system processes using the command terminal. Further, easy to understand due to the simple fields of CPU, Mem, PID, and Command when opening htop.

At the top of htop, the usage rate of each CPU will be listed. It is worth noting that the number of logical cores of the CPU is displayed there. However, htop is not the only way on Linux to monitor process and hardware resources there are other good options as well. Thus, that’s why we decided to come up with some good htop alternative tools in this list.

Top htop Alternative tools for Linux systems

1. Glances system

As compared to htop, Glances as an alternative offers two ways to access the system monitoring data. One is using the web interface and the other is the local terminal. Just like htop this one is also an interactive text-based performance monitoring tool. It has been written in Python, thus, supports any major platform having python installed such as Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and Android.

One can use its client-server model to monitor remote systems either using SSH, web interface, or API (XML-RPC and RESTful). Stats can also be exported to files or external time/value databases such as InfluxDB, Cassandra, CouchDB.

On Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, RHEL, and other Linux, the users can install it with just one command, i.e-

wget -O- | /bin/bash

However, the users of htop will not find Glances much colorful which may create confusion for them sometimes, nevertheless, having a network bandwidth monitor gives it one plus point.

Glances Linux process and resource monitoring tool min

2. nmon for Linux

nmon is another htop alternative that stands for “Nigel’s performance Monitor for Linux”. It is a system administrator, tuner, and benchmark tool that allows users to get a wide range of data on system performance. We can get the data output using nmon either using the command terminal or exporting it in a common separate file for analysis and longer-term data capture. With the help of nmon Analyser Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which loads the nmon output file, the user can generate dozens of graphs to analyze the system deeply. Developers of this tool offer a single binary that will work with all popular Linux systems such as Red Hat, SUSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc.

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nmon installation

For Debian/Ubuntu Debian-based systems-

On Redhat, CentOS, ALmalinux, Fedora, and other RPM distros

nmon htop best alternative min

3. netdata

Netdata Monitoring is an ingenious tool to monitor Linux systems in terms of performance data. It is one of the popular tools and can be a great alternative to htop for those who want a web-based monitoring tool. Yes, Netdata provides a dashboard accessible through any browser. It also allows an alarm to be sent to all performance data. Netdata offers a well-organized dashboard in which you can find all the data about the system.

Similar to Grafana, you can set when you want to see the data. Live monitoring included. The whole tool is kept very lean and requires few resources. We can install it on any Linux system or virtually using a Docker container to monitor your entire Docker node including the running Docker container. Whereas, to streamline big infrastructure, Netdata also offers Netdata Cloud in free and paid plans.

Furthermore, it offers 200+ turnkey integrations to monitor various applications such as Apache, CockroachDB, Containers, Docker, Elasticsearch, IPFS, Kubernetes, MongoDB, MySQL, Network UPS, and more. To give you thousands of real-time, per-second meaningful metrics visualization.

Netdata Montioring alternative min

Command to install on Linux

4. Stacer- A GUI alternative to htop

Well, Stacer is a slightly different alternative to Glances and htop because it offers full fledge graphical user interface with options for system optimizing, cleaning & repo management apart from monitoring ones. You can say it is a CCleaner replacement for Linux systems.

Stacer can be used for managing to start and stopping system services along with process management and sorting of the same by PID, CPU and memory usage, etc. It also provides a resources tab to view CPU, RAM, Disk, CPU Load Average, and network activity usage along with the graph.

Furthermore, the startup management with just one click removes the headache of beginners mingling with commands to tell the system which application needs to be started automatically on the next machine boot.

Stacer is available for both Debian and RPM-based systems, whereas its AppImage package enables users to install Stacer on any popular Linux distro. Website Link

For Ubuntu-based systems, Stacer can be installed using the following commands-

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oguzhaninan/stacer sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install stacer

Stacer GUI alternative to htop min

5 . vtop – Process monitoring tool

To make “top’ like a command-line tool to monitor CPU and memory along with processes more easily, vTop has been introduced. It is also a free and open-source system resource and process monitoring tool.

This terminal activity monitoring tool is written in Node.js. However, compared to htop, alternative vtop’s functionality is limited. Nevertheless, it lets us monitor CPU usage, processes, and memory usage even the unwanted spikes.

To show charts of CPU and memory usage to understand when you got spikes in their usage, vtop uses Unicode braille character

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However, if you have Nodejs installed on your system, then you can use the NPM package manager to easily install and start experiencing vTop.

Ending thoughts:

Well, there are dozens of paid and free enterprise network and system monitoring tools, however, those who want something easy to install and without unnecessary complications can for any of the htop replacements given in this list. If you are using any tool which is not on the list, then let’s know the specialty of that, the comment section is all yours.


linux gui task manager

How to open Task Manager in Ubuntu Linux Terminal. Use Ctrl+Alt+Del for Task Manager in Ubuntu Linux to kill unwanted tasks and programs. Just like Windows have Task Manager, Ubuntu has a built-in utility called System Monitor which can be used to monitor or kill unwanted system programs or running processes.

Where is Task Manager in Linux?

You press Ctrl+Alt+Del to get to the task manager in Windows. This task manager shows you all the running processes and their memory consumption. You can choose to end a process from this task manager application. When you’re just starting out with Linux, you may look for a task manager equivalent on Linux as well.

How do I get to the Task Manager in Ubuntu?

You may want an Ubuntu equivalent of the Windows Task Manager and open it via Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination. Ubuntu has the built-in utility to monitor or kill system running processes which acts like the “Task Manager”, it’s called System Monitor.

How do I open Task Manager in terminal?

An easier way to open Task Manager is to press Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Esc simultaneously. Once you open Command Prompt, you can run this command on any Windows computer to open Task Manager, though you may need to type taskmgr.exe instead on Windows XP.

How do you kill a process?

  1. What Processes Can You Kill in Linux?
  2. Step 1: View Running Linux Processes.
  3. Step 2: Locate the Process to Kill. Locate a Process with ps Command. Finding the PID with pgrep or pidof.
  4. Step 3: Use Kill Command Options to Terminate a Process. killall Command. pkill Command. .
  5. Key Takeaways on Terminating a Linux Process.

What does Ctrl Alt Del do in Linux?

On some Linux-based operating systems including Ubuntu and Debian, Control + Alt + Delete is a shortcut for logging out. On Ubuntu Server, it is used to reboot a computer without logging in.

What is the equivalent of Ctrl Alt Delete on Linux?

In the Linux console, by default in most distributions, Ctrl + Alt + Del behaves as in the MS-DOS — it restarts the system. In the GUI, Ctrl + Alt + Backspace will kill the current X server and start a new one, thus behaving like the SAK sequence in Windows ( Ctrl + Alt + Del ). REISUB would be the closest equivalent.

How do I see CPU usage on Linux?

  1. 1) Top. The top command displays real-time view of performance-related data of all running processes in a system. .
  2. 2) Iostat. .
  3. 3) Vmstat. .
  4. 4) Mpstat. .
  5. 5) Sar. .
  6. 6) CoreFreq. .
  7. 7) Htop. .
  8. 8) Nmon.
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How do I see running processes in Linux?

  1. Open the terminal window on Linux.
  2. For remote Linux server use the ssh command for log in purpose.
  3. Type the ps aux command to see all running process in Linux.
  4. Alternatively, you can issue the top command or htop command to view running process in Linux.

How do I kill a process in Ubuntu?

  1. First select the process that you want to end.
  2. Click on the End Process button. You will get a confirmation alert. Click on “End Process” button to confirm that you want to kill the process.
  3. This is the simplest way way to stop (end) a process.

Is there a Ctrl Alt Delete for Ubuntu?

You can now use Ctrl + Alt + Del to launch the task manager on your Ubuntu system. That can be very useful in situations where your system has frozen, and you need to kill some applications forcefully.

How do I install a Linux monitor?

Install System Monitor through the UI

For a person who does not want to open the Command Line much, installing a software present in the Ubuntu repository through the UI is very simple. On your Ubuntu desktop Activities toolbar, click the Ubuntu Software icon. Click the Install button to begin the installation process.

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To shut down the system from a terminal session, sign in or «su» to the «root» account. Then type «/sbin/shutdown -r now». It may take several momen.

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Task manager a UI like with Windows 10’s one

enter image description here

I like the UI in the Windows 10 task manager: In particular, I like the fact that the most important four shared resources on a computer are displayed without spurious information, and the color-coding that lets me figure out immediately the major offenders. I have seen several process monitors and task managers in Linux, but nothing that matches the clarity of this display. In particular, most task managers limit themselves to CPU and memory. Is there a process manager for Linux that mimics this GUI? EDIT to make the question clearer: I am looking for a task manager that clearly displays the information in those four columns: a breakup of processor, memory, disk and network usage by process, possibly in an uncluttered UI and without other spurious information. I can find plenty of system monitoring tools on Linux that display only the first two columns of that table. I can also find tools that plot total network usage vs. time. Both do not seem as effective as Windows 10’s task manager: they do not allow me to immediately identify which of the four is the bottleneck on my system and which process uses up the most of that resource.

(I think that this is not a duplicate of — it’s a more precise question asking for a specific feature.)


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