Hi res player linux

31 Free Hi Res Audio Players [Windows Mac Linux Android iOS 2023]

Hi-res audio player is a software or mobile application, or a gadget that allows listening to music files in high quality. If you look for the program or hardware digital audio player (DAP), keep reading our explanation how you choose audio player and option list.

July 12, 2023 updated | since December 7, 2018
Author: Yuri Korzunov,
Audiophile Inventory’s developer with 25+ year experience in digital signal processing,
author of the articles that make audio easy for beginners

Optimize music files
to reach your device’s sound quality limit,
get compatible audio format or save disk space.

accurate audio file converter software for
music production and discerning music lovers


We think about quality. You just work with music.

Convert audio files for mobile phone, tablet, dap, car, dac, smart tv, music server, computer

On each computer and mobile phone platform music lovers has several options to get hi-fi sounding for their recordings. But which should you choose? What is difference between various playback programs and audiophile DAPs?

Read the definitive guide:
• free and commercial hi-res audio player software apps on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS and other [computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets],
• digital audio player devices,
• online streaming for audiophiles,
• Frequently Asked Questions,
• what is the best music player program,
• supported audio formats (WAV, FLAC, DSD [DSF, DFF, SACD ISO], MQA, m4a, . ) and others.

  • High-resolution audio player software
    • Audio players Windows, Mac, Linux
    • Audio players Android and iOS (mobile applications)
    • Online audio players (hi-resolution streaming services)
    • Online audio players (streaming services)
    • Playback modes
    • Gapless playback
    • Memory playback
    • ASIO
    • WASAPI
    • Native DSD
    • DSD to PCM
    • Functionality

    video: what is hi-res audio. how it works

    High-resolution audio player software

    Hi-res audio player list

    Hi res music player software for audiophiles (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, online) for WAV, FLAC, DSD (DSF, DFF, SACD ISO, DoP), MQA, m4a, .

    WARNING: This table can contain errors. It is not an offer or advertising. We are not affiliated with the listed products. We guarantee nothing. If you found a wrong information, contact us, please. To get exact information, contact the software developers and/or vendors.
    Supported sample rate and bit depth may depend on a file format.

    Audio players Windows, Mac, Linux

    1. AIMP
      Win dows
      CDA, AAC, ac3, APE, DTS, FLAC, m4a, ogg, mp3, WAV, WMA, Wav Pack, DSF, DFF, other, web radio
      Di rect So und, ASIO, WASAPI
    2. Album Player
      WAV, FLAC, APE, WavPack, ALAC, AIFF, TAK, MP3, MP4, OGG, CD, DSD, DVD-A, others
      ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WASAPI
    3. Amarok
      Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac
    4. Amarra Luxe
      Windows, Mac
      DSF, mp3, AAC, MQA, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, ALAC, streaming service, others
      DSD to PCM
    5. Audiogate
      Software audio player. DAC limitation for the software activation.
      Windows, Mac
      DSF, DFF, WAV, FLAC, BWF, WMA, ALAC, mp3, others
      up to DSD128
    6. Audirvana
      Mac, Windows 11, 10
      DSF, DFF (including DST), SACD ISO, WAV, FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, WavPack, APE, MQA, streaming service, others
      DoP, DSD to PCM
    7. Audacious
      Linux, BSD, Windows
    8. Channel-D Pure Music
      This player has capability of gapless and memory playback.
      up to 384 kHz / 24 bit, up to DSD128
      DSD to PCM, DoP, streaming
    9. Daphile
      Music server that for stereo-only playback. This audio player is run as firmware (Linux based) from flash stick memory.
      DSF, PCM
      up to 384 kHz / 24 bit, up to DSD512
    10. Foobar2000
      Audio player software that is DSD-capable with sacd input plugin. Mac version may has some limitations.
      Windows, Mac
      DSF, DFF (including DST), SACD ISO, FLAC, WAV, mp3, ALAC, WavPack, AAC, other
      up to DSD512
      ASIO, DSD to PCM
    11. Fostex Audio Player
      This software requires certain playback hardware. Windows, Mac
      DSF, DFF, WAV, FLAC, mp3, AIFF, ALAC
      up to DSD128, up to 192 kHz / 24 bit
      ASIO, DoP
    12. Gom Audio
      cda, MPL, mp3, ogg, WMA, APE, FLAC, WAV, m4a, WavPack, AIFF, DSF, DFF
    13. iTunes
      Mac, Windows
      WAV, ALAC, AAC, mp3, AIFF, CD-audio
    14. JRiver
      audio playback software with gapless playback ability. Windows, Mac, Linux
      DSF, DFF (including DST), SACD ISO, mp3, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, others
      ASIO, DoP, DSD over DLNA, DSD to PCM, PCM to DSD
    15. Hi-Res Audio Player
      This music player requires certain hardware Windows
      DSD, PCM
    16. HQ Player
      Windows, Mac, Linux
      DSF, DFF (non-compressed DSDIFF), CD-audio, FLAC, AIFF, others
      up to DSD1024
      DSD to PCM, PCM to DSD, ASIO, DoP
    17. Hysolid
      To work on music server PC with smartphone app control
      DSF, WAV, FLAC
      up to DSD256, up to 384 kHz
    18. Logitech Media Server
      Additional hardware is needed. Pre-conversion DSD files to PCM DoP files is required. How to adjust and use the software.
      Windows, Mac, Linux
      PCM, DoP PCM files
      Bit-perfect PCM output of DoP
    19. Media Player Classic
      PCM, DSF, DFF
    20. MusicBee
    21. moOde audio player
      The software the intended to run on Raspberry Pi. Here information about DSD settings.
    22. Pine Player
      mp3, FLAC, APE, AAC, m4a, WAV, AIFF, ogg, WMA, DSD, SACD ISO, others
      up to 768 kHz / 32 bit
    23. Pure Asio Player
      Music desktop player designed for ASIO drivers.
      Windows 11, 10
      WAV, FLAC, DSF
    24. Resonic Player
      Free, Commercial
      WAV, AIFF, FLAC, WMA, mp3, ALAC, WavPack, MID, DSF, DFF, others
      up to DSD512
    25. Roon
      The server may be installed on network area storage (NAS)
      Windows, Mac
      the server on Windows, Mac, Linux
      Audio files, MQA, streaming service
      Bit-perfect, DSD to PCM
    26. TEAC HR Audio Player
      Windows, Mac
      DSF, DFF, PCM
      up to DSD512, up to 768 kHz / 32 bit
      ASIO, DoP
    27. Technics Audio Player
      Audio player software for music files. Read the software license agreement about using limitations. Windows, Mac
      DSF, DFF, WAV, FLAC, mp3, ALAC, AIFF
      up to DSD128, up to 384 kHz / 32 bit
      USB driver
    28. Volumio
      Open source music server that run as firmware from flash stick memory on PC, Raspberry Pi, other
      UPNP \ DLNA, Airplay, DoP
    29. VLC
      Windows, Mac, Linux, others
      mp3, AAC, MLP / TrueHD, DTS, WMA, FLAC (including uncompressed), ALAC, ATRAC 3, WavPack, APE, WAV, others
    30. Vox
      Mac, Windows (experimental)
      DSF, WAV, AIFF, FLAC (including uncompressed), ALAC, mp3, other, network radio
    31. XMMS
    32. Wtfplay
      WAV, FLAC, DSF
      up to DSD128; DSD256, DSD512 are experimental, up to 384 kHz / 32 bit


    Hi-Res Audio Player, Lossless Audio Converter and Tools

    Hi-Res audio players & media servers for lossless reproduction, CD- & DVD-grabbers for ripping digital music collections, audio tools and software to tag, record and convert, as well as other useful software is listed here.

    A) High Definition Audio Test Files

      To verify that the setup of your USB-Audioserver and DAC works fine you can download 24bit FLAC test files.

    B) BitPerfect Audio-Server for Linux

      AP Linux
      A free Audiophile Linux operating system, dedicated to bit perfect RT digital audio playback.

    C) Audio-Clients for Linux

      The Music Player Daemon (MPD) — basis for bit-accurate audio playback.

    D) Audio-Player & Server for Windows 7

      Versatile but rudimentary player & server which can be used both for building puristic bit accurate high-end music servers as well as widely available components in all possible formats for playback of different formats, as streaming server, for ripping CDs, etc. With tools such as MonkeyMote this is also great for remote control with cell phones and tablet PCs (freeware).

    E) Audio-Player for Mac OS X

      This is your choice for OS X Yosemity (OS X 10.10) or better. Easy to setup and easy to use with a nice frontend.

    F) CD-grabber & Lossless Audio Converter / Audio-Format Converter (Windows)

      EAC (Exact Audio Copy)
      Very reliable and versatile software for ripping CDs. Multi-reading of FLAC and WAV files, bit rate variably adjustable (note that you should always rip at the original bandwidth/sampling rate). (freeware)

    G) Convenient Tools

      Room Eigenmodes-Calculator
      Even when it’s often neglected: The most important element in your hi-fi setup is the room, which is often a real pain with room modes, reverb, and flutter echoes. The last two are easily taken care of. However, room modes, especially the basses, can be deadly for a well-balanced sound. This calculator lets you easily detect the sneaky villains and allows you to take well-directed measures against them.


    7 лучших аудиоплееров для Linux

    + синхронизация статистики между коллекциями внешних плееров;
    + поддержка скробблинга композиций на Last.fm;
    + удобное проигрывание звуковых CD;
    + мощный файловый браузер;
    + расширенные возможности при работе с сервисами Last.fm и Amazon.

    — достаточно прожорлив.

    Под катом много фотографий.

    2. Audacious

    Разработчик: команда разработчиков
    Текущая версия: 3.3.4
    Сайт: haudacious-media-player.org/

    + большое количество плагинов;
    + множество различных скинов.

    — без плагинов ничем особо не выделяется;
    — интерфейс.

    3. Banshee

    + интерфейс;
    + большое количество плагинов и надстроек;
    + удобная работа с аудокнигами, радио, подкастами;
    + возможность работы с википедией, youtube, last.fm;

    — неповоротлив;
    — скробблинг хромает иногда;
    — локализация.

    4. Clementine

    + умные и динамические плейлисты;
    + эквалайзеры и эффекты;
    + удаленное управление с помощью командной строки.

    — недалеко ушел от amarok;
    — прожорлив.

    5. DeadBeef

    Разработчик: Алексей Яковенко
    Текущая версия: 0.5.6
    Сайт: sourceforge.net/projects/deadbeef

    — мало плагинов;
    — трудность в настройке.

    6. Exaile

    Adam Olsen
    Johannes Sasongko
    Aren Olson
    Mathias Brodala
    Текущая версия: 3.3.1
    Сайт: http://exaile.org

    + плагины;
    + компактный режим;
    + удобный;
    + умные списки воспроизведения;
    + возможность вывода обложки альбома на рабочий стол;
    + удобная работа с метаданными.

    — неприятный баг со сворачиванием на панель задач;
    — интерфейс.

    7. Foobnix

    Разработчик: Иван Иваненко
    Текущая версия: 2.6.06
    Сайт: http://foobnix.com

    + интеграция с last.fm, ex.ua, вконтакте, википедией, рутрекером;
    + радиостанции с коробки;
    + тексты песен, информация об исполнителе, популярных композициях и т.д;
    + менеджер закачки онлайн музыки;
    + простой интерфейс.

    — немного подлагивает.


    Для себя я бы выделил три лидера: Amarok, Banshee и Foobnix.
    Amarok — пожалуй один из лучших плееров для linux на сегодняшний день. Удобен, гибок в настройке, красив.
    Banshee — очень достойный плеер. Красивый, поддерживает много плагинов, имеется удобная работа с подкастами и аудиокнигами.
    Foobnix — считаю очень перспективны плеером. Подойдет для любителей удобства и простоты. Шикарная интеграция с популярными сервисами, работа с текстами, композициями исполнителями отличная.

    p.s. Также рассматривал: Rhythmbox, BMP, Juk, Kaffeine, XMMS, однако выделил только 7 лучших.


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