Ham radio with linux

Amateur radio

Amateur radio enthusiasts (sometimes called ham radio operators or «hams») have been at the forefront of experimentation and development since the earliest days of radio. A wide variety of communication modes are used on a vast range of frequencies that span the electromagnetic spectrum. This page lists software related to amateur radio that can be found in the AUR. Some of it is stand-alone while the various digital communication applications require interfacing to radio hardware and possibly the computer soundcard. Interface hardware can be purchased from vendors or home-built.

Warning: International treaties require that users of amateur radio frequencies have a government-issued license. This only affects you if you have a transmitter and an antenna, receiving amateur radio or just downloading amateur radio software is not illegal.

Getting started

Many of the following programs will need to access a serial port to key the transmitter (eg. /dev/ttyS0 ). This requires that the user to be added to uucp user group.


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  • Hamlib — provides an interface between hardware and radio control programs. It is a software layer to facilitate the control of radios and other hardware (eg. for logging, digital modes) and is not a stand-alone application.
  • Soundmodem — Written by Tom Sailer (HB9JNX/AE4WA) to allow a standard PC soundcard to act as a packet radio modem for use with the various AX.25 communication modes.
  • Grig — simple control program based on Hamlib
  • gMFSK — is a user interface that supports a multitude of digital modes. It uses hamlib and xlog for logging
  • linrad — Software defined radio by SM5BSZ
  • quisk — Software defined radio by N2ADR
  • owx — Command-line utility for programming Wouxun radios using CSV spreadsheets.
  • fldigi — popular GUI developed by W1HKJ for a variety of digital communication modes
  • libfap — APRS packet parser
  • aprx — lightweight APRS digipeater and i-Gate interface
  • xdx — network client
  • qsstv — Slow-scan television
  • linpsk — PSK31
  • xpsk31 — PSK31 using a GUI rendered by GTK


AX.25 — data link layer protocol that is used extensively in packet radio networks. It supports connected operation (eg. keyboard-to-keyboard contacts, access to local bulletin board systems, and DX clusters) as well as connectionless operation (eg. APRS). The Linux kernel includes native support for AX.25 networking. Please refer to this guide for more information. The following software is available in the AUR:

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WSJT-X (Weak Signal Communication by K1JT) — offers offers a rich variety of features, including specific digital modes (such as the popular FT-8 and WSPR modes) optimized for weak signal communication, meteor scatter, ionospheric scatter, and EME (moonbounce) at VHF/UHF, as well as HF skywave propagation. WSJT-X is developed by a team of developer led by Nobel Prize winning physicist Joe Taylor, who has the amateur radio callsign K1JT. The program can decode fraction-of-a-second signals reflected from ionized meteor trails and steady signals 10 dB below the audible threshold.
WSJT-X requires access to the serial port; see the note in the Interfacing section above about the uucp group.


Xastir — stands for X Amateur Station and Information Reporting. It works with APRS, an amateur radio-based system for real time tactical digital communications. Xastir is an open-source program that provides full-featured, client-side access to APRS. It is currently in a state of active development.
Xastir is highly flexible and there are a wide variety of ways it can be configured. For example, it can be evaluated without radio hardware if an Internet connection is available. The wiki at xastir.org is very thorough and gives excellent information on its range of capabilities and setup.
An optional speech feature can be enabled with the festival package; you will also need a speaker package such as festival-en or festival-english. If you want this option, festival must be installed on your system before building xastir. Launch festival before the xastir program is started for speech to function properly:

or you can write a simple script to automate the sequential starting process. There may be problems if other programs such as a media player are accessing sound simultaneously.
The PKGBUILD automatically downloads an 850 kB bundle of .wav files and places them here: /usr/share/xastir/sounds/ .
These are audio alarm recordings of a North American English speaker that do not require the presence of festival to render. The audio play command `play’ in the configure menu may not work; try `aplay’ instead.

Digital Voice

FreeDV — is a Digital Voice mode for HF radio. It uses the free and open Codec2 voice codec to enable efficient narrow bandwith, low bitrate voice communication ideally suited for shortwave radio contacts. A SSB radio connected to a computer running the FreeDV GUI application are all that is needed to start using the FreeDV mode. FreeDV as well as Codec2 are available to Arch Linux via the AUR system. Both are needed for FreeDV to work!

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Analysis tools

  • gpredictAUR – Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction application
  • hamsolarAUR – Small desktop display of the current solar indices
  • splatAUR – rf signal propagation, loss, and terrain analysis
  • sunclockAUR – Useful for predicting grayline propagation paths
  • xnec2cAUR – Electromagnetic antenna modeler


  • cqrlog-binAUR – a popular Linux logging program
  • fdlogAUR – a Field Day Logger with networked nodes
  • klogAUR – a Ham radio logging program for Linux / KDE.
  • qleAUR – QSO Logger and log Editor for amateur radio operators written in Perl
  • tlfAUR – a console mode networked logging and contest program
  • trustedqslAUR – QSL application for ARRL’s Logbook of the World
  • xlogAUR – a logging program for amateur radio operators.
  • yfklogAUR – a general purpose ham radio logbook for *nix operating systems.
  • yfktestAUR – a logbook program for ham radio contests.


  • ctyAUR – package contains databases of entities (countries), prefixes and callsigns that are used by amateur radio logging software.
  • dxccAUR – a small program for determining ARRL DXCC entity of a ham radio callsign

Morse code training



KB1OIQ — Andy’s Ham Radio Linux

This version contains a lot of amateur radio software including Fldigi, NBEMS, Gpredict, xcwcp and qrq, XLog and cqrlog, flrig and grig, xnec2c, fl_moxgen, aa-analyzer, owx, VOACAP, glfer, Xastir, gqrx, SDRangel, GNU Radio Companion, quisk, direwolf, FreeDV, wsjt-x, js8call, Micro-Fox 15 Config, TinyTrak3, sdrangel, M17 programs, and more!

This software collection uses the Xfce4 desktop environment with menus customized for Amateur Radio use. It is designed to be lightweight, fast, and visually appealing.

Recommended minimums: 2GHz CPU, 4GB memory, and 15 GB of disk space (after the installation is complete).


  • Live medium which can be installed to the hard drive or USB thumb drive
  • Xfce4 desktop environment
  • Contains a large number of amateur radio programs
  • Amateur Radio menu customized for ease of use
  • Nothing proprietary (as far as I know)
  • Software came from the Ubuntu repositories, PPAs, and source tar files
  • Software defined radio receiver with RTL2832 USB dongle
  • Micro-Fox Config GPL and TinyTrak3 Config GPL
  • GNU Radio Companion and gqrx
  • FreeDV (free digital voice)
  • Packet radio software linpac and AX25
  • pskmail client and server
  • digital radio mondiale
  • Learn CW via the Wordsworth method
  • FT8 via wsjt-x
  • js8call
  • Arduino IDE and libraries, plus Fritzing
  • nanoVNA and tinySA software
  • Don’t forget to install GridTracker! See HOWTO_GridTracker document.
  • SDRangel
  • M17 mvoice, droidstar, and more!


Portal:HAM Radio

Welcome to the HAM (Amateur) Radio Portal edit

HAM Radio or Amateur Radio Linux program description overview, including use-cases for combining Linux and amateur radio, applications to meet those goals, and how openSUSE fits into that picture.

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Why Linux and Ham Radio?

Over the past century or so, ham radio has been about more than communicating, but also experimenting and pushing the boundary of radio as a hobby and a technology. Now, as much as ever, radio experimentation is alive and well. Linux — as a kernel, OS, and platform — is perfectly suited to the experimental and tinkering aspects of amateur radio. Even so, stable and mature software for supporting amateur radio is often found at home in a Linux environment. Some brief use cases include:

  • Computer control of radio transceivers (CAT)
  • Using programming software to preload or configure handhelds
  • Digital Modes — Digital protocols (text or voice) implemented in software, then streamed to/from the radio as audio
  • Networking — Ham radio networking is built in to the Linux IP stack!
  • Software Defined Radio — SDR has opened the floodgates of RF experimentation to hobbyists

openSUSE Terminal Repository Addition edit

Using the terminal program of your choice, add these repositories to your system to access the available HAM Radio applications. Be certain to add the repository that conforms to your version of openSUSE.

Tumbleweed x86_64 and i586




Amateur Radio with GNU/Linux


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The first version of this web site came on-line on Thursday, December 13, 2001.
Last update of this index page: Thursday, August 18, 2022.


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