H 265 кодек linux

How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu Linux?

I have seen that the new DivX Player 10 shows off H.265/HEVC playback, the successor of H.264. I wonder how I may get this support in Linux. Is there a need to install a codec specific for this format? How?

3 Answers 3

There is also a PPA for libde265 GStreamer integration. With that installed one can playback H.265 with all GStreamer applications (Browsers, Totem, etc.).

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:strukturag/libde265 sudo apt-get update 

Now try playing back a .mkv containing HEVC/H.265 content using any GStreamer-aware player (e.g. «totem»). This should detect the missing codec and prompt to install the libde265 GS plugin (make sure to select the 64bit or 32bit version depending on your architecture).

You can also install the corresponding GStreamer plugin directly:

sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-libde265 

Or for GStreamer 1.0 applications:

sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libde265 

There is also a VLC plugin available:

sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde265 

When I run the vlc-plugin installation I get the following error: vlc-plugin-libde265 : Depends: libvlccore7 (>= 2.1.0) but it is not going to be installed (Ubuntu 14.04)

When I run a HEVC encoded video in VLC on Ubuntu 14.04, I see a green layer on top of the video. Any one know how to solve it? @longsleep

You can follow ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/02/… to get VLC with x265 running on 14.04 (it’s already in repos 14.10+). The repo there also gives you an x265 package.

An alternative to @longsleep’s great answer is, if using VLC: as noted here you can upgrade to VLC 2.2.x or higher to get HEVC/H.265 support. If on 14.04, you need to add this repo to get 2.2.x+ versions of VLC:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media 

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-libde265

You can also install others if you want: vlc-plugin-*

The repo doesn’t have the gstreamer1.0-libde265 package but does have a lot of other «upgraded, advanced or not normally available multimedia packages for Trusty» 14.04 for those who like LTS versions.

I am using vlc 2.2.0 on ub15.04 and it seems like I can play my x265 encoded 5xxMB video fine, as long as I shut down all other programs, because I am getting really high cpu usage (70-90%) from vlc, while I only get about 5-10% with x264 videos. Is this high cpu usage normal or is it supposed to be much lower, similar to x264?

With a small sample size (2 vids each for 264, 265) I get 17-26% (about 80-100% of 1 core) CPU usage for x265 and 6-12% for x264. It makes sense because 265 encodes at higher compression ratios with similar quality, so requires more processing work. Also, VLC probably hasn’t optimised x265 decoding it yet so it’s near the 100% end of 1 core, those are my guesses.

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For bionic or Ubuntu 17+ use following, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/bionic-prop sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install x265

Yet another alternative — if you have Google Chrome installed — is to add/install H.265 / HEVC player (in)to your Chrome browser.

After that, you can head straight to «Google Chrome Applications» (at your Ubuntu distro menu) and run the player. Or you can just start Google Chrome, type in the URL chrome://apps and hit Enter. This will cause Google Chrome to show you its installed apps, so you can run H.265 / HEVC player straight from there.

By using this alternative method, there’s no need to install any library, codec, player plugin or whatever, because everything you need for H.265/HEVC playback support is already embedded in the H.265 / HEVC player.

I’ve already used H.265 / HEVC player to watch a couple of two-hour-long H.265/HEVC encoded movies, and I didn’t experience any playback issue.


Как установить кодек H.265 / HEVC в Ubuntu Linux?

Я видел, что новый DivX Player 10 демонстрирует воспроизведение H.265/HEVC, преемника H.264. Интересно, как я могу получить эту поддержку в Linux. Нужно ли устанавливать кодек, специфичный для этого формата? Как?

3 ответа

Существует также PPA для интеграции с libde265 GStreamer. После установки можно воспроизводить H.265 со всеми приложениями GStreamer (браузерами, Totem и т. Д.).

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:strukturag/libde265 sudo apt-get update 

Теперь попробуйте воспроизвести.mkv, содержащий контент HEVC/H.265, с помощью любого плеера, поддерживающего GStreamer (например, «totem»). Это должно обнаружить отсутствующий кодек и запросить установку плагина libde265 GS (обязательно выберите 64-битную или 32-битную версию в зависимости от вашей архитектуры).

Вы также можете установить соответствующий плагин GStreamer напрямую:

sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-libde265 

Или для приложений GStreamer 1.0:

sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libde265 

Существует также плагин VLC:

sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde265 

Альтернатива отличному ответу @longsleep — при использовании VLC: как отмечено здесь, вы можете перейти на VLC 2.2.x или выше, чтобы получить поддержку HEVC/H.265. Если 14.04, вам нужно добавить этот репозиторий, чтобы получить версии VLC 2.2.x +:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media 

sudo apt-get update , а также

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade или же sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-libde265

Вы также можете установить другие, если вы хотите: vlc-plugin-*

Репо не имеет gstreamer1.0-libde265 пакет, но есть много других «обновленных, расширенных или обычно недоступных мультимедийных пакетов для Trusty» 14.04 для тех, кому нравятся версии LTS.

Еще одна альтернатива — если у вас установлен Google Chrome — это добавить / установить H.265 / HEVC player (in) в ваш браузер Chrome.

После этого вы можете сразу перейти в «Приложения Google Chrome» (в вашем дистрибутиве Ubuntu) и запустить плеер. Или вы можете просто запустить Google Chrome, ввести URL-адрес chrome://apps и нажать Enter. Это приведет к тому, что Google Chrome покажет вам свои установленные приложения, поэтому вы сможете запускать проигрыватель H.265 / HEVC прямо оттуда.

Используя этот альтернативный метод, нет необходимости устанавливать какую-либо библиотеку, кодек, плагин проигрывателя или что-либо еще, потому что все, что вам нужно для поддержки воспроизведения H.265 / HEVC, уже встроено в проигрыватель H.265 / HEVC.

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Я уже использовал проигрыватель H.265 / HEVC для просмотра пары двухчасовых фильмов в формате H.265 / HEVC, и у меня не возникало проблем с воспроизведением.


How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu Linux v17 +

FFmpeg and H.265 Encoding Guide FFmpeg git: aacenc: remove the experimental flag Solution 2: Method 01 You can install Internet friendly media encoder: Run these commands in your Terminal: Now you can open the program ifme from Dash. source Method 02 Once you compiled the program following the instructions in here or here, first you have to encode the video into YUV format: Then you can convert YUV video into x265 format: Solution 3: This script worked for me: Solution: 14.04 does not provide a HEVC codec. Solution 1: Try this source: How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu Linux? Solution 2: VLC is often way behind on format support, because they don’t update their copy of ffmpeg very often.

How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu Linux v17 +

gstreamer1.0-libav supports video/x-h265 (HEVC) in Ubuntu 17.10 and later in Totem media player.

H.265 is the successor to H.264 which gstreamer1.0-libav also supports in Ubuntu 17.10 and later. To install it open the terminal and type:

sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-libav 

When using VLC player 3.0.16 Vetinari, do I still need to, I’m using the latest Ubuntu Desktop 21.10, 64bit on Raspberry Pi 4B, 8Gb and I wander, if I need to separately install video codecs, like H.265 / HEVC, when using VLC player? I’m a newcomer to Ubuntu and Linux in general. When on Windows, there’s no need to install codecs separately, when using VLC for …

Ubuntu: How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu

Ubuntu : How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu Linux ?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & …

Install x265(HEVC) support to Linux

How do I convert videos to H.265/HEVC format in Ubuntu?

The best solution so far on my system has been:

  1. For Trusty Tahr 14.04 LTS: use an up to date FFmpeg and the most recent x265, which necessitates some compiling and subsequent packaging
  2. For Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS: simply run:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra 

With either of the previous methods then use the following:

ffmpeg -i input \ -c:v libx265 -preset slow -x265-params crf=22 \ -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k \ output.mp4 

Note that this creates an mp3 audio stream as well as an h.265 video stream. To create an aac stream the line -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k could be replaced with the following:

-c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 128k 

The -strict experimental option will not be required if your copy of FFmpeg was released after December 2015 when development of the native aac encoder matured. Bear in mind that this option will still be required for the repository FFmpeg for Xenial Xerus 16.04 LTS.

  • FFmpeg trac: FFmpeg and H.265 Encoding Guide
  • FFmpeg git: aacenc: remove the experimental flag
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Method 01

You can install Internet friendly media encoder:

Run these commands in your Terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:upubuntu-com/multimedia sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ifme 

Now you can open the program ifme from Dash.

Method 02

Once you compiled the program following the instructions in here or here, first you have to encode the video into YUV format:

avconv -i MyVideo.mp4 MyVideo.yuv 

Then you can convert YUV video into x265 format:

./x265 --input-res 640x360 --fps 24000/100 MyVideo.yuv -o MyVideo.h265 

This script worked for me:

ffmpeg -i input_file.mpg -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - |\ x265-10bit --profile main10 --preset slower --crf 20 --input - --y4m -o output_file.mpg 

Is there a HEVC decoder for Ubuntu 14.04, without the, There is simply no way to do this in a manner that is vetted by Canonical. You have to either: Add a repo that provides one Grab the code from upstream, «vet it» yourself and build it. Even if you cherry pick the packages from 16.04, it’s the Debian Multimedia Maintainers and Ubuntu MOTUs, not Canonical …

Is there a HEVC decoder for Ubuntu 14.04, without the need to install external PPA?

14.04 does not provide a HEVC codec. There is simply no way to do this in a manner that is vetted by Canonical.

  • Add a repo that provides one
  • Grab the code from upstream, «vet it» yourself and build it.

Even if you cherry pick the packages from 16.04, it’s the Debian Multimedia Maintainers and Ubuntu MOTUs, not Canonical who are looking after the package.

VLC 2.2.1 doesn’t play HEVC/H.265 encoded videos, When I try to play H.265 encoded videos on VLC Player 2.2.1 (WeatherMax) on Ubuntu 14.04, I get the following error: Codec not supported: VLC could not decode the format «hevc» (MPEG-H Part2/HEVC (H.265)) I can play the same videos using other tools like the standard Videos player on Ubuntu and …

VLC 2.2.1 doesn’t play HEVC/H.265 encoded videos [duplicate]

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:strukturag/libde265 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde265 

source: How to install H.265 / HEVC codec on Ubuntu Linux?

VLC is often way behind on format support, because they don’t update their copy of ffmpeg very often. mpv is the mplayer / mplayer2 fork that I prefer for playing video. (Or see @Hassan’s answer).

Also note that it’s Weather wax , not max. On the plus side, that means there’s some really excellent comic fantasy fiction you can probably have the pleasure of reading for the first time 🙂

vlc says clearly it has no way to support hevc, and i you already has some alternatives. But what i recommend as the best alternative is Kodi media centre (http://kodi.tv/). Its opensource, of course its free, and its not just a player, its a media center. It runs amazing on linux systems.

How to Install Free HEVC Codecs on Windows 10 (for, To play HEVC (H.265) videos in VLC, just install VLC and open them—done. For built-in support, you’ll need the codecs. These aren’t included with the latest versions of Windows 10 but must be installed from the Microsoft Store.


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