Home assistant блютуз устройства

Bluetooth Tracker

This tracker discovers new devices on boot and tracks Bluetooth devices periodically based on interval_seconds value. It is not required to pair the devices with each other! Devices discovered are stored with ‘bt_’ as the prefix for device MAC addresses in known_devices.yaml .

This platform requires pybluez to be installed. On Debian based installs, run

sudo apt install bluetooth libbluetooth-dev 

To use the Bluetooth tracker in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry device_tracker: - platform: bluetooth_tracker 

Configuration Variables

Performs a request for the “Received signal strength indication” (RSSI) of each tracked device.

The ID of the Bluetooth adapter to be used by the tracker, e.g., use 0 for hci0 , 1 for hci1 , and so on.

-1 (The first available Bluetooth adapter)

In some cases it can be that your device is not discovered. In that case let your phone scan for Bluetooth devices while you restart Home Assistant. Just hit Scan on your phone all the time (or keep the Bluetooth device view open on an iOS device) until Home Assistant is fully restarted and the device should appear in known_devices.yaml .

The integration will try to create an entity using the device name that is detected. If such an entity already exists (for example because you are already using the Companion App for this device) no entity will be created and the log file will show an error that the The see service is not supported for this entity device_tracker.device (as it is not a device_tracker entity). You can rename the other conflicting entity, next time the device is detected a new entity with the same name will be created.

Читайте также:  Asus k53u are bluetooth

For additional configuration variables check the Device tracker page.

bluetooth_tracker.update service

The bluetooth_tracker.update service can be used to manually trigger a Bluetooth scan. An example of when this service can be useful is to trigger scans based on other events like doors being opened, beacons are in range or buttons are pressed.

Help us to improve our documentation

The Bluetooth Tracker integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.18, and it’s used by 432 active installations. Its IoT class is Local Polling.


On this page


Bluetooth LE Tracker

This tracker discovers new devices on boot and in regular intervals and tracks Bluetooth low-energy devices periodically based on interval_seconds value. It is not required to pair the devices with each other.

Devices discovered are stored with ‘BLE_’ as the prefix for device mac addresses in known_devices.yaml .


This integration requires the Bluetooth integration to be enabled and functional.


To use the Bluetooth tracker in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry device_tracker: - platform: bluetooth_le_tracker 

Configuration Variables

If new discovered devices are tracked by default.

Whether the integration should try to read the battery status for tracked devices.

Minimum interval to ask the device for its battery status. The battery status will be checked at most once every interval. If track_battery is false, this will be ignored.

Seconds between each scan for new devices.

As some BT LE devices change their MAC address regularly, a new device is only discovered when it has been seen 5 times. Some BTLE devices (e.g., fitness trackers) are only visible to the devices that they are paired with. In this case, the BTLE tracker won’t see this device.

Читайте также:  Bluetooth connect pair set перевод

Enabling the battery tracking might slightly decrease the duration of the battery, but since this is only done at most once a day, this shouldn’t be noticeable. Not all devices offer battery status information; if the information is not available, the integration will only try once at startup.

For additional configuration variables check the Device tracker page.

Help us to improve our documentation

The Bluetooth LE Tracker integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.27, and it’s used by 202 active installations. Its IoT class is Local Push.



Docker часть 10: Bluetooth

Docker часть 10: Bluetooth

Этот метод полезен, когда система, в которой вы используете Home Assistant, имеет встроенный чип или вы используете USB-приемник Bluetooth. Если отсутствует встроенный приемник, то можно использовать ESPHome в качестве Bluetooth Proxy.

Если вы хотите использовать приемник, обязательно ознакомьтесь с документацией интеграции для получения списка известных работающих адаптеров. Но как правило работаю почти все адаптеры представленные на рынке. В примере будет работа с адаптером TP-Link UB500.

Устройств умного дома, которые передают данные через Bluetooth большое количество. И иметь у себя в системе этот протокол просто необходимо.

Установка зависимостей Bluetooth

  • Установите пакет брокера DBus sudo apt install dbus-broker
  • Включить системную службу sudo systemctl enable dbus-broker.service
  • Установите пакет BlueZ sudo apt install bluez

Настройка Home Assistant

Перейдите в docker-compese.yaml и в секции homeassistant добавьте новое хранилище

volumes: - ./homeassistant/config:/config - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro # 

После чего перенастройте контейнер с Home Assistant, запустив обновление контейнера

docker compose up -d homeassistant

Интеграция Bluetooth

Если у вас есть устройства с Bluetooth, то после настройки интеграции они начнут появляться в Home Assistant. На это потребуется определенное время. Важным фактором является поддержка самим HA. Если по какой-то причине то или иное устройство не захочет подключаться, то всегда можно сделать свой BLE адаптер с помощью ESPHome.

Устройства Bluetooth в интеграциях

Список всех частей

  • Часть 1: Установка Debian
  • Часть 2: Docker и Portainer
  • Часть 3: Home Assistant Container
  • Часть 4: File Editor
  • Часть 5: MariaDB
  • Часть 6: Mosquitto MQTT
  • Часть 7: Zigbee2MQTT
  • Часть 8: ESPHome
  • Часть 9: Node Red
  • Часть 10: Bluetooth



Integrates multiple brands of Bluetooth Low Energy LED devices into Home Assistant.


Adding LED BLE to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by using this My button:

If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.
  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.
  • From the list, select LED BLE.
  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.

This integration works with devices that identify with the following names:

  • LEDnet (except LEDnetWF models)
  • Triones
  • LEDBlue
  • Dream
  • QHM
  • AP

These devices have been sold under many brands, including:

  • ALED
  • HaoDeng (some models)
  • Happy Lighting
  • hun hun
  • ILC
  • LEDBlue
  • Magic Blue
  • Triones
  • Zengee
  • Zerproc

Help us to improve our documentation

The LED BLE integration was introduced in Home Assistant 2022.9, and it's used by 500 active installations. Its IoT class is Local Polling.


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