High cpu usage in linux

  1. Mastering High CPU Usage in Linux: Tips and Tricks for Optimal Performance
  2. Introduction
  3. Explanation of High CPU Usage in Linux
  4. Importance of Fixing High CPU Usage
  5. Overview of Key Points and Subheadings
  6. Identifying the Culprit App
  7. Using ps and htop Commands to Check CPU Usage
  8. Finding the Process Causing High CPU Usage
  9. How to Fix High CPU Usage in Linux
  10. Updating Everything
  11. Updating Outdated Drivers and Apps
  12. Removing and Reinstalling Problematic Apps
  13. Ensuring System Updates are Installed
  14. Monitoring CPU Usage
  15. Using vmstat Command to Display System Processes, Memory, Swap, I/O, and CPU Performance
  16. Utilizing sar Tool for CPU Utilization Management
  17. Troubleshooting High CPU Usage
  18. Debugging Logs for Troubleshooting High CPU Usage
  19. Checking Configuration Directories
  20. Examining JVM Stack Traces and Process/Thread Information
  21. Limiting CPU Usage
  22. Using cpulimit to Limit CPU Usage of a Process
  23. Understanding How High Load Average and Spinlock Contention can Affect CPU Utilization
  24. Reducing CPU Usage Through Code Optimization, Reduced Context Switching, and Parallel Processing
  25. Tips for Reducing CPU Usage
  26. Using Lightweight Software
  27. Disabling Unnecessary Services and Optimizing System Settings
  28. Addressing Common Issues Causing High CPU Usage, Such as Malware, Software Bugs, and Hardware Failures
  29. Popular Linux Distributions for High CPU Usage Troubleshooting
  30. Overview of Popular Linux Distributions
  31. Resources Offered by the Linux Community, Including Documentation, Forums, and Support
  32. Other simple code examples for high CPU usage in Linux
  33. Conclusion
  34. Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs
  35. Why is my CPU usage high in Linux?
  36. How can I monitor CPU usage in Linux?
  37. Are there any best practices for reducing CPU usage in Linux?
  38. What are some common issues that cause high CPU usage in Linux?
  39. Can I limit CPU usage in Linux?
  40. What are the best Linux distributions for high CPU usage troubleshooting?
  41. Why CPU usage is over 100% For a Process on Linux
  42. Understanding top command in Linux
  43. Check CPU usage Utilization on Linux with top command
  44. Why CPU Utilization is over 100% for a Process in top command?

Mastering High CPU Usage in Linux: Tips and Tricks for Optimal Performance

Learn how to troubleshoot and optimize high CPU usage in Linux with our comprehensive guide. Discover the best tools and techniques to improve system performance now. Start optimizing today!

  • Introduction
  • Identifying the Culprit App
  • How to Fix High CPU Usage in Linux
  • Updating Everything
  • Monitoring CPU Usage
  • Troubleshooting High CPU Usage
  • Limiting CPU Usage
  • Tips for Reducing CPU Usage
  • Popular Linux Distributions for High CPU Usage Troubleshooting
  • Other simple code examples for high CPU usage in Linux
  • Conclusion
  • How do I fix high CPU usage in Linux?
  • What causes high CPU usage in Linux?
  • How to check reason for high CPU utilization in Linux?
  • How to reduce CPU usage on Linux?

As a Linux user, you may have encountered the annoyance of high CPU usage. High CPU usage can cause the system to slow down, freeze, or even crash. It’s essential to identify and resolve the root cause of high CPU usage to optimize your Linux system’s performance. In this article, we will discuss various tips and tricks for mastering high CPU usage in Linux.


Before we dive into the tips and tricks for optimizing CPU usage, let’s discuss what high CPU usage is and why it’s essential to fix it.

Explanation of High CPU Usage in Linux

CPU usage refers to the amount of processing power that the CPU is using to execute processes requested by the system. High CPU usage occurs when the CPU is working too hard, causing the system to slow down or freeze. High CPU usage can be caused by several factors, including poor system design, inefficient code, hardware issues, or malware.

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Importance of Fixing High CPU Usage

High CPU usage can cause significant problems for Linux users, including system crashes, data loss, and security breaches. It’s essential to identify and fix the root cause of high CPU usage to optimize system performance and ensure system stability.

Overview of Key Points and Subheadings

In this article, we will cover the following topics:

  1. Identifying the Culprit App
  2. Updating Everything
  3. Monitoring CPU Usage
  4. Troubleshooting High CPU Usage
  5. Limiting CPU Usage
  6. Tips for Reducing CPU Usage
  7. Popular Linux Distributions for High CPU Usage Troubleshooting

Identifying the Culprit App

The first step in optimizing CPU usage is to identify the app causing high CPU usage. Here are some tips on how to do this:

Using ps and htop Commands to Check CPU Usage

The ps command displays information about the processes running on the system, including CPU usage. The htop command is a more advanced version of ps , which provides a real-time view of system processes, including CPU usage.

Finding the Process Causing High CPU Usage

Once you have identified the app causing high CPU usage, you can use the ps or htop command to find the process ID (PID) of the app. You can then use the kill command to terminate the process or the renice command to lower the process priority.

How to Fix High CPU Usage in Linux

High CPU usage is a problem that can hit you on any operating system — Linux, macOS or Duration: 7:21

Updating Everything

Outdated drivers and apps can cause high CPU usage. Updating everything can help optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage. Here are some tips on how to update everything:

Updating Outdated Drivers and Apps

Outdated drivers and apps can cause high CPU usage. It’s essential to keep drivers and apps up to date to optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage.

Removing and Reinstalling Problematic Apps

If an app is causing high CPU usage, try removing and reinstalling it. This can help fix any issues that may be causing high CPU usage.

Ensuring System Updates are Installed

It’s essential to keep the system up to date by installing the latest updates. This can help optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage.

Monitoring CPU Usage

Regular monitoring of CPU usage can help identify apps causing high CPU usage and optimize system performance. Here are some tips on how to monitor CPU usage:

Using vmstat Command to Display System Processes, Memory, Swap, I/O, and CPU Performance

The vmstat command displays a real-time view of system processes, memory, swap, I/O, and CPU performance. Monitoring CPU usage using vmstat can help identify apps causing high CPU usage and optimize system performance.

Utilizing sar Tool for CPU Utilization Management

The sar tool is a system performance monitoring tool that collects and reports system performance data. Utilizing the sar tool for CPU utilization management can help optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage.

Troubleshooting High CPU Usage

Debugging logs and examining JVM stack traces and process/thread information can help troubleshoot high CPU usage. Here are some tips on how to troubleshoot high CPU usage:

Debugging Logs for Troubleshooting High CPU Usage

Debugging logs can help identify issues causing high CPU usage. Examining log files can help you pinpoint the root cause of high CPU usage.

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Checking Configuration Directories

Configuration files can cause high CPU usage if they are not configured correctly. Checking configuration directories can help identify issues causing high CPU usage.

Examining JVM Stack Traces and Process/Thread Information

If a Java app is causing high CPU usage, examining JVM stack traces and process/thread information can help identify the root cause of high CPU usage.

Limiting CPU Usage

Limiting CPU usage can help optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage. Here are some tips on how to limit CPU usage:

Using cpulimit to Limit CPU Usage of a Process

The cpulimit command can be used to limit the CPU usage of a process. Limiting CPU usage using cpulimit can help optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage.

Understanding How High Load Average and Spinlock Contention can Affect CPU Utilization

High load average and spinlock contention can cause high CPU utilization. Understanding how high load average and spinlock contention can affect CPU utilization can help optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage.

Reducing CPU Usage Through Code Optimization, Reduced Context Switching, and Parallel Processing

Reducing CPU usage through code optimization, reduced context switching, and parallel processing can help optimize system performance and reduce CPU usage.

Tips for Reducing CPU Usage

Using lightweight software, disabling unnecessary services, and optimizing system settings can help reduce CPU usage. Here are some tips for reducing CPU usage:

Using Lightweight Software

Using lightweight software can help reduce CPU usage and optimize system performance.

Disabling Unnecessary Services and Optimizing System Settings

Disabling unnecessary services and optimizing system settings can help reduce CPU usage and optimize system performance.

Addressing Common Issues Causing High CPU Usage, Such as Malware, Software Bugs, and Hardware Failures

Addressing common issues causing high CPU usage, such as malware, software bugs, and hardware failures, can help reduce CPU usage and optimize system performance.

Several popular Linux distributions offer resources for troubleshooting high CPU usage issues. Here are some of the most popular Linux distributions for high CPU usage troubleshooting:

Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora , and CentOS are popular Linux distributions for high CPU usage troubleshooting.

Resources Offered by the Linux Community, Including Documentation, Forums, and Support

The Linux community offers resources for troubleshooting high CPU usage issues, including documentation, forums, and support.

Other simple code examples for high CPU usage in Linux

In Shell , for example, how to max cpu usage in linux code example

In Shell as proof, cpu usage linux code sample

htop # or gnome-system-monitor # or top

In Shell as proof, see cpu usage terminal linux code example

In Shell as proof, see cpu usage terminal linux code example


Optimizing CPU usage is essential for optimizing system performance and ensuring system stability. By following these tips and tricks for mastering high CPU usage in Linux, you can optimize your Linux system’s performance and reduce CPU usage. Remember to monitor CPU usage regularly and troubleshoot any issues promptly to ensure system stability.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

Why is my CPU usage high in Linux?

High CPU usage in Linux can be caused by a variety of factors, including outdated drivers, problematic apps, or even malware. It’s important to identify the culprit app and take steps to update or remove it.

How can I monitor CPU usage in Linux?

You can monitor CPU usage in Linux using tools like vmstat and sar. Regular monitoring can help you identify issues and optimize system performance.

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Are there any best practices for reducing CPU usage in Linux?

Yes, there are several best practices for reducing CPU usage in Linux, including using lightweight software, disabling unnecessary services, and optimizing system settings.

What are some common issues that cause high CPU usage in Linux?

Common issues that cause high CPU usage in Linux include malware, software bugs, and hardware failures. It’s important to troubleshoot these issues to improve system performance.

Can I limit CPU usage in Linux?

Yes, you can limit CPU usage in Linux using tools like cpulimit. You can also reduce CPU usage through code optimization and parallel processing.

What are the best Linux distributions for high CPU usage troubleshooting?

Some popular Linux distributions for high CPU usage troubleshooting include Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and CentOS. These distributions offer resources like documentation, forums, and support to help you optimize system performance.


Why CPU usage is over 100% For a Process on Linux

CPU utilization is a key metric to determine how much CPU uses for a process. Today we will review why the CPU utilization for a process is over 100%. This can help us understand how CPU works on Linux.

Understanding top command in Linux

In any operating system, the CPU is responsible for running the instructions that make up a computer program. When you run a program on your computer, the CPU is what actually executes the code.

Top is a very popular and handy command line tool that provides an overview of the currently running processes in a Linux system. It can be used to find out what is causing high CPU usage and take appropriate measures to fix the issue.

Check CPU usage Utilization on Linux with top command

Top is a basic Linux command to display Linux process info. It covers the system load average, CPU utilization, process status etc.

In the following example, the utilization for process YYYY is 150%.

top – 05:43:20 up 10 days, 20:45, 1 user, load average: 0.29, 0.29, 0.29
Tasks: 755 total, 1 running, 754 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 0.4 us, 0.4 sy, 0.0 ni, 98.8 id, 0.4 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st

5424 root rt 0 1590640 176520 106044 S 150 0.5 395:13.89 YYYY
8081 oracle -2 0 1556468 20096 17032 S 1.7 0.1 255:57.88 asm_vktm_+asm1
57124 oracle -2 0 4920124 19764 16640 S 1.7 0.1 157:05.44 ora_vktm_test21

Why CPU Utilization is over 100% for a Process in top command?

The values of CPU usage over 100% for “YYYY” process is not a problem and it is a absolutely expected behavior on multi-core CPU system based on the man page. It means that the process consumes more than 1 CPU (core). As per the man page:

In a true SMP environment, if a process is multi-threaded and top is not operating in Threads mode, amounts greater than 100% may be reported.

Note: In the above condition, the top command will show you 100% + 50% = 150% CPU usage for process “YYYY”.

David is a Cloud & DevOps Enthusiast. He has years of experience as a Linux engineer. He had working experience in AMD, EMC. He likes Linux, Python, bash, and more. He is a technical blogger and a Software Engineer. He enjoys sharing his learning and contributing to open-source.

howtouselinux.com is dedicated to providing comprehensive information on using Linux.

We hope you find our site helpful and informative.


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